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Chapter 526 God Dog



Zhou Sen saw that the expression on the God of Death's face turned into one of helplessness and despair. This was the first time he saw the expression on the God of Death's face change. You know, when he killed the God of Death several times before, his face had changed.

Although there are expressions of extreme anger, there is absolutely no expression of helplessness or despair.

While Zhou Sen was stunned, a robot suddenly strode out, walked up to the God of Death, bent down slightly, and carried the God of Death on his shoulders.

A strange scene appeared.

Faced with the robot's movements, Death showed no reaction and was carried on the robot's shoulders like a lifeless stake.

No struggle!

No confrontation!

Is this the infamous Grim Reaper?

Zhou Sen couldn't believe the terrifying Death's reaction in front of the robot, but the cruel fact was right in front of him. Moreover, now that Death was being carried, the Death Sickle in his hand also fell to the ground.

Seeing the robot carrying the Grim Reaper disappearing into the long corridor, Zhou Sen quickly bent down to pick up the Grim Reaper's sickle and put it into the mecha's button, then quickened his pace and chased after him.

Zhou Sen had already guessed that the robot was sending Death to the specimen preparation cabin, but he still wanted to verify it with his own eyes.


The robot carried the God of Death directly to the God's specimen making room. Then, he threw the God of Death heavily on the specimen. He picked up a sharp knife. With a flick of the sharp knife, a bloody heart was dug out. With another flick of the sharp knife, the robot dug out the bloody heart.

The body of the God of Death was nailed to the taxidermy table, and the technique was extremely skillful, which reminded Zhou Sen of the idiom "The cook eats the cow."

From beginning to end, the God of Death remained motionless, but Zhou Sen could feel that the God of Death was not without feelings, because his deep-set eye sockets were filled with an aura of despair.

To Zhou Sen's surprise, the robot nailed Death to the specimen preparation table with a sharp knife and then left.

The black robe on Death's body was still on, but it was obviously soaked in blood.

Zhou Sen and the God of Death were the only ones left in the God's specimen making room. No, there was also the beating heart. No, there were two, because the heart of the God of Death was also beating on the workbench.

The two hearts were beating continuously, creating a strange atmosphere in the specimen making room.

Partial time stands still!

Zhou Sen looked at the God of Death's beating heart and became distracted. It was obvious that the taxidermy room had activated a partial time stop on the God of Death's heart and body.

Can the God of Death be resurrected?

The God of Death can definitely be resurrected, but the problem is that the current God of Death is not dead. In other words, if the God of Death is not dead, there is no problem of resurrection.

If no one dies, there can be no resurrection!

Can't survive!

I can't die!

Zhou Sen looked at the God of Death lying flat on the taxidermy table, with a bitter smile on his face. An evil god who could make children afraid to cry at night had actually been reduced to a lamb at the mercy of others. Tell him, I am afraid no one will

Will believe...

Why doesn't Death resist?

Why doesn't Death escape?

What about the god of death?

Do those robots possess some mysterious technology that can make the God of Death lose his power?

Too bad!

Those robots specialize in capturing and killing gods, and he is a god cultivator. Although he cannot be compared with real gods, in theory, he is also the target of robot elimination. Why don't the robots attack him?

The more Zhou Sen thought about it, the weirder it got.

Ever since the robots appeared, they have not shown any hostility toward Zhou Sen, and they actually obeyed Zhou Sen's orders...

Zhou Sen was puzzled, and simply didn't bother to think about it. He decided to go out to see how the repair of the spaceship was. However, as soon as he walked out of the door, he thought of the God of Death again, turned around and walked in front of the God of Death, and then raised the

The black robe rummaged around and found a pile of bottles and cans and a few tattered books.

In Mogan Prison, Zhou Sen was known as an iron rooster, so he had to seize this opportunity to rob the gods.

Zhou Sen casually put all the bottles and torn books into the button of the mecha, and at the same time opened the hat of the God of Death.

Damn it!

What surprised Zhou Sen was that the God of Death actually wore a mask. No, the correct statement is that the God of Death actually wore a mask of the God of Death.

Zhou Sen took off the mask of the God of Death without hesitation, and then he saw a handsome face. This face was no different from that of an ordinary human being. The only thing special was that there was an extremely evil aura in his eyes.

