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Chapter six hundred and twentieth seventh chapter gangster temperament

The nearly 100-ton steel body of the Meteor G13 combined with the impact of falling from the sky is an extremely terrifying force, and this force is carried by several mechanical legs and arms of the eight-legged special-shaped mecha.

Although the eight-legged special-shaped mecha has many mechanical legs and mechanical arms, in order to avoid placing a heavy burden on the engine, neither the mechanical legs nor the mechanical arms are very thick, and they simply cannot withstand the exhaustion of the Meteor G13.

Full attack.

In the "click" sound, there was no suspense. The cockpit of the eight-legged special-shaped mecha was trampled into a persimmon cake by that kick, which was terrible to look at.

The battle is over!

It's too barbaric, too violent, too bloody, too inhumane...

When Zhou Sen disappeared from the holographic screen while driving the Meteor G13, the main control room of the tender ship was still in a state of sluggishness.

It’s a long story. In fact, from the time the ancient luxury mecha suddenly accelerated to attack with its mechanical arm to the completion of the last action, it took less than seven seconds. All the changes were so fast that people could not think clearly.

Without digesting the first attack action, the battle is over.

It was only seven seconds, but it felt like a century. The observers were still immersed in the rough and savage fighting style and couldn't extricate themselves.

Zhou Sen fled the scene in a hurry, because the mechanical leg of the Meteor G13 was injured, and the armor plate of the cockpit of the eight-legged special-shaped mecha was surprisingly hard. The mechanical leg stepped on it and actually damaged the transmission device of the mecha's foot.

If it was destroyed, it wouldn't matter if it was an advanced mecha, but for this old antique, it would be fatal because it had lost its ability to coordinate and balance itself.

Of course, there is another reason why Zhou Sen escaped. He intercepted the help message sent to the outside by the eight-legged alien mecha, because the channel of the eight-legged alien mecha was actually an open channel in the five star regions. Obviously, these eight-legged mechas

The driver inside the special-shaped mecha never thought that there were other mechas on this primitive planet, so no encrypted channel was set up.


The distance of the signal emitted by the mecha is extremely limited. If it is too far away, there is no point in sending a signal for help. Then the only explanation is that the eight-legged special mecha has companions nearby.

Zhou Sen recalled the mecha and ran away quickly, leaving behind a group of stunned savages. However, the savages quickly reacted and began to move the scattered parts of the mecha into the tribe. In short, they moved everything they could.


The observers on the docking boat quickly reacted. At this time, they had received a distress signal from the eight-legged alien mecha. However, no one had any intention of rescuing, because the eight-legged alien mecha had already

It was trampled to pieces, and even the cockpit was trampled into a persimmon. The driver was bound to die, and the rescue was meaningless.

The observers looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on the holographic screen.

A primitive mecha defeated the eight-legged alien mecha that they were proud of. You know, they firmly believed that the eight-legged alien mecha was one of the most advanced mechas in the five star regions.

The facts were before us. The eight-legged alien mecha was lying on the ground in a miserable state, and the cockpit, which was squeezed into a persimmon cake, seemed to be telling its own tragic story.

An antique mecha defeated an eight-legged alien mecha, which was enough to shock everyone in the main control room of the docking ship.

Is it luck?

Meteor G13's victory over Chi You is certainly not entirely a matter of luck. In addition to luck, the driver's fighting skills of Meteor G13 are also one of the main reasons.

Every action of the Meteor G13's attack is well thought out and accurate, showing the driver's skillful driving skills.

However, no one has explained why the Meteor G13 suddenly accelerated when it was close to the attack range of the Chi You mecha. This has become a mystery.

In order to solve this mystery, the battle video was played over and over again, each action was decomposed, and each decomposed action was slowed down.

This observation team is full of talents, and soon the truth surfaced.

The speed at which the Meteor G13 started running was not the limit, but a slight slowdown. This speed was almost undetectable. Even the optical brain's speed detection reached a few tenths of a percent. This slowdown occurred in

In high-intensity competition, it is almost negligible.

Can slowdown be accelerated?

Obviously, you cannot accelerate by slowing down. The speed generated by the sudden acceleration of the Meteor G13 has far exceeded its design speed. This is the key.

