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Chapter 835 North CD Flower Fair

"never mind."

The girl just wanted to prolong her life and had no interest in peerless magic or anything like that.

"Miss, it's getting late. Let's get some rest early. The third princess will be going down the mountain in a few days. Let's go back to the palace early. We are always worried in this remote mountainous area." Sixth Aunt changed the subject.

"I'll sit down for a while."

The girl returned to the painting, sat down, and looked quietly at the purple-clad girl in the ink painting. The girl stood on the rock, her robe fluttering, and her long hair among the mountains and rivers, as if there was life.

Aunt Six also stood quietly in a corner, sighing secretly.

the next day.

The autumn sunshine is very warm and bright, and the cold wind at night is driven away by the warm light.

After the girl got up, washed and had her meal, she took her sixth aunt and two towering men to the home of the immortal.

Jingshan Town is not big, and it only takes a stick of incense to get from the girl's hotel to the deity's home.

The four of them walked to the dilapidated earth-walled courtyard of Lu Shenxian. The two wooden doors of the courtyard gate had been smashed, leaving only a doorway. The four of them walked straight into the courtyard.

How the yard was yesterday is still how it is today.

The painted door panel was still resting on the dark square table, and on top of the charcoal stove, there was still the unfinished pork head in the bowl. However, the charcoal fire had been extinguished and the steaming pork head had solidified.

On the ground, several wine jars were still lying crooked on the ground.

"Zhou Sen, Zhou Sen!" the girl shouted.

"No need to shout, they escaped." Aunt Six said with a bitter smile.

"What! Escaped?" There was an incredible expression on the girl's face.

"Look at this pig's head meat. There was so much left when we left yesterday. This bowl was also laid out like this at that time, and the wine was not drunk. This shows that they packed it away immediately after we left. Xiruan ran away."

"What the hell? He still owes me eight paintings!" The girl was so angry that she kicked over a bench.

"The young lady gave him 20,000 imperial coins, and he gave the young lady two paintings. We already owe each other nothing." Sixth Aunt said with a smile.

"...then...then...why did he run away?" The girl was angry.

"We scared him yesterday. Although he is a little wild and unrestrained, he is just a scholar. He was so tormented by us that he couldn't stop pissing himself and ran away." Sixth Aunt said.

"Hmph, I want to see where he escapes to!"

The girl snorted coldly, regained her dignity, glanced around the yard, and walked out first.

The girl Jingshan Town was angry and did not mention it.

It is said that Zhou Sen and Lu Shenxian were driving non-stop in a dilapidated awning carriage.

The two of them were already penniless at this time. Fortunately, they were good at talking to gods and told people fortunes along the way. Although they were poor, they still had no problem living shamelessly. The two of them had a bumpy journey to Wu. The caravan’s terminal station is north of Chengdu.

Northern Chengdu was the capital of the former dynasty and was rich in chrysanthemums, so it was also called Chrysanthemum City.

Jucheng has reached the north of the Han Empire.

Jucheng in northern Chengdu is a city full of flowers. The Jucheng Flower Fair held every five years has become a dream place for literati.

It was a grand event held every five years, and the streets were extremely lively. There were elegant young men everywhere with long swords on their waists and folding fans in their hands. Some ladies from small families could not bear the loneliness of spring, so they invited their companions to walk on the street, and the air It is filled with the fragrance of women.

Of course, the prostitute is like a crucian carp crossing the river, slithering in and out among the women, causing screams from time to time. Some chivalrous young men hear the sound and come, and a beautiful encounter is inevitable.

In a wide street, there was a sea of ​​people, and the deafening cheers could be heard from a distance.

Zhou Sen and Lu Shenxian followed the crowd and inquired along the way, only to find out that they happened to be attending the Jucheng Festival held every five years.

As the crowd moved forward, the two of them arrived at the place where they were shouting, and then they saw that the same huge platform had been built in this wide space.

Talented people and beauties from all over the world gathered in Jucheng to dance, write and show off their talents.

There are civilized poets and countless young talents from all over the country, including poor and talented scholars as well as richly dressed princes and grandsons.

The teahouses and restaurants on the street are already filled with rich ladies from high-ranking officials. They are all graceful and elegant. Many of them are not allowed to go out. At this time, their faces are full of excitement, and they are looking at these knowledgeable people.

The handsome and talented people glanced over.

At every Jucheng Flower Fair, there will be many stories of talented people and beauties falling in love at first sight, which have become popular stories. This is the main reason why the Jucheng Flower Fair is becoming more and more lively.

At this time on the stage, some students who had studied hard had a rare opportunity to show their talents in front of so many people. Each word was exquisite and tit-for-tat. The audience not only burst into applause, but also made the talented students more energetic and high-spirited, and the atmosphere was very active.


Zhou Sen, who had been reading poetry since childhood, was originally very interested in this kind of grand event. However, he and Lu Shenxian were so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs. After watching for a while, they felt absent-minded and uninterested, so they discussed it.

, sell a painting first, get some money for a meal, and then watch the fun.

Action is worse than a heartbeat.

After the two reached an agreement, they immediately squeezed out of the crowd.

When the two of them wanted to find an open space to paint, they found that the slightly empty spaces on both sides of the street were occupied by people, either selling candied haws or buying sewing bags and the like, and there were countless people selling calligraphy and paintings.

"Are all the talented people from the Han Empire here?" Looking at the calligraphy and paintings hanging everywhere, Huishenxian was dumbfounded.

"Even if not all come, half should be about the same." Zhou Sen smiled bitterly.

