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Five hundred and fiftieth chapters razed to the ground

Tang Xue did not speak, but stood in front of Zhou Sen. Obviously, she did not agree with Zhou Sen taking risks alone. At the same time, three other women also stood in front of Zhou Sen.

"What?" Zhou Sen frowned.

"Mr. Zhou, we have sacrificed many awakened people!" Tang Xue looked at Zhou Sen nervously.

"Do you think I'm going to sacrifice myself?" Zhou Sen shrugged.

"..." Tang Xue opened her mouth and hesitated.

"It's not that I won't take you, it's just that it's too dangerous this time."

"Danger!" Tang Xue's delicate body trembled, and her face became more and more nervous.

"It's not that I am in danger, but that you will be in danger by my side, because I am going to do something earth-shattering and I am afraid of accidentally hurting you." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"What's the big deal, can you tell me?"

"I will destroy the entire palace and send the old emperor to the west!" Zhou Sen said with a sinister smile.

"Ah..." Tang Xue's eyes widened.

"Tang Xue, I have learned about the historical process of the entire West Asian Empire. The main source of turmoil in the West Asian Empire is the royal family. In the past more than a thousand years, the West Asian Empire has implemented a democratic electoral system many times, and, according to historical records, the electoral system

During this period, the political situation of the West Asian Empire was stable, and the large cities in West Asia and South Asia could live in harmony. However, several electoral systems were buried in the restoration of the royal family. Each restoration would set back the civilization of the West Asian Empire, because Zoroastrianism was

The biggest supporter of the royal family of the West Asian Empire, and after every restoration, the biggest profiteer is Zoroastrianism..."

"So you want to blow up the royal family?"

"The only way to make the West Asian Empire long-term and stable is to completely wipe out the royal family entrenched in the West Asian planet from this planet. From now on, even if the Zoroastrian Cult is ambitious, they will not be able to find suitable candidates." Zhou Sen said lightly.

"So this is the crux..." Tang Xue murmured to herself, while the beautiful women behind her had expressions of realization on their faces.

"It can be said that as long as the bloodline of the royal family is immortal, the turmoil in West Asia Star will not end. Even if you temporarily gain power now, the royal family will revive with the support of Zoroastrianism in a few years. Therefore, if you want to make West Asia Star

To develop normally and integrate into the five major star domain civilizations, the best way is to eliminate all future troubles and not give them a chance to make a comeback!" Zhou Sen said fiercely.


"Tang Xue, if someone in the royal family slips through the net, you must hunt them down to the end. You must not be merciful. Even if there are members of the royal family who escape, you must keep them under high pressure at all times and remain anonymous so as not to dare to form political forces in the name of the royal family.

Gradually dilute their royal status."

"How to deal with the Zoroastrian Cult?" Tang Xue's eyes seemed to be burning with blazing flames, which were the flames of hope. Zhou Sen's few words made her seem to see the future of the West Asian Star.

"This is easy. Remember a few points. First, no public officials who are involved in politics are allowed to believe in religion. Remember, legislation is required. If found, they will be severely punished and will never be tolerated. Second, anyone who has anything to do with religion will be punished severely.

Businesses must be heavily taxed and strictly supervised; thirdly, buildings related to religion must be moved to remote mountains and forests, and must not be allowed to develop in urban areas; fourthly, those who declare to renounce religion must be praised, but this is

A long-term supervision process, and criminal punishment will be imposed upon those who violate the law in both positive and negative ways; fifth, do not discriminate against believers, but do not give them any sense of superiority; sixth, praise more human heroes and scientists..."

While Zhou Sen was talking, several women recorded it bit by bit.

"Some details need to be discussed and formulated by you. In short, physical conquest is not conquest. Only spiritual conquest is conquest. If you can't conquer spiritually, it doesn't matter, then destroy them physically. The spirit is built on the body.

Above, once the body is destroyed, the spirit will naturally lose its carrier. Therefore, do not be merciful and show kindness to women!" Zhou Sen warned.

"We remember it!" Tang Xue nodded.

"It's not just that you remember it. If you look at history, you will find that you technocrats always make the same mistakes. Once productivity increases and technology develops, you will relax and start to condone believers and tolerate adultery... I don't need you to remember. I

A law needs to be formed, an unchangeable law! An unamendable law! Whoever proposes to amend the relevant laws will be punished with treason! This is a red line, an unshakable red line, an insurmountable red line. As long as this red line exists, they cannot become the mainstream.

