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Chapter 906 Feng Man Lou

War clouds loomed.

The sky gradually turned dark, and the entire Bafang City was bathed in the fiery blood-red sunset, and the large groups of dark clouds in the sky were coated with a layer of gold.

There was a breathless silence.

Luo Xi was riding on his horse, looking at the city in the night. He was waiting for the moment when night was approaching. He swore that he would turn the entire Bafang City into a sea of ​​fire and avenge the more than 10,000 brothers.

Two hours is coming soon, and it's time to launch a general attack.

Luo Xi knew that there were 50,000 elite cavalry rushing to Zhenshuiguan for reinforcements. Of course, Luo Xi believed that he did not need the support of Zhenshuiguan at all, because what he was dealing with was just a group of rabble.

Luo Xi was not convinced by Zhou Sen. In his opinion, Zhou Sen was more like being deified by the ignorant people. He did not believe that Zhou Sen was as powerful as the legend said.

Luo Xi firmly believed that Zhou Sen could not change the entire Bafang City in just a few days.

This Crusade is the result of the Kingdom of Heaven's deliberate plan and the mobilization of millions of troops. It cannot be destroyed by a so-called ruthless bandit. He believes that as long as he points his sword, any obstacles will be turned into powder...

Luo Xi set a timetable for himself, and must conquer Bafang City when the sun goes down. He hoped that by the time the reinforcements from Zhenshuiguan arrived, the battle in Bafang City would have been settled...

Bafang City was riddled with holes and the city walls were dilapidated. Although it had gone through several days of repairs, the main body of the city wall had not been significantly repaired. It was only blocked with some broken masonry and was not a solid whole.

"My Healing Game"

Unlike Losey's relaxed look, Milley's face was gloomy.

The quietness of Bafang City always makes Milli feel uneasy.

There is no falsehood under the great reputation. Zhou Sen's fame in the Han Empire was so frightening that he definitely had a few tricks up his sleeve.

During this period of time, Mili came into contact with many surrendered troops from the Han Empire. Whenever they mentioned Zhou Sen, they all had expressions of reverence on their faces, which made Mili feel an invisible pressure.

Of course, Mili is not worried, because there are still 50,000 elites in Zhenshuiguan, plus Luoxi's 30,000 soldiers and horses, and they are already in an invincible position against a small Bafang City, even if Zhou Sen has

No matter how hard you try, you can't change this ending.

Mili's decision to attack the city in two hours was not just a moment of enthusiasm, because he had to rush from Zishui Pass to Bafang City, and it would take up to two hours. In other words, when Luo Xi's army launched the siege, Zhen Shuiguan's

Fifty thousand elite troops have arrived near Bafang City.

However, what puzzled Mili was that the Crusaders at Zhenshuiguan did not make any movement.

"The time has come, general!" Losey was eager to try, with high fighting spirit.

"Well, launch an attack."

Mili raised his head and glanced at the sky, hesitated for a moment, and finally issued the overall order.

Mili is a soldier, and he knows very well that soldiers need to work together. If they do not launch an attack at the agreed time, morale will be seriously affected. Of course, Mili does not think that anything will happen to the 50,000 elite troops in Zhenshuiguan. After all, there are many people in this area.

For hundreds of miles, no army from the Han Empire could pose a threat to the army at Zhenshuiguan. After several months of suppression, even small groups of resistance were gone.

If it weren't for Zhou Sen, there would have been no war in the hinterland of the Han Empire.




Under the bloody setting sun, the cavalry took the lead in launching a charge, running wildly along the city wall. Round after round of arrows flew into the city like locusts, blocking the sky and the sun.

Under the cover of the cavalry, the infantry began to attack the city.

Bafang City once experienced a fierce offensive and defensive battle. The city wall was very damaged. Luo Xi also had a lot of choices. He chose to charge head-on because, right next to the gate tower, there was a huge gap. Because of the lack of stone, the gap

It has not yet been repaired, and is a temporary city wall made of sacks and rocks. This kind of city wall can be destroyed with just one charge.

