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Chapter seven hundred and seventy-two refugees

"Well, I found an energy stone from the Moling Snow Leopard in the book." Zhou Sen snorted coldly.


"There is also the "Invincible Secret Book" that every person with superpowers has."

"Ahem...Brother Sen, please don't be angry. Huimin will apologize to you. Otherwise, I will give you the 'Black Gold Dagger'."

"I don't have superpowers, so why do I need that sword?"

"Brother Sen, you promised not to be angry. Huimin has already apologized to you. You are a man, and you can't be like a little girl. Although the black gold dagger is not as good as the Ice Soul Divine Sword, it is still a good thing and is priceless. , even if Huimin compensates you. Besides, it is worse than your dagger, it is still very convenient for killing rabbits and so on."

"All right."

"Hee hee, I know Brother Sen is a good person. Brother Sen, why don't we go dig out the black gold dagger tonight?" Shen Huimin saw Zhou Sen's dull expression was a little relaxed, and she suddenly became excited.

"You can go alone." Zhou Sen frowned.

"I want to go with Brother Sen. Brother Sen is my great nobleman. After meeting Brother Sen, hehe..." Shen Huimin covered her mouth and giggled.

"...Okay, today should be almost over. It's been half a month and the New Year is coming again. Those people shouldn't be searching in Moling anymore. However, don't count on it. The snow from the avalanche will

There are thousands of tons if not tens of thousands, and it’s not easy to find your little sword.” Seeing that no one in the bookstore noticed him, Zhou Sen lowered his voice and said.

"Yeah, I understand. You have to look for it first. If you really can't find it, you can only wait until next spring when the flowers bloom and the snow melts." Shen Huimin nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, just come find me tonight."


"I have to go."

"Let's go together, I'm leaving too."

Shen Huimin held a book in her hand and jumped up and down behind Zhou Sen. Zhou Sen had no choice but to pretend that he didn't know her and walked ahead with his head buried in the ground.

"Hey, the list was posted! Is there anything new?"

The two of them walked out of the bookstore and passed a fence. In front of the fence, a large group of people gathered around and pointed. They could vaguely see someone pasting a piece of paper on the wall.

"Go and have a look!"

Zhou Sen turned a deaf ear and rushed forward, but Shen Huimin grabbed his arm. On this street, for fear of attracting other people's attention, Zhou Sen had no choice but to follow Shen Huimin into the crowd in a muffled voice.

I saw two Taoist-looking people posting a portrait. The portrait was of an old man with a heavy back, ragged clothes, and ferocious eyes. There were three big characters on the portrait, "Bandit List", and some small characters below.

The general idea of ​​those small words is that there is a reward of 200,000 imperial coins for the arrest of the person responsible for ambushing the disciples of Jiupan Sect and setting the mountain on fire. At the back, there is also a missing person notice related to Brother Xiao Qi and Pang Bing.

After the two watched for a while, they squeezed out of the crowd.

There was no expression on Zhou Sen's face, but Shen Huimin wanted to laugh but didn't dare, her face turned red from holding back.

"The gangster list... is that a picture of you? You are actually on the gangster list. Someone just said that you killed the disciples of the Jiupan Sect... I laughed to death... Haha..." The two of them walked in

In an alley, Shen Huimin finally couldn't help it and started laughing.

Zhou Sen's face was petrified. He didn't expect that this primitive planet actually had a list of ruthless gangsters.

"Apart from the clothes that looked a bit like the one I saw that day, and the person too ugly, Brother Sen is still quite handsome, hee hee..."

"Just scream, and everyone in the world will know that it was you, Shen Huimin, who killed the disciples of the Jiupan Sect. Then, the Jiupan Sect's army came to Niejiaqiao and killed all the Shen family members."

Zhou Sen stood still and looked at Shen Huimin blankly.

"Ah..." Shen Huimin looked at Zhou Sen dumbfounded as if someone had pinched her neck.

"This matter is related to the life and death of your Shen family. Don't mention it again in the future!"

"Don't mention it, never mention it again." Shen Huimin nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Don't follow me. I'm just a servant. You are Miss Qianjin of the Shen family. Following me will only attract others' attention."

"Hmm...what's so great, hum!"

Seeing Zhou Sen disappear, the distraught Shen Huimin came to her senses, stamped her foot hard, spat in the direction of Zhou Sen's back, and then returned home.

That night, Zhou Sen did not wait for Shen Huimin because Zhu, who had gone to her parents' home, suddenly returned home.