Most of the people who come to the Flower Club in Jucheng are poor students, some of whom have come a long way, more than a thousand miles away. Most of them have to pay for their expenses by selling some calligraphy and paintings. When they arrive in Jucheng, north of Chengdu, they still have to prepare the expenses for their return home. Occasionally,

Literary friends are involved in romance, and the expenses are huge. Now that Ju City is crowded with people, they will naturally not miss the opportunity to make money.

Faced with such a huge gathering of people, some vendors would naturally not miss it. As early as a few days ago, there were some vendors occupying seats on the street.

Zhou Sen and Lu Shenxian had no choice but to find an open space in a remote place, where they spread out pens, ink, paper and inkstones and started business.

At this time, Zhou Sen did not think about painting any masterpieces that would be handed down from generation to generation. He just wanted to make a living and improvised a painting called "Struggle for Beauty". This painting is a picture of hundreds of flowers. Although it is not the best, it is suitable for the occasion.

of top quality.

Lu Shenxian had great confidence in Zhou Sen. He thought that Zhou Sen would cause a sensation when he painted, and he even put on a show, but no one paid attention, and no one even looked around. Until Zhou Sen finished painting, there was no one.

A man came over to take a look.

The bad things are not over yet.

After finishing the painting, the two of them confidently waited for the benefactor to come to their door. They imagined that after receiving the money, they would go out to a restaurant and chop large pieces of food. However, they were disappointed. For a full hour, no one stopped to watch. If not for the

On the road where the endless flow must pass, it can be described as a deserted place.

There was nothing I could do about it, so I had no choice but to go back to my old job. I bought a piece of bamboo from a nearby shop and hung up the fortune-telling signboard with "Iron Mouth and Bronze Teeth". After hanging it, the two of them noticed that just before they

Less than ten feet away, there were at least seven blind and lame fortune tellers.

The most important thing is that those fortune tellers all look like immortals, but on the other hand, the immortals have sly eyebrows and dirty faces.

"You'd better put it away." Zhou Sen glanced at Huishenxian's wretched face and said with a wry smile.

"You don't look down on me either!" At this moment, Huishenxian had no fighting spirit at all, and he felt that Zhou Sen was looking down on him, so he was furious.

"...I'm hungry, brother, you are wasting your time and your life!" Zhou Sen touched his belly and wailed.

People are like iron, food is like steel. Zhou Sen was tortured by the mysterious runes planted by Master Ye Rong. His body was already weak, and now he was hungry. It was not impossible that he would die on the street.

In fact, Zhou Sen has decided to go to Xinghuo Trading Company even if he risks exposing his identity.

"Okay, okay... just wait, just wait for me here. I'll go get something to eat first to fill my stomach and then we'll make further plans."

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here." Zhou Sen urged, touching his dry belly.

Lu Shenxian packed up his ancestral attire for dinner, ran into the crowd, and soon disappeared.

When Zhou Sen waited for two more sticks of incense, there was still no one interested, not even a curious customer. Zhou Sen was bored in every possible way, so he simply sat down and practiced the "power" of the majestic realm.

Only after being awakened by the poem "Cut the knife to cut off the water, the water will flow more, raise a cup to relieve sorrow and sorrow will become more sorrowful", Zhou Sen was inspired to have great ambitions, and the two furnace fires in his body finally carried the martial arts

The mysterious rune planted by Master Ye Rong on Zhou Sen.

Master Ye Rong never dreamed that Zhou Sen was the body of the furnace. Otherwise, she would have killed Zhou Sen directly.

Unfortunately, Master Ye Rong didn't know that to her, although Zhou Sen had done some earth-shattering things, he was still just a small person, an insignificant person, so small that she was too embarrassed to do it herself.

Zhou Sen used the fire of the furnace to continuously refine the mysterious runes, and the realm of "power" provided Zhou Sen with a steady stream of power.

What makes Zhou Sen depressed is that although the fire of the furnace withstood the devouring of the mysterious runes, and even showed signs of back-devouring the runes, the mysterious runes only lost their offensive capabilities, but they were still entrenched in his strange scriptures.

The eight meridians are majestic and motionless.

If the runes are not refined, Zhou Sen's "power" realm will not progress, and his power will remain at the current stage from beginning to end.

At this stage!

At this stage, Zhou Sen is no different from ordinary people.

Facing the immovable rune, Zhou Sen had no choice. The only thing he could do was to temper it repeatedly, hoping for a miracle to happen.

So what exactly are runes?

Could it be that like the seal of martial arts, it originated from ancient power?

Seal of Kung Fu!

Zhou Sen's heart suddenly moved.

Use your spear to attack your shield!

Thinking of this, Zhou Sen immediately used the fire of the furnace to activate the martial arts seal hidden in the dragon armor, and began to temper the mysterious runes. Under the stimulation of the furnace fire, the ancient martial arts seal actually It glowed with extremely vast power, instantly filling Zhou Sen's limbs and bones.

Strange powers began to attack the mysterious runes.

What excited Zhou Sen was that the mysterious rune, which was originally immovable, was actually pried under the attack of the Seal of Kung Fu and the Fire of the Furnace. Although it was only a little loose, it was. It gave Zhou Sen hope, as if he saw a ray of light in the darkness.

Zhou Sen no longer hesitated and immediately activated the fire of the furnace. The two fires of the furnace provided endless power to the Kung Fu Seal. The Kung Fu Seal became more and more sharp, and it seemed to have an impact on the The mysterious runes were very interesting, and under the urging of the fire, they started to engulf them one after another.