There is a strong scientific research team on the docking ship, and soon, someone cracked the secret of the acceleration of Meteor G13.

The driver can grasp the engine torque-speed curve through the engine tachometer and accurately control the shifting timing.

According to the mechanical principle, when the torque value of a certain gear drops to intersect with the torque value of the highest gear, the mecha's speed increases the fastest and can break through the set speed limit of the mecha...

This answer is shocking. In other words, the driver of the Meteor G13 not only has excellent driving skills, but also has a considerable understanding of the mecha engine.

A mechanical expert added that this speed-increasing operation method is only effective for old mechas like the Meteor G13 that focus on mechanical operation. With the development of engine technology and the popularization of optical brain sensors, humans do not need to use experience and feeling at all.

Come to pilot the mecha, because the optical brain will feedback information immediately, so the mecha master does not have to waste time in this aspect.

Regardless, this result is shocking.

Where did this mecha come from?

While the observers were shocked, someone finally realized a question: Where did that mecha come from?

This is a primitive planet. Although observers have discovered this planet for several years, the five star regions do not know the existence of this planet.

The most important thing is that this planet has always been under their close surveillance, and no external flying object approaching can escape their surveillance...

After Zhou Sen retrieved the mecha, he ran wildly in the jungle. He had to leave the scene as soon as possible.

The emergence of eight-legged special-shaped mechas and the opening of channels in the five star fields have confirmed that there are spaceships near this planet. If there were only spaceships, Zhou Sen would definitely be excited. After all, what he needs most now is a spaceship, but if this

If the two spaceships are hostile, then this will be a disaster for him.

Zhou Sen didn't think he could fight against a spaceship.

In the universe, even an interstellar merchant ship will carry weapons to cope with complex environments, and the weapons carried by the interstellar merchant ship are simply not something that a mecha can contend with.

Going is the best option!

Zhou Sen was afraid of being targeted by weapons of mass destruction. You must know that although the weapon system on an interstellar spacecraft is insignificant in space, it can cause huge damage on the planet.

Zhou Sen ran frantically in the jungle, running for more than ten kilometers before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Sen carefully searched the surroundings, and after making sure it was safe, he found a stone to sit on, and then began to sort out some details.

Eight-legged alien mecha.

Open channels in the five major star areas.

Obviously, the eight-legged alien mecha was not a product of interstellar civilization outside the five star regions as he had guessed before. In fact, the eight-legged alien mecha was a product of the civilization of the five star regions. At least, it was the same as the five star regions.

The domains are closely related.


Time was of the essence at that time, otherwise, the remains of the mecha could be carefully studied and the truth would come to light immediately.

Of course, the remains of those mechas were just for verification. Zhou Sen could already confirm that the eight-legged special mechas came from the five star regions. After all, the signal channels were real.

Even if the eight-legged special-shaped mecha was not produced in the five star regions, its technology should have originated from the five star regions. Obviously, there was a huge team behind the eight-legged special-shaped mecha. Otherwise, he would not have called for rescue.


What are they doing here?

Why get involved in the war between savages?


The only way to solve this mystery is to go to Zhuolu.

Information fed back from the Xuanyuan tribe shows that Zhuolu is a region, and there is a tribe called Chi You in the Zhuolu region.

Chiyou tribe.

Could it be that the eight-legged alien mecha that I killed was the leader of the Chiyou tribe?

Zhou Sen sighed. He was trapped on this planet. At the very moment when he was in dire straits, he fulfilled the story in the legend and became a god to help Zhu Xiang defeat Chi You.

No matter what, go to Zhuolu District first and find an opportunity to infiltrate the Chiyou tribe. If you are lucky, it is possible to grab an interstellar spaceship.

This time, what appeared at the corner of Zhou Sen's mouth was not a bitter smile, but a sinister smile.

Zhou Sen still has a gangster temperament in his bones. Whenever he is in adversity, this temperament will be infinitely expanded...

It is very easy to go to Zhuolu District, but it is not easy to enter the Chiyou tribe in Zhuolu District without anyone noticing, because Zhou Sen will be recognized by the wild people in the fertile field, let alone going to Zhuolu District.

