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Chapter 44: Robbery

"Yes, among the five elements, metal comes first, followed by wood..."

"Wait a minute, I have a question. Alchemy requires flame. Why aren't alchemy and fire refining the same?"

"I can't explain this in detail, because I am not an expert in refining weapons. However, it can be roughly understood that the flames used in metal refining by the human body should be different from real flames. There will be no open flames. However, a fire refining expert can

To kill people with open fire, refining requires metal... In fact, when the master of weapon refining reaches a certain level, the five elements are connected..."

"Well, according to you, alchemists are the rarest people?"

"Yes, you are the only one who has come to Mogan Prison in the past seven hundred years." The underground warden nodded and sighed.

"Since I'm so rare, you won't mind if you give these books to me, right?" Zhou Sen swept away a few books.


"You also said that when the weapon refining has reached a certain level, the five elements are connected. For you, these things are worse than scrap metal. Give them to me and they can still have some value."

"Young man, don't be too greedy!" Although the underground warden was a little unhappy, he didn't care. As Zhou Sen said, these books didn't mean much to him.

"Haha, actually, I'm more greedy than you think." Zhou Sen walked to the desk with a few books in his arms, picked up the "Gods" and walked out the door.

"Stop!" The face of the underground warden suddenly changed color.

"Old man, be a man, be less clichéd and more sincere. Let me read it for a few days, or you can copy another one." Zhou Sen raised the book in his hand towards the underground prison warden and walked away.


The warden of the underground prison, who never looked happy, looked at Zhou Sen's back and trembled with anger. For more than seven hundred years, he had been plundering and getting whatever he wanted in this prison. This was the first time he had encountered someone like Zhou Sen. Suddenly, he

Time is unacceptable.

"Master." A strong middle-aged man walked up to the underground warden, his limbs slightly bowed, like a fully drawn bow. As long as the underground warden gave the order, he would shoot out like an arrow from the string.


"Forget it, let him go. The Iron Rooster is indeed worthy of his reputation!"

The underground warden clenched his fists and quickly regained his composure.

More than seven hundred years of hard work have long since worn away the underground warden's temper. Besides, as long as the book "Gods" is in Mogan Prison, no one can take it away.

Of course, that book has more of a symbolic meaning to the underground warden, because he has read that book for hundreds of years and has memorized it by heart, remembering the punctuation marks clearly, so he

There is no need to fall out with Zhou Sen over a book. After all, Zhou Sen's value is far greater than that of that book.

Zhou Sen was taken back to Warehouse No. 11 by heavily armed prison guards.

"Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss... From now on, I will go up and down mountains of swords and seas of fire for my boss..."

When the old villain took the book, he was so excited that he knelt on the ground and uttered incoherent words. He kowtowed desperately to Zhou Sen in front of dozens of people in Warehouse 11.

"The warden of the underground prison told you to look at it for ten minutes and then destroy it after ten minutes," Zhou Sen said.

"Ah... ten minutes..." The old villain looked frustrated. He was not a genius with a photographic memory. Although this book was just a few thin pieces of paper, it was impossible for him to remember it within ten minutes.

impossible things.

"Ten minutes, you can do it." Zhou Sen saw the problem, took the book from the old villain, flipped through it, and then handed it to the old villain, "If you have any questions, just come to me."

"Thank you, boss!"

What kind of person the old villain is, he immediately understood and was overjoyed. He quickly climbed into bed and flipped through a few thin pieces of paper...

While the old villain was reading seriously, Zhou Sen was also flipping through the book "Gods" carefully.

Although Zhou Sen didn't know how valuable the book "Gods" was, his intuition told him that this book that could be placed on the underground warden's desk was definitely not simple.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhou Sen did not take the book "Gods" to heart. However, after walking around the study room, he found that "Gods" was the only book in the huge study room.

This ancient book is a genuine ancient book, while the other books are all handwritten copies. This alone shows its nobility.

Zhou Sen also felt the anger of the underground warden. There is no doubt that he cares about this book.

A book that even the underground warden cares about, if you say it is not precious, no one will believe it.

Precisely because the underground warden cared about this book, Zhou Sen decided to seize the time to memorize this book. This book is not just a few thin pieces of paper in the hands of the old villain. The number of words in this book exceeds at least 30,000.

There are also countless dense annotations from later generations. Even with Zhou Sen's photographic memory, it is impossible to remember them all just by reading them once.

Of course, with Zhou Sen's memory, there is no big problem in reading it over and remembering it. But the problem is that there is no mistake in this kind of cultivation book, especially the cultivation time in it. The slightest deviation will be a mistake. Therefore,

He took the risk of falling out with the underground warden and forcibly brought back the book.

After going to the underground warden's study, Zhou Sen's attitude towards superpowers has undergone a subversive change.

It is difficult to change a person's attitude, especially the attitude of a person like Zhou Sen. After all, Zhou Sen is a scientist himself. He does not believe in ghosts and gods, and he has an instinctive rejection of the superpowers of ghosts and gods.

In fact, Zhou Sen's request to go to the underground warden's study was not an impromptu decision, but a premeditated decision.

Zhou Sen has always suspected that the people around him collaborated to deceive him. The fact that the underground prison warden has lived for seven hundred years is also a fabrication, just to create an illusion for ulterior purposes. The only way to prove it is to take the wrong approach.

"Raid" the underground warden's study.

This trip to the study allowed Zhou Sen to confirm that the underground warden's special identity in Mogan Prison was not a fabricated character deceiving him. The castle-like villa was enough to prove everything.

The thousands of manuscripts in the study also confirmed from the side that the underground warden indeed lived for more than seven hundred years.

After summarizing the above, Zhou Sen is completely sure that there are people with super powers in this world, but because this group of people is insignificant compared to the number of ordinary people, they are not paid attention to by ordinary people, or they do not believe it.

In addition, the existence of Mogan Prison also shows that the governments of the five star regions are aware of the existence of this group of people, and that they built this impregnable prison to hold such people more than 700 years ago.

After becoming convinced of the existence of supernatural abilities, Zhou Sen began to have an unprecedented desire for this ability.

If he could really possess the power of the ruthless gangster Zhou Sen, Zhou Sen believed that this prison would not be able to trap him at all...

"Mommy mommy……"

Just as Zhou Sen was reading the memo repeatedly, suddenly, a burst of heartbreaking shouts came from the position near the toilet of No. 11 warehouse. He raised his head to follow the sound and saw a thin middle-aged man covering his face with his hands and wailing.



Before Zhou Sen could react, the middle-aged man suddenly jumped up and slammed his head against the wall. The force of the impact was so fierce that his head was shattered like a smashed watermelon, and the wall was covered in red and white goo.

, the body that hit it also slid to the ground next to the wall, its limbs were still twitching, the scene was extremely tragic...

This chapter has been completed!
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