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Nine hundred and seventieth chapters the cohesion of the bandits

Hand it over!" Headmaster Yue saw Huang Feilong hesitating, his eyes suddenly showed a fierce light, and he shouted loudly, causing ripples in the air in circles, the sound was terrifying.

The leader of the Yue Sect has an extraordinary background. He is the deputy sect leader of the Tianyi Sect, and the Tianyi Sect is one of the top sects in the prehistoric era, with more than three hundred disciples.

As one of the largest sects in the prehistoric area, the Tianyi Sect relies not on the strength of numbers, but on a cloud of masters. The head of Yue has reached the advanced third level and is about to ascend. He is ranked third among the Tianyi Sect.

Fifth, it is said that the leader of Tianyi Sect has reached the level of Earth Immortal and has the ability to overturn rivers and seas.

Although the leader of the Feiyun Sect where Huang Feilong belongs is somewhat powerful, compared with the Tianyi Sect, he is not on the same level.

In the prehistoric area, there is no doubt that the jungle is a place where the strong prey on the weak. This can be seen from the three disciples of Dingtianmen bullying Han Zifei and his group.

Compared with the world of cultivating gods in the Han Empire, the world of cultivating gods in the prehistoric area has a more cruel competition for resources. Every year, many sects of cultivating gods are exterminated because of the "crime of possessing a jade".

Now, when Head Yue saw that a group of yellow-haired boys were holding top-quality energy stones, he naturally guessed that the treasures in the underground palace had been divided among them.

"I...I don't..." Huang Feilong firmly grasped the energy stone in his hand, but was overwhelmed by the power of Master Yue. He stuttered more and more, with a panic look on his face, and subconsciously touched the Qiankun Ring on his finger.

But he didn't know that this action betrayed his inner thoughts.

"The steps of this underground palace are magnificent, and the treasures hidden are certainly not small. If you are wise, hand them over immediately, otherwise..." A sinister smile appeared on Master Yue's face.

"I have..." Seeing that Huang Feilong couldn't stand the pressure, Zhou Sen took a step forward. At this time, Zhou Sen had decided to use part of the energy stones to bribe these superpowers. Anyway, the superpowers in his Qiankun Ring

There are hundreds of superpowers here, and each of them has ten, which is only a few thousand. Everyone is very happy. After forming a good relationship, they can also find out the whereabouts of Jiutian Xuannv and the others.

"Who are you! Is there a place for you to talk here?!"

Many times, things tend to develop in another direction regardless of people's willpower.

Just when Zhou Sen decided to share part of the energy stone elixir with everyone, the middle-aged man next to Master Yue shouted, interrupting Zhou Sen's words.


The whole Kuaiji Mountain seemed to be quiet.

Hundreds of superpowers from the Han Empire gasped almost simultaneously.

In the Han Empire, who would dare to contradict the undefeated God of War Zhou Sen like this?! Among the cultivators of the Han Empire, many young superpowers showed anger on their faces when they saw Zhou Sen being humiliated.

No one with superpowers in the prehistoric area could understand Zhou Sen's status in the Han Empire. Even the Jiupan Sect, which had always had a gap with Zhou Sen, did not want to see Zhou Sen humiliated. After all, Zhou Sen was now more than just

A fierce bandit, he was still the hope of the Han Empire.

Zhou Sen stared at the middle-aged man coldly with his deep eyes.

"You're not convinced?" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, exuding a heart-stopping aura, and his robes made a hunting sound.

"Who are you!" Zhou Sen's eyes flashed with crazy murderous intent, a look of arrogance and contempt for the world, which made people dare not look at him.

"What do you want?" The middle-aged man lost ground in terms of momentum, his expression was fierce, and he subconsciously took a step back and pulled out the long sword from his waist.

Bah bah bah bah...

The moment the middle-aged man pulled out the long sword from his waist, suddenly, dozens of young superpowers rushed out from the camp of the Han Empire's superpowers, stood around Zhou Sen, and drew out the flying sword.

, murderous and full of fighting spirit.

"We are willing to serve the general!" A young superpower said loudly.

"Through fire and water, I will do whatever it takes!"

"Through fire and water, I will do whatever it takes!"

