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Chapter 912 Anti


In its rage, the Heaven-reaching Divine Rat made a crazy chirping sound, the sound penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, and was thrilling.

Hyde still remained calm. Although he felt the fierce power emanating from the squirrel, he did not think that a squirrel could stop him.

If Hyde had known that he was facing the Tongtian Divine Rat, who is famous in the world of cultivators, he would not think so. Not to mention him, even his master, the God of Death, would stay away when encountering the Tongtian Divine Rat.

The dark sickle exuded the breath of death and struck the squirrel without stopping, like a black lightning bolt.

Hyde believed that the sickle would be enough to split the thin-bodied squirrel into two pieces and smash Zhou Sen's head into pieces at the same time.

Suddenly, Hyde's expression froze. He saw that the squirrel, which was so violent that its eyes seemed to be burning with flames, stretched out its fingers and grabbed his sickle.

What is it doing?

To die?

Watching the squirrel grab his sickle with his bare hands, Hyde had an inexplicable smile on his face.

This is really funny.

A squirrel actually tried to resist Hyde's scythe with his bare hands. If this was reported to the Kingdom of Heaven, the people in the Kingdom of Heaven would laugh out loud...

Suddenly, Hyde's expression froze.

The spread-out fingers abruptly stopped the speed of the Death Scythe, and the surging power made Hyde feel like he was cutting on gold and iron.

Before Hyde had time to think about it, the other paw of the furious squirrel had already reached towards his head.

The speed was too fast, like lightning, and it did not allow Hyde to think calmly.

It was almost a conditioned reflex, or it could be said that it was the result of countless thousands of hard-earned killings. Hyde suddenly let go of the sickle and suddenly retreated. This retreat saved Hyde's life...

Flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Hyde didn't feel the pain yet, he just felt that he could only see with one eye, and one side of his face was burning...

There is no doubt that Hyde is an excellent killer. After knowing that nothing could be done, he immediately retreated, rolled and crawled, and blended into the thousands of refugees.

Any killer must master the art of escape.

As early as the execution of the assassination plan, Hyde had already planned a retreat plan.

Hyde's thin figure became his best cover. He flexibly moved left and right among the crowd like a swimming fish. By the time the meteorite belt hunters reacted and pursued him, Hyde had already disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

No one could find Hyde among the hundreds of thousands of refugees, even if he was seriously injured.

The only Tongtian Divine Rat that could possibly kill Hyde was concerned about Zhou Sen's life and death and had no time to pursue Hyde. Of course, if Yunhai Jinqiu was not hunting the black-winged Kunpeng around, Hyde would not be able to escape its piercing eyes...

None of Hyde's more than twenty men were spared.

The moment more than twenty men launched their attack, they also encountered a fierce counterattack. Their opponents were not the hunters in the meteorite belt, but the superpowers on the periphery.

Various magical weapons and supernatural powers fell like raindrops on more than twenty assassins. They only struggled for a few breaths before being killed, their souls were destroyed, and they would never be reincarnated.

Zhou Sen was seriously injured.

Hyde's death scythe almost killed Zhou Sen's soul. If Zhou Sen's soul had not been cultivated to the realm of phantom clones and avoided the death scythe at the last moment, Zhou Sen would have been destroyed physically and mentally at this time. .

Zhou Sen lay in Fan Ni'er's warm and soft arms, and Fan Ni'er was already in tears.

"How's it going?" The Tongtian Divine Rat put one hand on Zhou Sen's Yintang, and a steady stream of superpower penetrated Zhou Sen's limbs and bones. Zhou Sen had already opened his eyes.

"It's okay, he won't die." Zhou Sen stood up slowly, turned around, raised his arm, gently stroked Fan Ni'er's cheek and said, "I made you worry."

Fan Ni'er wanted to speak, but her eyes were fixed on the horrific wound on Zhou Sen's chest, and she couldn't help sobbing again.

The wound on Zhou Sen's chest extends from his heart to his abdomen, and his squirming internal organs can be seen, which looks shocking.

"This little injury can't save my life."

