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Chapter 950: Board Knife

"Brother, I can't hold on any longer!"

Tianyun groaned in pain. Obviously, she not only suffered from ankle sprains, but also lacked energy. After all, she was only a junior superpower with very limited cultivation. All she had to guard was the power of the Rizhao Divine Furnace in her hand.


"Why not give the Rizhao Divine Furnace to your brother?" Zhou Sen suggested.

"You idiot!" Tianyun's leg was already hurting to the bone. When Zhou Sen said this, she became inexplicably angry.

"Hmph!" Zhou Sen snorted coldly after being scolded by Tian Yun for no reason.

Zhou Sen snorted coldly, showing his dignity without being angry. Tian Yun, who was about to speak, suddenly fell silent and swallowed the words abruptly.

"The Rizhao Divine Furnace is a birthday gift given to Yun'er by our Wanqi Sect Master for her sixteenth birthday. It is driven by a secret method, but I can't exert its power even if it is given to me." When Tianse saw Zhou Sen's unkind expression, he felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

He quickly explained.

At this time, Han Zifei and the others were concentrating on dealing with the black swamp cockroaches that were getting closer and closer behind them, and did not notice Zhou Sen's unintentional display of kingly aura. However, the three of them were still a little surprised, because the surroundings were densely packed with layers of people.

The black swamp cockroach suddenly paused, as if it was blocked by some force for a moment.

Zhou Sen carried Tian Yun on his back without saying a word and continued walking following the sky, while Tian Yun also stopped talking.

After walking for several hundred feet, we arrived at a dark rock. The rock was three feet in diameter, pitch black, but extremely smooth. What felt strange was that there was not a single black swamp cockroach on this rock.

Among the overwhelming black swamp cockroaches and scorpions, it seemed extremely abrupt.

"This rock is hard, let's take a rest first." After testing a circle around the black rock, the sky determined that the area around the rock was safe.

Everyone was exhausted and immediately agreed.

"Although the terrain of this rock is high, it is surrounded by open areas with no cover and no escape route. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We should leave here in one go." Zhou Sen glanced at the surroundings of the black rock and frowned.

Unfortunately, Zhou Sen's proposal was not approved by everyone. Except for Zhou Sen, they unanimously decided to rest around the rock for a while before leaving. Everyone believed that Tianyun should at least recover some of her physical strength so that she can activate the Rizhao Divine Furnace.


Everyone climbed up the black rock about half a foot high. Zhou Sen had no choice but to follow them.

Surprisingly, after everyone climbed up the black rock, the surrounding black swamp cockroaches also stopped attacking and gathered around the rock, watching eagerly.

When everyone saw that the black swamp cockroach did not attack, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves relaxed, and they sat down on the rocks to rest.

Only Zhou Sen stood tall as a mountain, with a pair of deep eyes looking down at the green light that filled the mountains and plains like a will-o'-the-wisp.

The entire Black Marsh Mountain, except for the thousands of Black Marsh Cockroaches that covered the mountains and plains, was suffocatingly quiet, without the slightest sound, and filled with an aura of death.

There was something wrong with this place, but for a moment, Zhou Sen didn't know what was wrong.

"Brother Zhou, take a rest for a while, don't be nervous, wait for Tianyun to rest for a while, activate the sunshine furnace, and then you can leave here!" Huang Feilong saw Zhou Sen standing with his sword, thinking that Zhou Sen was nervous and scared, so he comforted him.

"Yeah." Zhou Sen looked around, then turned around and sat with everyone, eating something to replenish his strength.

"It's a little weird here.

"Han Zifei also seemed to be aware of the danger.

"It's okay, I checked, the rock is not poisonous, and there is no mechanism formation or anything like that." Tianse said with a relaxed expression.

"But, something feels wrong. Don't move. I'll go down and check again."

Han Zifei didn't wait for everyone to answer. He already held the flying sword and jumped off the boulder. The flying sword in his hand picked up the sword flowers and fired with super power. Countless black swamp cockroaches were killed by it.

A space was forced out.

