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Nine hundred and thirtieth chapters flood formation



There was a thrilling piercing cry, and a golden streak passed by in the sky. At the same time, a black figure jumped down.


A huge explosion sounded, sending up smoke that filled the sky.

Zhou Sen, who was riding on the ferocious unicorn, had a dull look on his face. He saw a monkey face - the Heaven-reaching Divine Rat.

In the sky, the golden sea of ​​clouds is circling at high speed, drawing beautiful golden lines.

What about the four-horse chariot?

The surrounding snowfield was empty, and the four-horse chariot seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Zhou Sen was like a stone withered. He had no idea what happened in the lightning flash just now, because just when he was trying his best to catch the tip of the spear, the Heaven-reaching Divine Rat fell from the sky. After a muffled sound, the four horses

The chariot disappeared.

"Let's go." Without saying a word, the Tongtian Divine Rat jumped on top of the ferocious unicorn and grabbed the ferocious unicorn's horns.

What makes Zhou Sen feel weird is that in the face of the Tongtian Divine Rat's unreasonable behavior, the extremely arrogant ferocious Qilin didn't show any dissatisfaction. He lowered his head in humiliation and allowed the Tongtian Divine Rat to drive him.

"Where was that guy just now?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Are you talking about Ares?" Although the Heavenly Rat has a small appearance, his voice is old and thick, and he sounds like a weather-beaten elder.

"Ah... you know him?" Zhou Sen was stunned.

"He is Ares, the God of War, and I have driven him away." The Sky Rat had a nonchalant expression on his face.

"How did you know I was in danger?" Zhou Sen was puzzled.

"Your clone has given off warning signs."


Zhou Sen was dumbfounded. He didn't feel anything about his clone, but the clone knew about his predicament. This was incredible.

"Let's go quickly. That guy is notoriously difficult to deal with. If he becomes angry and comes in his true form, there will be drama." The Sky Rat didn't seem to want to talk to Zhou Sen about this and urged.

"Yes, let's go!"

Thinking of the terrifying fighting power of Ares, the god of war, Zhou Sen couldn't help but shudder. He exerted force on his legs and urged the ferocious unicorn to walk quickly.

Did the ferocious Qilin also know that it would not be easy to stay here for a long time? He rushed towards Wuchao City at full speed. On the way, he met General Wu Yuan and tens of thousands of Huns cavalry.

General Wu Yuan was overjoyed when he saw that Zhou Sen and Lu Shatou were not in danger, and a group of people returned to Wuchao City in great force.

In the battle of Jiudaoguai, the Han Empire won a complete victory. However, the Tanbao barracks fell and fell into the hands of the Crusaders. Only Lu Axe escaped, and even Wu Mazi, one of Lu Axe's left and right arms, also fought.

The dead city was a heavy loss.

Fortunately, Cai Ping, Xiao Yi and his group have been transferred to the Xiongnu to train new recruits. Otherwise, this time at the Tanbao Barracks, Lu Axe's henchmen would really be put to death.

A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.

Cai Ping, Xiao Yi and others were able to escape this disaster, thanks to some of Lu Ax's opponents in the court. It was them who, in order to weaken Lu Ax's power, deliberately transferred some of Cai Ping's star generals away from Lu Ax in the hope of finding someone.

The opportunity came to drive a wedge between them, but they didn't expect that it would actually save their lives...

Returning to Wuchao City, the Han army was on tight guard, and the Huns cavalry was even more prepared.

Currently, the only thing that can compete with the Crusaders is the Huns cavalry.

In the Xiongnu steppe, the Han Empire began to spend heavily to recruit sharp archers.

As the saying goes, there must be brave men under heavy rewards. The recruitment plan of the Marksman was immediately effective. In addition, most of the herdsmen were idle at home in the ice and snow. In just a few days, hundreds of Marksman herdsmen were recruited.

In addition to recruiting heavily, the Vannier family began a large-scale training program for archers.

The Huns were already good at riding and shooting. Under the large-scale training plan, some Huns soldiers with the potential to be sharp archers soon began to emerge and form an army.

The Crusaders' cavalry is no longer a concern. Now, the biggest threat to the Huns' cavalry and the Han army is the Crusaders' black-winged Kunpeng army.