It was an evil that penetrated deep into his bones. Zhou Sen felt a shudder just by looking at it.

"God of Death, you are so ugly!" Zhou Sen looked at the God of Death lying down with a sinister smile on his face. At this moment, Zhou Sen was definitely a villain.

The God of Death had never suffered such humiliation before, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

"God of Death, hehehe... God of Death, you are worthy of being called the God of Death! From now on, you will stay on this spaceship forever, unable to survive or die... quack quack... I'm so happy... hahahahaha...

..." Zhou Sen gloated.

"You..." The God of Death's eyes were red, as if he was about to shoot out flames. While holding his breath, he just broke through the stillness of space and spoke a word. When the God of Death said a word, a visible circle appeared in the air.

energy ripples.

"F*ck!" Zhou Sen was startled and quickly backed away. After confirming that the God of Death was still unable to move, he suddenly became more energetic and suddenly rushed forward, "crackling" and slapped the God of Death hard on the face.

"God of Death, aren't you awesome? Come on! Stand up! Hit me!" Zhou Sen started working from side to side, humiliating the God of Death to his heart's content. After all, this kind of opportunity does not come often, so you must seize the opportunity.


The god of death suddenly burst out with an earth-shaking roar, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, giving people the feeling that all the cells were being torn apart, and the entire interstellar merchant ship seemed to be shaking.


The moment Zhou Sen covered his ears, the body of the God of Death suddenly exploded, then transformed into a wisp of smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Damn it!

Zhou Sen looked at the empty specimen preparation table with a surprised look on his face, and then wiped his eyes again. He was not sure if he was hallucinating.

It's not an illusion.

Death has disappeared.

Death's heart was still beating on the taxidermy table, which was enough to prove that it was not a dream or hallucination.

Am I stupid?

Zhou Sen was a little frustrated. If he didn't anger the God of Death, the God of Death wouldn't unleash his potential and commit suicide.

Zhou Sen was sure that the God of Death had committed suicide, because he could only escape from here by dying.

Suddenly, Zhou Sen thought of a question.

The robot skillfully dug out the heart of the God of Death before, and then placed the God of Death's body in a state of partial space stillness. This probably means that the robot knew that the God of Death was unkillable, so it used the method of partial time stillness to make the God of Death.

A living specimen, in this way, the God of Death will always be an immortal specimen of a god, and because the God of Death is not dead, this means that he cannot be resurrected indefinitely...

Zhou Sen's eyes fell on Erlangshen, and finally, on the roaring dog next to Erlangshen.

I wonder if the specimens of Erlang Shen and Roaring Dog are in a state of local spatial stillness?

Roaring Sky Dog!

Roaring dog!

Seeing the Roaring Dog with shiny fur, Zhou Sen drooled at the corner of his mouth. Of course, Zhou Sen didn't want to eat dog meat, but wanted to take the Roaring Dog as his own.

Think about it, it is such a cool thing to lead a roaring dog, look majestic and bully men and women!

The more Zhou Sen thought about it, the more excited he became. After all, this kind of divine dog is rare to find, and its status in the myths and legends of ancient earth is very important... Hey, the Roaring Sky Dog is described as a "dog with white hair and a thin waist", and its true appearance is "

"Shaped like a white elephant", why is this dog black, that is, its four legs are white?

Zhou Sen thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out the reason. It was probably because the legends were spread incorrectly and the records were wrong.

Regardless of right and wrong, the top priority is to resurrect the Roaring Sky Dog.


Roaring Sky Dog may not always be obedient. This guy has a bad temper. Even the Monkey King suffered from it back then.

Resurrection is easy, but making Roaring Sky Dog obedient is not necessarily possible.

Zhou Sen thought for a while, and he believed that in order to get the Roaring Sky Dog, two conditions must be met. First, he must take the Roaring Sky Dog away from Erlang Shen, and second, he must get some good food for the Roaring Sky Dog.


No matter how powerful Roaring Sky Dog is, it is still a dog, and dogs definitely like to eat meat and bones...

Zhou Sen immediately rushed to the specimen of Erlang Shen, bent down and picked up the stuffed Roaring Dog and left.

Of course, Zhou Sen now not only wants to get a good dog, he also wants to do two experiments.

The first experiment is to see the reaction of the robots after I take the Roaring Dog out of the taxidermy room; the second experiment is to see if the Howling Dog will be revived after leaving the taxidermy room.

