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Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh fighting for life

Night has completely fallen.

Finally, the steel wire ropes were tied to the iron pillars.

The placement of all the iron pillars and the height of the wire ropes were strictly constructed in accordance with the data provided by Zhou Sen. No one understood what it meant, but the refugees have now established a certain foundation of trust in Zhou Sen. They believe that Zhou Sen

There are reasons to do this.

The iron pillars surrounded the entire M23 fortress and were divided into four circles. The distance between the locations of each iron pillar was about 20 to 30 meters. Then, the highest height of the steel wire rope was about five meters, and the lowest

Keep a distance of one meter from the ground.

There are three steel wire ropes in the farthest circle from M23, one with a height of five meters, one with a height of three meters, and one with a height of one meter. Going inward, approaching the M23 fortress, there are two steel wire ropes with a height of one meter, and the last steel wire rope is also

Three steel wire ropes, respectively five meters, three meters and one meter.

It is worth mentioning here that the iron pillar itself is more than seven meters high and is planted into the ground to a depth of two meters. It is very strong and the ground is reinforced with special glue from the warehouse.

There is a large amount of special glue in the warehouse. This glue is in a dilute liquid state like water, but as long as it penetrates into the soil, it will immediately solidify the loose soil and become as hard as iron in just ten minutes. This is

A kind of fortification reinforcement material commonly used by the army armies of the five major empires, and many soldiers even carry some with them in case of emergency.

Intercept the armored giant cockroach!

After the steel wire ropes were tied to the iron pillars, General Val finally understood the purpose of these iron pillars and steel wire ropes. It was obvious that these steel wire ropes could intercept the armored giant cockroaches. Of course, it did not completely block the armored giant cockroaches, but made it impossible for the armored giant cockroaches to stop.

The normal charge prevents them from taking advantage of their speed to crush the fortress overwhelmingly.

The most terrifying thing about the armored giant cockroaches is that they gather into a tide and then charge in the same direction without fear of death. This charging method is a nightmare for mankind. Even a steel mecha weighing nearly a hundred tons cannot withstand this kind of suicide.

Under the charge of the layers of armored giant cockroaches, the mecha will easily fall down, and once the mecha falls, it will be difficult to stand up, because the densely packed armored giant cockroaches will

It gnaws like crazy, and its mandibles with corrosive saliva can chew through the cockpit bulkhead in a very short time.

In addition, in addition to the outer iron pillars and steel wire ropes, the interior of M23 Fortress has also been reinforced, and all damaged holes have been welded and repaired. Moreover, many steel plates have been welded on the steel walls in the yard, like an awning, with a height of

There are so many of them, about two meters long, that almost all the walls in the yard are welded with this kind of steel plate canopy.

The commanding heights where several snipers are located have also been reinforced. However, the reinforcement method of these places is very special, that is, some seven-meter-long iron pillars are welded around the sentry posts, densely packed like hedgehogs.

Why are the outermost and innermost wire ropes at different heights?

Why are the two rings of steel wire rope in the middle only one meter high?

What is the function of steel plate awning?

General Val's curiosity has reached its peak. At present, he can only guess the role of the hedgehog-like iron pillars at the commanding heights of the sniper. Their existence should prevent the armored giant cockroach from killing the sniper in the first place.

Create hunting opportunities for refugees armed with overclocked magnetic blades.

Now, night has completely fallen, but high-altitude satellites can still see the activities of the armored giant cockroaches on the ground. At this time, the number of armored giant cockroaches around the M23 Fortress has reached an extremely terrifying value, covering the mountains and plains, even on the holographic video

Looking at it gives people an extremely spectacular feeling.

The battle begins!

Just when General Val was curious, Fortress M23 actually launched the attack first, and snipers from several commanding heights began to shoot with hot-wire sniper rifles.

The Hotline Sniper Rifle is the most efficient long-range individual weapon for killing armored giant cockroaches. As for the king of melee weapons, it is the Overclocked Magnetic Blade.

There are a total of eight sniper positions on the wall of Fortress M23, seven of which are distributed on the steel wall and one on the roof of Fortress M23.

The deputy team leader is a retired senior colonel with high military literacy. He assigned twenty-one snipers to seven sniper positions, that is, three snipers for each sniper position. In addition to the three snipers, there are also

It is also equipped with three refugees armed with overclocked magnetic shock blades, who are responsible for clearing out the armored giant cockroaches that have climbed up to the sniper position.

The three refugees holding overclocked magnetic blades also prepared some grenades. These weapons can play a huge role in critical moments.

The most important sniper position is the one above Fort M23. There are twelve snipers in this gathering position. They are also soldiers and are responsible for long-distance fire support.

Inside Fortress M23, there are a total of more than thirty retired soldiers. Now, these soldiers are responsible for sniping the armored giant cockroaches from the commanding heights, while the remaining more than a hundred refugees provide support, treatment, etc.

