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Chapter 452 The charm of gold

Give me another one!

The body of the soldier who originally turned to leave froze, and then slowly turned around, his eyes becoming like blades. It was obvious that this was a warning to Zhou Sen not to deceive him, as the consequences would be serious.

"It's just a pack of cigarettes, why don't you give it a try? Besides, even if I deceive you, you won't have any losses, because you have already received the reward. If you don't try, you will probably

It’s not just a little loss, but a lot,” Zhou Sen said calmly. This is a crucial step for whether the plan can succeed.

"for you."

The soldier thought for a moment, took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and threw it to Zhou Sen. At the same time, he handed the cigarette butt in his mouth to the Cyclops. The Cyclops nodded and bowed and quickly took the cigarette butt.

"Thank you!" Zhou Sen glanced at the cigarette in his hand. It was not a whole pack of cigarettes, but a few, but that was enough.

"I'll look for you tomorrow." The soldier snorted coldly, hitting his palms with a rubber stick and turning around immediately.

"Here you go!" Zhou Sen gave the cigarette man to the one-eyed dragon.

"Good boy, here's yours." One-eyed dragon took the cigarette and distributed one to several prisoners of war he liked. Then he carefully put it in his pocket, took a strong puff on the butt of the cigarette that the soldier gave him, and gave it to the other prisoners of war.

Light a cigarette.

"Aren't you afraid that he will cause trouble for you tomorrow?" a prisoner of war asked Zhou Sen curiously.

"I still have it." Zhou Sen smiled.

"Young man, what you're doing won't work. You'll never be able to satisfy their appetite." A middle-aged man lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and showed an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Zhou Sen smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Sen did not say it out loud. He did not consider feeding the soldiers' appetite, but wanted to whet their appetite.

Take the initiative!

Huang Dong's successful escape gave Zhou Sen a huge inspiration. The only way to change the passive situation is to take the initiative to create opportunities, rather than passively waiting for opportunities.

After confirming his idea, Zhou Sen decided to use his ability to refine gold to corrupt the soldiers in the base. Zhou Sen was very familiar with the power of money. He used it to great effect in Mogan Prison.

This time, it's just the same old trick repeated.

The next day, Zhou Sen's plan began to be implemented.

At first, Zhou Sen encountered resistance, because he could not return to work in the maintenance workshop, which meant that he had to refine gold. However, he had already considered this problem. When the soldier who obtained the gold beads learned that Zhou Sen had to

After returning to the maintenance workshop to get the gold, he immediately used his connections to transfer Zhou Sen to the maintenance workshop. In normal times, it would not be that easy for a soldier to change positions for a prisoner of war, but the maintenance workshop was already short of manpower.

Huang Dong's escape from prison caused another casualty, and manpower became increasingly scarce. Under this premise, Zhou Sen returned to the maintenance workshop as he wished.

When Zhou Sen returned to the maintenance workshop, the two soldiers were in trouble because they could not start the YY-117 metal analyzer. It was obvious that Zhou Sen had done something, but they had nothing to do. When Zhou Sen appeared,

, the two of them were immediately overjoyed.

Zhou Sen's alchemy plan began to be implemented.

With the cooperation of the two Bingyouzi, Zhou Sen refined more and more gold. Zhou Sen did not give all the gold to the two Bingyouzi, but hid most of the gold in the soles of his shoes.

For two whole weeks, Zhou Sen was refining gold. He refined more than one kilogram of gold every day. Of course, Zhou Sen did not hide all the gold, but put it in various forms.

He gave it to some soldiers, for example, in exchange for a piece of soap, a pack of cigarettes, a piece of biscuit, improved food, etc. In short, he found various excuses to give away the gold.

Zhou Sen had more and more supplies at his disposal, and more and more prisoners of war gathered around him.

Hang out with Brother Sen and enjoy the spicy food!

Later, it became an open secret that Zhou Sen used some discarded spare parts to refine gold. Everyone knew that the soldiers turned a blind eye, and even some mecha maintenance rooms even deliberately used some of them to refine gold.

Discarded spare parts with high gold content are placed in some conspicuous places. What is even more outrageous is that soldiers with authority will take out some gold spare parts with high gold content from the warehouse.

Human nature is vividly demonstrated under the temptation of gold. Of course, there are soldiers who try to go it alone, but they find that it is not easy to modify the YY-117 metal analyzer.

It's a carnival!

A carnival for grassroots soldiers!

In just one week, Zhou Sen's influence in the logistics base has become greater and greater, and his understanding of this logistics base has become deeper and deeper.

This is a temporary logistics supply camp near the western suburbs of Ronni City. The terrain is on hills and flanked by the Ronni River. It is condescending and easy to defend but difficult to attack. When Huang Dong escaped, he jumped into the river in a mecha.

The Ronnie River is a turbulent current with extremely high flow speed, and the river surface environment is extremely complicated. There are rugged rocks along the way. Just jumping into the river and trying to find them again is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, Zhou Sen no longer considers the Ronnie River, because, with Huang Dong's lessons learned, the logistics base will definitely strengthen the security on that side of the Ronnie River, and it is very likely that Phalanx laser cannons will be deployed along the river. If

If you act rashly, you will most likely be beaten...

It's late at night.

A group of smokers were puffing away in the cell, because they rarely had the chance to smoke during the day and could only indulge in the cell at night. The most important thing was that they had no fire, so they had to ask the soldiers to borrow it, and then they smoked

It can't be extinguished. In the past, everyone would take turns smoking one cigarette, or smoke one cigarette after another, as long as they didn't let the cigarette go out. But now there are enough cigarettes. There are a lot of cigarettes anyway, and everyone is very

Smoking together is luxurious, and the result is a smoky atmosphere in the cell.

Zhou Sen was leaning against the iron railing. This place had the best air.

"Brother Sen, what are you thinking about?" One-eyed Dragon sat next to Zhou Sen in a flattering manner and handed Zhou Sen a piece of chocolate.

"I want to escape from prison." Zhou Sen said calmly.

"Ah..." The one-eyed dragon couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"Who wants to escape from prison with me?"

Zhou Sen glanced at the prisoners of war in the cell, and the cell suddenly fell into suffocating silence because it was too sudden.

Escape from prison is not an easy task, because Huang Dong's success does not mean that everyone can succeed. In fact, when Huang Dong escaped from prison, three people acted together. The result was that only Huang Dong successfully escaped.

The other three people were taken away, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

In fact, it is unknown whether Huang Dong escaped, because jumping into the Ronnie River can only be said to have escaped from the base, but it does not mean that he is definitely still alive.

Escape, if you fail, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although he was a prisoner of war, his life could be saved.

The atmosphere became heavy...

This chapter has been completed!
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