Zhou Sen comforted Fannie'er with a smile and activated his super power. A surprising scene appeared. The muscles of Zhou Sen's wound began to grow and heal little by little, which was a healing speed visible to the naked eye.

Including the Heavenly Rat, everyone was petrified.

Seeing people's shocked expressions, Zhou Sen didn't take it seriously. He had already had the flesh and bones of the living and dead, so healing himself was naturally a piece of cake.

Zhou Sen is already half an immortal, possessing endless power of faith. As long as his body is not destroyed and his soul is immortal, no matter how serious the injury is, just a little time will be enough to heal him.

However, Zhou Sen's face was not very good. After all, Hyde was not an ordinary person. He was a disciple of the God of Death, and the Death Scythe was a weapon specially designed to harvest souls, which caused great damage to Zhou Sen's body.

Hyde's assassination operation made the somewhat inflated Zhou Sen wary.

Zhou Sen is an expert in assassination. In every assassination operation, he is the biggest winner, but this time, Zhou Sen almost died.

Obviously, Zhou Sen underestimated the enemy too much.

If Zhou Sen was marching in the peak state of dragon armor, he would be able to deal with any assassination calmly.

There are no ifs in this world, as time passes and it will never come back.

A blessing in disguise, Hyde's assassination was not only a failure, but also a wake-up call for Zhou Sen, who had been going smoothly...

Half an hour later, Zhou Sen was riding on a tall horse again, with majestic equipment and high spirits. The only difference was that the dazzling golden armor worn by Zhou Sen was replaced by a simple armor stomach like a rock.

Compared with the golden armor, although the armor worn by Zhou Sen now lacks the dazzling brilliance, its visual impact is stronger, giving people a feeling of vigor and strength, and more texture.

People naturally don't know that Zhou Sen suffered a big loss. Having learned from past mistakes, he will naturally not make the same mistake again.

The refugees who were originally in turmoil felt relieved when they saw that Zhou Sen was safe and sound.

Although the dragon-like refugee army looks a little messy, its pace is extremely determined.

In order to ensure that the refugees are united as one, Zhang Laosan has arranged for people to spread word of mouth to let the refugees know that if they do not capture Zhenshuiguan, there are only two ways to go. The first is to be massacred by the Crusaders; the second is to starve to death alive.


No matter it is the first road or the second road, no one wants to take it, because both roads are a dead end.

Even the most timid person can burst out with amazing strength when faced with the threat of death.

The refugee army was filled with a sense of tragedy, which condensed into a powerful force for survival, and rushed towards Zhishui Pass like a tide.

Here, it is worth mentioning that in order to prevent the 50,000-strong army behind them from catching up, Zhou Sen arranged for nearly 50,000 refugees to set up obstacles along the way.

It is not easy to kill the cavalry, but it is not difficult to slow down their speed. In addition to arranging stumbling ropes along the way, digging ditches, cutting down trees, damaging road sections, or digging traps can effectively slow down the speed of the cavalry.

Of course, it was impossible to completely block the cavalry, but Zhou Sen did not expect some simple fortifications to stop the cavalry's pursuit. He just wanted to buy a little more time.

Although there are only 30,000 defenders at Zhenshuiguan, the city is high and dangerous, and it will take a ragtag group of people to conquer the famous Xiongguan in the Han Empire. Even Zhou Sen cannot determine how much time it will take.

Zhen Shui Pass is getting closer and closer.

Half an hour before Zhou Sen arrived at Zhenshuiguan, Haide took advantage of the cover of the refugee flow and escaped from the refugee army in a dense forest.

Haide did not return to Bafang City, but rushed to Zhenshuiguan because he still had a glimmer of hope.

Two days at most!

As long as Zhenshuiguan can support it for two days, Bafang City's 50,000 cavalry will fight back to Zishuiguan. By then, the hundreds of thousands of refugees exposed in the plains will become lonely ghosts under the Crusaders' cavalry.

Haide rushed back to Zhenshuiguan, hoping to stabilize the morale of the troops and survive the two days.

At this time, Hyde was seriously injured, covered in blood, and in a miserable state. The Heavenly Rat's scratch almost took off half of his head, and one of his eyeballs was also directly scratched off.