Zhou Sen's two cauldrons' fire source power comes from the monster energy stone, which is the super power that conquers the world. After the super power interacted with the seal of martial arts, earth-shaking changes took place. Zhou Sen felt a mixed feeling. The vitality of heaven and earth is like countless void cosmic energy connected with him and absorbed by him bit by bit.

Could it be that he is absorbing the energy of the unknown world?

The power of martial arts originally originated from the power of ancient gods. Perhaps, unintentionally, I opened a channel for the gods in another space and began to seize the power of faith contained in the ancient gods...

According to Shi Danling, most ancient gods will have their own shrine world, and in the shrine world, gods belonging to the gods will be enshrined to provide the gods with the power of faith to absorb, which is better than the golden gods. The power of faith has become much more advanced. After all, Zhou Sen has refined part of his body into a god.

There will also be some ancient gods who do not have shrines and divine realms, but exert profound power. They manage their own power of faith in some lost worlds, establish their own gods, and let believers worship them and seize the power of faith.

Now, Zhou Sen is unable to absorb the power of the monster energy stone, let alone the power from the outside world. When the martial arts seal, which was strengthened by the fire of the furnace, devoured the mysterious runes, it unintentionally opened it for Zhou Sen. A mysterious door gave him a new power.

I wonder where the space of the gods on the altar is?

Is it a forgotten world or is it in the shrine of an ancient god?

Is that power the power of the ancient gods themselves or the power of faith managed by the ancient gods?

There is no doubt that any question is enough to make people curious.

Now, Zhou Sen is borrowing the power of an unknown god. He doesn't even know the name of the ancient god, let alone whether it is a forgotten world or a sacred world...

"Zhou Sen..."

"Ah...what's wrong with you?"

When Zhou Sen woke up with a start, he saw that the Immortal had a bruised nose and a swollen face, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. In his hand, he was grabbing two large steamed buns. Because he used too much force, the buns were deformed.

"It's okay, you can eat what you want." Lu Shenxian stuffed two steamed buns into Zhou Sen's hands and said with a sly smile.

"You don't want to eat?" Zhou Sen did not continue to ask.

"I've already eaten one. Are you a scholar? You have weak bones and are sick. Eat more."

"Let's have one each." Zhou Sen stuffed a steamed bun into the god's hand.

"I really ate one. You see I'm so fat. One is enough to help me lose weight." Lu Shenxian swallowed his saliva with a wretched smile on his face.

"Yeah." Zhou Sen's heart warmed, he picked up the steamed bun and took a big bite.

"Zhou Sen, I still have a family heirloom here. If your painting cannot be sold, we will find a pawn shop to pawn it. We will deal with it for a few days first." Lu Shenxian took out a cloth bag from his body and opened one layer.

Another layer revealed a green ring, which looked like it was not ordinary at first glance.


Zhou Sen's eyes felt moist.

"I am a rough man, and you are an educated man. It doesn't matter if I suffer a little, but you can't. Our Lu family is still counting on you to turn around."

"Don't worry, we can eat and drink in the evening."

Zhou Sen smiled. He had already decided to go to Xinghuo Trading Company's chain trading bank in Jucheng to check out the money.

Zhou Sen has always tried not to have too direct relations with Xinghuo Trading Company, because he now has a special status, and as long as the slightest clue is revealed, it will bring disaster to Xinghuo Trading Company.

Unless he is desperate, Zhou Sen will not easily go to Xinghuo Trading Company, which is his last stop on this planet.

"Hehe, I think so too! Zhou Sen, I just found a way to make a fortune." The fairy said mysteriously.

"What way?" Zhou Sen asked cooperatively.

"I just went to find out. There is a bonus for this Jucheng Flower Party. If you win the Oiran, you can get 50,000 imperial coins... 50,000 imperial coins... Hahahaha, we will get rich instantly...

"The fairy hugged the god and laughed happily, and passers-by looked sideways.

"Okay, we will capture the oiran later. You eat a steamed bun first, and after we get the bonus, we will order hundreds of steamed buns." Zhou Sen stuffed a steamed bun into the hand of the immortal, and he was full of enthusiasm.


"Why do you have to buy hundreds of steamed buns? I only need two. I want to lose weight." Lu Shenxian was really hungry and his mouth was watering for a long time. He didn't refuse this time. After taking the steamed buns, he took a careful bite of the steamed buns.

The face looks relaxed.

"I'm so happy! Eating two of the hundreds of steamed buns is so awesome!" Zhou Sen inexplicably thought of Situ Bingchuan. She often did such weird things, ordering more than a dozen bowls of Changde rice noodles and only eating one bowl.

"Hehe, yes, it's a cow! Let's eat quickly and go to the competition after eating. There are not many people now. As long as you get on the stage, you can immediately beat the crowd... Oh... beat the crowd."


After the two devoured the steamed buns in their hands, they immediately put away their clothes and gave the "Fighting for Wonders" and Hundred Flowers picture to the small restaurant that borrowed the fairy bamboo pole.

After cleaning up, the two of them ran towards the high platform.

Huishenxian said that there were a lot less people, but in fact, the crowd of onlookers was getting bigger and bigger, and it was a sea of ​​people. As far as the eye could see, they were all black heads, but the contestants were not so crowded.

The scale of this Jucheng Flower Fair can be said to be unprecedented. Talents from all over the country flocked to the event. The competition became fierce from the beginning. Some popular poems were sung among the crowd. Many brothels even lined up people to excerpt some classic poems and songs.