This time the Crusaders raided Jiudaoguai and Tanbao barracks. Both the Han army and the Huns suffered heavy losses, and the biggest threat to the Han and Huns was the black-winged Kunpeng.

The only way to deal with the black-winged Kunpeng is to cultivate an army of sharp archers.

There is no doubt that the sharp archer is the nemesis of the black-winged Kunpeng.

A team of ten sharp archers can contain at least hundreds of black-winged Kunpeng. According to this ratio, to deal with more than 10,000 black-winged Kunpeng, only more than a thousand sharp archers are needed. Taking into account the mobility of the black-winged Kunpeng

If the number of archers and archers is doubled, that is, nearly three thousand archers, we can gain an absolute advantage.

After several days of heavy recruitment, the first 500-man army of archers has been prepared. The division of labor of this army of archers is very clear, and its main task is to fight against the black-winged Kunpeng in the sky.

At this moment, the role of the marksman can almost influence the entire battle situation. Every marksman is precious. In order to minimize the losses of the marksmen, Zhou Sen equipped each marksman with two

The giant shield bearer protects the safety of the archers and prevents them from being shot by the Crusader cavalry when shooting the black-winged Kunpeng.

In addition to the first batch of five hundred archers recruited with heavy sums of money, the training of the five thousand archers selected by Fannier is also in full swing.

Now, Wuchao City has a very huge advantage: the Xiongnu Prairie.

The Xiongnu steppe not only provided the Han Empire with extremely broad strategic depth, but also provided the Han Empire with food and Hun cavalry sufficient to compete with the Crusaders.

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, the Xiongnu prairie also became an excellent training ground for the Han Empire. Large-scale war training was held every day in the ice and snow outside Wuchao City Pass.

The fall of Tanbao Barracks did not demoralize Wuchao City, because during the battle of Jiudaoguai, the Huns army broke out of the city and dealt a heavy blow to the Crusaders. The losses on both sides reached one to one.


Because of the strategic depth of the Xiongnu steppe, Wuchao City has a steady supply of soldiers, and the Crusaders whose hometown is thousands of miles away will lose one if they die. If every battle can achieve a one-to-one ratio, then

, the balance of victory will eventually tilt towards the Han Empire one day...

Half a month has passed.

The walls of Wuchao City are getting taller and taller. Every day, soldiers pour cold water on the city walls to form solid ice. In just one week, the walls of Wuchao City are still as smooth as a mirror.

The biting cold wind was raging across the land, and the wasteland of Wuchao City was completely covered with snow.

Zhou Sen made a surprising decision and took the initiative.

Twenty sharp archers, forty giant shield bearers, plus a hundred-man cavalry, formed a one hundred and fifty rangers.

One hundred and fifty rangers began to hunt around the Tanbao barracks in the wilderness. Any crusaders approaching the Tanbao barracks would be attacked by Hun rangers.

Faced with this attack, the Crusaders in the Tanbao barracks fell into panic. They found that they had no good strategy in the face of the attack by the Hun rangers.

The supplies of the Tanbao barracks were repeatedly harassed by Hun rangers. The supply lines were destroyed and the grain and grass were burned, not once or twice.

The most fatal thing is that the black-winged Kunpeng, who originally had the upper hand, became the target of hunting.

General Gore discovered that the Tanbao Barracks not only failed to serve as a wedge, but instead became a waste that was unfortunately abandoned and tasteless...

Wuchao City.

Zhou Sen is meeting a dying person with super powers.

This super-powered person is exactly what Boss Xu of Spark Trading Company calls a super-powered person. He has a map of the prehistoric area. Of course, it is not just the map that arouses Zhou Sen's interest, but the story of the super-powered person being injured.

When Boss Xu discovered the superpower, he was not in the inn, but curled up in the ruined temple of Wuchao City, shivering with cold and dying.

In the world of cultivating gods, it is impossible for a person with super powers to get to this point. If a person with super powers gets to this point, then there is only one possibility. The person with super powers is so weak that he no longer has the ability to rob homes and homes.

Boss Xu was originally going to give the superpower user some money to buy the map. Unfortunately, a few days ago, when the superpower user was unconscious, the map was stolen by a group of wanderers along with the salute.

After questioning, Boss Xu decided to bring the superpower to Zhou Sen and let Zhou Sen make a decision.