Identity, after all, his gods are already all over this area.

Zhou Sen first dressed himself up to make himself look more like a savage.

Fortunately, when he was in the Xuanyuan tribe, the savages donated some animal skins to Zhou Sen. Then, Zhou Sen summoned the animal skins and sewed himself a set of animal skin clothes imitating the styles of the savages.

After getting the animal skin clothes, Zhou Sen also messed up his hair. Of course, Zhou Sen's hair is messy now, because he hasn't had a haircut in almost two months, and he looks like a savage.

The most difficult thing was the animal skin shoes. Even with all kinds of cutting tools, Zhou Sen still struggled for more than two hours to get himself a pair of crooked animal skin shoes.

Never mind!

Zhou Sen, who was exhausted both mentally and physically, took a look at the huge star that was gradually setting, put on his shoes and hit the road. He decided to go some distance before it got dark.

Originally, Zhou Sen was planning to hit the road on a flying skateboard, but after much deliberation, he rejected it because the flying skateboard would be easily discovered by savages hiding in the jungle, and his body was too white and clean.

The tattoos on his body were covered by animal skin, but the tattoos on his arms were too dazzling against the fair skin, so he needed to torment himself to make himself look like an out-and-out savage...




Zhou Sen set out on the road, and then, he could be heard cursing all the way, because there were dense thorns along the way, and after only walking a few kilometers, the skin exposed outside the animal hide was already scratched and torn.

Damn dragon scale armor, it will fall off at the critical moment!

Probably dragon scale armor needs a certain amount of stimulation to protect the skin, and a slight scratch like a thorn cannot awaken the latent dragon scale armor, so naturally there is no protection at all.

What made Zhou Sen vomit blood the most was that his animal skin shoes cracked after walking only a few hundred meters. Obviously, his sewing skills needed to be improved.

After Zhou Sen got angry, he simply took off the animal skin, carried it in his hands, and trudged barefoot through the jungle.

This is a person's "journey".

Zhou Sen gritted his teeth and adjusted his mentality, humming a little tune and walking towards Zhuolu District.

In fact, Zhou Sen didn't know the specific location of the Chiyou tribe, but he had asked the savages of the Xuanyuan tribe before and knew the direction of Zhuolu District. Now, he only needs to walk in one direction, crossing mountains and crossing rivers.

, cross the bridge when you encounter it... No, there is no bridge to cross.

The sunset time on this planet is extremely long, and Zhou Sen walked for three hours before the sunlight truly disappeared.

When the sky turned into stars, Zhou Sen found a place leeward, found some dry firewood around, and made himself a fire.

Of course, Zhou Sen did not have the skill or patience to drill wood to make fire. He did not use the skills of a refiner to light a fire, but directly lit it with a lighter.

When the barbecue grill was set up, Zhou Sen couldn't help but applaud his own cleverness, because he had already obtained a large piece of meat from the Xuanyuan tribe and put it in the space ring. Otherwise, he would be eating the garbage in the space ring now.

For food, the main thing is to hunt in the mountains to find meat.

When the meat was steaming on the campfire and the aroma of meat filled the air, Zhou Sen wanted to summon his own outdoor equipment, then pour a glass of wine and enjoy this rare comfort.

However, Zhou Sen controlled his desires. He didn't want to develop bad habits and expose his identity, because he had to maintain his savage image at all times.

If he summons some modern appliances and drinks fine wine, and a wild man suddenly appears, his plan will be ruined.


Just when Zhou Sen was thinking about being discovered by a savage, suddenly, an extremely dangerous aura filled the air.


Almost instinctively, Zhou Sen suddenly turned sideways. Immediately, a sharp arrow stared at the tree trunk next to his ear, making a buzzing and shaking sound, which was terrifying.




Amidst the sound of piercing the air, three more sharp arrows were fired in the shape of a pin.


Zhou Sen was angry, and with a shudder, he ran wildly into the dark woods. When his powerful fingers clasped around a person's throat, the afterimage behind him was still at the campfire.

The speed is shocking.

Zhou Sen did not kill him because the person whose throat he had locked was a woman.

Zhou Sen will not kill women unless necessary...

This chapter has been completed!
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