"Through fire and water, I will do whatever it takes!"

The voices of dozens of people were like muffled thunder, full of indomitable momentum.

The young superpowers of the Han Empire are fierce and calm, with dozens of flying swords as sharp as blood. They all have cold faces and look forward to death!

The wind is filled with a strong smell of death.

Leader Yue and the middle-aged man were stunned. They did not expect that the superpowers of the Han Empire who had retreated would suddenly come forward. This surprised them because, at the beginning, the superpowers of the Han Empire

They had maintained restraint from beginning to end and were just arguing. But now, they would actually risk their lives for the sake of this long-haired young man. It is really unbelievable.

"Praying mantis is blocking the car, you are overestimating your capabilities!" Headmaster Yue snorted coldly and said to the middle-aged man: "Young sect leader, please calm down and let them see how powerful our Tianyi sect is!"

After Master Yue finished speaking, he waved his arm, and nine murderous superpowers emerged from the crowd, and nine sharp swords bloomed in the air with a heart-stopping cold light.

Nine Heavens Sword Formation!

Seeing nine superpowers emerge from the crowd, there was a commotion among the superpowers in the prehistoric area, and their faces showed signs of panic.

People with super powers in the prehistoric area all know that the Nine Heavens Sword Formation is the gate-holding formation of the Tianyi Sect.

The Nine Heavens Sword Formation is arranged according to the innate Eight Trigrams Universe. This formation uses the number nine as the killing number. Nine disciples who are proficient in the Nine Heavens Sword Art are arranged in groups of nine and are arranged according to the directions of the Eight Trigrams. The chain sword art of Tianyi Sect is originally based on swiftness.

The secret is very good. If there are seventy-two people who are proficient in the chain sword technique, there will be no gaps at all, and even a small fly will have trouble flying through.

The seventy-two disciples with superb swordsmanship in the formation stopped in silence, and the tail responded when they struck, the tail responded when they struck, and the tail responded when they struck the waist, firmly trapping the enemy in the formation. This formation became the disciple of Tianyi Sect.

The enemy-defending magic weapon can be formed by only nine people. If it is formed by seventy-two disciples, it can exert the greatest power. They are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. It contains the mystery of the five rituals and eight trigrams. They are horns of each other, capable of both offense and defense, and are infinitely powerful!

Now, although there are only nine people, which is far from the number of seventy-two, they are in line with the number of nine kills. No one dares to underestimate the Nine Heavens Sword Formation composed of nine people. In the prehistoric area, there are countless people.

The master was buried under this sword formation.

The atmosphere became solemn.

"Amitabha!" From the camp of superpowers in the Han Empire, a monk wearing a red cassock walked out. The monk held a string of huge Buddhist beads. After pronouncing the Buddha's name, he said: "General Zhou is the pillar of the Han Empire. If anyone

If you want to harm the general, you have to get over Lao Mon's corpse."

"Our Jiupan Sect will not agree to anyone who wants to touch General Zhou, even if it involves blood spattering for five steps." A middle-aged man with an impressive appearance also walked out of the Jiupan Sect.

"And our magical power sect."

"Haha, being able to fight alongside General Zhou is my lifelong wish!"


The superpowers of the Han Empire who were originally watching from afar stood in front of Zhou Sen, forming a human wall with various magic weapons, emitting dazzling brilliance.

Who is this guy?

Head Yue and the middle-aged man were all stunned. They did not expect that this long-haired young man would have such great appeal. This was completely beyond their expectations.

Now, Tianyimen is riding a tiger and cannot get off. What makes Tianyimen happy is that the superpowers of the Han Empire have come forward for Zhou Sen, but this has angered the superpowers in the prehistoric area. They immediately draw their swords and fight against the Han Empire again.

The empire's superpowers confront each other.

At this time, Mr. Peng and Han Zifei looked at each other. They did not expect that Zhou Sen had such great appeal. At the beginning, the superpowers of the Han Empire avoided Zhou Sen. In the blink of an eye, they all started to fight for Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen's fight is really puzzling.

The atmosphere was tense.

The storm is about to come, and a melee is about to break out...