When he walked off the stage, Zhou Sen's mood surged.

Zhou Sen's wonderful "Yulin Ring" immediately stood out, causing some beautiful women in the audience to scream. The atmosphere was so enthusiastic that it was the first to enter the top 100 under the envy of countless literati and poets.


The cicadas are miserable.

Facing Changting in the evening,

Showers begin to subside

There is no thought of drinking in the capital tent,

place of nostalgia,

Lanzhou urged the fire.

Holding hands and looking into tearful eyes,

I was speechless and choked.

Think about it,

Thousands of miles of smoke,

The dusk is heavy and the sky is vast.

Passionate feelings have hurt parting since ancient times,

It’s even more embarrassing to neglect the Qingqiu Festival!

Where will you wake up tonight?

willow bank,

The dawn wind and the waning moon.

Years have passed since then,

It should be a false display of good times and good times.

Even though there are thousands of styles,

Who else should I tell?

There is no doubt that this poem does not fit Zhou Sen's heroic character, but Zhou Sen worked hard to enter the preliminary round.

Zhou Sen knew very well that in this grand flower party, talented people are like crucian carp crossing the river. If you want to stand out from this huge number of talents, you must make a splash.

And it is not easy to achieve a blockbuster. After all, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Trying to distinguish one from the other in terms of literary talent is tantamount to wishful thinking.

The only way is to conquer the audience.

There is no doubt that although most of these flower parties are attended by men, women are the protagonists. Some of the young talents who participate in the flower parties mostly come for women. In fact, some giants in the five star regions

Hegemonic companies are basically doing women's business, because men are too rational, while women are emotional.

If you want to reach the next finals, you have to please the women present, so Zhou Sen wrote a graceful poem to cater to women.

Sure enough, "Rain Bell" uses the desolate and desolate autumn scenery as a backdrop to express the inseparable separation from the lover, the frustration of career and the separation from the lover. These two kinds of pain are intertwined, which immediately moved all the women present.

In fact, the chief judge did not like Zhou Sen's graceful poem, but due to the pressure of the audience, he could only let Zhou Sen be shortlisted.

Zhou Sen himself didn't know that he wrote the poem solely for the sake of being shortlisted, but it actually made countless passionate women shed tears.

After entering the 100th, Zhou Sen caused a sensation among a group of college students in the Hanlin Academy with his "Autumn Poems", easily entering the top 20.

Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely,

I say that autumn is better than spring tide.

A crane flies above the clouds in a clear sky,

Then lead poetry to the blue sky

The first sentence, since ancient times, poets and poets have written in sadness during autumn, which expresses the poets' desolate mood towards autumn and their sense of desolation and loneliness. The word "sad" describes the mood of poets in the past dynasties during autumn, and provides the basis for what follows.

The different pens do their best.

The second sentence is frank and candid, and it is a metaphor for "autumn is like spring." The word "spring" points out that it is full of vitality, full of vitality and power, which is in sharp contrast with the "loneliness" of the previous sentence, and suddenly radiates the poet's emotions.

An optimistic and upbeat attitude will not be exhausted by the decline of the autumn scenery, nor will it be discouraged by the unsatisfactory career path.

The third sentence expresses emotions through scenery, with the clear autumn sky as the background, using the word "a crane" flapping its wings to break through the clouds, soaring in the sky to express the ambition, and writing through the crane to leave the "cage" and return to nature, and the joy of getting rid of the fetters is vivid

The scenery written on the paper is broad and bright, refreshing and refreshing. What a free and easy and enterprising crane this is!

In the last sentence, the word "Yin" not only has the effect of being unique and innovative, but also has the unswerving pride and the lofty ambition of "Kunpeng spreads its wings ninety thousand miles".

"The whole poem is magnificent, starting from a distant time and space. A picture of 'clear autumn sky' not only affirms those who are sad about autumn, but also unconventionally creates a unique point of view. The description of the scene paves the way for the speech, and in a vast open space

Revealing one's intentions in the beautiful scenery, this kind of open and close works is rare in Qin poetry. This person's talent is really amazing!" Zhang Wenxuan, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, stared at the work in front of him,

He stood up tall, slapped the eucalyptus and screamed.

The bachelors of the Hanlin Academy naturally didn’t know that Zhou Sen’s poem was a positive poem written to please the chief judge, and it was applicable to many unsuccessful literati. After all, although the poem at the beginning was very popular,

Women like it, but it is not suitable for such a grand event.

If you want to enter the finals, impressing those old Hanlin bachelors is the key!

A graceful poem and a magnificent verse made Zhou Sen the dark horse of this Jucheng Flower Party and the most eye-catching star.

It stands to reason that a flower festival like this requires a series of preliminaries to advance to the finals. However, Zhou Sen's casual poems caused a sensation and the applause lasted for a long time. This forced the organizers to consider the voice of the masses.

An exception was made to allow Zhou Sen to pass five levels and defeat six generals, reaching the finals.

Those who can enter the top twenty are all talented people who are knowledgeable and well-spoken.

Talents from all walks of life show their talents, wonderful poems emerge one after another, and they are full of high spirits, all of which make people admire them.

Under the high platform, some girls in the boudoir screamed loudly, and the atmosphere was warm and intoxicating.

The final will be held five days later.

As soon as Zhou Sen came off the stage, he was immediately surrounded by a group of women with heavy makeup. Before Zhou Sen could react, the goddess rushed in, grabbed Zhou Sen's hand and rushed out. After the two squeezed into the crowd, this

Only then did he get rid of the pursuit of those women.