Mrs. Zhu returned home at sunset. After returning home, she immediately rushed to the East Courtyard. Everyone in the East Courtyard worked overtime to prepare the porridge.

Tomorrow is neither the first day nor the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, but the thirteenth day. There are still seventeen days before the Chinese New Year.

Everyone was confused by Zhu's decision, because for decades, the Shen family had always given out porridge on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month unless there was a happy event in the family.

The amount of flour and gruel prepared this time also exceeded the historical record. Just the flour for steaming and fermenting the steamed buns required several large vats. In order to speed up the fermentation, fires were also lit around it. As for the gruel, all the gruel was used up.

The utensils used to cook porridge are incalculable.

The Shen Jiadong Courtyard was brightly lit all night, and the kitchen was very busy. Zhou Sen had been helping Lu with the ax and chopping wood.

Everyone was busy and talking about it, but they couldn't find the reason.

In the middle of the night, Mrs. Zhu rushed to the East Courtyard again and ordered some cheap winter clothes to be moved from the East Courtyard and placed behind the gate of the West Courtyard. Zhou Sen helped carry the winter clothes.

In the west courtyard, Zhou Sen met Nie Si, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Nie Si looked rosy and energetic, and seemed to be living a good life. In fact, Nie Si was indeed living a good life. The Moling snow leopard skin was sold for 7,000 imperial coins, which greatly improved his stretched financial situation.

For a family like Nie Si, 7,000 imperial coins is a huge amount of money, and his annual salary is only over 20,000 imperial coins.

When Nie Si saw Zhou Sen, he was very affectionate and asked questions and asked questions. Zhou Sen also took the opportunity to ask Zhu why he suddenly offered porridge.

It turned out that on the way to Tianfu, Zhu saw many hungry people along the way. When he returned home, he saw groups of hungry people gathering together, so Zhu immediately decided to give porridge.

Vaguely, Zhou Sen felt something was wrong.

According to Zhou Sen’s understanding, the Shen family has been giving porridge for decades, and the porridge giving time is fixed on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. It is absolutely impossible to suddenly give porridge because the number of hungry people increases, and they also distribute winter clothes. According to the workers, this is the Shen family’s porridge giving.

For the first time ever.

If there were no other reasons, Mr. Zhu would definitely not give porridge suddenly.

Usually, everyone has some fixed living habits. The longer the time, the harder it is to change the habits. Staying in bed in the morning and having to have a little bit left in the bowl when eating are all habits. To change these habits, there must be force majeure factors.

For example, if a person who is used to going to bed early suddenly gets up early, he must have something important to do and must get up early. If there is no food left in the bowl, he must be extremely hungry.

As for Zhu's charitable purpose, Zhou Sen did not take it seriously.

Most of the kindness for the purpose of charity has motives, especially for wealthy families like the Shen family. Most of them are to gain some good reputation and establish extensive local connections for themselves.

There is no doubt that judging from the business run by the Shen family, the Shen family's charity in Niejiaqiao is not just for charity.

True charity is to teach people how to fish, rather than to teach people how to fish. Or it is to solve other people's emergencies, such as medical treatment, etc. However, the Shen family always gives porridge on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, which has become a kind of charity.

Fixed formulas cannot solve those emergencies.

Of course, Mrs. Zhu's love cannot be denied. After all, some people are not even willing to show off, and the Shen family has been giving porridge for decades, and that is real money.

The West Courtyard was also very busy, with some servants coming in and out, and many shopkeepers appearing. Those people should be the shopkeepers of the shops outside the West Courtyard.

Five hours before dawn, there was nothing left for Zhou Sen in the East Courtyard, so Zhu Tongzi asked him to sleep for a while.

After just sleeping for a while, Zhou Sen was called out to help. When he saw the sky, it was clear that he had slept for more than three hours at most.

When Zhou Sen rushed to the kitchen after washing up, his face suddenly looked dull.

The steamed buns in the kitchen are packed in baskets and pots for drying goods. They are piled up like a mountain and look spectacular. They are at least twice as much as the last time they served porridge. Inside the steamer, they are still steaming.

The kitchen is still very busy. Chef Peng and Chef Lei are wearing short coats and kneading dough, sweating like rain; while Sister-in-law Peng and Sister-in-law Sun are busy steaming steamed buns;

, an iron ax danced up and down in the air at a jaw-dropping speed...

