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Chapter 286 The beast that tears the metal wall

No sign of life!

Zhou Sen repeatedly used the life scanning system to scan and determined that there were no signs of life on the ghost ship. Zhou Sen was still very confident about the technology of the five modern star regions. After all, what they were facing now was an outdated spaceship.

The life scanning system is capable of penetrating this spacecraft.

The absence of signs of life means that the risk is greatly reduced. After all, most threats to humans originate from similar threats.

Zhou Sen parked the spacecraft next to the interstellar dock of Thor X6. The spacesuits on the spacecraft of the two people boarded the dock, and then violently entered directly through Zhou Sen's melting hatch.

The interior of the spacecraft has lost pressure and is no different from the outside. The anti-gravity system has long stopped working. However, this has no impact on Zhou Sen and Olin because the spacesuits they wear have strong magnetic functions and can

Let them walk freely on the floor of the ship.


There are corpses everywhere.

When the two entered the spacecraft, they saw countless human corpses floating in the air in the corridor, and the two of them walked completely among the corpses.

Zhou Sen stopped to carefully examine some of the corpses. He found that most of the corpses had rotted into skeletons, and only a few were in an air-dried and frozen state.

"Zhou Sen, these corpses seem to have different stages of death." Olin said through the communicator.

"Yeah, but not necessarily." Zhou Sen said.

"I see that many corpses have different degrees of decomposition."

"The different degrees of decay do not mean that there is a big time gap, because this is in space and cannot be measured by the standards of a planet suitable for human survival. For example, it does not take long for a corpse to decay into bones under normal conditions.

, a few months is enough, so in other words, the time span of the corpses here may also be several months."

"But how do you explain these undecomposed corpses?" Olin asked in confusion.

"It is easy for this situation to happen. We assume that there is an internal war here. Two or more forces are killing people on this spaceship. Many people died. Because it is during the war, no one collects the bodies, and the internal air pressure of this spacecraft is stable.

There is enough oxygen, which will cause bacteria to grow and the corpses to explode... While the corpses are dying, the war on the spacecraft continues. Later, there are fewer and fewer people on the spacecraft, and naturally, more and more people die.

The less... In the end, the spacecraft will begin to lose pressure and oxygen locally, which will cause many people to have different degrees of intoxication..."

"Why do you know so much?" Every time she heard Zhou Sen talk eloquently, Olin felt like she was a retard.

"This is common sense!"


"In fact, when humans live in space for a long time, various psychological diseases will occur. Moreover, in space, in addition to its own contradictions, there are also many external threats, such as meteorite vortices and some strange rays...

I remember a documentary mentioned that there is a mysterious asteroid in the five star fields, which can emit radiation. Near this asteroid, any life that comes close will produce all kinds of terrifying hallucinations, leading to cannibalism.

No one was spared. If someone hadn't transmitted the holographic image back to the five star fields, there is no telling how many spacecrafts passing through this airspace would have suffered. In the end, it was the human interstellar federal government that launched an antimatter bomb towards the asteroid.

Tear it into pieces to eliminate this potential safety hazard that has claimed countless lives." Zhou Sen pushed aside the remains of a corpse lying in the sky in the corridor, and with just a flick, the seemingly intact corpse was immediately reduced to ashes.

"Humanity has gone through so much in conquering the universe." Olin sighed. At this time, Olin was following Zhou Sen closely. She did not want to come into contact with those various corpses, even if she was wearing a space suit.

"When humans conquer the universe, their biggest enemy is not the vast universe, but humans themselves." Zhou Sen said lightly.

"Human beings are more terrifying than the universe?" Orin disagreed. In her eyes, the vast universe has too many unsolved mysteries. Human beings are limited, but the universe is not.

"Let me tell you a true incident that has not yet been declassified."


"Eleven years ago, human scientists from the five star regions discovered an ancient and primitive planet. When they discovered this planet, human scientists discovered a strange thing. There was actually a ship in the orbit of this planet.

Medium-sized spaceship... Afterwards, human scientists landed on this primitive planet and discovered that the civilization on this planet actually originated from the ancient earth civilization. When the human scientists looked at the descendants of the ancient earth people who drank blood, they were all filled with excitement.

Curious, because even the worst civilizations branched off from the ancient earth can be mixed into the civilization of the agricultural era. It is impossible to have such a primitive state of eating hair and drinking blood. Next, human scientists began to conduct in-depth research. At the same time, the ship

The secrets of the spacecraft orbiting the planet have also been cracked by scientists..." Zhou Sen paused.