Not only did he scratch off half of his head, but the furious God Rat used all his strength to grab it all the way from the head to the chest, tearing apart one side of his body and one arm, only skin and flesh were connected.


Hyde's figure was already thin, and it looked as if half of his body had been cut off. He looked extremely weird, as if a ghost had escaped from hell...

Thinking of the terrifying power of the squirrel, Haide, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, was also frightened.

Hyde's body was covered with a layer of soft armor, which was difficult to be damaged by ordinary swords and guns. However, under the sharp claws of the squirrel, it was destroyed all the way, and the tough soft armor was like tofu.

The towering city wall of Zhenshuiguan has appeared on the horizon, and a cruel and ferocious sneer appeared on the corner of Haider's mouth.

The game has just begun!

Encountering a powerful opponent like Zhou Sen, Hyde felt an inexplicable pleasure...

When a person reaches the peak of his skills or cultivation, the higher his level, the fewer people he can keep company with, and the more lonely and cold he will feel.

Hyde is not just a lonely thug, he is also a lonely killer.

In Hyde's assassination career, he has never failed. It is precisely because of his undefeated nature that Hyde accepts a new challenge - joining the army.

Today, Hyde met his opponent.

Zhou Sen's appearance made Hyde's blood boil again.

For Hyde, killing Zhou Sen and defeating Zhou Sen has become a new goal for him.

It would be such a satisfying thing to be able to defeat the undefeated Han Empire and trample the most popular figures on the ruthless bandit list under our feet.

Hyde knew that he only had to hold on for two days, and outside the water-removing pass, there would be rivers of blood and mountains of corpses.

Thinking of thousands of mutilated corpses, Hyde's gray eyes shot out with cruel and crazy excitement...

Hyde is a perverted murderer. In the kingdom of heaven, Military Advisor Marco once opposed Hyde's enlistment in the army. In fact, Military Advisor Marco even formed a team of experts to study Hyde's psychology. A large amount of evidence showed that Hyde's cruelty has been deeply rooted in him.


Because General Gore fought against all odds, Hyde finally set foot on the territory of the Han Empire.

For General Gore, Hyde is just his knife. He only needs the knife to be sharp and easy to use. As for the origin of the knife, he has no interest at all.

According to the information collected by Marco's expert team, when Hyde was about five years old, he suffered a severe blow to the head. This was the work of his mother - directly damaging his brain, which most likely caused him to

Causes of schizophrenia and other cold-blooded behavior in the future.

Long-term abuse has rendered Hyde unsympathetic.

As a child, Hyde liked to capture small animals, such as pigeons, white rats, and even cats and dogs, and then torture them to death. He was accustomed to his mother's beatings, so he did not feel that his torture of small animals was so cruel, and he even found satisfaction in it.

He never tired of it. When he looked at the little animals struggling in vain, he wondered if he would think of using the same method to torture people one day in the future.

When his mother was happy, she dressed up Hyde like a little girl and asked him to wear girl's clothes to go to school. There was no doubt that Hyde would be laughed at by his classmates, which completely destroyed a boy's self-esteem.

and self-confidence. Hyde became increasingly reticent and later developed bisexual tendencies, which may be the reason for this.

To make matters worse, his mother not only never avoided her son when receiving guests at home, but also often forced Hyde to watch. This led to Hyde's abnormal sexual concepts. He thought that all sexual behaviors should be like what he often saw at home.

It was so casual, so he didn't feel any need to control his sexual impulses. This thought tortured Hyde, why could his mother have sex with anyone at will, but not himself? Later, he had almost every reason for killing someone.

It's all the same - the other person refuses to have sex with him.

As Hyde grows older, he no longer needs a reason to kill.

Killing has become a kind of pleasure and a kind of spiritual food for Hyde.

It is recorded in the expert files of the Marco Military Division that Hyde, who had become numb to killing, gradually lost the pleasure of killing. In order to pursue the joy of killing, during a quarrel with his mother, Hyde strangled his mother's throat and picked up the child.

The kitchen knife on the dining table left more than a dozen holes in his mother's body. Then he insulted his mother's body...