Against the wall of the kitchen, there are at least dozens of buckets of cooked gruel, which are placed outside.

The sleeping workers were called up to help carry the steamed buns and porridge to the west courtyard.

In the large courtyard behind the west courtyard gate, the steamed buns packed in baskets were placed behind the gate, and the gruel was already lined up in the courtyard.

To Zhou Sen's surprise, some of the servants in the west courtyard were called up and stood behind the ajar door, as if facing a formidable enemy.

There was a tense atmosphere in the air.

Zhou Sen heard noisy sounds on the street outside. It seemed that many people were talking in low voices. Occasionally, there would be scolding sounds.

Could it be that those beggars and homeless people are lining up outside?

Mrs. Zhu was sitting in the concierge warming herself by the fire. From time to time, someone would come into the concierge and whisper something to her. Mrs. Zhu had a look of anxiety on her face.

After a while, Zhu Tongzi walked up to Zhou Sen.

"Xiao Zhou, go and greet the idle workers in the East Courtyard. Go out from the East Courtyard and rush to the gate of the West Courtyard to maintain order. We will open the door to give out porridge soon."

"Call everyone?" Zhou Sen was stunned. You know, although many people in the East Compound have gone home to celebrate the New Year, there are still more than 30 people.

"Call everyone. Xiao Zhou, you are young, your mind is flexible, and your eyes are bright!" Zhu Tongzi said with a serious expression and serious words.


Zhou Sen was also infected by the tense atmosphere and rushed to the east courtyard to greet the workers. After the workers were summoned, Zhou Sen gave a few instructions and opened the door of the east courtyard.

The moment the door was opened, everyone gasped.

Outside the gate of the East Courtyard, there was a hustle and bustle, like a sea of ​​people. When Zhou Sen looked around, he realized that there were so many people, all the way from the gate of the West Courtyard to the gate of the East Courtyard, almost submerging the entire street. At least there were

Thousands of people.

Zhou Sen discovered that these people were not the nearby farmers or the neighbors next door, but ragged beggars and homeless people, and most of them were strong young people.

"Mr. Qi, close the door and go find some wood for a pole to make it stronger." Zhou Sen turned around and said to the concierge.

"Yes, I will close it properly." Mr. Seven patted his dry chest and nodded.

After Zhou Sen and a group of workers walked out of the gate of the East Courtyard, Mr. Qi, the concierge of the East Courtyard, immediately closed the door tightly, and then there was a series of locking and knocking sounds.

Zhou Sen pushed the door twice to make sure it was secure, and then he led more than 30 workers toward the west courtyard gate.

When Zhou Sen and a group of workers tried their best to squeeze to the entrance of the west courtyard, their clothes were soaked through.

In fact, if Zhou Sen and the others had not been wearing the uniform clothes of the Shen family, it would have been impossible to squeeze into the west courtyard, because everyone was unwilling to give up what they thought was an advantageous position.

The entrance to the west courtyard was filled with darkness, completely occupying the door and steps.

No wonder Zhu Tongzi asked him to come here first to maintain order, because in this way, the west courtyard could not open the door at all, and there was no place to put the stove, steamer and porridge-making utensils.

"Everyone, line up, line up!"

Zhou Sen and a group of workers walked to the front steps and drove people down the steps. After struggling for more than ten minutes, they finally cleared an open space at the door.

Next, Zhou Sen asked people to queue up and try to clear a space outside to prevent those who had received the steamed buns and porridge from mixing with those who had not.

This work was extremely tiring, because those people didn't listen to Zhou Sen at all, and after a lot of talking, they managed to form a dozen lines at the gate of the west courtyard. Of course, this line was only at the front, and it turned into a line at the back.

Large areas of black mass are stuck together.

Zhou Sen asked more than thirty workers to form a human wall before knocking on the door and shouting.

The door to the west courtyard finally opened, and there was a surge of people and a burst of cheers.

From the west courtyard, dozens of servants poured out to maintain order together with the workers in the east courtyard.

Steamed buns and porridge were lined up at the gate of the west courtyard and began to be distributed.

At this time, there were already hundreds of people involved in maintaining order. The Shen family kept shouting that there were enough steamed buns and gruel, so that the restless crowd could queue up quietly.

The soup kitchen activity started at six o'clock in the morning and ended at eleven o'clock.

Although they were fully prepared, many people still did not receive the steamed buns and porridge. After the Shen family promised to continue giving porridge the next day, the hungry people who gathered at the door of the Shen family dispersed.