"Then what?" Olin's curiosity aroused and she asked hurriedly.

"Then, scientists discovered an astonishing secret. There is an artificial intelligence biological virus synthesis system on this spacecraft. This system will automatically upgrade every twenty years and release viruses to the planet. According to the scientists' research results,

These viruses kill adults over the age of sixteen."

"You kill them every twenty years?" Orin looked shocked.

"Yes, they are killed every twenty years. That is to say, every twenty years, adults over the age of sixteen cannot survive. This kind of killing has been going on for hundreds of years."

"Hundreds of years..." Orin gasped. She could imagine how desperate the humans on this planet must be, because their longest life span is only thirty-six years old.

"It is precisely because of this continuous killing that the civilization of this planet broke apart and eventually returned to primitive society. In the end, scientists discovered that all people on this planet have a unique gene, and the virus is also targeting

This gene is upgraded every twenty years to prevent people on the planet from developing related antidotes. This shows that they are a huge family. This research discovery confirms that the killing is aimed at this family and does not give this family a chance to rise.


"Oh my God, how much hatred and resentment must there be to carry out such a vicious plan." A chill ran down Olin's back for no reason. This was beyond her scope of thinking, and she could not imagine that human hatred could reach such an extent.

"So, if humanity is going to perish, it will never be caused by external forces, but by internal disintegration."

"You made me lose confidence in the future." Olin said sadly.

"Come on, are you Guanyin, Tathagata Buddha, or God? Do you need to worry about these things?!" Zhou Sen mocked.

"..." Olin was speechless.

"It's not you or me who should care about these things, but the gods." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"What does it have to do with them?"

"Human beings are the source of their strength. If there are no human beings in the universe, then they will become rootless water and lose their foundation."

"If you say that, then humans don't have to worry. Anyway, the gods will help us handle whatever happens!" Olin said.

"No, no! That's wrong! Human beings are divided into races, and gods are not monolithic. Can you expect that Nuwa Guanyin Tathagata and the God of Death are the same people?"

"The gods also have to fight." Orin smiled bitterly.

"That's right. Besides, there are gods and demons among the gods. They all think they are right and they don't obey anyone."

"The God of Death should be the devil."

"Yeah. Besides gods and demons, I always feel that there is another force."

"What power?"

"I don't know, but I can feel this power... I told you last time that I have been thinking recently. Although I cannot draw a conclusion, I am certain that there is still a force that controls human beings.


"Can it influence human civilization?" Olin asked in surprise.

"Yes. Of course, no one can absolutely control human civilization, not even gods. What I mean by influencing human civilization is to control human civilization to a certain extent, or to partially control human civilization. For example, the God of Death, he

Can influence the future of the Headhunters and Sheep Tribes on the energy star."

"But the problem is that influencing human civilization must leave many clues. For example, gods have left countless myths and legends in human history. If your guess is correct, that power will definitely leave clues!


"This is also what I can't understand."

Zhou Sen stood in front of a metal wall and stopped. The hatch was broken violently. It was unknown what kind of weapon it was. The thick steel plate was torn, as if two hands penetrated the steel plate and forced it.

It was torn open on both sides, shocking.

The two stood in front of the wall in silence for a long time.

"It seems that our previous speculations were all wrong." Zhou Sen's voice became solemn.

"What is this made of?"

"It is definitely not a machine. Mechanical damage will not be in this rolling and tearing state. It is more like a beast tearing it apart with brute force. But the problem is that in human history, no beast has ever been able to tear such a strong steel plate, because

, this steel plate not only functions as a wall separation, but it can be determined from its thickness. It also plays the role of a dragon skeleton. Its strength is not something that beasts can tear apart. Even the most powerful beasts on ancient earth, dinosaurs, cannot do it, let alone

, this place has a narrow space and does not have the conditions for large beasts to move around."

"Why must it be a beast of the earth?"

"If an alien beast invades, then it will cause damage to the outer shell of the spacecraft. However, we have scanned the entire spacecraft before and there was no external damage... Of course, it is not ruled out that someone put in an alien beast.

…Let’s go and take a look first.”

"Then... will the beast still be alive? We, I'd better return..."

Olin stared at the torn hole in the metal wall, and she couldn't help but stick close behind Zhou Sen.

This chapter has been completed!
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