Han Zifei walked around the dark boulder and found nothing, so he returned to the far point.

"Look at the texture of the rocks on the ground." Zhou Sen suddenly saw a strange gray color where Han Ziyu walked, and reminded him.

"Hmm..." Han Zifei squatted down, pushed back the black swamp cockroaches that were about to move around, and moved the tip of his sword among the rocks on the ground. Suddenly, his face became extremely solemn.

"What did you find?" Everyone immediately noticed something was wrong with Han Zifei's expression and asked quickly.

"It's all bones."


Everyone came to the edge of the black rocks and looked down. After a closer look, they broke out in a cold sweat, because those gray-white rocks were not actually rocks, but layers of piles of bones, most of which were human beings.

's skeleton.

Through visual inspection, just where Han Zifei was standing, the bones felt like they were piled up like a mountain.

Obviously, the black rock was definitely more than half a foot tall at first. It was because of the accumulation of layers of bones that the pitch-black rock became shorter and shorter...

Inexplicably, people felt chills running down their spines.

If these skeletons are all victims, then it means that many superpowers took a break like them when passing by this dark rock, and ended up dying here.

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Let's leave immediately!" Zhou Sen stood up immediately and suggested.

"Yes, it's not easy to stay here for a long time. You all come down and let's go!" Han Zifei immediately decided not to go up to the rock. The long sword in his hand unleashed dazzling superpowers, forcing the black swamp cockroaches to retreat.

Human beings are often full of endless fear of unknown dangers. After knowing that this dark rock is likely to be a fatal trap, the yellow flying dragons in the sky stood up one after another, eager to leave the place of right and wrong immediately.

"Ah...Brother...I can't stand up anymore..." Tianyun suddenly exclaimed.

"Let Brother Zhou carry you... ah..."

Before Tian Se could finish his words, he stumbled and fell down from the black rock. Fortunately, he was agile and when he landed, he rolled and landed on his feet. Otherwise, he would have fallen and hit his head.

In this desperate situation, the consequences are unimaginable.

"No, I'm poisoned!" Tianse struggled to get up, touching his head with a look of horror on his face.

"Huang Feilong, Zi Xiao, where are you?" Han Zifei was shocked.

"I'm a little top-heavy." Han Zifei stood on the rock, tensing the black rock with one hand and touching his forehead with the other.

"Me too." Huang Feilong looked panicked.

"Don't come down!"

The long sword in Tianse's hand was like a surging river, forcing back the black swamp cockroach that was about to move. He lifted Tianse up and jumped onto the black rock.

The sky jumped up to the black rock, and everyone was already staggering around. Only Zhou Sen stood on the rock like a mountain, looking at the Black Marsh Mountain with a pair of deep eyes.

At this time, the entire Black Marsh Mountain seemed to be moving. Dense green rays of light rushed toward the black rock, sweeping in like a green tide. The first thrilling feeling...

"This time, we are in trouble."

At this time, Han Zifei also felt that his head was as heavy as a thousand-pound boulder, his limbs were weak, and even the sword in his hand seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pounds.

There is no doubt that this dark rock is just a trap for the black swamp cockroaches, just to let passers-by stop and rest. While resting, they were unknowingly poisoned by some kind of unknown poison...

Everyone looked desperate.

"Brother Zhou, are you okay?" Han Ziyu suddenly discovered that Zhou Sen had been standing still from beginning to end, and was not slumped on the rock like them.

"Is it because you used drugs to harm us..." Tian Yun suddenly said sharply.

Zhou Sen suddenly turned around and his eyes fell on Tian Yun like lightning. Tian Yun's words were swallowed hard once again.

"Yun'er, what nonsense are you talking about!" Han Zifei looked at Tian Yun and said to Zhou Sen: "Brother Zhou, why are you not poisoned?"

"I don't know either." Zhou Sen shook his head.


Everyone looked suspicious.

In fact, everyone does not know that Zhou Sen has a world of gods, has the power of faith, and is already a half-immortal. Not only does he have an indestructible body, but he is also invulnerable to all poisons. Even the amnesia kudzu in the human world has been destroyed.

