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Chapter 688 Chaos


Just when the entire galaxy's underground modification market was fascinated by Zhou Sen's weapon modification, the live holographic screen suddenly turned off.

The reason for the closure is simple, because Zhou Sen's modification has ended.

Of course, the live broadcast screen did not show that the modification had been completed, because the optical brain was delayed by a few minutes when live broadcasting Zhou Sen's modification, and the time difference of these few minutes was deliberately set by the optical brain. In this case, Zhou Sen's modification from the space ring

The scenes of summoning metal and recalling some modified spare parts to the space ring can be dealt with.

Zhou Sen had no idea that he was being broadcast live by Guang Nao.

The whole modification process lasted for a full seventeen hours. This process made countless modifiers frustrated. After all, such a long modification time cannot be sustained without a strong body. During these seventeen hours,

, Zhou Sen refined a complete set of defensive armor for the mysterious mecha.

Zhou Sen finished refining the defensive armor, but he did not install it because this was only the preliminary refining, and the real refining was yet to come.

Zhou Sen stretched his limbs. These seventeen hours of high-intensity refining did not make him feel tired at all. Instead, he became more energetic and energetic, and his body was extremely powerful.

The reason why he is so energetic is simple, because the power of faith from the underground modification market in the galaxy pours into Zhou Sen's body.

The people in the underground modification market of the Milky Way have contributed a lot of faith to Zhou Sen, because this group is all mecha modification enthusiasts, and the power of faith they contribute is purer than the power of faith contributed by ordinary people.

Although Zhou Sen was not tired, he still worked on refining, and then reinstalled the spare parts neatly arranged in cabin 23 on the mysterious mecha.

Now, Zhou Sen has a good understanding of the structure of this mysterious mecha.

After installing the spare parts, Zhou Sen still did not install the defensive armor, but summoned all the defensive armors into the space ring.

Why not install it?

Why not install it?!

Zhou Sen didn't know that his actions caused Guang Nao to fall into crazy calculations.

Guang Nao didn't even know that the defensive armor refined by Zhou Sen was just the beginning, and what followed was a very complicated refining process.

To put it simply, Zhou Sen has only refined the shape of the defensive armor. The defensive armor is no different from ordinary metal, and Zhou Sen's purpose is to refine the defensive armor in the same way as weapon refining.

Regarding weapon refining, Zhou Sen's experience is still at the stage of imitating flying swords, and flying swords are offensive weapons. Defensive armor, as the name suggests, is defensive armor, which is completely different from flying swords. Therefore, what Zhou Sen currently has

The weapon refining experience is of no use for the time being.

Zhou Sen looked up at the mysterious mecha standing in cabin 23.

I need to give this mecha a name.

Zhou Sen thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of a catchy name, because there are countless mecha brands in the five major star regions, and the good-sounding names of "Fearless Pioneer" and "Steel Fortress" were all taken by some mecha companies.

Should I use a mythical character as my name?

Zhou Sen began to capture some mythical characters in his brain.

The Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, Pangu Gonggong Nuwa, the Three Qing Dynasties...

Zhou Sen thought about it for a while, but he still felt that it was not cool enough.

Want the most powerful god.

The most powerful god.

The most mysterious god...


As a god, Chaos should be the most mysterious god among many gods.

According to the historical records of the ancient earth, in ancient times, there was a Chaos God in the Tianshan Mountains in the west. He had a very strange appearance. The color of his whole body was like fire. He had six legs and four wings on his body like a cloth bag. He had no face.

, has no eyes, nose, mouth, or ears. However, a god who has no communication organs is proficient in singing and dancing. No one knows how the Chaos God does it.

Some people speculate that Chaos is the natural enemy in the center, and its name is "Dijiang", also known as "Dihong"...

In addition, there is another saying that Chaos is a mythical beast. It looks like a dog and a bear, with a spear on its body. It has eyes, but it cannot see anything. It is also very inconvenient to walk. It has ears but cannot hear.

, but the amazing thing is that it is clear about the movement around it. It has legs and feet but no claws. It has a belly but no internal organs such as heart and lungs. It has intestines but it is a straight tube. What it eats is a straight tube.

It is excreted through the body.

The weirdest thing about Chaos is not its appearance, but its temper, because it is a monster that does not distinguish between good and evil, and confuses right and wrong. For those good people with virtue, it will go over to contradict them, but for those vicious bad people, it will go past them.