To Zhou Sen's relief, when he took the Roaring Dog out of the taxidermy room, the surrounding robots turned a blind eye.

Data were also obtained from the second experiment.

The Roaring Dog was not resurrected after leaving the taxidermy chamber. It was still a lifeless dog specimen.

Obviously, the local time-stopping device was not just in the specimen production room, but was implanted in the body of the Xiaotian dog. Sure enough! After Zhou Sen carefully inspected it, he found an invisible piece in the mouth of the Xiaotian dog specimen.

A metal box is sewn into the throat.

Zhou Sen did not take out the metal box immediately, but found a few meat bones in the kitchen, and then found an iron chain in the maintenance cabin and put it on the Roaring Dog's neck...

In order to avoid accidents, Zhou Sen brought the meat bones and the dog into a larger cabin. Then, he closed the cabin door and locked the chain around the Roaring Dog's neck to the metal door handle.

After everything was ready, Zhou Sen took out the metal box and put it into the button of the mecha. Zhou Sen is a scientist, so he naturally knows the value of this metal box. To be precise, use "value"

"Liancheng" is no longer enough to describe the value of this metal box. Its value in the medical field alone is impossible to estimate. It is no exaggeration to say that space stilling technology can subvert modern medicine.

After the metal box was removed, Zhou Sen stared into the eyes of Roaring Sky Dog.

Of course, for safety reasons, Zhou Sen still kept a certain distance from the Roaring Dog. In other words, even if the dog was resurrected, it would not be able to bite Zhou Sen because of the distance of the iron chain.



"Gouzi, Gouzi, come back to life quickly. Brother Sen, I will take you to eat and drink spicy food!" Zhou Sen stared into Roaring Sky Dog's eyes and muttered something.



Zhou Sen saw that the Roaring Sky Dog's eyes gradually regained their luster... something was wrong, Zhou Sen noticed that the Roaring Sky Dog's eyes gradually became ferocious.

Vicious dog!

Definitely a vicious dog!

Zhou Sen held his breath, feeling extremely nervous but extremely happy. What he wanted was a vicious dog that could bully people!


Just when Zhou Sen's nerves were tense, suddenly, the roaring dog let out a deep roar, and then jumped towards him, opening its mouth wide, revealing a set of sharp teeth.

"Clang!" With a sound, the roaring dog was pulled by the iron chain, and its body was forced to stand upright, full of wildness.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

"Come and bite me... Hahahahahaha..." Seeing that the barking dog couldn't bite him, Zhou Sen laughed happily and kept provoking.

Tragedy happened!

Roaring Sky Dog is a divine dog. After several consecutive pounces, the tiny iron chain could not withstand the impact and broke with a "click". Roaring Sky Dog flew towards Zhou Sen in the air.


Zhou Sen was caught off guard and was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

Although this room is large, it cannot allow one person and one dog to run wildly. Zhou Sen was chased so hard that he screamed and ran up the bulkhead. However, the Roaring Sky Dog ran too fast, and he could only run for his life. .

At this time, Zhou Sen felt regretful. If he had known he could summon the Tang Dao, he could cut off the dog's head with one backhand strike...


Just as Zhou Sen was running for his life, suddenly, there was a mournful "wuwu" sound from behind.

Zhou Sen happened to run around, and he saw a robot that had opened the hatch and stood at the door. The vicious dog had its tail between its legs, and was trembling with fear and incontinent. It was pitiful. looking at the robot.


Damn it, you are a barking dog!

What a divine dog!

"It's okay, get out!" Zhou Sen moved a chair and motioned for the robot to go out.

The robot glanced at Roaring Dog with a pair of electronic sounds, as if to warn it, then turned around and went out and closed the hatch.

"Ouch..." After the robot went out, the Roaring Dog, who had been so frightened that he had lost control of his bowels and urine just now, immediately showed his fierce look and stared at Zhou Sen fiercely, ready to pounce.

"If you call me again, I will let that person come in and make you a specimen!" Zhou Sen raised a chair and threatened Roaring Sky Dog.


The Roaring Sky Dog shivered with fright, and his body began to tremble. With one of his tails tightly clamped, his slender body lay on the ground, looking at Zhou Sen pitifully.

This chapter has been completed!
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