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Chapter seven hundred and six watching the battle

Keep it confidential!

Okay, let me first make a request to keep my identity confidential.

In the end, Zhou Sen racked his brains and failed to find a place where he could find a psychological balance, so he hastily made a request that his identity must be kept secret.

Keep your identity confidential!

When the top executives of the nine groups of mecha clubs received Zhou Sen's request, they all looked at each other in shock, because this was not a request at all, it was the basic professional ethics of a mecha club.

Who is this person?

What is his identity?

Why did he request that his identity be kept secret?

Zhou Sen never dreamed that after he made the request, the top management of the Nine Group Mecha Club would become very interested in his identity. However, the strong interest was meaningless because Zhou Sen himself was now a

Fake identity.



The nine groups of mecha clubs passed the big data competition and found nothing. Among them, there were many people who were called "thugs" in history. However, it seemed that none of them had anything to do with Jimu...

Log in!

Zhou Sen used a thug's account to log into the virtual space of the Nine Group Mecha Club. The so-called virtual space is actually a large comprehensive virtual fighting hall, and its level of simulation is even higher than that of the violent field of Far Eastern Polytechnic University.

Zhou Sen checked some game rules.

There are no rules!

No, there is a rule: no skipping challenges!

In addition to not being able to leapfrog challenges, there are actually no rules in the entire virtual space. Here, it is a human society. Members can fight alone or form a group to ambush. In this, any ruthless means can be used, because,

This is a virtual space and there are no legal consequences.

There are no rules!

The blood in Zhou Sen's veins boiled inexplicably. He summoned Meteor P23 and directly entered the virtual space.

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Umbrella chain 楄毲扉涔︽姦鍙戞椂邂达纴杩欓噷鍙浠ヤ笅枆 銆


As soon as Zhou Sen's eyes darkened, he was lifted out of the virtual space.

The Meteor P23 was directly destroyed by the Star Sniper Rifle.

Looking at the wreckage of Meteor P23 on the holographic screen, Zhou Sen felt for the first time what it meant to have no rules.

The Meteor P23 is the main mecha equipment of Sifang City's ground fleet. This is not a third-rate fighting mecha produced by a small factory, but a real killing machine on the battlefield. Putting aside its mechanical performance, in terms of weapon configuration, even

It is the latest model of the Meteor G series, and it is incomparable to the Meteor P23.

Zhou Sen got a Meteor P23 when he left Sifang City, but he didn't expect it to be destroyed as soon as it appeared.

Fortunately, this is in the virtual space.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sen felt an inexplicable fear. If he had been on the battlefield just now, he would have died.

It seems that you cannot enter the virtual space recklessly.

Zhou Sen began to study the map of the virtual space, and then sorted out the landform features and data in the map. When he found Novice Village on the map, he immediately understood why he was shot when he entered. The reason was simple.

,Although this virtual space has no rules, in order to allow novices to have a short adaptation process, a novice village has been opened. As long as you enter from the novice village, you will not be attacked by sneak attacks.

After some understanding, Zhou Sen also figured out why he was attacked by a sneak attack. The reason was also simple: to gain experience points.

The only way to increase points in the virtual space is to defeat others, and this breeds a group of people who are unwilling to take risks. They will squat in some fixed locations to kill stupid young people...

Mecha sniper!

Who is afraid of whom!

A hint of cold murderous intent emerged from the corner of Zhou Sen's mouth. He figured out several entrances to the virtual space, then figured out the place where he was ambushed, and then used the map to figure out the situation.

After completing all the preliminary preparations, Zhou Sen summoned a special assassination mecha Phantom M1.

The Phantom M1 is a land combat mecha. In addition to its extremely high stealth capabilities, its size is also one-third smaller than ordinary mechas. It is only half a meter tall. It is a special-shaped mecha.

Because of its powerful stealth capabilities and its short stature, the Phantom M1 has extremely strong survivability on the battlefield and is very popular among mecha snipers.

This time, Zhou Sen did not enter recklessly, but observed the area where he had just been ambushed.

Zhou Sen's luck was so good that there were actually members fighting against shooting games in the area where he was ambushed just now!

Why is it called a game?

From the shooting angle of each other, it can be determined that the two are playing a heartbeat game, not a game of death or death.

What a fast speed!

A blue and white mecha and a space gray mecha were running at high speed in the mountains. Zhou Sen was not only shocked by their speed, but also by their flexible and changeable movements. In the dense and dangerous meteorite area, that

The blue and white mecha strolled around, advancing and retreating freely, appearing to be at ease.