Follow them and listen to their words. This is probably why later generations of humans call it chaos.

However, Chaos is also very naive. When it is left alone with nothing to do, it will chase its tail in circles, and it will burst into laughter while playing...

There is no doubt that among all the gods, Chaos is the most mysterious god. Moreover, it does not distinguish between good and evil, both good and evil. It is similar to the scientist Zhou Sen and the ruthless bandit Zhou Sen.

It’s chaos!

Zhou Sen decided that the name of this mysterious mecha would be Chaos.

After making the decision, Zhou Sen summoned Chaos into the space ring. When he went to the hatch, the hatch slowly opened automatically.

Seeing the hatch slowly opening, Zhou Sen's heart moved. He thought of the inexplicable power of faith before, and this power of faith was very similar to the previous live broadcast.

Could it be that he was live broadcasted by the optical brain again?

"Light brain!" Zhou Sen shouted without warning.

"Here." Guang Nao's cold electronic voice sounded in cabin 23.

"Damn Guang Brain, why don't you die!" Zhou Sen, furious, yelled.

"Beep beep beep..." The optical brain made a rapid alarm sound.

"What a shit!"

"Why did you curse me to death?"

"Why are you live broadcasting me?" Zhou Sen was a little crazy. He was now sure that the previous weapon refining was seen by the optical brain and broadcast live.

"You didn't ban me from live streaming."


"Don't worry, I won't reveal your identity. I'm broadcasting live to the Milky Way, not on this Kunpeng. Moreover, I have already processed your face, so no one knows you."

"You are quite clever," Zhou Sen said sarcastically.

"I am a light brain."

"Haha." Zhou Sen sneered.

"Your superpowers are very powerful." The brain seemed to be unable to distinguish Zhou Sen's sneer, and actually started to praise Zhou Sen's superpowers.

"It's not bad." Zhou Sen was inexplicably relieved, because this optical brain does not seem to reject people with super powers. If it were the mysterious spaceship, he would most likely have been made into a specimen by now.

What Zhou Sen is most worried about is that Guang Nao will hate the god cultivators, and this is also his motivation to hide his identity from Guang Nao. After all, Guang Nao and the gods are innately opposed existences.

Zhou Sen speculated that just because the brain does not hate people with super powers, it does not mean that it does not hate those who cultivate gods. After all, these are two completely different concepts.

In the human world, superpowers are just a group of people with special abilities. These people are the same as geniuses, but they are particularly strong in a certain field. But the cultivators are different. The cultivators want to become gods. For most humans,

In other words, this is a group of fanatical and dangerous believers...

"By the way, you said it's live broadcast to the Milky Way. Have we connected to the interstellar network?" Zhou Sen asked.

"We have arrived at the Milky Way's commercial route, and the spacecraft has been connected to the Milky Way's interstellar network... By the way, in about five hours, the Kunpeng fleet will resupply at the Galaxy's 117th Interstellar Station."

"Oh..." Zhou Sen was not interested.

"You'd better not go to Interstellar Station No. 117." Guang Nao said.


"According to statistical data, there are a large number of interstellar pirates active at Galaxy 117 Interstellar Station."

"Yes, received." Zhou Sen naturally didn't take it to heart. After all, he was the most famous interstellar gangster in the five star regions.

"You don't pay attention?"

"I have to go back and rest." Zhou Sen walked out a little impatiently. He was very disgusted with the optical brain following him step by step.

Zhou Sen needs privacy because he is a god cultivator!

The corridor of the Kunpeng was quiet.

Zhou Sen doesn't need to hide his whereabouts at all, because no one pays attention to him.

The Kunpeng has returned to normal.

Zhou Sen walked through the maze-like metal corridor, and walked for half an hour before reaching a hall. The hall was very lively, and earth-shattering noises erupted from time to time.

Zhou Sen curiously walked in and took a look, but he saw a ring. Two boxers were fighting to the death, and there were thunderous shouts below the ring.

Far Eastern University of Technology is indeed a martial arts university!

Looking at the two students who were beaten to a bloody pulp, Zhou Sen secretly sighed, this is the colorful student era! Think about yourself, except in the laboratory or the laboratory, I have never had this kind of experience.

Not right either.

Zhou Sen thought of the identity of the gangster.

Could it be that I was too bored in the laboratory every day, and then I took on the identity of Zhou Sen, a gangster, to vent my inner depression in the five star regions?