If it is resolved, what does the scorpion poison in Black Marsh Mountain mean?

Of course, the poisonous cockroaches in Black Marsh Mountain are not simple. They are the result of the reproduction of the cockroaches left over from the war between gods and demons and the local scorpions in this ancient area. Although its toxicity cannot be used against gods, it is not effective against ordinary human superpowers.

For a person, it is a very terrifying existence.

Over the course of thousands of years, the bones of countless people with super powers have been buried here, and among them, there are many masters with extraordinary skills.

If they hadn't seen the numerous skeletons under the black rock, everyone would have thought that Zhou Sen had done something secretly.

Han Zifei is a sensible person, so he can naturally deduce the general reason.

In fact, it is already clear at a glance that this black rock is a trap set by the scorpions of Black Marsh Mountain. They force passing humans or animals here, making them relaxed and unconsciously poisoned, making them unable to resist.

Then chop the food into large pieces...

"Cockroach..." Tianyun screamed.


Han Zifei jumped up, the flying sword in his hand was like lightning, and he breathed out a sharp sword energy. A black swamp cockroach flying up in the air was hit to pieces by the sword energy.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Another series of black swamp cockroaches flew towards the black rock, dizzying, like black lightning. Han Zifei was swimming on the black rock, dragging countless afterimages behind his body, and the long sword in his hand flew up and down.

Overflowing with anger, each black swamp cockroach was killed in the air, without missing a single one.

After killing thousands of black marsh cockroaches in succession, the black marsh cockroach suddenly stopped attacking.

Han Zifei breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the dripping sweat from his face. Only he knew about the thrill just now, because at this time, the Tianse brother and sister and Huang Feilong Han Ziyu were already on the verge of collapse, let alone Ge.

To kill the black marsh cockroach, I don't even have the strength to lift the sword. As long as a black marsh cockroach enters the range of the black rock, the consequences will be disastrous.

Han Zifei and the others knew the toxicity of the black marsh cockroach very well. Even if they were bitten by a black marsh cockroach in the mountain gate, let alone in this barren mountain, they might not be able to survive if they were not treated in time.

"They are testing." Zhou Sen said solemnly.

"Testing?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Yes, we are testing. Once they feel that we have no resistance, they will swarm us." Zhou Sen said lightly.


People looked horrified.

It is conceivable that if thousands of black swamp cockroaches all over the mountains and plains attack at the same time, even if they fight with their lives to resist, they will not be able to hold on for a stick of incense. By then, they will probably become skeletons under the black rocks.

It seems that this black rock should be a landmark of the Black Swamp Cockroach. When someone or an animal is trapped here, they will spread the news through some unknown method, and then come from all directions to eat...

The more people thought about it, the more frightened they became. Tian Yun, who was in unbearable pain because her foot was sprained, became even more trembling in her limbs.

No one can face the threat of death calmly!

People with superpowers themselves have a long life, and because of this, people with superpowers are more afraid of death than ordinary people. This is also the driving force for people with superpowers to pursue immortality.

"Brother Zhou, you...you...what can you do?" Tian Yun curled up in her brother Tianse's arms and asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes!" Zhou Sen said with certainty.

"Ah..." Tianyun just asked casually. After all, Zhou Sen was the only one who was not poisoned. However, she did not expect that Zhou Sen would answer so decisively. She immediately grabbed a life-saving straw and couldn't wait.

Asked: "What can I do?"

"Kill them all!" Zhou Sen said word by word with a stern look on his face.

"Kill them all..."

Everyone looked at each other with a wry smile on their faces.

There are more than tens of millions of black marsh cockroaches in Black Marsh Mountain. It is not easy to kill them all. What's more, even if the black marsh cockroaches don't resist, they will be killed for who knows what month.

"Actually, we don't have to kill them all, we just need to hold on until dawn." Zhou Sen could see everyone's thoughts.


Everyone could only smile bitterly. At this time, there were at least three hours before dawn. If there was no poison, only three hours would be no problem. But now, let alone three hours, even half an hour would not be easy.