From beginning to end, Zhu did not appear.

The winter clothes prepared in the west courtyard were not distributed. Zhou Sen guessed that there may be too many people and not enough winter clothes were prepared, so they were not distributed at all.

By noon, the Shen family had finished cleaning up, and everyone in the east courtyard was so tired that their bones were about to fall apart.

Just as Zhou Sen was packing up the utensils at the gate of the west courtyard, many fights broke out on the street. After asking, he found out that some young and strong hungry people were snatching the steamed buns from some old people and children...

Seeing an old man who was beaten with blood on his face but still risking his life to protect his steamed buns, Zhou Sen inexplicably felt a strong sense of crisis.

These people may turn into a mob at any time.

When Zhou Sen was in the bookstore, he briefly read the history of the Han Empire. There were two famines in the Han Empire, one in 457 AD and the other in 1086. These two famines caused the death of more than six million people.

The hungry people gathered and eventually turned into a mob, sweeping through countless lands of the Han Emperor. Many towns were razed to the ground and thousands of miles of desolation, which dealt a heavy blow to the economy of the Han Empire and almost shook the foundation of the Han Empire.

Although it is broad daylight now, the east courtyard is extremely quiet, because everyone has gone to bed to sleep after being tired all night.

Zhou Sen also went back to his bed to sleep. While he was thinking wildly, there was a gentle knock on the door outside.


"Huimin." Huimin's charming voice sounded outside.

"What are you doing here in broad daylight?" Zhou Sen quickly opened the door, let Shen Huimin in and closed the door.

"It's okay, my mother is busy. Besides, everyone was tired all night yesterday and they are all sleeping now." Shen Huimin sat down on Zhou Sen's bed carelessly. In fact, the only person who could sit in Zhou Sen's room was


"What's up?"

"I may be a little busy recently. Let me tell you that I won't go to Moling for the time being."

"Yeah, I got it."

"Zhou Sen..." Shen Huimin looked at Zhou Sen hesitantly, but hesitated to speak.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

"I...I have made a few pills these days, and I will give you one to take." Shen Huimin took out a red pill from her arms.

"Give it to me?" Looking at Shen Huimin's hesitant and sneaky manner, Zhou Sen suddenly became wary.

"I'm sincere. I took your top-grade energy stone, exchanged it for your Ice Soul Divine Sword, and got an extra copy of "Elixir Making". I felt very sorry for you, so I made it for you.

A foundation-building elixir will compensate you, and if you take it, it will most likely turn you into a superpower."

"No." Zhou Sen flatly refused. He was a well-educated person and knew that many emperors in ancient earth history were poisoned to death by taking elixirs.

"Zhou Sen! It really works. I know you want to cultivate God, but you want to become a superpower. So, I practiced it deliberately for you, but you don't believe me!" Shen Huimin glared at Zhou Sen angrily,

A heartbroken expression.


"Zhou Sen, I swear, it's not poisonous. It can really increase your superpowers! How about I lick it with my tongue first?" Shen Huimin saw a trace of looseness in Zhou Sen's expression, and immediately patted her plump chest and vowed.

"It's really not poisonous?"

After Zhou Sen lost all his strength, he had been trying to find a way to regain it. Now that a pill was suddenly in front of him, he still couldn't resist his yearning for strength, and his strong willpower was shaken. Of course, the main reason was that Shen

Huimin is an alchemist, just like he is a weapon refiner. He is a professional in alchemy.

"No one will die, I swear! Besides, although you, Zhou Sen, are somewhat pretty, you are poor and a low-class gangster. I, Shen Huimin, am beautiful, rich and powerful, what can I do to you? I can get it.

What? Well, if you don’t believe it, let me lick the head office first..." Shen Huimin snorted coldly, picked up the elixir, and stuck out her pink tongue, trying to lick it.

"Don't lick, don't lick... Then... I'll try..."

Zhou Sen was afraid that Shen Huimin would really lick it, so he quickly took the elixir from Shen Huimin's hand and observed carefully. Although the elixir was fiery red, it was a bit gray and seemed to have a lot of impurities. The workmanship looked extremely rough and showed no craftsmanship.

It can be said.

"Zhou Sen, eat quickly, eat quickly. As long as it works, I will practice it for you every day and eat it." Shen Huimin saw the hesitation on Zhou Sen's face and was immediately confused.

This chapter has been completed!
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