After killing his mother, Hyde was spotted by the God of Death.

At this point, Hyde has embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation. As his power grows stronger, Hyde's cruel nature becomes more and more unscrupulous, and he chooses a freelance profession - a killer.

The identity of the killer can not only satisfy Hyde's pleasure in killing, but also allow Hyde to live a decent life.

Hyde himself never thought that one day he would become a general commanding thousands of troops.

Things are unpredictable.

Many times, there seems to be some kind of reincarnation in the dark.

Hyde's brutality and killings made the soldiers fear him like a tiger, but it also planted a fatal disaster for him.

Haide stood under the city wall of Zhenshuiguan, and no one recognized Haide's true face.

At this time, Hyde was wearing the clothes of a refugee, and one side of his body was torn apart by the Sky Rat. He looked extremely terrifying. No one believed that he was a feared general.

The Crusaders on the city wall laughed at Hyde unbridled.

Some people even shot Hyde with bows and arrows.

Although Hyde was seriously injured, he was Hyde, and he would never be bullied by a few soldiers even if he was dead.

Without any warning, Hyde jumped onto the city wall and went on a killing spree. His skinny body became a killing machine.

In just one stick of incense, more than a hundred corpses fell at Hyde's feet.

Finally, the general who was left behind at Zhishuiguan came and recognized Haide.

After the murderous Haide issued a death order - if the city of Zhenshuiguan is breached, all the soldiers and generals guarding the city will be sent to the gallows.

No one took Hyde's order as a joke, because everyone knew that Hyde would do what he said.

In the Crusaders, Hyde is a terrifying devil.

No one wants to be Hyde's subordinate.

Zhenshuiguan became panicked because of Haide's return.

Thirty thousand infantry fighting against hundreds of thousands of refugee troops was beyond the limits of the soldiers' imagination. What's more, there were countless Han people inside Zhenshuiguan who were ready to make a move.

If there are cavalry, even a few thousand cavalry, it is possible to turn the situation around. After all, the Crusaders are famous for their cavalry. However, the cavalry at Zhenshuiguan has already come out in full force.

The Crusader defenders at Zhenshuiguan were shrouded in the shadow of death.

Hyde's death order plunged the soldiers into extreme fear.

It was not only Hyde who put the Zhenshuiguan Crusaders under pressure, but also Zhou Sen.

During this period, the legend about the undefeated God of War Zhou Sen had long been spread in Zhenshuiguan, and the descriptions of the deeds on the gangster list had been exaggerated countless times.

If it were in the past, the Crusaders would probably laugh it off when they heard these legends, but now, no one dares to ignore Zhou Sen's reputation, because Hyde, who has never been defeated, also returned defeated after meeting Zhou Sen.

Hyde is an excellent assassin, but he is not an excellent general.

Haide never dreamed that when he returned to Zhenshuiguan with serious injuries, his military morale would be shaken.

If Hyde had not returned to Zhenshuiguan, it would not have been impossible for the 30,000 Crusaders to hold on for two days relying on the steepness of Zhenshuiguan. After all, they were regular troops and what they faced was just a ragtag group of people.

After Hyde returned, the defenders of Zhenshuiguan were burdened with a heavy psychological burden. Moreover, the legendary reputation of the undefeated God of War became real through the embarrassed Hyde.

If Zhou Sen was just an illusory figure in the Crusades before, but now, Hyde, who has returned home in vain, has turned the unreal Zhou Sen into a flesh-and-blood person...

"What should I do?" An officer with a swollen face glanced at the secret room where Hyde was recovering from his injuries. There was a trace of resentment on his face. Not long ago, Hyde slapped him because he was the one who offended Hyde on the city wall.

's subordinates.

Now, the officer is worried about Hyde's reckoning after the war is over.

The defenders of Zhenshuiguan had their fear of Hyde deeply rooted in their souls.

"After 50,000 cavalry went out to Bafang City, there were only 30,000 infantry at Zhenshuiguan. It was impossible to hold on to such a huge city. The only way was to die in battle." A wry smile appeared on the face of another general. He was under greater pressure than this officer.