! It is impossible to shake the foundation of the country! As long as we do what I just said, peace will be just around the corner!" Zhou Sen said word by word.

"For those believers..." a woman standing behind Tang Xue hesitated and asked.

"Don't underestimate them, but don't overestimate them either. They are all opportunists who fear power and are not ethical. Kill whoever comes forward. Kill a group of them and make sure they are honest. If you don't believe in religion, you can give some policy advice."

If they receive such preferential treatment, they will immediately abandon Zoroastrianism and collapse! In short, as I said before, we must resolutely attack those who are stubborn, kill them decisively, and never tolerate them!"

"Understood!" The four women looked at each other and said in unison.

"Okay, I'm leaving. You can contact the underground forces now. Once the royal family is destroyed and the big city in West Asia is in turmoil, you have to take advantage of the situation. Now that the God of War in West Asia is dead, the god of Zoroastrianism is also dead. If the royal family

If they are destroyed, then the army of the entire West Asian city will lose its organization. You can instigate their senior officials to rebel and promise some favorable conditions... It doesn't matter whether the conditions can be fulfilled, as long as you can reduce your casualties and make them surrender.

It’s time to legislate to control these surrenderers..."

The four women watched Zhou Sen leave, their eyes filled with endless fanaticism.

Although this young man didn't say much, it was like waking up from a big dream. This young man's logical thinking was extremely rigorous. In just one sentence, he analyzed the relationship between the royal family, Zoroastrianism and human nature.

It has to be clear, and the direction of future response should also be clearly explained.

There were many seemingly troublesome things, but this young man sorted them out in a few words.

Of course, the four women didn't know that Zhou Sen spent a lot of time studying the Dark Cult under the God of Death when he was on the Energy Star. The West Asian Star and the Energy Star are exactly the same. The only difference is that the gods who harvest the power of faith are different.

One is the god of death, and the other is the god of religion. Some of Zhou Sen’s countermeasures just now are actually some experiences summed up by the Xia people.

Compared with the technological faction of the West Asian Empire, the Xia people are even worse. They have verified their mistakes with hundreds of millions of lives, so they have long summarized effective countermeasures...

Zhou Sen held the head of the god and appeared on the tower of the big city in West Asia on a flying skateboard.

The old trick is repeated!

Zhou Sen once again hung the head of the god on the tower, but this time he did not hang it on the building, but on the flagpole on the tower.

When Zhou Sen appeared, the soldiers below the tower were in chaos. However, the weapons in their hands were more symbolic. What's more, as supporters of religious sects, they were proud to use cold weapons and

There were no long-range firearms, so I could only watch Zhou Sen floating in the sky and do nothing.

"The God of War of West Asia has been brought to justice. Now, the head of the god of religion is here. The next one is the old emperor, the chief culprit of the West Asia Empire!"

Zhou Sen shouted loudly in mid-air while riding a flying skateboard, his voice extremely penetrating. Just like last time, there was a traffic jam under the tower of the big city in West Asia, and thousands of people gathered there.

In fact, the news of the murder of the god of religion has long spread to the big cities in West Asia, but everyone is full of mysterious trust in the god of religion, and the royal family blocks the news, which leads to everyone not believing the news. At most, they can only discuss it in private.

People will take it seriously.

Now, everyone believes it, because it was this man who hung the head of the West Asian God of War on the city tower not long ago.

The news that the god was killed spread at exponential speed. People picked up various communication tools to tell their relatives and friends, or posted it on social media. In just a few minutes,

The entire city in West Asia knew that the god of religion was killed and his head was hung on the flagpole of the city in West Asia.

The news that the god of religion was killed was so shocking, because in the West Asian Empire, the god of religion was a god-like existence, and his influence even exceeded that of the old emperor.

People don't want to believe that the god of religion will die. In the eyes of many people, the god of religion is immortal because he has lived for more than three hundred years.

Now, it’s okay not to believe it.

If Zhou Sen had not killed the West Asian God of War and had not burned down the Fire Worship Temple, then even if he really killed the god of worship, the people of the West Asian Empire would not believe it. But now, because of the news of the previous two times, almost

Right away, people believed that Zhou Sen had killed the god.

