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Chapter 585 Fortress M23

Seeing the refugees snatching weapons, Zhou Sen was caught in a dilemma.

With Zhou Sen's ability, it is very easy to stop the looting. After all, he is a person with superpowers and is infinitely close to the gods. He calls himself the God of Fireworks. It is easy to deal with a group of ordinary people. But the problem is, Zhou Sen

I don’t want to expose my superpower identity in public.

what to do?

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhou Sen decided to let it go.

The consequences of looting weapons are nothing more than death. The refugees here are all adults, and mainly young adults. Since they chose to loot weapons, they must bear the consequences themselves. After all, the coach has repeatedly reminded us to pay attention to teamwork.


There is no doubt that the rush to grab weapons now runs counter to the spirit of teamwork.



The hull of the troop transport made a heart-stopping friction sound. Zhou Sen speculated that it must be landing.


With a muffled sound, the troop transport ship completed its landing.

The rear hatch slowly opened.

After the rear hatch of the troop carrier opened, there was a huge bridge board. The bridge board was slowly lowered, and strong sunlight shone in from the gap in the hatch that gradually opened.


Just as everyone was rushing to the cabin door to wait, suddenly, the bright gap dimmed, accompanied by a creepy scream.

Iron-clad giant cockroach.

It's a giant armored cockroach!

"Swish, swish, swish..." Countless laser beams were shot out.

"Hiss, hiss..."

The armored giant cockroach let out a series of shrill screams.

Theoretically, it is difficult for individual laser weapons to kill the armored giant cockroach, because the armored giant cockroach's armor is as smooth as a mirror, which can weaken the lethality of the laser weapon to a certain extent. However, at this time, the armored giant cockroach cannot

It is to climb on top of the troop carrier, with its belly facing the cabin, and the belly of the armored giant cockroach is the most vulnerable place.

The shot and killed armored giant cockroaches fell like raindrops, but this shooting was of no use, because at this moment, the gap in the cabin door was getting wider and wider, and densely packed armored giant cockroaches were pouring into the cabin like a tide.

poured in.

Fortunately, at this time, the refugees did not retreat. They all knew that there was no way to retreat and they could only sink their boats.

Shrinking your head is a knife.

Even if you stick your head out, it’s a knife!

In this situation where they were facing death, the blood and wildness of the refugees were aroused, and they rushed forward without fear of death. They all knew that only by breaking out of this narrow and enclosed cabin would they have a chance to survive.

, there is only one way to die if you stay here. At this time, Zhou Sen and dozens of soldiers are at the back. It's not that they are afraid of death, because they are unarmed.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

As the bridge board was completely lowered, the refugees also rushed out of the troop carrier. However, the moment they rushed out, the madness on their faces immediately turned into dull looks, and many even stopped shooting.

Iron-clad giant cockroach!

Tide of armored giant cockroaches!

Wherever they looked, there were all shiny armored giant cockroaches. They covered the entire ground, and they were densely packed and squirming in layers, making people's scalp numb.

Just for a moment of sluggish pause, dozens of refugees were knocked down by the giant armored cockroach and instantly torn into bloody pieces of flesh.

"Throw grenades outside!" Zhou Sen shouted.





Under Zhou Sen's reminder, everyone took off their grenades and threw them outside. Immediately, there was an earth-shattering explosion. However, at the same time, the casualties of the refugees were also horrific, because some refugees threw their grenades too close and ended up killing themselves.

They all blew up.

The whole situation was extremely chaotic.

Fortunately, after a wave of bombings, the black tide of giant armored cockroaches was finally contained.

At this time, the refugees who rushed out of the transport ship discovered that they were inside a small fortress. The fortress was about a hundred meters in diameter and was entirely made of steel. However, now that the fortress had fallen, it was filled with giant armored cockroaches.

Even the surrounding observation towers are covered with armored giant cockroaches.

In fact, the number of armored giant cockroaches is not very large, but because the fortress is surrounded by modular steel walls, the number of armored giant cockroaches inside seems particularly crowded.

A disorderly melee began.

The surviving refugees were fighting with the armored giant cockroaches, each fighting on their own. Zhou Sen, with more than 30 retired soldiers, picked up some weapons and hid in a corner. This place was not safe, but at least it was.