Very possible!

Everyone has a dark side. He has been under the strict control of his adoptive parents since he was a child. He has not had any free time at all. When he grows up and has a certain degree of autonomy, he is very likely to use the time difference in the laboratory to go out and gang up on Zhou Sen.

Act chivalrously and righteously...

How on earth did I travel freely through the five star fields?

How do you control the appearance and disappearance of tattoos on your body?

Currently, Zhou Sen cannot find the answers to the above two questions. Once he finds the answers, he can be sure that the scientist Zhou Sen and the gangster Zhou Sen are the same person.

In fact, it is not difficult to control the problem of tattoos. After all, the dragon scale armor on Zhou Sen's body is currently in this state because it is necessary. As a superpower, it is not difficult to have the ability to control tattoos. It is difficult.

How to come and go freely in the five star fields in the physical body.

If he does not have the physical ability to jump at will in the five star fields, then the speculation that the scientist Zhou Sen and the gangster Zhou Sen are the same person is untenable, because, with the interstellar spacecraft alone, he cannot do it between the scientist Zhou Sen and the gangster Zhou Sen.

Switching between the gangster Zhou Sen at will is too late just in terms of time.

Huo Yin!

Zhou Sen once again thought of the scientist. It was that scientist who gave the armored giant cockroach the ability to jump between stars and made the five star regions the hunting grounds for the armored giant cockroach. It is very likely that the answer to the mystery of his ability to jump in the five star regions

It takes Huo Yin to uncover it.

Iron-clad giant cockroach.

I wonder what is happening to the captured cockroach head now?

Thinking of the cockroach head, Zhou Sen couldn't stand immediately, turned and left the entertainment hall, and walked quickly towards the laboratory.

"Stop!" Zhou Sen was stopped by two security personnel wearing exoskeleton armor at the entrance of the laboratory. No, not just two security personnel, there were two security personnel near the laboratory door.

Four security personnel, four fully armed security personnel, wearing exoskeleton armor and holding standard weapons in their hands, each and every one of them felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

what happened?

"I'm Jimu, and I proposed using an antimatter incinerator to hunt down the armored giant cockroach." Zhou Sen could only take the initiative to reveal his identity, hoping that the other party would be accommodating.

"Sorry, this is a martial law area. No one is allowed to enter." The security guard was stiff at first. After Zhou Sen identified himself, his attitude became much more polite, but he still shook his head and refused.

"Okay. Excuse me."

Zhou Sen thought for a while and felt that there was no need to rush in and get into trouble, because he could obtain relevant data about the armored giant cockroach through the optical brain.

"What are you doing?" Just when Zhou Sen turned around and was about to leave, he saw Xiao Jingjing walking towards him.

"I want to see that giant armored cockroach."

"What's so interesting about a giant armored cockroach? Just wait for me here. I'll go in and call someone and he'll come out right away."


Before Zhou Sen could answer, Xiao Jingjing had already rushed into the laboratory like a tornado. Xiao Jingjing obviously had free access to the laboratory because the four heavily guarded security personnel did not stop her.


Sure enough, right away, Zhou Sen was just stunned when Xiao Jingjing rushed out again. Behind her, there was a student in a white coat. Zhou Sen guessed that this student should be doing research in the laboratory, and the result was hard.

Shengsheng was pulled out by Xiao Jingjing, and she didn't even have time to change her clothes.

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Sen asked.

"You'll know when we get there."


Zhou Sen glanced at the young man in a white coat. He had a confused look on his face. It was obvious that he didn't know what Xiao Jingjing was looking for.

The two of them had no choice but to follow Xiao Jingjing.

The Kunpeng seemed to suddenly become active. The corridors were full of students coming and going, and every student had an extremely excited expression on their face.

Why should they be excited?

Is it because of the Galaxy Interstellar Station No. 117?

Most likely it is!

Because the Kunpeng is too large, acceleration and deceleration are extremely time-consuming, so the voyage is extremely long. This is definitely a torture for the restless students. When they learned that they would be anchored at the Interstellar Station

It’s reasonable to be excited.

Guang Nao has said before that there are a large number of interstellar pirates active at Interstellar Station 117 in the Milky Way.

Why did the Kunpeng decide to dock at such a notorious interstellar station?

Zhou Sen believes that the school's senior officials must know that Interstellar Station No. 117 is not a benign place...

This chapter has been completed!
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