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Chapter three hundred and eighteen the bereaved dog

Castle Michel was razed to the ground, and even the rocks and mountains it relied on cracked open with countless huge gaps.

The impact force of an interstellar spacecraft is extremely terrifying, because its weight is there, not to mention that its engine will explode when it impacts. Although the transport ship purchased by Zhou Sen is old, its length is also

It is more than one hundred meters tall and weighs more than one hundred thousand tons. Its impact force can be imagined.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhou Sen did not think about using an interstellar transport ship to hit Castle Michel. He made this decision after observing it for a full two hours. Zhou Sen did not want to take risks, because he was not sure about the risk.

Nothing is known about Castle Michel.

There must be a reason for Fort Michel to remain standing for thousands of years. Therefore, Zhou Sen finally gave up the idea of ​​coming to attack the enemy and resorted to violent attacks.

The process is not important, what is important is the result.

Now, the mysterious Michel Castle has been razed to the ground, and Zhou Sen's purpose of revenge has been achieved.

Of course, it is worth explaining here that in the five star regions, the probability of using an interstellar spacecraft to hit a building on the planet's surface is extremely small, because most planets will have ground defense systems. Those systems have no way to deal with interstellar warships, but they can easily do so.

Loosely destroy civilian ships.

In addition, the five major star regions have very strict management of ships. There are interstellar ports outside many planets. Interstellar ships can only be parked at the interstellar ports and then transfer cargo through feeders.

Xiaoke Planet is different. Here, there is no ground defense firepower, and there is no interstellar shipyard in outer space. Some pirates and businessmen will park interstellar ships directly on the planet for convenience...

Zhou Sen stood up and clapped his hands. He was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

It's time to leave.

Before hitting Castle Michel with an interstellar transport ship, Zhou Sen had already contacted the captain of a private luxury spaceship through scalpers. He obtained a room for the price of a gold brick. Of course, the premise was that he arrived at the destination.

Before, I couldn't leave the room because I was afraid it would affect my boss's life.

Don’t affect the boss’s life!

Zhou Sen naturally understood that this was a private job taken by the captain. It didn't matter to Zhou Sen, as long as he could return to the five star regions, and the next stop of the private luxury spaceship was the Ronnie Empire of the five star regions.

Just when Zhou Sen Shiran was heading to the luxurious private spaceship, he met the rough young man and Taoist Master Yu. The two of them were walking in the Gobi in a miserable state.

"Okay!" Zhou Sen said hello casually. After all, the other party treated him to a meal and left a sum of money for them. Although Zhou Sen did not take this matter seriously, he met him

It's still polite to say hello. We are all civilized people.

"Do you think we are good?" the rough young man said angrily.


"Where is your girlfriend?" the rugged young man suddenly frowned and asked.

"She's gone."


The rough young man sneered, his eyebrows filled with disdain, and then he looked at each other with Taoist Master Yu, stopped talking to Zhou Sen, and walked forward faster. In just a few breaths, the two of them were in the Gobi Desert.

There are two small black spots in it.

The lost dog!

Seeing the two people in a hurry, Zhou Sen inexplicably remembered the term "lost dog". Now, this term couldn't be more appropriate to describe the two of them.

They must have encountered something.

In fact, the rough young man had always left a good impression on Zhou Sen. He had an extraordinary bearing and a kind of heroic and upright attitude that made people approachable.

Why does he look at himself with contempt?

Zhou Sen was a little confused. He remembered that he had not offended the other party. Although the two parties had no friendship, they would not look at him with contempt!

Zhou Sen's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of the reason, because when the young man asked Olin, he replied that Olin was gone. Obviously, the other party mistakenly thought that Olin had been sold to Baiyuan Garden by him.

I'm not a human trafficker...


Just as Zhou Sen was thinking about it, suddenly, there was a faint roar behind him. The sound was thick and made people feel inexplicably fearful.

What the hell?

Zhou Sen subconsciously glanced in the direction of the rugged young man and saw the two of them speeding up. Because the speed was so fast, they actually kicked up rolling yellow sand behind them.

Damn it, it looks really dangerous!

Zhou Sen could not think of any danger that would make the rough young man run for his life like a lost dog, because at first glance, the young man seemed to be a master who feared neither heaven nor earth, and did not seem to be greedy for life or afraid of death.

Curiosity kills the cat!

Zhou Sen glanced behind him and hesitated for a moment. He wanted to know what was making that thick roar, but he decided to leave early to avoid causing trouble.

Zhou Sen thought for a while, looked around and saw no one around, and decided to summon the flying skateboard.

Mountains of supplies were summoned, and even the huge pile of gold was summoned. It took Zhou Sen a full five minutes to find the flying skateboard among the debris.

The low roar in the distance was getting closer and closer.

Zhou Sen no longer hesitated, and quickly summoned the messy supplies to the space button, then stepped on the flying skateboard and ran away. Soon, he caught up with the rough young man and the middle-aged man who were running wildly on the ground.


Zhou Sen flew in front of them and turned around and waved to the two of them, making them vomit blood in anger. Unfortunately, before the two could curse, Zhou Sen flew away at lightning speed on Ouyang Fei's modified flying skateboard, and soon disappeared without a trace.


"Is this guy trying to make us angry on purpose?" the rough young man said angrily.

"Master, let's leave quickly. It's not a good place to stay here for a long time," the middle-aged man urged.

"Will the monster chase him out?" the rough young man asked with a lingering fear on his face.

"I don't know, but it's always better to leave this place of wrong and wrong as soon as possible," the middle-aged man said.

"By the way, Taoist Priest, tell me, could the ruins be inside Michel Castle?"

"None of this matters. Whether it is or not, Castle Michel has been destroyed. The top priority is to get back on the spacecraft and leave the planet."


The two stopped talking and ran as fast as they could. Soon, they arrived at a huge private spaceship. At this time, the ramp of the private spacecraft had been lowered. The two were immediately overjoyed and hurried up.

"Stop...ah...young master..." When the two of them first boarded the spacecraft, a uniformed staff member yelled loudly, but he immediately recognized their identities.

The expression on the staff member's face was a bit dull. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have been able to imagine that the usually calm young master would be so embarrassed.

"Set sail immediately!" the rough young man immediately ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

This chapter has been completed!
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