Will not be hurt by stray bullets from friendly forces.

So far, many refugees have been killed by stray bullets.

This fighting lasted for more than forty minutes, and humans became the final victors. However, this victory was extremely tragic. Only a hundred or so of the more than five hundred refugees were left. Even the one who took the lead in snatching weapons

The strong man was also torn into pieces by the giant armored cockroach...

It's quiet.

The survivors looked numbly at the human corpses and armored giant cockroach corpses scattered all over the place.

Zhou Sen did not have time to sigh, but organized more than thirty retired soldiers to gather some weapons, and then opened the gate of the steel fortress based on the information in the folder.

This is an abandoned fortress. The inside of the fortress looks very messy. There are even some unfinished cigarettes on the table. It is obvious that the evacuation of this steel fortress was very hasty.

It seems that the Atlanta Imperial Army means to let them, the refugees, regain this fortress and then guard this steel fortress.

More than a hundred survivors followed Zhou Sen into the steel fortress. When the gate of the fortress was closed, the nervous refugees suddenly collapsed on the ground, all of them fearing for the rest of their lives.


"One hundred and seventy-seven people! There are 532 of us in total. Just by disembarking, we lost more than 300 people! What do you think?" Zhou Sen glanced at everyone with a cold gaze.

A group of refugees looked at each other.

"I just roughly calculated that there are more than 1,700 armored giant cockroaches in this steel fortress. In other words, each of us only needs to kill three armored giant cockroaches to win. Three!

Yes, there are three of them! Haha, we were armed with live ammunition, but more than 300 people were killed by more than 1,700 armored giant cockroaches. This is our shame! Grab weapons, you can use the weapons you grabbed.

? You only know how to shoot randomly. Do you know how many of your own people you have killed? I just made a general observation and found that at least a hundred people died under your guns. In other words, at least a hundred people were not killed by iron armor.

Giant cockroaches kill each other instead of killing each other..."

"Looting weapons! Does it make sense? Can you survive? Don't think that you have a chance to survive if you enter this steel fortress. I can tell you clearly that if we don't unite, we can last for a week at most. Why? Because, this

There is no food in the Steel Fortress, which means that the food is airdropped from the base, and airdropping food means that we need to go outside to bring the food back, and of course, there are also supplies such as weapons and ammunition. If we are not united, who will go out?

Fetching food, weapons and ammunition? Who is responsible for keeping watch? Who is responsible for providing military support?"


A group of refugees looked at each other in shock, because what Zhou Sen said was a cruel fact. Escaping into this steel fortress did not mean that they could survive.

"You must have parents, wives and children. I believe that each of you hopes to be reunited with your relatives. However, I can tell you for sure that based on everyone's performance just now, no one can go home alive. It is just a matter of dying first.

After a few days of slow death, what awaits you will be endless despair. Also, I can tell you responsibly that if we huddle in this steel fortress, then we will lose our value and the final result will be to be abandoned.

, let alone rescue, even the supply of ammunition and food will be stopped."

"Our value lies in driving away the giant armored cockroaches from this planet. As long as we are valuable, the base will continuously provide supplies. If we really drive away the giant armored cockroaches from this planet, then we will not only

If you can become a legal citizen of the Atlanta Empire, you will also receive great honor!"

"Now, we give you three choices. First, I leave; second, you leave; third, everyone stays and listens to me! I would like to add here that you may not be able to survive if you listen to me, but I

I can guarantee that I will do my best to reunite you with your family!" Zhou Sen said every word.

"I listen to you." The deputy team leader immediately stood up.

"I listen to you too!"

"Me too!"


Immediately, a group of soldiers stood up one after another. Under their leadership, all the refugees stood up and expressed their willingness to obey Zhou Sen's orders.

"Very good. Now, everyone, please hand over all your weapons. I want to redistribute them." Zhou Sen glanced at everyone.


Everyone looked at each other, but in the end, they all put their weapons in a row on the ground.

"From now on, we are a team, an indestructible team, an indestructible team. I don't allow anyone to act alone. Next, we have to work together. Deputy team leader, report your list, and then according to each

The specialty is distributing weapons.”

"Yes, team leader!"