"What are they doing?" Zhou Sen wiped his sweat. He had never thought that women could be so terrifying. Thinking of being surrounded and pulled by a group of women, Zhou Sen felt like he was being torn into pieces.

"They are all from Jucheng brothel."

"Brothel! Why are they pulling me?" Zhou Sen saw the goddess hurried forward as if he had a purpose, and saw the lewd smile on his face, so he couldn't help but stop.

"I have contacted you just now. Don't worry about mother-in-law and mother-in-law, just follow me."

He was not polite about hugging the gods, so he grabbed Zhou Sen's arm and dragged him away. Zhou Sen had no choice but to follow him.

After passing through several busy streets, I arrived at a building with dragons and phoenixes painted on it, and wrote: Wanhua Building.

Wanhua Tower!

When Zhou Sen saw those three words, a black line appeared on his forehead.

Not to mention the dragons and phoenixes, this brothel has some grandeur and is actually five stories high. This height is considered to be the best in the entire Han Empire, let alone Jucheng in northern Chengdu.

There was a coquettish woman standing at the door of Wanhua Building. When she saw Huishenxian dragging Zhou Sen in, she immediately smiled, flattered and welcomed them in. Zhou Sen saw that the woman stuffed a big red envelope into Huishenxian's chest.

in hand.

Under warm reception, the two were taken to a suite.

"You didn't sell me, did you?" Zhou Sen looked at Huishenxian suspiciously.

"You are the god of destiny of our Lu family, how could I be willing to sell it." Lu Shenxian took out a thick stack of imperial coins from his arms and counted the coins with his saliva on them.

"Why did she give you a red envelope?"

"I'll let you sleep here for a few days, write inscriptions for them, and then teach those girls some lyrics, music, etc..."


Zhou Sen was speechless for a moment, but he and Lu Shenxian finally found a place to stay and settled down.

Wanhualou was very polite to Zhou Sen and Lu Shenxian, and entertained them with good wine and meat every day. Zhou Sen felt embarrassed and started doing manual labor. When he had nothing to do, he helped Wanhualou get some calligraphy and paintings to calculate the reward.

Soon, the news that Zhou Sen moved into Wanhua Building spread, and many literati and poets came here. Suddenly, Wanhua Building was full of business, and some girls from good families were even inconvenient to enter this romantic place, so they urged their families to come.

My brother brought me here to see Zhou Sen.

In the Han Empire, it was not a scandal for men to visit brothels. On the contrary, most of the people who could visit such places were talented and high-ranking officials who claimed to be romantic. They would feel extremely proud to be favored by a famous prostitute.

In fact, some popular poems and songs were first spread from brothels.

Theoretically speaking, brothels played a certain role in cultural promotion in the Han Empire.

However, what disappointed those who came here because of his reputation was that Zhou Sen did not show his face at all. He thanked guests behind closed doors and locked himself in his room all day long. Even his meals were brought to his room.

Zhou Sen's avoidance made countless women feel sad, and made countless arty businessmen come to take advantage of the good news and return disappointed.

What makes people happy is that although they can't see Zhou Sen, they can see Zhou Sen's calligraphy and painting works.

In the hall of Wanhua Building, there are many paintings and calligraphy works by Zhou Sen.

When people saw Zhou Sen's works up close, they were all astonished, and even some self-proclaimed old scholars were in awe.

Inside the room, the Goddess Hu was counting money.

Among Zhou Sen's calligraphy and paintings, Hu Shenxian only gave a few to Wanhualou, and the rest were sold for real money. Thinking that no one cared about the stall when he first set up the stall, now it is crowded with people, and Hu Shenxian felt extremely happy.

These days, Hug Shenxian is in Wenrou Township. My hands get cramps from counting money every day, and I have to sleep with two girls in my arms at night.

When he was in Jingshan Town, the women who slept with the gods in their arms were all older than him, and the wrinkles on their faces were like the frost-beaten eggplants. Now the women who sleep with them are all tender and tender, and they laugh when they hug the gods and dream.

wake up.

There is no doubt that the past few days have been the happiest days for hugging the gods.

"Let's leave here tonight." Zhou Sen said calmly.

Zhou Sen is well aware of what is happening outside, and he is not surprised at all. The world is like this. There are few people who offer help in times of need, and there are many icings on the cake. Once you become successful, those who are trying to gain influence are like crucian carp crossing the river.

"Hmm, I'm leaving Wanhua Tower. Grandma's painting is worth 5,000 imperial coins. Is there any mistake? The price outside has reached 20,000." The fairy hugged her head every time, focusing on counting the money.

"No, we are leaving Jucheng."

"Ah...what did you say?" Hu Shenxian felt as if he was being pricked by needles.

"No, no, we have to participate in the finals tomorrow. You must win first place!" said the Goddess of Heaven angrily.

"Old Cao, you have made a lot of money in the past few days. You have enough to spend. When we are short of money, we can make more." Zhou Sen sighed.

"I'm so scared of being poor..." Huishenxian looked at Zhou Sen with a frustrated look.

"You will never be poor again, I promise!" Zhou Sen said calmly.

"But...but...I promised Wanhualou that you would stay there until the end of the competition..."


"Zhou Sen, it's just one day! One day tomorrow, and after that, we will fly far away. Hey, if we save a little, our money will be enough for a lifetime."

"How much?" Zhou Sen asked curiously.

"More than three hundred thousand imperial coins!" Huishenxian's face turned red with excitement.

"More than three hundred thousand..." Zhou Sen laughed dumbly. More than three hundred thousand can't buy a top-grade monster energy stone.