As long as the infantry enters the city wall and opens the city gate, the entire Bafang City will tremble under the iron hoofs of the Crusaders' cavalry.

Sure enough, under the fierce charge of the tide of infantry, no decent resistance was encountered. The city wall was captured. Under the cover of the overwhelming arrows of the cavalry, thousands of fearless infantry swarmed into Bafang City.

Rush to the city gate.

In fact, this was what Luo Xi had expected. After all, there were no regular troops in the city, but a group of rabble-rousers.

As long as the city gate is opened, the cavalry will rule!


With a rumbling sound, the huge and heavy city gate was opened, and the Crusaders' cavalry raised their gleaming scimitars high and poured into Bafang City like a tide.

Where are people?

After the cavalry who were originally preparing to go on a killing spree rushed into Bafang City, they suddenly found that the gate of Bafang City was empty and no one was there. Under the bloody setting sun, it looked particularly desolate.

Why is this happening?


Suddenly, when everyone was stunned, in the street in the distance, a figure flashed, as if he was running away.

Thousands of crusaders swarmed in pursuit.

In fact, many Crusaders realized that something was wrong at this time, but they were already riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off, because more and more cavalry were pouring in from the city gate, and the cavalry in front had to run like crazy.

When fighting in a large corps, the emphasis is on working together to achieve overwhelming momentum.

Now, the city has been broken, and the Crusaders' cavalry has rushed into the city gate as if they were in no one's land. In this case, victory is already in sight.

However, nothing is absolute.

When the galloping cavalry rushed into the streets, they realized that the real battle had just begun.

In the past few days, Bafang City has not only formed a huge army, but also hundreds of thousands of residents of Bafang City have been mobilized. Now in Bafang City, it can be said that all the people are soldiers.

The original streets have completely changed their appearance. Some buildings have been demolished, and some streets have been blocked. There are fortifications built according to earth standards everywhere. On the streets, at intervals, there are either stumbling ropes or huge beams, wood and stones. These

Obstacles slowed down the cavalry.

Zhou Sen's tactics caused a lag in the mobility of the cavalry, but the real nightmare was the javelin throwers. Under the dusk sun, the throwers stood behind the safe high wall under the command of the watchtower.

Rounds of hurling spears covered the sky and blocked the sun.

The penetrating power of throwing spears is no less than that of bows and arrows, or even exceeds it.

The Crusader cavalry, which had no speed advantage, fell down row after row like wheat, while the cavalry behind them were still charging forward one after another, like a surging wave...

Zhou Sen's tactics are also full of loopholes, because pitching is extremely energy-consuming and should not last long. However, the abundant manpower makes up for this shortcoming, because there are not many things in Bafang City now, but there are many people.

It is conceivable that as long as hundreds of ordinary refugees are given thousands of guns to wait in a hidden position and obey the command of the watchtower, then the destructive power will be absolutely terrifying. After all, there are chaos everywhere in this city.

In the Bafang City, the advantage of the cavalry has disappeared and they have become a living target.

Of course, this method can only be used by Zhou Sen. If it were replaced by the army of the Han Empire, it would be ineffective, because the Crusaders have the terrifying black-winged Kunpeng. Under the hunting of the black-winged Kunpeng, the commanded observation tower will not survive at all.

Maybe, but now, because of the Yunhai Jinqiu and the Sky-reaching Divine Rat, the role of the observation tower has come into play.

In Bafang City, there are at least dozens of watchtowers. The soldiers in these watchtowers have been trained to master some simple gestures to direct the pitcher's battle. They are the eyes of the pitcher behind the building...

More and more crusaders poured into the city gate, charging in all directions of Bafang City like a tide. However, they were like a drop of water falling into the ocean, unable to make any waves.

The entire Bafang City became a huge slaughterhouse.

Every street and every building has become a killing ground.

