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Chapter 622 Xuanyuan Tribe

"what to do?"

"what to do?"

"what to do?"

Seeing hundreds of dragons coming over like a tide, Zhu Xiang panicked and kept asking questions.

"Don't panic when something happens!" Zhou Sen said calmly.


"I'll give you a flying skateboard, you have to learn it right away!"

"The flying skateboard...is the thing you chased me on before?"


"Is it easy?"


"Is it easier than this thing?" Zhu Xiang looked at the mecha up and down and asked worriedly.

"Can you drive this thing?" Zhou Sen's heart moved.

"I know better."

"That's no problem. Go down!" Zhou Sen was secretly shocked. This guy just sat behind him and observed, but he actually learned to drive a mecha. The most important thing is that he is a savage!

Zhou Sen pushed Zhu Xiang out, and then threw the half of the wild boar meat down. When he closed the cockpit door, Zhou Sen took out his Tang knife and waved it. The rope that tied the dragon's head was also broken, and the dragon

The head also fell off the mecha, and immediately, Zhou Sen himself jumped off.

Almost immediately, Zhou Sen summoned two flying skateboards, then placed the skateboards on the ground, performed a few demonstration moves for Zhu Xiang, and briefly explained a few words.

There is no time to say it a second time, because at this time, the surrounding dragons are already twenty meters away. For dragons with a body length of more than twenty meters, the distance of twenty meters can be reached in one jump. If at this time

The dragon rises up and hurts people, and the two of them are really in trouble.

Fortunately, due to the deterrence of the mecha, the dragons only approached a little bit at this time and did not dare to advance. For the dragons, the twelve-meter height of the mecha has formed a kind of spiritual influence on them.

of crushing.

"Just master your balance. Let's go!" Zhou Sen picked up the dragon head and stepped on the flying skateboard.

"Hmm...ah..." Zhu Xiang stepped on the flying skateboard with half of the wild boar meat in his arms. He stumbled and almost fell down. Fortunately, he adjusted immediately and then flew into the sky unsteadily.

“Not bad, not bad!”

Seeing that Zhu Xiang had controlled the flying skateboard, Zhou Sen quickly encouraged him and followed him into the sky, recalling the mecha. At this time, the mecha's mission of deterring the dragon had been completed.

Damn it!

So many dragons!

When Zhou Sen flew into the sky, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him, because dragons from all directions were converging in their direction. Especially after the mecha disappeared, the dragons began to run wildly in the direction in which they flew. From a bird's-eye view,

Like a torrent, it looks extremely spectacular.

Seeing Zhou Sen and Zhu Xiang flying into the sky, the dragons on the ground jumped like crazy, opened their mouths and bit into the air. Unfortunately, they did not have the ability to fly like the legend.

Flying ability!

Zhou Sen really wants to know why some of the spiritual beasts and ferocious beasts on this planet have lost the ability to fly, because, according to some historical records, whether they are divine dragons, dragons, or unicorns, they can all fly.

Now, not only some mythical beasts have lost their ability to fly, but Zhou Sen's Thousand God Craftsman Ship has also lost its ability to fly. This planet has magical forbidden power.

However, what surprised Zhou Sen was that the God of Death actually had the ability to jump through space.


Could it be that the restrictions on this planet are targeted, or the restrictions on this planet have no restrictions on old gods like the God of Death?

Zhou Sen has dealt with the God of Death many times, and he already has a certain understanding of the God of Death. Although the God of Death is only a low-level god, due to the special nature of his identity, although he does not have many believers, he has been in the long history of mankind.

It's never been interrupted.

The uninterrupted power of faith is a huge advantage in itself, because for the God of Death who can be resurrected infinitely, having the uninterrupted power of faith means that he will never lose his power.

Zhou Sen's current number of followers is extremely large, easily reaching hundreds of millions or even billions. However, the number of his followers is extremely unstable. Moreover, the quality of his followers is unsatisfactory, and their piety is far from enough. When watching live battle broadcasts, he contributes

If you don’t look at it, you won’t contribute, but the God of Death is different. Although the number of followers of the God of Death is small, their piety is far beyond what Zhou Sen’s followers can match.