Under the auspices of more than thirty soldiers, weapons began to be redistributed to the refugees. Of course, many people were not assigned weapons because there were more important positions that needed them.

While weapons and positions were being reassigned, Zhou Sen was getting to know this steel fortress.

This is a modular fortress. All the armor is produced in advance and assembled here. The construction structure of the steel fortress is divided into two parts. One part is the outer steel city wall, which mainly serves as external defense and provides protection for the people inside the steel fortress.

Provide a safe space and facilitate the take-off and landing of hover vehicles and troop carriers.

The other part is the Steel Fortress itself.

The steel fortress covers an area of ​​about 500 square meters, with a total of more than 1,500 square meters on three floors. It is divided into many functional areas, including command rooms and communication rooms, as well as warehouses and ammunition depots, including sleeping areas. Although the area is

It's not big, but even though a sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

The basic functions of the steel fortress are perfect, but many places have been severely chewed by the armored giant cockroach. Some of the steel plates have been chewed through. It is probably because the armored giant cockroach found that there is no life inside that it gave up and continued to chew.

There is no food in the warehouse, only some bottled water. It is estimated that the defenders in the steel fortress retreated because there was no food. However, there are quite a lot of supplies in the ammunition depot, but they are all useless things, such as cables.

Wires, wire ropes, etc., as well as a small multi-functional engineering vehicle, whose purpose is unknown. Zhou Sen guessed it was used for hoisting equipment.

In the ammunition depot, the only useful thing is a small smelting furnace equipped with a 3D printer. This thing is standard equipment for the army and is mainly used to repair some equipment. After all, equipment is frequently damaged on the frontline battlefield.

It is impossible to equip all spare parts, so it is a common practice for the military to configure a micro smelting furnace to avoid losing combat effectiveness in extreme environments.

"Team leader, the holographic monitoring has been controlled and can be used." Just as Zhou Sen was looking around, the deputy team leader came over.

"Open." Zhou Sen was immediately overjoyed and strode towards the command room. With holographic monitoring, the situation will be greatly improved, because the biggest problem Zhou Sen faces now is not knowing the surrounding situation.


Many small holographic images have appeared on the huge holographic screen in the command room. However, not all holographic images have pictures on them. Many holographic images are black. It is estimated that the monitoring equipment has been destroyed by the giant armored cockroach.

The dilapidated troop transport ship left unknown when, and only corpses were left on the ground where it was parked. The holographic screen showed that just as they were hiding in the steel fortress, there were many more armored giant cockroaches climbing on them.

Crawled in and was devouring the bodies of the victims.

In the distance, there were two or three armored giant cockroaches coming from all directions. Apparently, the previous battle had alerted the nearby armored giant cockroaches.

"Deputy team leader, immediately organize people to seize the commanding heights, cover each other with cross fire, and shoot the armored giant cockroaches inside the city wall! Remember, use hotline sniper rifles as much as possible on the commanding heights!"


"Arrange manpower to form a mobile team to provide support."



The deputy team leader was a retired officer. He immediately issued an order and asked several retired soldiers to lead the team. After several teams rushed out, they quickly occupied several sniper posts under the cover of a series of tactical actions, and began

Shoot the armored giant cockroach inside the steel city wall.

It is difficult for laser weapons to kill armored giant cockroaches, but hot-wire sniper rifles can easily kill armored giant cockroaches.

The number of armored giant cockroaches that entered the steel city wall was not large. With mutual cooperation, the armored giant cockroaches were quickly shot and killed.

Now, the Steel Fortress is completely in the hands of the refugees, which means that it is safe to walk from the inside of the Steel Fortress to the part enclosed by the city wall outside.

However, this kind of safety is only temporary, because this steel fortress is already riddled with holes. The steel walls in many places have collapsed, and in some places, big holes have even been corroded by the saliva of the armored giant cockroach.

The first step now is to strengthen the walls of the Iron Fortress, and of course, the precarious Iron Fortress itself.

Fortress M23!

Zhou Sen didn't know that the code name of the fortress he was in was M23, and was called Fortress M23 by the base. Everything that happened in Fortress M23 was photographed by satellites, and processed into holographic images using optical brain and transmitted to the base...

This chapter has been completed!
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