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Chapter 33 True and False

For Zhou Sen, the underground warden has become extremely valuable. At least, the two of them have the same goal - to escape from prison.

Zhou Sen naturally sat next to the underground warden. He did not see the underground warden's slightly frowned brow. He did not know that his current behavior was an offense to the underground warden. After all, here

In the small restaurant, the underground warden has absolute authority, and Zhou Sen's behavior of sitting down without invitation is very rude.

Of course, the underground warden didn't know that Zhou Sen had been a genius child since he was a child. When he grew up, he became a mythical figure in the scientific community. He was greeted with flowers and applause wherever he went. No matter what activities or meetings he attended, he was a star.

The brightest star, even if he is with some leaders, will be placed in the C position. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with sitting down.

Zhou Sen himself didn't know that his current behavior was exactly in line with the unruly character of the ruthless gangster Zhou Sen.

"Have you remembered?" the underground warden asked calmly.

"What do you think of?" Zhou Sen was stunned.

"our cooperation."

"Our cooperation..." Zhou Sen could only shake his head in confusion.

"Have you really forgotten?" The underground warden looked disappointed.

"What's going on?" Zhou Sen stared at the underground prison warden.

"Before you came in, we communicated through an intermediary. As long as you get me out, I agree to all your conditions." The underground warden's eyes were like the deep night sky.

"You mean, I was caught and sentenced to death on purpose just to save you?" Zhou Sen's eyes widened.

"Yes, that's what we talked about."

"Do you think I will believe your lies?" Zhou Sen stared at the underground warden. He tried to see the clues in his eyes. Unfortunately, he was facing a monster that was said to have lived for more than seven hundred years. He had no idea.

It's impossible to tell the truth from between his brows.

"Why don't you believe it?" the underground warden asked with a slight smile.

"Do you think I would be stupid enough to risk the gallows by going into this prison to save someone with whom I have nothing to do?"

"Why not?" The underground warden had an unusually good temper, and there was still a smile on his face.

"What do you think a person like me lacks? Money? Women?" Zhou Sen stepped into the role of the gangster Zhou Sen with a cold smile. At this moment, Zhou Sen wanted to award himself the "Best Actor"

Award" because he gradually found the feeling of being the gangster Zhou Sen.

"No shortage." The underground warden shook his head.

"Do you think I will be tempted by your magic of immortality?" Zhou Sen shrugged.

"No, because you are still young and you don't need it yet."

"Since I don't lack money or women, and I don't need the magic of immortality for the time being, do you think I would risk being sent to the gallows to save you?"

"You are wrong. I don't need to convince you to believe me, because it was you who took the initiative to find my agent and then communicated between you. In fact, I didn't know you before, and I didn't know what the number one in the world was.

Gangster, actually, I'm also very curious about what you want from me." The underground prison chief let out a long sigh.


Zhou Sen was immediately speechless.

Now, Zhou Sen is simply unable to verify the authenticity of what the underground warden said. In fact, he cannot use his own logical thinking to determine the truth of the matter, because he is not the gangster Zhou Sen at all. He does not know the gangster Zhou Sen.

Naturally, he couldn't reason about what the bandit Zhou Sen needed.

On the contrary, Zhou Sen believes that what the underground warden said has a certain degree of credibility, because Qin Ge's experience seems to confirm the underground warden's words from the side. After all, Qin Ge was admitted before Zhou Sen was imprisoned.

Prison guard.

Zhou Sen guessed that behind the gangster Zhou Sen, there should be a jailbreak team with a clear division of labor, and Qin Ge was just one of the links...

Now Zhou Sen faces a choice: should he trust the underground prison warden?

Although Zhou Sen believes that the words of the underground warden have a certain degree of credibility, he will never believe it easily, because this old guy is not an ordinary person. He is the underground godfather of this prison and the underground warden of this prison.

, he has a large amount of information resources, and he can completely use his "amnesia" to achieve his goals.

What depresses Zhou Sen the most is that he is the scientist Zhou Sen, not the gangster Zhou Sen. Therefore, he has no way to know the truth. In fact, he will never know the truth unless the underground warden himself tells it.

The truth, but obviously it is impossible for the underground warden to tell the truth.

Even if it is true, Zhou Sen cannot know the truth, because it is the gangster Zhou Sen who communicates with the agent of the underground warden, and the gangster Zhou Sen has disappeared, and he, the counterfeit, does not know the agent

Who is the person.

Now, what Zhou Sen is most worried about is that he is being used by the underground warden, but the problem is that this is a confusing account in itself, and he does not have the ability and channels to clarify the truth behind it.

The two of them had their own thoughts and fell into a long silence.

"The poisonous crocodile is being treated." The underground warden suddenly broke the silence.

"Well... can it be cured?" Zhou Sen nodded calmly.

"It can be completely cured, and the scheduled prisoner challenge will proceed as scheduled."

"Very good." Zhou Sen pretended to be indifferent, and his current speech and behavior were as close as possible to the identity of an interstellar gangster.

"What are your plans?" asked the underground warden.

"I don't know." Zhou Sen shook his head and asked, "Is there any way you can help me solve this problem?"

"Yes, but I won't do it."


"If you can't even solve this problem, how can I trust you to lead me out of prison?" the underground warden said calmly.

"Well, it sounds very reasonable." Zhou Sen had ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping and roaring in his heart, while pretending to be convinced on his face.

"Amnesia is not terrible, as long as you remember that you are Zhou Sen, the most ruthless gangster in the universe." The underground warden smiled.

"The warden of the underground prison..."

"Everyone calls me the Underground Warden behind my back, but I call me the Underground Warden in person." The Underground Warden interrupted Zhou Sen.

"Ahem... Warden, I'm curious, have you really lived for more than 700 years?"


"But this goes against human physiology..."

"The secret of your ability to smelt metal also goes against the physiological limits of human beings. Remember, don't use science to measure people like us. There are too many things in this world that cannot be explained. My technique of immortality

, it’s just one of the insignificant schools.” The underground warden glanced around and said slowly in a low voice.

"Why do the media in several major star regions never report these things?" Zhou Sen was very confused.

"Zhou Sen, you are the most powerful gangster in the galaxy. How many times have you been reported by the media in several major star regions? You have to be clear about the fact that many rumors cannot be verified, and the parties involved will not accept interviews. For example, you, you

Will you be interviewed?"


"Yes, no, then, the legend about you can only be spread by word of mouth in the world, and some authoritative media will not report it in a large way. In fact, occasionally some authoritative media will report it in a small way, but no one

Will you take it seriously, just read the news as fiction or gossip... Just say me, if there are media reports that someone has lived for more than 700 years, do you think anyone will believe it? No, people who see the news will laugh at it at most, after all

, which subverts the common understanding of human worldview."

"Yes." Zhou Sen recalled that when he was seven years old, he built a micro nuclear reactor alone in the garage. At that time, few people believed it. In fact, it was his breakthrough in the micro nuclear reactor that led to the emergence of human concentrated nuclear batteries.

A disruptive change, a button-sized battery can output huge amounts of energy, thus improving the development trend of mechas.

This chapter has been completed!
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