Zhou Sen's suggestion is not feasible at all.

"Zhou Sen, you're not poisoned, so there's no use staying here. Why don't you fly away with your sword, and maybe there's still a chance of survival. If you leave safely, I just hope you can notify our leader." Han Ziyu sighed.

At this moment, he felt that his limbs were getting weaker and weaker, and the sword in his hand was getting heavier and heavier.

"I need a knife." Zhou Sen said calmly.

"Knife..." Everyone looked at each other.

"As long as we have a knife, we can hold on until dawn!"

"I have..." Tian Yun tried her best to summon a small and exquisite scimitar from the Qiankun Ring. The scimitar was bright and sharp, inlaid with precious stones and jade, and the workmanship was exquisite and delicate. It looked like a noble thing at first glance.

"No." Zhou Sen shook his head.

"I have a knife in my collection." Huang Feilong also summoned a slender long knife from the Qiankun Ring. The long knife's blade was like a stream of autumn water, emitting a faint cold air, but hiding a fierceness.

Huang Feilong seemed to cherish this knife very much. He held it in his hand with a look of reluctance on his face.

"No." Zhou Sen shook his head, with disappointment on his face. These two knives were both top-grade, but they were not the type he liked. They were not easy to use. He still liked knives that were as heavy as long knives with thick backs.

It doesn't matter if the material is slightly different.

"Brother Zhou, what kind of knife do you want? I have one here, I don't know if it suits your taste..." Han Ziyu showed a trace of hesitation on his face.

"Just make it heavier and longer."

"Heavier... how much more?" Han Ziyu said with a smile on his face.

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter..."

Zhou Sen's answer not only stunned Han Ziyu, but everyone was dumbfounded.

"My knife is really a bit heavy... I'm afraid Brother Zhou... is a bit... a bit..." Han Ziyu glanced at Zhou Sen's frail figure.

"Take it out and take a look." Zhou Sen smiled. He naturally understood what Han Ziyu was thinking.


Han Ziyu was exhausted at this time, and it was a bit difficult to summon items from the Qiankun Ring. He spent all his strength and sweating profusely before summoning a long knife from the Qiankun Ring.

A long, dark, dull knife.

The long knife seemed to melt into the endless darkness on the dark rock, filled with an aura of death.

When everyone saw this dark long sword, they were all stunned.

This knife is really not a little heavy. Its length is taller than that of an adult. The back of the knife is actually thicker than two adult palms. The width of the blade is even more exaggerated and is actually about the same as a human body.

This is no longer a knife. uuReading www.uukanshu.com Its weight is at least several hundred kilograms. It is difficult to carry it even for a few steps. It is simply unthinkable to use it to fight and kill enemies.

If you want to describe it, this knife is like an oversized butcher knife, but it is several times longer than an oversized butcher knife.

In addition to being thick and wide, this knife is a bit unattractive. It is not even as good as Zhou Sen's original thick-backed long knife. After all, the thick-backed long knife only has a black back, but its blade is sharp. And this knife, the blade

Also black.

In fact, this knife has no blade at all. If you touch the blade with your hand, there is absolutely no risk of cutting the skin, and there is no legendary instant decision when blowing hair.

"Brother Zhou, I'm sorry, this knife..."

Han Ziyu showed a trace of embarrassment on his face and raised his head to look at Zhou Sen.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Zhou Sen, and Tianyun, when she saw this huge black knife, even felt a sense of schadenfreude, because Zhou Sen just boasted about Haikou,

It's said that weight doesn't matter.

The whole world disappeared in Zhou Sen's eyes, because in Zhou Sen's eyes, there was only that super giant sword.

This knife has broken Zhou Sen's imagination. He has never thought that there is such a huge long knife in the world.

No, it is not a long knife. Zhou Sen believes that the term "ban knife" is more appropriate to describe this knife, because the shape of this knife has exceeded the scope of a normal long knife. Its blade is as wide as the human body, enough to match the "ban knife"

"This title...

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