Everyone must fight, but the division of labor is different.

Whether you can survive or not, tonight is the most important night.

Thirty-three snipers took the lead in launching the attack. At this time, the armored giant cockroach was still two kilometers away, but it was already within the range of the ray gun.

One after another, giant armored cockroaches were killed.

Zhou Sen is sitting in the command room. He can monitor the surrounding environment through the holographic scanning system at the end, and can also direct the snipers to shoot. Now, everyone who shoots at the target must strictly follow Zhou Sen's orders.

The seemingly random shooting actually has a clear goal.

Zhou Sen is disturbing the gathering of giant armored cockroaches.

The armored giant cockroaches shot by the ray gun all gathered in a certain direction, and this kind of shooting caused a commotion in the gathering of the armored giant cockroaches.

Zhou Sen issued a fatal order, not allowed to shoot the armored giant cockroach, but only to injure the armored giant cockroach. The so-called shooting injury meant shooting the huge body of the armored giant cockroach, not its fatal head.

The commotion among the armored giant cockroaches was also due to the fact that there were too many injured armored giant cockroaches. They did not die completely, but struggled desperately. The power burst out from this painful death struggle was huge, and this power also interfered with other animals.

The march of the armored giant cockroaches.

After all, the armored giant cockroaches are not human beings. Although they can charge into battle without fear of death, when they are injured, their animal nature cannot be controlled, and discipline becomes empty talk.

Currently, thirty-three snipers shoot and injure an armored giant cockroach every ten seconds. In other words, they can shoot and injure thirty-three armored giant cockroaches every time. After each shot, they will adjust the direction according to Zhou Sen's instructions.

Shoot again.

Injuring thirty-three armored giant cockroaches at one time will cause local chaos in the armored giant cockroach army. The significance of changing positions every ten seconds is that this local chaos will continue to increase.

Of course, in the eyes of General Val, everything done by Fortress M23 is just a hammer and a hammer, because when human soldiers fight against the armored giant cockroaches, they strive to eliminate the armored giant cockroaches as much as possible, and

What Zhou Sen is doing now is like child's play.

The charge begins!

Zhou Sen sat in the command room with a proud smile on his face. His plan was successful. The patience of the armored giant cockroaches had been exhausted. They rushed towards the M23 fortress like a tide. Thousands of troops were like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Like the tide, the whole earth was trembling.

General Val at the base sighed.

Obviously, Fortress M23 is doomed, because currently there are only more than a hundred refugees inside the fortress, while the number of armored giant cockroaches around it exceeds at least one hundred thousand.

What do more than a hundred people think of a hundred thousand armored giant cockroaches?

In other words, one person has to kill a thousand armored giant cockroaches, which is simply an impossible task for refugees with poor equipment.

General Val guessed that Fortress M23 would not be able to withstand the first charge of the armored giant cockroach.

Thirty-three hotline sniper rifles began to fire at an accelerated rate. They no longer shot aimlessly as before, but each was responsible for shooting in an area. The three refugees holding overclocked magnetic blades also picked up long-range weapons to shoot.

The snipers on MS 23 fortress assist in shooting, mainly shooting at some overlooked blind spots.

At present, more than fifty refugees have been shot. They are constantly annihilating the armored giant cockroaches with various weapons in their hands. One by one, the armored giant cockroaches are shot and killed, but the armored giant cockroaches behind them come one after another, filling up immediately.

He charged forward bravely and without fear of death.

The wasteland surges.

Tide of armored giant cockroaches!

In just ten minutes, the armored giant cockroaches originally scattered in the wilderness formed a tide of armored giant cockroaches.

What humans fear the most is a tide of armored giant cockroaches. After becoming a tide, the armored giant cockroaches will become particularly ferocious and fearless of death. Their simple brains only have one thought - to rush forward!


Seeing the armored giant cockroaches gathering into a tidal wave, General Val sighed once again. He knew very well the terror of the armored giant cockroaches. Not only were they not afraid of death, they would also break through the defense lines built by humans in a stacked way. Then

The ten-meter-high steel city wall means nothing to the armored giant cockroaches. They only need one charge and they will flood into the fortress like a tide, and then kill all moving targets in the fortress.

Before General Val could sigh, the next scene made his expression petrified.

When the tide of armored giant cockroaches rushed to the first steel wire rope, they were intercepted by the steel wire rope. In fact, the armored giant cockroaches could easily drill into the gaps between the three steel wire ropes at different heights, but that meant drilling holes.

way, rather than charging.

Because there are three wire ropes, the trick of the armored giant cockroach quickly stacking Arhats cannot be implemented. After all, the height of the top wire rope reaches five meters, while the height of the lowest wire rope is one meter. Both heights hinder the armored giant cockroach's ability to move.

Running and stacking Arhats normally, the most ingenious thing is the steel wire rope in the middle. The height of this steel wire rope is just enough to block the jumping armored giant cockroach.