After some self-cultivation, taking a hot bath, and drinking fresh broth, the superpower user's pale face became much more rosy, and a trace of heroism actually appeared between his eyebrows, and he regained some vitality.

When Zhou Sen walked into the room and saw the super-powered person, he was stunned because he knew this super-powered person.

Hao Yunyao.

Back then, when Zhou Sen went to the Dark Forest for training for the first time, he was paired with Hao Yunyao.

After not seeing him for several years, Zhou Sen could not have imagined that Hao Yunyao had fallen to such an extent. It was really unbelievable. You must know that Hao Yunyao back then was full of energy and high spirits. His whole person was like an unsheathed sword, with his sharp edge clearly revealed and he had great power in the world.

Who is a hero? Whose spirit can I give up?

"Zhou Sen!" Hao Yunyao, who was lying in bed, struggled to sit up and looked at the mighty Zhou Sen with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's okay." Zhou Sen stood on the edge of the bed, patted Hao Yunyao's shoulder gently, and said comfortingly.

"It's really you!" Looking at the group of solemn-looking iron-blooded soldiers gathered behind Zhou Sen, Hao Yunyao showed a wry smile on his face.

"Is there a problem?" Zhou Sen was stunned, he didn't understand.

"I have always suspected that the Zhou Sen I know is not the undefeated God of War Zhou Sen of the Han Empire. Now, it is confirmed. Unexpectedly, in just a few years, I am already famous all over the world, and I..." Hao Yunyao's face revealed

A hint of loss.

"Brother Wu..." Zhou Sen was about to say a few words of relief, but he stopped immediately. He knew very well that for a proud and arrogant person like Hao Yunyao, any words he said were unnecessary.

"General, do you want that map?" Hao Yunyao cleared his throat. At this time, he had changed his title. He knew very well that the current Zhou Sen, who had all the power in the world, was no longer the Zhou Sen of the past.


"Hey...it's a pity that I fell asleep and my bag was stolen..."

"It's okay. Brother Wu's safety can't be compared to a mere map." Zhou Sen didn't take it seriously. After checking Hao Yunyao's pulse, he took out a small, crystal clear jade bottle from the Qiankun Ring and handed it to Hao Yunyao.

Yao, "Although Brother Wu's internal organs were injured, it was not life-threatening. However, the old injury was not healed and he contracted wind and cold again, which made his condition worsen. But it doesn't matter. This pill is just for removing wind and cold. Take one pill a day.

After three days, the wind and cold will go away. With a little recuperation and the use of elixirs, the injuries to the internal organs will be healed in three to five days."

"Thank you, General!" Hao Yunyao was immediately overjoyed. He quickly opened the jade bottle and swallowed one pill. It immediately took effect. Warmth flowed through his body and his spirit was lifted.

"Brother Wu, why are you here?" Zhou Sen asked.


After Hao Yunyao swallowed the pill, he felt much better and gave a general summary of his situation.

A few years ago, after Hao Yunyao and Zhou Sen separated in the Dark Forest, they practiced everywhere and challenged the masters, and their skills improved by leaps and bounds. Just half a year ago, Hao Yunyao's cultivation reached a bottleneck, so he went to the ancient area to practice.

In the first few months, Hao Yunyao had no danger in the prehistoric area. Although he encountered countless rare birds and animals and people with powerful superpowers, he was able to avoid dangers with his profound cultivation. Winter is approaching,

Hao Yunyao, who was originally preparing to leave the prehistoric area, discovered that there were suddenly more superpowers in the prehistoric area. After some inquiries, it turned out that a rare treasure had been unearthed in the prehistoric area.

Specifically, He Yibao, Hao Yunyao didn't have to bring much valuable information. However, seeing more and more superpowers coming from all directions, Hao Yunyao thought it was just the right time to meet him, so he simply

Stay bang bang luck.

In the following days, Hao Yunyao wandered around the ancient Shiwan Mountains, trying to find out something. However, except for more and more superpowers, he knew nothing. Moreover, some of the superpowers

They are all wary of each other and keep secrets about the clues they have.

Seeing that the weather was getting colder and colder, and when heavy snow was about to close the mountains, Hao Yunyao decided to leave the prehistoric area. However, just at this time, he met a small adventure team. The team had a map, saying that a certain part of the map

There is a treasure cave in that place. In that cave, there are not only huge treasures, but also some rare mystical books and ancient magic weapons.