In fact, Zhou Sen has no tactics. He just cuts hundreds of thousands of people into countless independent units. The failure of any unit means death, because this is an isolated city, a city with hundreds of thousands of refugees, facing

In this situation, it is impossible to form a large-scale battle scene. The only way to win is to turn the entire Bafang City into a huge millstone and use the numerical advantage to trap the enemy in the streets and alleys.

When the war broke out, the refugees in the independent units realized that they had no way out. Even if they wanted to escape, they had no way to escape. They had no choice but to risk their lives and fight to survive.

The battle was so brutal that it was no less fierce than a battle between regular armies.

The casualties of the refugees were horrific. After all, they had only undergone a few days of training, and most of them were killing people for the first time.

The destruction of any unit is a massive massacre.

The Crusaders were brave and good at fighting. Once they broke into the fortifications of the refugee army, they became a nightmare for the refugees. The iron hooves of the war horses, sharp scimitars, and tough leather armor turned the Crusaders cavalry into a mobile killing fortress.

Often, when a Crusader cavalry rushes into a refugee army of a hundred people, it will cause unimaginable huge casualties. The panicked refugees will often run away in all directions under the fear of death. As a result, the brave refugees will be affected and become the victims of everyone.

Lamb to the slaughter...

Luoxi led a cavalry group, leading the charge, like an indestructible arrow, destroying everything along the way, with overwhelming force.

Under Luo Xi's sharp long knife, all obstacles became vulnerable. The sword's light passed and disappeared into ashes...

At this time, Losey was already covered in blood. He had destroyed at least a dozen pitchers behind the courtyard. Hundreds of refugees had died under his sword. The Crusader cavalry following him were all scarred.

However, they are still fighting spirit.

At this time, every crusader knew very well that as long as they retreated, their entire army would be annihilated. If they wanted to win, the only way out was to fight against the odds.

Now is the time to show your courage!

Luo Xi was already furious.

He knows that he cannot fall. He is a flag. If he falls, it will trigger a chain reaction.

In fact, Losey had already smelled the smell of victory. He believed that as long as they persisted, victory would belong to them, because the refugee army they faced was really vulnerable - although they caused huge casualties to the Crusaders.


The battle situation has reached a stalemate.

Every crusader killed until his eyes were blood-red, forgetting fear. In their eyes, there was only killing and destruction...


A sharp long knife cut through the night, and a thigh-thick wooden pillar was split into two pieces. The entire wooden structure collapsed, and a burning torch was thrown in. The house burned with raging fire, and the sky turned red.

Halfway across the courtyard, screams could be heard, and Losey let out an earth-shattering, ferocious laugh.

"Brothers, kill!" Luo Xi's long knife volleyed in the air, making a thunder-like sound, the sound was horrifying.

Hundreds of cavalry followed Luo Xi, tearing through the endless darkness like a sharp arrow.

"Amitabha!" A clear Buddha's name came to mind, and in the air, a monk wearing cassocks and holding Buddhist beads flew in, stopped the imposing Luo Xi, and stood in the middle of the street, like a rock that was the mainstay.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Luo Xi shouted loudly and urged the horse on his hip. The horse raised its head to the sky and neighed, charging towards the monk unstoppably.

The monk was not afraid of Luo Xi's overwhelming aura. He held the Buddhist beads and kept pushing them. His whole body actually emitted a dazzling light, every detail appearing.

A shocking scene appeared. In front of the monk, a huge light shield actually appeared. The light shield stood in the middle of the street, majestic and tall, and it was impossible to look up at it.

"You dare to show your ugliness even though you are a small trickster, go to hell!"

Luo Xi laughed wildly, and raised the long knife in his hand in the air, making a thunderous noise. Silver snakes danced in the air, and the bright long knife suddenly turned into a huge luminous body and crashed down in the air.

Seeing the sharp sword slashing down, the monk's eyes showed a hint of shock, and he hurriedly moved his mouth, causing the light shield to condense more and more.