The problem Zhou Sen currently faces is that the number of believers is unstable, and the power of faith contributed by believers is not pure, which causes his power to be unstable. When believers contribute concentrated power of faith, his body cannot digest it, resulting in

The case of energy crystallization.

The power of faith cannot be digested when there is too much.

When the power of faith is low, it cannot continue to output power.


Just as Zhou Sen was thinking, Zhu Xiang beside him had completely mastered the control skills of the flying skateboard, and began to do some thrilling movements in the air, up and down, flying at lightning speed, and kept laughing with joy.


However, Zhu Xiang's thrilling action did not look exciting, but rather funny, because he was holding half a head of wild boar meat in his arms.

Fortunately, I chose to hold the dragon head!

Seeing Zhu Xiang flying around in the air with half a head of wild boar meat in his arms, Zhou Sen couldn't help but free up a hand to wipe his sweat, secretly glad that he chose the dragon head, otherwise, his reputation would be ruined in one day.

A feast of gluttony!

Soon, Zhou Sen's eyes moved from Zhu Xiang's body to the ground.

At this time, a gluttonous feast had begun on the wasteland. Hundreds of dragons came from all directions to cook. For a moment, the wasteland seemed like a Shura field, with dragons biting and devouring wild animals everywhere.

Pork, the air is filled with a choking smell of blood.

In addition to the dragons, there are also some unknown giant beasts competing for food. Judging from their ferocious appearance, they are not good enemies. Otherwise, they would not dare to fight for food in the dragon army.

There are also many birds, and more and more birds are circling in the sky. They make piercing calls, calling for a share of the same kind.

It’s time to eat!

Suddenly, Zhou Sen realized that those dragons were not trying to fight mechas, but just wanted to drive them away because they mistakenly thought that mechas would snatch their food.

"Pork, pork..." Zhu Xiang also discovered that the dragons and beasts on the ground were cooking together. He was so anxious that he could not do anything. He could only watch the dragons eating.

Obviously, the dragon could not eat all the wild boar. After all, there were thousands of wild boars that were killed. However, in addition to the dragon, there were countless beasts coming from all directions to participate in this feast. It is estimated that when the savages arrive,

By the time, all the bones and debris are gone, and it is very likely that they will become food for wild beasts.

Zhu Xiang found a nearby peak, and then lit another pipe on the peak. This time the color of the smoke changed, with a yellow tint in the smoke.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Sen wiped the blood on his body, but couldn't wipe it clean, so he didn't bother to care.

"Notify all tribesmen to return to the tribe as soon as possible."

"What about the people who came here to pick up wild boar meat?" Zhou Sen asked curiously.

"As long as they see such smoke, everyone in the tribe must rush back to the tribe as soon as possible. In other words, the mission of picking wild boar meat must be abandoned."

"Understand, the signal conveyed by this smoke is the supreme power."

"That's what it means."

The two waited for a while on the top of the mountain. Zhu Xiang lit three tubes of signal smoke in succession. Obviously, he was worried that the tribesmen would not be able to see the message. After all, this was now a hunting paradise for dragons. If the wild people entered, it would be very dangerous.

You may be hunted by dragons.

However, although Zhu Xiang lit three tubes of signal cigarettes in succession, he did not seem to be very worried about the safety of his clan members. During the casual chat between the two, Zhou Sen figured out the whole story.

In the fertile wilderness, although the individual combat effectiveness of the savages is not good, because they know how to use weapons and tools and lay traps, they are definitely the top predators on this planet. Under normal circumstances, no matter what kind of beast they are, they will not

Easily provoke humans.

Human beings are still human beings after all. Even in this barbaric land where mythical beasts roam the land, they still stand at the top of the food chain...

After the three tubes of signal smoke burned out, Zhou Sen and Zhu Xiang each carried the dragon head and half of the wild boar meat and set off on the road. Along the way, Zhu Xiang kept tossing the flying skateboard.

Zhou Sen discovered that Zhu Xiang's purpose was very clear. He was trying to explore the performance of the flying skateboard through trial and error.

This guy has an amazing talent for modern tech gadgets.

The Awakener!

Zhou Sen's heart moved, and he thought of the Awakener and the Preacher.

There is no doubt that Zhu Xiang is definitely a super candidate for the Awakened Ones. If he is allowed to lead the development of science and technology on this planet, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Anyway, idle time is idle, so just do it!