"Awesome, haha!" Huishenxian looked proud, took out a thick stack of large imperial coins and stuffed them into Zhou Sen's arms and said: "This is 250,000 imperial coins, keep it with you."

"It's better that you keep it." Zhou Sen felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart. Sure enough, most people are just butchers of dogs, but this god has no small details but has great righteousness.

"No, no, I'm a careless person. I can't save money even if I have money. Moreover, I always lose money. I lost my money last time and made you hungry. Besides, fifty thousand imperial coins is enough for me to spend a long, long time.

It's time..." Hu Shenxian waved his hands quickly.

"Well, I'll keep it for now." Zhou Sen smiled and took away the 50,000 empire coins from Huo Shenxian, leaving the more than 200,000 empire coins for Huo Shenxian.

"Zhou Sen, I have something to do. I'm going to leave first. You can take it easy later." Hu Shenxian hid the money and walked out of the room with a strange expression.

"Why take it easy?" Zhou Sen Zhang Er Jingang was confused.

"You'll find out later." A lustful smile appeared on the lips of the Immortal Hu, and he helped Zhou Sen close the door.

"This guy!" Zhou Sen understood immediately, it must be the girl from Wanhua Building who arranged for him.

These days, girls from Wanhua Building knock on Zhou Sen's door every day and offer themselves pillow seats, but Zhou Sen rejects them all.

Of course, Zhou Sen is not a person without desires and desires. He is also a normal man and he also has physiological needs. However, Zhou Sen has his own bottom line. He cannot go to bed with a strange woman just after meeting him.

The lanterns are on.

Zhou Sen tempered the fire of the two cauldrons for a while, then lit the incense burner and wrote a few words to leave to the brothel so as not to owe any favors. After all, the brothel helped him when he was at his lowest.


Just as Zhou Sen was swiping his brush and splashing ink, a rhythmic sound came out.

Zhou Sen knew it was the girl from Wanhualou who was harassing him, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

"Master Zhou." A clear voice came from outside.

"Boss Wu."

"Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry to bother you."

Zhou Sen was stunned. The person outside was the boss of Wanhua Building. Although he had not had much contact with him these days, he knew him.

Zhou Sen quickly opened the door.

Boss Wu stood outside the door with a humble look on his face. Behind him were two women. One of them was about thirty years old and still charming. The other woman was about seventeen or eighteen years old and had a pretty face.

Very iconic and as beautiful as a flower.

When Zhou Sen saw this girl, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

The girl is covered in red. Under her slender jade neck, her breasts are as soft as white jade, half covered and half covered. Her plain waist is tied up, but it is not full. A pair of slender, well-proportioned legs are exposed, and even her beautiful legs are exposed.

The lotus feet are also silently enchanting, sending out a seductive invitation. This woman's attire is undoubtedly extremely beautiful, but her beauty seems to be inferior compared to her demeanor. Her big eyes are smiling and coquettish.

The demon, the water covers the ground with mist, and the charm is rippling. The corners of her small mouth are slightly raised, and the red lips are slightly opened, trying to attract people to kiss Fengze. This is a woman who exudes charm from the bottom of her heart. She seems to be seducing all the time.

Men, affects men's nerves.

Although this woman was stunning, what caught Zhou Sen's attention was that between her eyebrows, there was an aura that made people dare not blaspheme, which was heartbreaking.

Zhou Sen let the three people into the room.

Before Zhou Sen could make tea, the charming young woman took the initiative to make tea for the three of them. Her movements were gentle and graceful, and she seemed to have deep knowledge of tea ceremony.

The three of them sat down.

"Mr. Zhou, this is Miss Qiu Ju. She came here because of Mr. Zhou's extraordinary talent." Boss Wu introduced Zhou Sen.

"Sorry to bother you, sir." The girl smiled lightly and gave a slight salute.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhou Sen smiled bitterly to himself. It seems that the charming Qiu Ju is the trump card of Wanhua Tower. Otherwise, Boss Wu would never come to accompany him in person.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries for a few words, and then Boss Wu excused himself and left.

Qiu Ju didn't seem to be good at talking, while Zhou Sen only asked questions and answered questions, making the atmosphere a bit depressing.

"Aunt Nine."

"Miss." The young woman waiting on the side bowed slightly.

"You go back and rest." Qiu Ju said calmly.

"Miss..." The young woman was stunned.

"Go ahead."

"Yes, miss."

The young woman frowned and glanced at Zhou Sen, then exited the room and closed the door.

After the girl left, there was no sound of clinking cups and cups in the room, and it became increasingly quiet, giving people a suffocating feeling.

"Miss Qiu Ju, it's getting late. You should go back to bed early. Although I, Zhou, am a prodigal, I am not used to sleeping with strange women." Zhou Sen broke the silence with a wry smile on his face.

"Ah... who wants to sleep with you?" The girl looked at Zhou Sen in surprise.

"Aren't you here to sleep with me?"

"Pfft..." The girl covered her mouth and smiled.

With this smile, the whole room seemed to have suddenly arrived in spring, with flowers blooming.

"The girl came to visit late at night. I don't know why?" Looking at that charming smile, Zhou Sen couldn't help but feel distracted and tried to restrain himself.

"It's okay, I'm just here to see the talented scholar who is famous in Jucheng, Chengdu in the north. I want to have a chat with him at night," Qiu Ju said with a smile.

"Girl, have you ever eaten eggs?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Ah... I've eaten." Qiu Ju was stunned by Zhou Sen's sudden question.

