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Chapter 90 Murder Plan

Wanwan's death made Zhou Sen begin to completely transform.

When Master Dao died, Zhou Sen didn't have much emotion. He even thought it was normal, because a figure in the world like Master Dao should have died in the world, and that was his destiny.

However, Wanwan is different.

Ever since the old villain came to power, Wanwan has been cleaning toilets day after day, living a humble life. Although he occasionally showed signs of betraying his position, he never dared to take action. He walked on thin ice every day, even after 11

After taking turns cleaning the toilets in the cell, he would take the initiative to do most of the tasks of cleaning the toilets. After getting close to Zhou Sen, his temperament did not change drastically, and he still flattered the prisoners around him.

In Zhou Sen's eyes, Wanwan is a pitiful peer. He works hard to please everyone and hopes to improve his living environment. He is definitely the least dangerous little person in Warehouse 11, and for such a little person,

But he was beaten to death for no reason.

Zhou Sen didn't understand the process of how Wanwan was beaten to death, and he didn't want to know, he just needed to know the result.

The result is that a little person who poses no threat was involved in the grudge between him and Wang Zhong and became a victim. He probably died without knowing why...

Zhou Sen did not go directly to the workshop, but returned to Warehouse No. 11.

In order to kill Wang Zhong, Zhou Sen had devised countless plans in his mind, but he rejected them one by one.

Killing a prison guard is not as simple as killing a prisoner, because prison guards always travel together, at least two people, and usually three people. In other words, if you want to kill Wang Zhong, you must at least face him.

To two prison guards.

Speaking of two prison guards, it may not seem like many, but two fully armed prison guards are not simple, because the basic configuration of the prison guards is exoskeleton light armor and electric baton. With these two configurations, ten prisoners may not be able to

It is even more difficult to capture and kill them.

The most important thing is that there are prison guards on duty at high altitudes in the patio. They can have a bird's-eye view of the prisoners inside the patio and provide immediate force support.

Zhou Sen kept simulating the architecture of Mogan Prison in his mind.

Now, Zhou Sen already knows the architecture of Mogan Prison very well, but this knowledge means nothing to him, because he has not found any security loopholes since the last time the underground warden gave him the prison building drawings.

, this is a watertight and impregnable prison.

Of course, Zhou Sen is not escaping from prison now, he is going to kill people.

Find a suitable place to kill.

Let the air flow!

Before killing someone, Zhou Sen decided to do one thing - to sow discord.

Zhou Sen began to ask the prisoners in Warehouse 11 to spread some gossip, saying that Wang Zhong wanted to monopolize his 300 billion. Zhou Sen knew very well that this news would soon spread to the ears of other prison guards.

Taking food alone is a big taboo for prison guards.

As the saying goes, people who rely on people rely on people to eat. In prison, prison guards naturally rely on eating prisoners. When eating prisoners, everyone has formed a tacit understanding and divided the spoils according to rank, and they have lived in peace for hundreds of years.

There is no doubt that the arrogant and domineering Wang Zhong broke this tacit understanding.

Three hundred billion!

For the prison guards, the figure of 300 billion is really astonishing, but they fully believe that Zhou Sen can come up with 300 billion, because Zhou Sen is the most powerful gangster in the universe, and he has committed several shocking crimes.

The amount involved each time exceeded 100 billion, so no one doubted Zhou Sen's strength.

In just one day, dissatisfaction grew among the prison guards. They gathered in small groups to criticize Wang Zhong's various evil deeds.

Wang Zhong himself is a newcomer. A newcomer uses his background to become domineering in the prison. This has already disgusted a group of prison guards. Now he actually wants to eat alone, which immediately arouses public outrage.

However, due to public outrage, the prison guards could only curse behind his back, and it was definitely impossible for them to kill Wang Zhong.

Of course, Zhou Sen did not expect the prison guards to help him. What he wanted was this effect. As long as the prison guards were dissatisfied, then the resistance he would encounter when killing Wang Zhong would be much smaller.

Medical office.



Small Restaurant.

Underground Warden's Fortress.

prison cell...

Zhou Sen never dreamed that one day he would use his wisdom to kill people, and he would think of ways to kill people.

After combing through all the places, Zhou Sen chose to kill Wang Zhong in the infirmary, because this place was the place he was most familiar with and the most feasible place.

Theoretically, the workroom is the best place, but there are weapons in the workroom. No matter how stupid Wang Zhong is, he will not risk anything, so Zhou Sen still decides on the infirmary.

Next, we have to convince Dr. Ye.

This is a systematic job, and convincing Dr. Ye is only one link. There are many, many links that need to be completed, because he only has one chance, and once he fails, he will not have a second chance.

The third day.

It was the third day after Wanwan's death. Zhou Sen had already figured out the location of the post, the prison guards on duty and their partners. Next, he was going to make weapons.

Without lethal weapons, with Zhou Sen's current level of force, even if he had the chance to approach Wang Zhong, it would be impossible for him to kill him with his bare hands.

It is easy to make weapons. Now Zhou Sen can basically enter and leave the workshop at any time. However, it is very difficult to take out the weapons in the workshop because there is a metal detector on the door of the workshop.

In addition, the metals in the workshop have precise weights. Once the metal inventory error is too large, the security alarm system will be triggered.

Currently, the only metal Zhou Sen is allowed to carry around freely is the metal god around his neck.

Metal gods!

Zhou Sen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because of the metal god, Zhou Sen actually triggers the alarm of the metal detector every time he comes in and out. At this time, the security optical brain connected to the metal detector will immediately calculate the metal loss value in the workroom and cancel the alarm.

, that is to say, the metal detector itself has actually lost its security function, and it ultimately requires a security optical brain to analyze the metal loss in the workroom before canceling the alarm.

What if instead of bringing the metal god with you every time, you bring other metals?

Zhou Sen's heart was beating crazily, and he immediately thought of those metal-rich meteorites.

Currently, there are a large number of small meteorites in Warehouse No. 11. In fact, there are not only the meteorites in Warehouse 11, but also many meteorites in other warehouses, because after the prison was attacked by meteorites, many prisoners in the warehouses took advantage of the chaos to collect some.

Meteorites are treated as personal belongings.

In fact, many prison guards know that prisoners collect meteorites, but because meteorites are just stones, and the meteorites collected by prisoners are all small pieces, the prison guards do not take them too seriously. After all, many prisoners collect stones to kill boredom.

The habit of time…


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