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Chapter 414 The Wisdom of the Iron Armored Giant Cockroach

After Zhou Sen arrived at Majia Lane, he did not immediately join the battle, but lurked nearby to observe.

At first, Zhou Sen was observing Chen Dao's organizational and combat abilities. Zhou Sen still found Chen Dao's organizational and combat abilities remarkable, but he was still a little disappointed because Chen Dao was not super.

Yi'er is not a person with super powers. In fact, there is not a single person with super powers in the entire Majia Lane.

Zhou Sen very much hoped that in such a catastrophic disaster, people with super powers would stand out, but to his disappointment, the number of people with super powers was not as large as he imagined.

Of course, despite being disappointed, Zhou Sen still recognized Chen Dao's fighting spirit of preferring to be broken into pieces rather than destroyed. They relied on their bloody courage to block the charges of the armored giant cockroach again and again.

However, Zhou Sen's attention quickly shifted and was attracted by the unusual behavior of the armored giant cockroach.

The armored giant cockroach has evolved and is not as fearless as the Gore star. This is a good thing for Chen Dao and the others, but it is a bad thing for the entire human race, because this shows that the armored giant cockroach is not afraid of death.

IQ has evolved to a new level.

Human beings would rather face the armored giant cockroaches who are not afraid of death than face the armored giant cockroaches who are afraid of death, because once the armored giant cockroaches are afraid of death, it means that they will launch new tactics against humans.

In fact, what Zhou Sen is worried about is happening in Majia Lane.

Because the armored giant cockroaches were hesitant and fearful of death, the armored giant cockroaches began to gradually change their methods. At first, they sent a small number of armored giant cockroaches to take turns harassing them, and later they would send small, fast and agile armored giant cockroaches nearby.

activities, it is clear that they are deliberately harassing and affecting the rest of humanity and collecting information on human resistance.

In addition, the armored giant cockroaches that originally gathered at the entrance of Majia Alley have dispersed and began to scatter in the intricate buildings around Majia Alley.

The total length of Majia Lane is more than two kilometers, and the total population of Majia Lane is only more than 5,000, including 2,000 combatants. After several days of fighting, the total number of dead and injured people has been close to half. Currently, we are able to fight

There are only a thousand people. With a thousand people, it is simply impossible to defend the entire alley.

To put it simply, once the armored giant cockroach finds a breakthrough in the two-kilometer defense line and tears it apart, the defense line of Majia Lane will collapse in an instant.


Can't wait any longer!

Zhou Sen decided to take action, but he put away the Tang Dao.

The identity of the ruthless bandit Zhou Sen has brought far more harm than good to the current Zhou Sen, and now is the time to get rid of this identity, because the news that the Wang family assassinated the ruthless bandit Zhou Sen has spread throughout the five major

In every corner of the star field, according to the holographic images provided by the drone, it is impossible for the ruthless bandit Zhou Sen to survive, so this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Of course, Zhou Sen knows very well that it is impossible for him to completely get rid of his identity as the gangster Zhou Sen, but at least it is possible for now. Moreover, he has not shaved his beard in the past few days in Andrew's laboratory.

His beard makes him look like a middle-aged man in his thirties. If he throws away this identity at this time, it will not arouse others' suspicion.

The weapon Zhou Sen chose was an iron rod picked up from the corpse of an armored giant cockroach. This iron rod was deeply inserted into the head of the armored giant cockroach. It was just ordinary rebar. It was probably a brute-force weapon.

The weapons used by the astonishing residents were iron rods with white cloth wrapped around them for easy gripping. Judging from the shocking blood stains on them, this resident must have been killed.

This rebar is not a magic weapon, but its biggest advantage is that it is heavy enough and can easily penetrate the hard shell of the armored giant cockroach.

When Zhou Sen observed Yue Jiangshan and Cui Wei fighting the armored giant cockroach before, he discovered that except for the magic weapons like the Tang Dao, human light cold weapons were of no use against the armored giant cockroach. If they wanted to kill the armored giant cockroach,

Cockroaches only have heavy cold weapons.

However, even if it is a heavy cold weapon, if you do not have enough strength and skills, it is not easy to kill the armored giant cockroach, because the armor on the armored giant cockroach is very smooth, and it can not only reduce the impact of laser weapons

The damage done to them can also form a powerful defense against cold weapons.

To kill the armored giant cockroach, the only part is the head, and it must be hit with one hit, because the armored giant cockroach has a pair of forelimbs like scythes. If it is injured, it will attack crazily.

If you want to injure the armored giant cockroach, you have two options. The first is to break off the middle leg of the armored giant cockroach, because the pair of forelimbs of the armored giant cockroach are attack weapons, and the two legs at the back are responsible for crawling. Once smashed,

If one of the legs is injured, its mobility will be greatly reduced. The most critical thing is that its steering will be problematic, which will slow down the attack rhythm of the entire armored giant cockroach group and become a drag on the armored giant cockroach group...

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Zhou Sen, carrying an iron rod, appeared on the street where a large number of armored giant cockroaches were active.

No one recognized Zhou Sen's identity, because Zhou Sen was a completely different person from when he was in Majia Lane. His face was unshaven, and he no longer looked as elegant as before.

Let alone a group of gangsters, even Chen Dao and Yi'er didn't recognize him.

The residents of Majia Lane looked blankly at Zhou Sen walking towards Majia Lane step by step on the street as if there was no one around.

Where does this neurosis come from?

Not only the residents of Majia Lane looked stunned, but also the command room of the Ronnie Empire military noticed this scene. Many military dignitaries gathered in front of the huge holographic screen to watch the fun.

Is this guy so impatient that he commits suicide?

A huge armored giant cockroach discovered Zhou Sen, and then accelerated dozens of meters away. The huge body actually stirred up dust and paper scraps all over the sky, like a steel tank from the ancient earth era, with terrifying momentum.


Just when everyone thought Zhou Sen would run away, the next scene turned everyone to stone.

Zhou Sen did not run away, but suddenly turned around and ran towards the armored giant cockroach.

The distance between Zhou Sen and the armored giant cockroach was only over 60 meters. When both sides accelerated their targets and ran wildly, the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. In just one breath, the two black shadows merged together.

There was no collision between the two sides.


The moment Zhou Sen collided with the armored giant cockroach, he turned around to avoid the overwhelming impact of the armored giant cockroach. At the same time, the iron rod in his hand was close to the ground and swept towards the armored giant cockroach, with a heart-stopping crisp sound.

In the sound, one of the middle legs of the armored giant cockroach was swept off. Then, the huge body lost its balance and hit the ground heavily. The huge impact force actually knocked the wreckage of a hover car horizontally for more than ten meters.

Just when people were shocked and relieved by the scene in front of them, the unshaven middle-aged man strode towards Majia Lane carrying the iron rod as if nothing happened...

This chapter has been completed!
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