"Is it tasty?"

"well enough."

"Then are you interested in chickens that lay eggs?"


The girl coughed first, and then started to giggle, making her branches quiver with laughter.

"I'm afraid the girl will be disappointed when she sees me, a chicken that lays eggs." Zhou Sen sighed.

"Fortunately, I'm not very disappointed, it's almost as expected."

"Zhou is very curious, what does Zhou look like in the girl's imagination?" Zhou Sen said with a smile.

"She is charming, talented, talented, and speaks well..." The girl smiled softly.

"What now?"

"It's okay, just so-so, but it's very interesting."

"Thank you for the compliment." Zhou Sen was a little depressed.

"Master Zhou's calligraphy is very good." The girl stood up, walked to the desk with her light and graceful body, and looked at the calligraphy on it.


The girl was flipping through Zhou Sen's works, and the two of them chatted about each other.

Zhou Sen had a strange feeling. He discovered that this girl was very graceful and graceful in every gesture. She had an extremely rare atmosphere. In that atmosphere, there was also an imperceptible indifference, which made people repulse from thousands of miles away.

Outside indifference.

This Ten Thousand Flowers Tower is indeed a place where dragons and tigers are hidden, and a woman from a brothel is actually graceful and noble, with the style of everyone.

Suddenly, Zhou Sen thought of Wanhua Tower.

What is the state of that world-famous Wanhua Tower?

Back then, Zhou Sen had also been to Wanhua Tower. However, at that time, Zhou Sen was still young, inexperienced and did not know how to appreciate. In his impression, Wanhua Tower was a bit immodest. It seemed that apart from its antique charm, it had nothing but charm.

No special features.

Now that I think about it, the women in Wanhualou are the key.

The Wanhua Tower in Jucheng, north of Chengdu, has such a magnificent atmosphere, and there is a woman with such extraordinary temperament as Qiu Ju. It must be that the Wanhua Tower is even better.

Inexplicably, Zhou Sen was full of longing for the trip to the imperial capital.

"Young Master, are you interested?" The girl looked up and saw Zhou Sen looking thoughtful.

"Haha, beautiful women are always a little distracted when they are in front of them."

"Really? I don't think the young master even glanced at Qiu Ju." Qiu Ju smiled slightly.

"When you smile, you look like someone I know, but I can't remember who it is." Zhou Sen always felt a sense of déjà vu when he looked at that smile.

"I must have said this to many women, right?" Qiu Ju smiled.


"It's late. I have to go back to sleep. Otherwise, Aunt Jiu will come to rush me later." Seeing Zhou Sen's embarrassed look, Qiu Ju smiled calmly.

"You won't accompany me?"

Qiu Ju didn't answer Zhou Sen's words, but she couldn't help but giggle. The laughter was extremely sweet, like the sound of nature, and Zhou Sen was immediately fascinated by it, with a dull look on his face.

Looking at those teasing eyes, Zhou Sen, who had a face as thick as a city wall, felt hot.

"Qiu Ju admires the young master's talent very much. I don't know when we will meet in the future. I wonder if the young master can give Qiu Ju a poem?" Qiu Ju sat down slowly and looked at Zhou Sen with a pair of clear eyes.

Zhou Sen looked at the beautiful girl in front of him.

He suddenly discovered that this girl, every word and action, actually controlled the rhythm of the two people's communication. It was like he was being led by her. Zhou Sen hated this feeling.

"Is there a problem?" The girl was stunned by Zhou Sen's gaze and frowned.

"If you are willing to stay and accompany me to Wushan, I will write." Zhou Sen laughed.

"Women in Wanhua Tower say you are not a womanizer, why did you change your mind?" The girl's face showed a hint of blush, but she still maintained her dignity and said calmly.

"Miss Qiu Ju is wrong. Although Mr. Zhou is not a villain, he is not a gentleman who can sit still. If there is a girl who makes Mr. Zhou's heart beat, Mr. Zhou will change his mind at any time. For example, now, Mr. Zhou

People are impressed by Miss Qiu Ju and are willing to fall under Miss Qiu Ju's pomegranate skirt." Zhou Sen talked eloquently.

"You seem to have suddenly changed." The girl looked at Zhou Sen's face full of masculine charm. This face was still very reserved at first, but now it gives off a masculine look.

"Miss Qiu Ju, do you agree?" Zhou Sen walked up to the girl, his eyes full of endless aggression.

"That depends on whether what you wrote makes it worthwhile for me to stay with you." Feeling the strong masculine aura approaching, Qiu Ju felt a little lost.

"Autumn chrysanthemum... Qiu chrysanthemum... There is a kind of flower that you can't find in the spring garden when the flowers are in full bloom; but when the autumn wind blows up the fallen leaves, they fall like little yellow dragonflies on the ground.

When it is young, it opens its beautiful petals, which is the chrysanthemum. Some people like peonies, some like roses, some like lotus, and some like narcissus, but I like the simple chrysanthemum. Although it is not as graceful and luxurious as the peony.

, it does not have the gracefulness of the rose, nor the nobility of the lotus that "comes out of the mud but remains unstained", nor does it have the reputation of the narcissus as the "Lingbo Fairy", but it has its own unique charm - perseverance. In late autumn, all flowers wither, except for chrysanthemums.

Proudly in full bloom...Okay, let's take your name as the title."

Qiu Ju looked at Zhou Sen blankly, with a look of obsession on her face. She knew that Zhou Sen had a peerless talent, but she didn't expect that Zhou Sen's casual words would be unforgettable.