Zhou Sen forgot about time and was completely immersed in the breathtaking disguised movements. Although Zhou Sen had not conducted systematic mecha training, he also knew that one of the biggest difficulties in driving a mecha was the range of disguised movements.

and speed, because anyone with a little knowledge of physics knows that when the human body is exposed to a sharp disguised speed, the human brain will be in a blank state, and the body will be unable to withstand the overload of pressure. People who are not trained to fly a machine will

A, like a seasick person sitting on a boat...

The pilot of the mecha seemed to be very good at sniping in complex terrain, and the two actually played a dangerous sniper game. The degree of danger was far beyond what outsiders imagined, because some boulders would explode after being shot by a sniper rifle, forming a more dangerous sniper game.

In a complex environment, in addition to the lasing gravel, a large amount of dust will also be produced that affects visibility. At this time, it is time to test the sniper's actual combat experience.

The two mechas interspersed in disguise among the dense rocks, and the sniper rifles kept shooting out dazzling light. Because of the combination of data processing and neurons, Zhou Sen had an immersive feeling of being on the scene.

The two people's shooting skills and timing gave Zhou Sen, who didn't understand mecha sniping, a creepy feeling. In the densely packed rocks, even the slightest error would be destroyed. However, it was here that

In an extremely dangerous environment, the two of them calmly destroyed one rock after another and enjoyed it...

Suddenly, the holographic image shook violently, and a violent explosion occurred.

Why did it explode?

Zhou Sen was a little puzzled. From the holographic image, he could see that the blue and white mecha had not fired at all just now, but was escaping behind a boulder. It had a graceful posture and no signs of having fired.

Several dazzling lights simultaneously pierced the huge meteorite from which the blue and white mecha escaped, like a sharp sword, forming a huge network of light.

While Zhou Sen was dumbfounded, the meteorite exploded, and the flying debris was overwhelming and shooting towards the surroundings. For a moment, sand and rocks were flying, causing a chain reaction that seemed to block out the sky in the war zone, as if it was the end of the world.

The space gray mecha didn't shoot, and even if it did, it would never shoot at such a huge meteorite. When the two mechas started to confront each other, the meteorites they shot were all stones that could be destroyed with one shot. Obviously

, the blue and white mecha was attacked by another unknown armed force.

Seeing that the blue and white mecha was in danger, the pilot of the space gray mecha seemed to be going crazy. He was frantically doing some disguised movements amidst the flaming rubble in an attempt to get close to the blue and white mecha.

Because the flying sand and rocks reduced the visibility, Zhou Sen activated the optical brain filter, and the holographic image only restored a blurry outline. However, it could be vaguely seen in the lens that many black fighting mechas appeared. The number of fighting mechas was very impressive.

There were dozens of them, forming a huge encirclement that slowly tightened, seemingly trying to capture the blue and white mecha.

Looking at the ferocious black mecha, Zhou Sen's pupils suddenly shrank, like pinpricks.

It's the "Pathfinder" long-range combat mecha from Meteor Mecha Company!

Zhou Sen is very familiar with this mecha, because he once dismantled this mecha when he was in Sifang City. It is a flagship product among the many classic mechas of Meteor Mecha Company.

The pilot of the space gray mecha regained his composure, and the holographic image became stable.

A dazzling light shot out, and a fierce Pathfinder exploded into a ball of orange sparks.

The space gray mecha started his best sniping. Judging from the visual angle formed at that moment of the holographic image, the space gray mecha was using the cover of rocks to constantly avoid the lasers coming from the surroundings.

The rubble indicates that there is a huge firepower network surrounding it.

Under the smart disguised evasive action of the space gray mecha, dazzling rays of light appeared in the night sky. Each ray of light represented the coming of death. It either hit the engine room or hit the cockpit directly.

A ball of dazzling flames will immediately explode in the engine room. After hitting the cockpit, the battlefield will be filled with the remains of mechas, which is shocking...

Zhou Sen felt a chill running down his spine. The shooting accuracy of the space gray mecha made Zhou Sen feel terrified. Its shooting accuracy was as high as over 80%. In other words, if he fired ten shots, at least eight of them would hit the target.

, achieving such high shooting accuracy in such a complex environment is enough to make any interstellar sniper fearful.

In just over twenty minutes, as many as nine Pathfinders were hit by space gray mechas, and the casualties continued.

What a scary sniper!

What a scary space gray mecha!

Zhou Sen is very familiar with the Meteor mecha series. Although the Pathfinder is not the best mecha, its combat effectiveness is also very powerful. If someone said that one mecha can kill nine Pathfinders, he really

Don't believe it.

The holographic scanning function of the black mecha is indeed powerful!

Looking at the burning flames, Zhou Sen couldn't help but feel sad for the Pathfinder mecha. Facing the hunting of the black mecha with the advantages of speed and holographic scanning, the Pathfinder was like fish on the chopping board.

Can be slaughtered by him.