Because the adventure team was weak, it was decided to let Hao Yunyao join. Moreover, in order to avoid internal strife, everyone had discussed in advance a very detailed account-sharing plan that satisfied everyone, which can be said to be extremely well-prepared.

According to the index on the map, everyone arrived at an inaccessible mountain. Later, people discovered that the endless mountains were actually a huge formation, and they had fallen into the formation and were unable to control it.

Sword flying.

Until the heavy snow closed the mountains, people were still wandering around in the mountains.

After the heavy snow closed the mountains, most of the animals were hibernating, and food became the biggest problem. After half a month of support, the temporarily formed adventure team began to have differences in opinions.

Some decided to stay and continue the adventure.

Some people think that we should leave as soon as possible.

In the end, the team was divided into two groups, one group stayed to continue searching for the treasure, and the other group looked for a way out.

The two factions parted ways.

And Hao Yunyao decided to stay. Just in case, he made a copy of the map.

In the next ten days or so, Hao Yunyao and others found nothing. Just when everyone was preparing to evacuate, they discovered the bodies of another group of people.

They were said to be corpses, but in fact they were not corpses at all, because all the corpses were mutilated and eaten by animals until they were beyond recognition. If it were not for the flying swords and ornaments to determine their identity, they would not be able to identify them at all.

Seeing their original partners being attacked, a group of superpowers suddenly became frightened and became suspicious.

The atmosphere in the team was tense.

Slowly, people with superpowers lose control of their emotions, hallucinate, and start killing each other.

The adventure team was torn apart by cannibalism and each went his own way. However, the killing did not end, because they seemed to be spinning around forever, always meeting their partners inadvertently...

He has little memory of how Hao Yunyao left there, because at that time, he was already in a state of hysterical madness. In his eyes, only killing, and any moving object would become the target of his massacre attack.

In Hao Yunyao's last memory, he killed many of his companions, and in the end, he was the only one left, and then he lost his memory.

When Hao Yunyao regained his memory, he had already left that terrifying place, and at this time, Hao Yunyao was seriously injured.

The memory in the soul of Hao Yunyao who was seriously injured was full of fear. He did not stay to heal his injuries, but flew away with his sword desperately and left the prehistoric area. In fact, at that time, Hao Yunyao still could not control his thinking.

It was just an instinct for him to leave the prehistoric area.

Hao Yunyao's instinct brought him to Wuchao City. When Hao Yunyao arrived in Wuchao City, he was injured. He originally wanted to find a place to heal his injuries, but he found that all his belongings were lost in the battle, leaving only

Downloaded a map.

Originally, Hao Yunyao was planning to sell Feijian when he could no longer support it. However, while spending the night in a ruined temple, his condition worsened and Hao Yunyao fell into a coma. He was looted by a group of wanderers. Not only was the map

Stolen, even the flying sword that I carried with me as my life was stolen, and ended up in this situation...

After Hao Yunyao's story ended, Zhou Sen fell into a long period of contemplation.

According to Hao Yunyao's description, the ancient formation can confuse people's minds and make them kill each other. However, what Zhou Sen cannot understand is why Hao Yunyao and others were not in danger at the beginning.


Hao Yunyao and others lost their minds and killed each other because they split into two factions and went their separate ways. This means that the formation was not fully activated at that time.

What force caused that formation to activate?

If Nine Heavens Profound Girl Shen Huimin and others were in that formation, why didn't they encounter Hao Yunyao and others?

What if Jiutian Xuannv also killed each other like Hao Yunyao...

Thinking of this, Zhou Sen couldn't help but shudder.

If that formation can really confuse people's minds and make them kill each other, then Jiutian Xuannv and the others will definitely be in trouble.


Can't wait any longer.

Even if there is no formation, in the frozen wilderness area, if you don't freeze to death, you will starve to death.

Normally, Jiutian Xuannv and the others would have some snacks in their Qiankun Rings, but in more than a year, the food they brought would have been exhausted.

Zhou Sen felt anxious when he thought of Shen Huimin, the mysterious goddess of the Nine Heavens, and a group of people suffering from hunger and cold.

The situation in Wuchao City has been stabilized for the time being, and the Crusaders are unable to launch a large-scale battle. Leaving Wuchao City at this time will not affect the overall situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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