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Chapter 86 News from the Three Princesses

When the meteorite hit the F404 star, the warden rushed to the underground headquarters immediately. The headquarters of Mogan Prison is 300 deep underground, with multiple reinforcements and can withstand the bombardment of the main gun of the space battleship.

The warden sitting in front of the oval desk stared solemnly at the vast starry sky on the holographic screen.

This was a meteorite attack without warning, because with the level of human technology, it is completely possible to detect such a large-scale meteorite attack, but in fact, Mogan Prison did not receive any warning.

All detection and defense systems have failed.

The most incredible thing is that hundreds of spacecraft in outer space have not detected the meteorite approaching the F404 star. Everything is weird and mysterious.

"What's going on with my outer space surveillance network?" the warden asked a staff member beside him. At this time, the staff member was operating the portable optical computer in his hand.


"Is the communication with the outer space ship normal?"


"Since everything is normal, why didn't we get any warning when such a huge meteorite group attacked the F404 star? Also, why didn't our fortress star chain activate the defense system?" The warden stood up and roared.

"Master Warden, our star chain did not detect the meteorite flow..." a staff member said weakly.

"Don't tell me the reason, I want to know the reason! The reason! Immediately!" The warden slapped the table hard.

"Prison Director..." A staff member hesitated.


"According to the test report, we found man-made explosives inside the meteorite."

"Man-made explosives?"

"Yes, explosives made by humans, unnatural explosives."

"You mean, this huge group of meteorites is man-made?"

"Yes, Mr. Warden, they deceived our early warning system through unknown means and allowed the meteorite flow to enter the atmosphere of the F404 star... The specific details have not yet been concluded because we lack experts in this field."

"Now there are a large number of distinguished guests in Mogan Prison. It can be said that they are full of talents. If you need anything, you can send a request for assistance to them based on the list. In short, I really want it! I really want it!"

The warden roared hysterically at a group of his men.

The current warden is under a lot of pressure, because Mogan Prison has not had any accidents for more than 700 years, and this meteorite flow attack is definitely the most significant event in the history of Mogan Prison. It is also a stain on his career.

, so he wants to find out the instigator behind it.

Under the urging of the warden, the entire Mogan Prison was moved.

Just when the warden was worried and the senior officials were busy working, a prison guard came in at an inappropriate time and very rudely. He didn't even knock on the door, but walked in directly and walked straight in front of the warden.

This young prison guard is the new prison guard who had a conflict with Zhou Sen last time.

"Prison Director, I demand the right to manage front-line prisoners." The young prison guard looked at the warden arrogantly.

"Why?" The warden suppressed the anger in his heart. If it weren't for the other party's backing, he would have caused an accident and let the prisoner beat this impolite guy to death. He was very familiar with this matter.

"I want to find Zhou Sen!" The young man didn't seem to notice the warden's anger and said with a fierce look on his face.

"I promised that man not to embarrass him!" The warden tried hard to calm down. After all, the power behind the young man in front of him was not easy to deal with, and he could not have any grudge against him.

"He... the warden of the underground prison?" the young prison guard snorted coldly.


"Okay, I'll find his men."

"Neither can his men."

"Why?" The young prison guard did not hide the anger on his face.

"He said that no more of Zhou Sen's men should die accidentally. If you are dissatisfied, you can report it to the superiors." The warden secretly scolded the little brat, but he still remained polite.

"As long as you don't die?" the young prison guard asked.


"Okay, I won't kill them." A sinister smile appeared on the young prison guard's face.

"You...be careful, I won't end up with it if it gets too big," the warden warned.

"You don't have to worry about it. I will bear all the consequences." The young prison guard snorted coldly and walked away.

In fact, the young prison guard also noticed the warden's displeasure, but he couldn't control that much because he lost a lot of money. Not only did he lose all his personal money, he also owed huge loan sharks.

And all of this is thanks to Zhou Sen.

Now, the young prison guard wants to eat Zhou Sen alive to satisfy his hatred.


If I don't touch you, I'll touch your men!

The young prison guard immediately thought of Big Silly Man. He knew the importance of Big Silly Man very well, because with Zhou Sen's current strength, if there was no Big Silly Man, he would have lost his left and right arms...

After the meteorite flow hit Mogan Prison, the entire prison made personnel adjustments, and the positions of some prison guards also changed.

Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong is a new prison guard who entered Mogan Prison at the same time as Qin Ge. However, unlike Qin Ge, he has a profound background, and even the warden wants to see his face.

Wang Zhong's family has a profound influence on the police. In addition to having relatives who are police chiefs, there are also many family members who hold important positions in the imperial police. The most important thing is that his grandfather is an imperial prosecutor and has greater authority than the police.

Much more, and can directly supervise the police.

Under the influence of his family, Wang Zhong has developed a domineering and arrogant character since he was a child. This time he came to Mogan Prison for gold-plating, and he didn't take this prison to heart at all. Although he was a new prison guard, he was more serious than some old prison guards.

Arrogant and cruel.

After the last conflict with Zhou Sen, Wang Zhong had been holding back because of the Prisoner's Challenge. Now, he no longer had to hold back. He wanted to let that ruthless gangster know that there was someone outside.

On the seventh day of the personnel changes, the chaotic Mogan Prison once again returned to calm, and some damaged equipment had been repaired. During this period, Zhou Sen was also very idle, because of the prison personnel transfer and large-scale equipment maintenance.

Due to the problem, he was unable to go to the workshop, and the small restaurant was also prohibited from entering. He could only stay in No. 11 to practice all day long, and he had no idea what was going on outside.

Now, what Zhou Sen wants to know most is what is going on with the meteorite flow.

Finally, Zhou Sen was taken to the infirmary by the prison guards.

"It's strange, your pineal gland has always been alive and dead." Dr. Ye looked at the data on the optical brain with confusion.

"It's always been like this, it doesn't matter anymore. By the way, what happened last time the meteorite flowed?" Zhou Sen asked casually.

"I don't know the specific situation, but it is said that those meteorites were not natural disasters, but man-made disasters, because man-made explosives were detected in the meteorites... Hey, this meteorite flow caused great damage to our Mogan Prison.

, Also, many tenders were hit by meteorite flows, causing many VIPs to change their itineraries... Hee hee... The tender of the third princess you like was also damaged, and is still anchored in the port for maintenance..."

"Third Princess...ah..." Zhou Sen sat up suddenly, with a "peng" sound, and his head hit the instrument.

This chapter has been completed!
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