Much more, because, besides Hyde, he is now the supreme commander of Zhenshuiguan. Once Zhenshuiguan falls, he will be the first to be sent to the gallows.

A group of generals were helpless.

Time is getting tighter. According to the intelligence sent back by Black-winged Kunpeng, in less than half an hour, an army of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Bafang City will be approaching the city.

Once a war breaks out, Hyde will kill people. When the time comes, no one knows who will die under his butcher's knife.

In previous wars, Hyde would personally supervise the army and even take the lead in battles. Often, he would directly kill soldiers who were greedy for life and fear of death when he saw them.

Of course, you are lucky to kill directly. There are often soldiers who are greedy for life and are afraid of death. They will be arrested and put on public display. Moreover, every time, it is Hyde himself who does the killing.

In the eyes of the soldiers, Hyde was the devil incarnate.

Usually, when a general runs an army, the soldiers will feel a sense of awe.

Awe is the emotion produced when facing something authoritative, solemn or sublime, with feelings of fear, respect and wonder. It is the attitude towards all sacred things.

However, the soldiers had no respect for Hyde, only fear.

"Can 30,000 infantrymen deal with hundreds of thousands of wolf-like refugee troops?" A general who had been silent suddenly started talking.


Everyone looked at each other and fell silent for a while.

If the opponent is a ragtag group, it will not be very difficult for 30,000 infantry to defeat hundreds of thousands of refugee troops relying on the towering city walls. However, the problem is that the opponent is not completely a ragtag group, but is led by Zhou Sen, the famous undefeated god of war in the Han Empire.


Hyde led 50,000 elite crusaders cavalry, but was also trapped in the swamp of Bafang City and could not escape. It was obvious that the extremely vicious Zhou Sen was not in vain.

"It is better to surrender than to die." The silent soldier took a long breath and said, "I still have a wife and children, and I don't want to die in a foreign country."

Originally, everyone's expressions changed when they heard the soldier talking about surrender. However, when the soldier mentioned his wife and children, the angry crowd fell into a long silence.

Finally, the officer with a swollen face spoke.

"Even if our 30,000 infantrymen surrender against hundreds of thousands of refugee troops, the military court of Heaven will not pursue them. Moreover, there are precedents to follow. After all, life is the most noble..." The officer paused and hesitated:

"The problem is, General Hyde..."

Everyone looked at each other again.

As the officer said, surrender is very simple, and there are many precedents of surrender in the military history of the Kingdom of Heaven. The question is how to explain it to Hyde.

Thinking of the cruel Hyde, people shuddered, as if a pair of cold, death-like eyes like poisonous snakes were staring at them from behind.

"Kill him!" The soldier who had been silent had a fierce look in his eyes.

Everyone's body was shaken.

This idea is really crazy. You must know that in heaven, people who want to kill Hyde are like crucian carp crossing the river, but they all die, but Hyde is still alive and well.

"Either he dies or we die, think about it."

Everyone looked at each other, and there was a long silence.

Inside the room, the atmosphere was so oppressive that it was suffocating.

The plan of killing Hyde is really too tempting. As long as Hyde dies, all problems will be solved.

Slowly, a crazy murderous intent surged through the room.

There is no doubt that now is the best time to kill Hyde, because Hyde is seriously injured.

"How to kill?" a general asked in a low voice.

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

Everyone knows how ferocious Hyde is. Even if he is seriously injured, his fighting power is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Just before, he was killing people on the city wall.

No one wants to be a pawn.

Hyde's cruelty is well known to everyone, and no one is willing to confront him due to his prestige.

Things suddenly reached a deadlock.

"I think it's better to shoot with arrows." An officer thought for a while.

"Well, not bad."

Everyone agreed. After all, if you shoot with an arrow, you don't have to come into close contact with Hyde.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to shoot him to death with an arrow, so I might as well just burn him with kerosene!"

Burn with oil!

Everyone's eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that this is an excellent proposition.

Immediately, people decided.

In order to avoid leaking the news, the generals led their cronies one by one to move. Hundreds of cronies were moving firewood and transporting kerosene. Soon, mountains of wood were piled around Hyde's secret room, and barrels of kerosene were also ready.