Zhou Sen strode to the desk, picked up the wolf brush, started writing, and a poem jumped out on the paper.

"Han Ju"

The flowers bloom and there are no flowers in the bush,

Independence and sparse barriers are endless fun.

I would rather die with the branches hugging the fragrance,

Never blown down by the north wind.

“What a poem!”

These two lines of chrysanthemum chanting poems, "The flowers do not bloom together with hundreds of flowers, but the fun of being independent is not limited." This is people's consensus on chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums do not bloom at the same time as hundreds of flowers, and she is a noble person when she does not follow the vulgarity and is not flattering.

"I would rather die holding the fragrance on the branches than blow down in the north wind" further writes that the chrysanthemum would rather die on the branches than be blown down by the north wind. It depicts the proud and aloof chrysanthemum, showing that it adheres to its noble moral integrity.

Qiu Ju stood blankly in front of the desk.

Zhou Sen looked at Qiu Ju with a smile.

Suddenly, Zhou Sen discovered that there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on Qiu Ju's fair forehead.

She seemed nervous.

"Miss Qiu Ju, one moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold, please!" Zhou Sen said with a smile.

"No!" Qiu Ju blurted out.

"We agreed."

"...I...you said it in your poem, I am a chrysanthemum who is not afraid of the severe cold and adheres to noble integrity..." Qiu Ju showed a complicated expression on her face.

“Being able to go to Wushan with such a beautiful woman and to come to Jucheng, North Chengdu, is a worthwhile trip!”

Zhou Sen smiled, grabbed Qiu Ju's slender waist, held Qiu Ju in his arms, kissed her seductive lips, and attacked the city with his hands. At this time, Qiu Ju was already confused and infatuated, her mouth

It kept making blood-curdling sounds.


Qiu Ju suddenly started tearing and biting Zhou Sen like crazy. Zhou Sen was startled and quickly put Qiu Ju down.

The disheveled Qiu Ju hid her face and rushed out of the door, leaving Zhou Sen alone in a daze.

What offense did you commit today?

Zhou Sen shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Vaguely, Zhou Sen felt something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Zhou Sen, who was already burned by the fire, had no choice but to practice and use "quiet" to extinguish the raging flames.

After a night of tenderness, Zhou Sen stopped thinking and began to use two cauldron fires to temper the Kung Fu seal to attack the mysterious rune. The mysterious rune that kept devouring Zhou Sen's energy was on the Kung Fu seal.

Under the attack of the fire of the furnace and the cauldron, they began to retreat.

What surprised Zhou Sen was that after the mysterious rune was tempered, it actually fed back endless power. Every time it was tempered, the power of the mysterious rune penetrated Zhou Sen's limbs and bones.

Faced with this good phenomenon, Zhou Sen was overjoyed. This is a good phenomenon!

Now, it is a virtuous cycle. As long as he works tirelessly to practice, it is only a matter of time before he refines the mysterious rune. Moreover, once he refines the mysterious rune, the energy accumulated in his body will make further progress, because

, that mysterious rune itself is the ancient power that conquers the world.

Just as Zhou Sen guessed.

The runes planted by Master Ye Rong on his body are similar to ancient magic circles. This magic circle can connect with the power of ancient gods, swallow the host's energy bit by bit, and transport the host's energy to the mysterious space. Finally,

, the host absorbs the essence and blood and dies.

Now, Zhou Sen reversed the initial situation. The furnace fire and the skill seal not only defeated the mysterious rune, but also refined the destructive power connected to the rune for use.

Zhou Sen's body is like a huge furnace. He not only refines any external things, but can also transform them into his own power.

Of course, there is also a lot of luck involved.

Without the Kung Fu Seal, Zhou Sen would not be able to refine the mysterious runes with just the fire of the furnace.

Use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son.

The Seal of Kung Fu and the text of the mysterious talisman are from the same ancestor. They have similar auras and can be assimilated to each other. With the help of the endless spiritual power of the fire of the furnace, the mysterious talisman

The seal of Wen Wan’s defeating god technique…

I practiced all night and was speechless.

In the morning, Zhou Sen finished practicing. His face, which was originally sick, was already full of energy, and his thin figure actually became much plumper overnight.

"You can't stay here for long." Hu Shenxian came out with two dark circles under his eyes.

"..." Looking at Huishenxian's haggard appearance with kidney failure, Zhou Sen could only remain silent.

Today is a big day.

The finals of the Jucheng Flower Fair, which takes place every five years, are about to begin.

Chrysanthemums are placed everywhere in the streets and alleys of Jucheng.

Each chrysanthemum has its own characteristics, some are beautiful and elegant, some are bright and eye-catching, and some hold their heads high... The chrysanthemums are in full bloom, colorful and varied.

Here is a cluster, there is a cluster, blooming one after another, colorful and colorful, competing for beauty. The red ones are like a ball of fire, the yellow ones are like a pile of gold, and the white ones are like silver threads. Among the flowers, there are some inclusive ones.

The flower buds are blooming, and the petals are rushing outward layer by layer. The blossoming chrysanthemums are like balls carved from ivory, standing proudly under the sun, and they are extremely beautiful.

The streets are crowded with people.

Some peddlers and lackeys have already occupied some good positions, and some poor students have also set up stalls.

Today is the last day. For some small traders, it is the best day for business. But for some poor scholars, if they do not save enough travel expenses today, they will have to endure hardships when they return home. Therefore, they all opened their throats and worked hard.

Yeah, I hope it attracts the attention of passers-by.

This chapter has been completed!
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