While the people were busy telling their relatives and friends the shocking news, countless soldiers gathered towards the tower of the large city in West Asia. Unfortunately, Zhou Sen did not give them a chance.

Zhou Sen landed in an alley on a flying skateboard, and then flew toward the palace at lightning speed with the help of complex buildings.

Zhou Sen had already done enough research on the location of the palace and the palace where the old emperor lived. According to rumors, at this moment, the old emperor was still sleeping on the dragon bed that could accommodate dozens of people. After all, the old emperor was born.

Those who are famous don’t go to court early.

Of course, Zhou Sen didn't care whether the old emperor was in bed or not, as long as he was in the palace, because Zhou Sen had already decided to raze the palace to the ground.

Zhou Sen arrived at the gate of the palace without any hindrance.

As Zhou Sen predicted, the West Asian city did not take the fall of the South Asian city to heart at all, because in history, the South Asian city fell not once or twice, but never affected the safety of the West Asian city and the royal palace.

The group of guards standing guard at the entrance of the palace did not realize the danger. Although they all stared at Zhou Sen, they did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

This time it's different.

Zhou Sen has watched too many holographic movies in which villains talk nonsense when victory is certain, but are eventually defeated and defeated. Therefore, whenever he has a chance to kill the enemy, he will never waste a second.

Zhou Sen detonated the directional bomb, and a white light lit up.

The super weapon developed by Zhou Sen was used in a real sense. Last time, he only frightened the four imperial coalition forces on Roni Planet and did not really enter the battlefield.

This is a destructive mass weapon, and it is targeted.

Under the white light, the splendid palace was reduced to ashes, and those magnificent buildings with thousands of years of history were razed to the ground, leaving no grass growing...

People around were frightened.

The majestic palace that stood in the center of the big city in West Asia just now disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was replaced by a wide road without any buildings. No, it was not a road. It was as if a huge plow had plowed the ground.

Groove, shocking.

Zhou Sen looked at the empty palace with neither happiness nor sadness on his face.

Of course, Zhou Sen is not really neither happy nor sad. In fact, he is very compassionate in his heart, because he knows that there are thousands of innocent lives in this palace, but the problem is, if he accommodates these lives

, then, there will be more lives for the old emperor to be buried with him.

Using the simplest and most direct method to kill the old emperor and destroy the palace at the same time is the best result for the people of West Asia.

As long as the old emperor dies, and as long as the palace that symbolizes authority is destroyed, then the West Asian Empire will soon form a truly peaceful unification.

Am I becoming more and more cruel?

Zhou Sen looked at the razed palace with a wry smile on his lips.

Zhou Sen believed that if he was still a scientist, he would not do such a thing even if he was beaten to death. But now, he did it and he didn't even feel guilty at all.

Why is this happening?

Am I the scientist Zhou Sen or the gangster Zhou Sen?


Just when Zhou Sen was wandering thousands of miles away, suddenly, there was a cry of surprise from around him. Zhou Sen suddenly woke up and took a closer look. He saw a huge black hole in front of him, above the palace gate. The diameter of the black hole was more than a mile.

Hundreds of meters, suspended motionless in the air.

No, it's not a black hole, it's a static circular universe, so round that it looks like it was drawn by a giant compass.

It's a black hole.

Zhou Sen remembers that the black hole simulated by the optical brain was very similar to the current one.

No, it's not like that!

Zhou Sen shook his head again, because the black hole was very calm, and there was actually a bright starry sky inside. There was no vortex scene simulated by the optical brain. It was more like a mirror, a mirror that reflected nothing.


A strange atmosphere filled the air.

Suddenly, Zhou Sen's pupils dilated because he saw an ancient interstellar spacecraft appearing inside the mirror-like black hole.


It's the spaceship that's pressed under a 10,000-ton boulder.

It was the spaceship that imprisoned countless gods.

It's the spaceship that specializes in making specimens of gods.

It's the spaceship that was repaired by robots...

Zhou Sen stared at the strange scene with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on his face. He did not expect that this ancient interstellar spacecraft would actually appear in West Asia in this way.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Sen suddenly understood why this ancient interstellar ship appeared in the canyon of the Roni planet. The reason was very simple. It did not rely on engines to complete interstellar flight. It could jump to any place like a giant armored cockroach.

The surface of a planet...

This chapter has been completed!
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