The jumping ability of the armored giant cockroach is extremely amazing, but the height of three meters is exactly the trajectory of its jumping movement.

The three wire ropes immediately stopped the armored giant cockroaches that were advancing like a tide. They were not allowed to use full speed to get in from below. At this time, many armored giant cockroaches behind who did not know the truth were charging without fear of death. The armored cockroaches in front were

The giant cockroach slowed down again, first slowly and then faster, and immediately, the armored giant cockroach army fell into chaos.

The most terrible thing is that when they slow down and cross the first steel wire rope, they are faced with the interception of the second steel wire rope. The height of the second steel wire rope is only one meter. In theory, this height can be reached by gently lifting

It passed in one jump, but at this time, the armored giant cockroaches were crowded together and restrained each other. They had lost the space to accelerate their jumps and could only crawl under them...

Hunting mode starts!

More and more refugees joined the shooting. However, they did not climb to the commanding heights on the city wall, but shot from the top of Fortress M23.

The lethality of this kind of continuous shooting is extremely terrifying. It can kill a hundred armored giant cockroaches in one second. Even if it is not shot, it will be injured. The injured armored giant cockroach will inflict damage to the armored giant cockroach behind it.

Giant cockroaches create obstacles.

I see.

I see!

General Val looked at the wire ropes and felt a sudden realization.

Those wire ropes may seem simple, but they can slow down the armored giant cockroach army and even make them kill each other.

The function of the outermost ring of steel wire rope is to prevent the armored giant cockroach from using its jumping ability to cross obstacles, because the height of five meters is enough to block the armored giant cockroach in the air. In fact, many armored giant cockroaches have hit the steel wire rope in the air and fell one after another.


The second and third steps no longer need to consider the bouncing of the armored giant cockroach. They simply force the armored giant cockroach to crawl under it. Under this situation, the speed of the armored giant cockroach is once again slowed down.

The fourth line of defense of the steel wire rope is multi-functional. The three layers of steel wire rope prevent the armored giant cockroach that breaks through the first three lines of defense from approaching the steel city wall at high speed...

Genius design!

Genius design!

Val couldn't help but secretly admire that the refugee leader of Fortress M23 was definitely a genius. He used the simplest materials and the lowest cost to solve problems that humans have been unable to solve.

Since the outbreak of the armored giant cockroach disaster, mankind has not had an effective way to curb the tide of armored giant cockroaches. Even if there is one, it cannot be promoted because the cost is too high.

Iron pillars, steel wire ropes.

There is no doubt that the two materials, iron columns and steel wire ropes, are cheap and easy to promote. As long as you are willing, you can build them in a few hours.

At this time, Val has decided that he will promote this experience on Sunshade Star. He believes that with this defense system, the armored giant cockroaches will lose their speed advantage, and the survival probability of those fortresses will be greatly increased...

The armored giant cockroach that has lost its speed has become a target for humans.

The lethality caused by more than a hundred people shooting at the same time is extremely terrifying, because the densely packed armored giant cockroaches do not need to aim at all. Just shoot at will to kill the armored giant cockroaches. Even if they are shot, the armored giant cockroaches will be injured.

The giant cockroach army causes trouble. After all, the injured armored giant cockroach will struggle like crazy, which in turn will cause trouble for similar charges.

One shot can cause casualties to one hundred armored giant cockroaches, and one shot takes about two seconds. In other words, one thousand armored giant cockroaches can be killed in twenty seconds, and ten thousand can be killed in three minutes.

Of course, this is just a literal figure, and the actual kill figures are much smaller. After all, many armored giant cockroaches are only slightly injured.

The steel ropes and the continuous shooting still dampened the unstoppable arrogance of the armored giant cockroach army. They crowded into a ball in the wasteland like snails. After finally getting through the steel wire mesh, they faced intensive firepower.

However, the numerical gap between the two sides is really too big. The number of armored giant cockroaches exceeds 100,000, while the number of refugees is only more than 100, and there are no weapons of mass destruction.

With the absolute advantage of numbers, the armored giant cockroaches still approached the steel city wall. However, they had lost their speed. After losing their speed, it would be a lot more troublesome to use the method of stacking arhats to invade the fortress.

Shooting at close range replaces shooting at long range.

General Val became inexplicably nervous. He had never been nervous about the lives of refugees. In his eyes, these refugees were cowards who abandoned their homes. But now, he hoped that these refugees would survive because they were special.

Now, General Val even regrets not providing more advanced weapons earlier, such as mechas and exoskeleton armors.

It's a pity it's too late!

Although these refugees are brave and good at fighting, General Val still does not think highly of them, because at this moment, under the city wall where the army of armored giant cockroaches is approaching, it is impossible for more than a hundred refugees to defeat a hundred thousand armored giant cockroaches...

This chapter has been completed!
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