After a group of archers took their positions, the top general issued an order.

Immediately, dozens of people poured kerosene on the wood, threw a torch up, and with a bang, the fire spread immediately.

The kerosene fueled the fire, and it was so fierce that the raging fire engulfed the secret room in an instant.

Hundreds of archers held their breath and stared quietly at the raging flames.

At the critical moment of healing in the secret room, Hyde suddenly opened his eyes. He felt the scorching temperature, heard the crackling and popping sound of wood, and smelled the pungent smell of fire oil.

Could it be that Zhenshuiguan fell?


Even if the refugee army led by Zhou Sen arrived at Zhenshuiguan, it would be impossible for them to break through Zhenshuiguan so quickly.

Although Zhenshuiguan is located in a plain with no natural dangers to rely on, it is located in the hinterland of the Han Empire and guards the waterways extending in all directions. Therefore, when it was first built, the project was vast and majestic, far exceeding the four borders of the Han Empire.

Daxiong Pass.

Even if the refugee army breaks through Zishui Pass, there is no reason to burn the secret room.

In a flash of thought, Hyde already knew what had happened.

Hyde was not angry.

This kind of thing is not surprising to Hyde, because he has never trusted anyone in his life. Even if it was his own mother, he would kill him. Even the God of Death was killed in the flesh. The perverseness of his behavior can be seen clearly.

The scorching heat turned the entire secret room into a steamer.

At this time, although the injuries on Hyde's face were still horrific, they were no longer stained with blood as at the beginning.

Originally, this secret room had a secret passage. However, when the city was breached, the Han Empire soldiers who defended the city destroyed the secret passage. Because the project was too huge, the secret passage has never been repaired. Hyde just wanted to simply heal his wounds.

While participating in the defensive battle, he did not expect to develop elbows and armpits.

The only way to survive is to break down the door and rush out.

Hyde stood still. He was an excellent killer and knew when to attack.

The temperature in the secret room was getting higher and higher, and Hyde's tolerance had reached its limit. However, he still gritted his teeth, held his breath, and endured the increasingly scalding heat.

At this time, Hyde was like a crocodile lurking underwater...

The Crusaders and soldiers gathered outside looked at each other. From the beginning to the end, there was no sound in the secret room, which seemed particularly strange.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

The raging flames rose tens of feet, and the entire secret room was enveloped in flames.

Finally, people breathed a sigh of relief.

Under this high temperature, even if it is made of iron, it will melt.

Hundreds of tense soldiers surrounding them also slowly put down their bows and arrows.

It seemed that everything was a foregone conclusion, the terrifying murderer king had been buried in the sea of ​​fire.

Hyde died, and people's tense nerves relaxed.

For the Crusaders at Zhenshuiguan, Hyde is their nightmare.


Just when everyone relaxed their vigilance, the stone wall of the secret room suddenly burst, and countless red-hot bricks were shot out in all directions.


With an earth-shattering roar, Hyde broke through the wall and rushed out from the raging flames.

Time and space suddenly solidified.

The bows and arrows of hundreds of soldiers had no time to raise the long bow in their hands. Hyde's thin body had already appeared in front of them like a ghost.

Countless heads were flying in the air, and there was endless horror in the eyes that were on the verge of death.

Killer King!

Under Hyde's prestige, a group of generals also became sluggish for a moment, and in this brief moment of sluggishness, more than a hundred soldiers died under Hyde's scimitar.

Hyde's Death Scythe has fallen into Zhou Sen's hands, and now, in his hand is a standard Crusader weapon - a scimitar.

Ordinary weapons turned rotten into magic in Hyde's hands. He chopped vegetables and melons along the way. In just a few breaths, the bodies on the ground had piled up like a mountain.

"Brothers, kill!"

The officer with the swollen face was the first to wake up, shouted loudly, drew his machete, and rushed towards Hyde fearlessly.



The officer's shout of killing woke up everyone. They suddenly woke up from a dream and rushed towards Haider in a swarm.

This chapter has been completed!
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