Zhou Sen decided to train Zhu Xiang as an awakener. However, when he decided, he felt that he was a bit nonsense, because his current identity was a preacher.



A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Sen's mouth. He found that his dual identity caused confusion in his thinking. Just like the scientist Zhou Sen and the gangster Zhou Sen, these two completely different identities often caused him to suffer from schizophrenia.

the illusion.

Never mind!

First, train Zhu Xiang as an awakened person. After all, in this barbaric living environment, Zhu Xiang's talent for high-tech products is extremely rare.

Not to mention on this wild planet, even in the five star regions, many humans on remote planets have no interest in some advanced technological products. In comparison, Zhu Xiang's talent becomes even more precious...

Trekking in the primeval forest and flying in the air are completely different things. The journey that originally took a week took the two of them only two hours to get there.

They were already approaching the Xuanyuan tribe, because Zhou Sen could see the smoke from the cooking pots and the lookout post set up on the top of the tree from a distance.

When he reached the sky above the Xuanyuan tribe, Zhu Xiang let out a burst of excited shouts, then speeded up and hovered over the tribe as if to show off.


More and more savages began to gather from all directions. People shouted excitedly, especially some children, running after Zhu Xiang in the sky, waving their hands and making piercing screams, as if it was a festival.

What surprised Zhou Sen was that the scale of this tribe far exceeded his imagination, and it did not look like a primitive tribe. The entire tribe was circular in shape, with a diameter of about 700 meters, and was surrounded by huge logs to form a solid structure.

The castle has gaps between the wood, enough for humans to pass through, and it should be able to resist the invasion of large beasts.

Within the giant tree area, there are also many towering trees hugged by several people. Many small tree houses have been built on the trees, which look very exquisite and have an extraterrestrial style.

At the core of the castle, there is also a civil building, which is mainly made of wood and stones. Because there are very few human buildings in this primitive forest, this small building gives people an impression even when looking down from the sky.

An extremely majestic feeling.

It is worth mentioning here that there is a small lake in the tribe, and there are children swimming in it. It can be clearly seen that there are obvious signs of water flow at the railings downstream of the lake, and although there is a rushing stream on the upper periphery

The roaring river has no water inlet. Zhou Sen guessed that the lake should be artificially transformed. Most likely, the savages blocked the water inlets on the lake with some highly permeable stones, which can avoid some ferocious beasts in the water.

Entering the tribe can also guarantee water sources.

In addition to tree houses and houses on the ground, there are many places where livestock and beasts are kept.

Zhou Sen saw a unicorn, but not a dragon.

It seems that the dragon that appeared during the fight between the two tribes did not belong to the Xuanyuan tribe. No wonder Zhu Xiang wanted to take the dragon head home...

Xuanyuan tribe.

Zhu Xiang did not land directly inside the tribe, but took Zhou Sen to land at the entrance of the Xuanyuan tribe. After landing, he was immediately surrounded by dozens of enthusiastic savages, and then, half of the wild boar meat on the two men was removed.

Take it from Jiao Longtou.


Although Zhou Sen is a civilized person from the five star regions and has seen many magnificent buildings, he was still shocked by the gate of this tribe, because the wood used in this gate has a diameter of half a meter, and some are even

The height reaches more than one meter, which means that even the smallest piece of wood cannot be carried by one person.

Zhou Sen was very curious, these savages had no metal, how did they cut down these trees and build them?

The gate of the tribe is actually very simple, that is, a few giant trees hugged by several people form a solid frame, and then there are several giant trees erected next to it. Judging from its structure, it uses the principle of leverage to move. Once a beast invades,

You can put down those giant trees to form an impenetrable fence.

Although these fences are simple, their structures are extremely strong. They use a large number of triangular pivot points and are buried deep underground. They have no problem defending against large beasts. Even those giant beasts have a hard time breaking through these defenses.

In fact, even if the beast breaks through the defense, humans have other methods.

When Zhou Sen was hovering in the sky before, he discovered that there were many rafts in the small lake. Combined with the current defense, Zhou Sen guessed that those rafts should be in reserve in case the tribe encountered an invasion by force majeure.

You can retreat through the raft...


This chapter has been completed!
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