It's a long story, but in fact, it all happened in a flash of lightning, between the time the monk appeared and when Luo Xi slashed his sword, just one breath away.

Xueliang's long knife slashed down!


The huge light shield was shattered into countless fragments of light and shadow that shot out in all directions. The surrounding houses were hit by the fragments and were immediately destroyed.


The monk's chest seemed to have been hit by a giant hammer, and he let out a heart-rending scream. He flew backwards in the air and fell heavily on the bluestone floor of the street. Spider-web-like cracks immediately appeared on the bluestone floor.


"Kill!" Luo Xi let out a burst of earth-shattering laughter, raised his long knife, and ran towards the monk non-stop.




Seeing the coach killing him with overwhelming force, hundreds of cavalrymen became more and more eager to fight. Amidst the earth-shattering shouts of killing, they mobilized their horses and followed Losi like a torrent of steel...

The monk struggled to stand up, but the huge force had already damaged his internal organs. As soon as he moved slightly, he immediately coughed up large balls of blood. He could only watch helplessly as the murderous Luo Xi rushed over.

"Eat it immediately."

Just when the monk was desperate, a young man with golden armor and long hair slowly walked up to him.


The monk took a red bullet in the air. He didn't understand why it felt "slowly", but it was indeed this feeling. The young man with long hair and golden armor walked up to him very calmly.

"Thank you, General Zhou." A look of shame appeared on the monk's face. He originally volunteered to resist the enemy, but he never thought that his decades of cultivation would make him a perfect general.

In fact, the monk was not the only one who made the mistake. In the world of cultivating gods in the Han Empire, many superpowers did not take the Crusaders seriously. However, once they really came into contact, they discovered that the Crusaders were far more powerful than them.

His imagination, and the Crusaders generals were all masters, no less inferior to the powerful men of the Han Empire...

Zhou Sen nodded and stood in front of the monk, with his long hair flying and his majestic body like a mountain.

"Are you Zhou Sen on the list of ruthless bandits?!" Luo Xi reined in his horse, pointed the long knife at Zhou Sen, and asked loudly.

"Exactly." Zhou Sen stared at Luo Xi with his deep eyes. He could feel the tyrannical power contained in Luo Xi's body. That power was on par with the four great gods of the Han Empire.

"Okay, look at the knife!"

Luo Xi laughed loudly, with great pride and strength. The war horse under his crotch immediately rushed toward Zhou Sen with lightning speed. The long knife in his hand swept up an afterimage of dozens of feet in the air, forming a bright light curtain, which was overwhelming.


Facing the sharp sword, Zhou Sen still stood tall as a mountain, his deep gaze suddenly became as sharp as a blade.

This is a powerful opponent.

If you want to destroy the opponent's morale, it's best to hit him with one hit and kill him on the spot.

In fact, Zhou Sen didn't know that Losi was the coach. He just realized that the person in front of him had a high status. After all, he was a master who could compete with the four great gods of the Han Empire.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Sen made a decision.

Kill one to serve as a warning to others!

Seeing the sharp long knife getting closer and closer, Zhou Sen, who was motionless, suddenly moved, moving without any warning. Zhou Sen moved his right hand, a right hand that made a fist. His right hand disappeared and appeared suddenly in the firelight.


A heart-rending muffled sound.

Zhou Sen's fist hit the sharp sword head-on.

Time and space seemed to have frozen at this moment. Not only Luo Xi and a group of cavalry had incredible expressions on their faces, but also the monk who barely stood up after swallowing the pill also had a look of horror on his face.

Use flesh and blood to fight against the long sword, unless you have an indestructible body.

In fact, facing a strong man like Luo Xi, the indestructible body of the martial arts has no effect. You must know that the monk's light shield is also very powerful in the world of spiritual cultivation, and it cannot withstand Luo Xi.

With one blow, his bravery is evident.

One can almost imagine the bloody scene of Zhou Sen's body being split into two pieces.

This chapter has been completed!
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