Suddenly, Zhou Sen felt that the speed of the space gray mecha seemed to have slowed down, the frequency of firing was also much lower, the range of disguised movements was also much smaller, and its flight attitude seemed to have changed to an energy-saving mode. It could be clearly seen that,

The encirclement has become smaller and smaller, and its firing speed has become slower and slower. Zhou Sen believes that as long as it keeps firing, it is impossible for the Pathfinder to get close.

What went wrong?

Energy bar!

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Sen thought of the problem. The energy consumed by the space gray mecha during the high-frequency shooting and high-intensity evasive actions was extremely frightening. In addition, he began to shoot playfully with the blue and white mecha.

The energy consumed has been exhausted.

In the holographic image, another black fighting mecha appeared. Zhou Sen's eyes lit up. This mecha was not a Pathfinder. However, judging from the sturdy and wild style, it was still a Meteor mecha.

The company's mecha.

This is a combat mecha that Zhou Sen has never seen before.

The shape of this mecha is simple, smooth and natural, and the entire armor plate makes the mecha look like a god descending to earth, with a heroic spirit that looks down on the world.

What surprised Zhou Sen was that the weapons equipped with this unknown mecha were actually an overclocked magnetic blade and a light blade.

The light blade is a very common melee weapon, just like soldiers are equipped with daggers, but the overclocking magnetic blade is not very common, especially for mecha snipers.

The power of the magnetic blade is directly related to the frequency of its oscillation. The power of the over-frequency magnetic blade is extremely amazing. The over-frequency vibration it brings will cause the metal body of the light armor to fall apart in an instant and turn into pieces. This kind of

The weapon is deeply loved by ground fighting mechas. However, this weapon is not popular with mecha snipers because it is a weapon for close combat and has very limited use in long-range sniping. After all, now

All mechas have advanced scanning systems, and close combat mechas will be blown to pieces even dozens of kilometers away.

No sniper wants to use a close combat weapon?

The pilot of the black mecha seemed to have sensed danger, and began to speed up the firing rate with all his might, regardless of the consequences. Obviously, he was trying to kill the strange-looking black mecha from a safe distance.

Just when Zhou Sen was surprised, the extremely accurate shooting of the space gray mecha was no longer effective at this time. In the intensive shooting, the unknown black mecha was like a ghost, among the boulders.

He kept performing terrifying disguised movements without any rules. The lines formed were very disordered on the holographic image, which made Zhou Sen dizzy.

Zhou Sen believed that in this situation, even the best snipers would be unable to aim.

The fact is that even a pilot as powerful as a space gray mecha cannot aim.



The mighty black mecha seems to have an incredible ability to predict the sniper attack of the gray mecha in space. It can always pass by the fatal light in extremely dangerous positions, which makes Zhou Sen's blood boil.

Horrible with its gorgeous disguised performance.

If the disguised movements of the space gray mecha are just wonderful, then the breathtaking disguised movements of this black mecha can only be described as gorgeous. You must know that the engine speed of the black mecha is obviously at a disadvantage, and it is inherently deficient here.

Despite his disadvantage, he overtook the extremely fast black mecha, which showed that the mecha pilot's driving skills had become so proficient that they were natural.

Suddenly, the holographic image shook sharply, and there was a "crackling" impact sound. It seemed that a huge tearing sound was heard along with the chaotic impact sound.

Almost immediately, Zhou Sen thought of the severed right arm of the space gray mecha, which should be the mechanical arm holding an interstellar sniper rifle.

The gray mecha in space that has lost its sniper rifle has become a prey to others.

It seems that the fatal blow in the cockpit is about to appear. It is conceivable that the sharp light blade will pierce the cockpit of the black mecha like cutting tofu. Its cockpit is too fragile, so fragile that even

An ordinary light blade can also pierce. This is the terrible consequence of a mecha sniper exchanging weight for speed!


While Zhou Sen was staring at the holographic image and thinking, a piercing sound of "puff" sounded in the chaotic sound...

The battle is over. The light blade should have destroyed part of the light path. The cockpit is also in a vacuum state, and the holographic image record has completely stopped. It can be imagined that the sharp light blade penetrated the cockpit and directly stabbed to death in space.

The pilot of the gray mecha.

This was the first time Zhou Sen witnessed a battle between a fighting mecha and a sniper mecha. Although this was only a virtual battle, it still had a profound impact on Zhou Sen.

The miraculous shooting of the space gray mecha made Zhou Sen feel the intimidation and extremely destructive power of an interstellar sniper at close range, and the unknown black mecha, which was like a ghost and had superb disguise skills, let Zhou Sen know that,

It turns out that in addition to shooting at each other, mechas also have this cruel fighting method. The gorgeous disguised movements made Zhou Sen intoxicated for a long time...

This chapter has been completed!
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