"Thank you brothers for your kindness, Zhou Sen appreciates it!" Zhou Sen suddenly felt excited and said loudly when he saw that the superpowers of the Han Empire could actually sacrifice their lives for the sake of the overall situation.

The dozens of young superpowers who first stood up at the beginning were a group of passionate men with strong and tough personalities. At this moment, their eyes looked at Zhou Sen with respect and admiration from the bottom of their hearts. Serving the country and the people is the real thing.


"In those days, General Zhou proudly crushed the Huns' cavalry and showed off his power as a superpower. He also braved the Xiongnu prairie alone and furiously beheaded the Chanyu, shocking the world. Now, General Zhou has turned the tide and captured Zhenshuiguan and Tongzhou City, beheading them.

Hundreds of thousands of crusaders have relieved the danger of Wuchao City. At first, Luo ran all night long, wishing he could fight with the general day and night. Unfortunately, he was entangled in trivial matters and had no chance to meet him. Today, he met the general in this ancient area.

I, Luo, am willing to fight to the death to follow the general on the battlefield, even if I am wrapped in horse leather, I will never regret it!"

A tall man with superpowers and rough features roared loudly, taking a sudden step forward, a nine-ring sword in his hand exuding a rushing murderous aura.

"Yes, even if I am wrapped in horse leather, I will never regret it!"

Everyone responded, and the huge sound caused the air wave to change the color of the wind and clouds, as if thousands of troops were galloping towards them.

The superpowers in the prehistoric area were all secretly frightened. You must know that at the beginning, although the superpowers of the Han Empire formed their own camp, some sects still fought on their own and were scattered. This

After the long-haired young man appeared, the superpowers in the prehistoric area discovered that the superpowers of the Han Empire suddenly became united and murderous...

Seeing the morale of the superpowers in the Han Empire rising like a rainbow, the leader of the Tianyi Sect, Yue Sect, and the young sect leader looked at each other, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

Now, there are more than 600 superpowers in Kuaiji Mountain, and a steady stream of superpowers are coming. If there is a fight, the consequences will be disastrous.

Hundreds of superpowers fighting each other are extremely rare, both in the history of spiritual cultivation in the Han Empire and in the prehistoric area.

"Boy, since you are a general of the Han Empire, don't hide behind others and stand up like a man!" Master Yue thought for a moment, and finally decided to target Zhou Sen.

The leader of the Yue Clan is undoubtedly a smart man. He knows very well that although the superpowers in the prehistoric area are not at a disadvantage, their morale has dropped a lot. Moreover, once the war starts, Tianyimen will definitely be defeated by all the superpowers of the Han Empire.

The siege of

"Hahaha...Okay, since we have to fight, let's fight. Don't ruin my reputation as a tough gangster!"

Zhou Sen opened his arms, and the huge cold flame magic knife appeared out of thin air in his hand. The dark blade seemed to be boiling with black flames, and the temperature suddenly became extremely hot.

The Cold Flame Demon Sword has absorbed the immortal fire essence, and its fire attribute is even more fierce.

In fact, Zhou Sen still doesn't know that the fire properties of the Cold Flame Demonic Sword have been changed by the immortal fire essence. At this time, the lethality of the Cold Flame Demonic Sword has been increased thousands of times. As long as it is touched by the flames on the blade, it will be

The situation of endless death is similar to the lethality of the sacred black sandalwood tree...

The superpowers of the Han Empire were impressed by Zhou Sen's heroic spirit, and they all retreated, with boundless awe in their eyes. He is worthy of being the undefeated God of War!

Seeing the huge black knife, the faces of the superpowers in the prehistoric area also showed a trace of palpitations.

Not to mention how high Zhou Sen's cultivation level is, this heavy giant sword alone cannot be used by ordinary superpowers. Without the support of strong brute force, let alone fighting, even if it is carried on the body,

It's all a heavy burden.

The fierce bandit Zhou Sen!

When Zhou Sen mentioned "violent bandits", there was a commotion among the crowd of superpowers in the prehistoric area, and many people had a look of horror on their faces.

Could this long-haired young man be the fierce bandit Zhou Sen who killed the Silverback King and fought against His Highness the Monkey King?!

Zhou Sen didn't know that he was already famous since his battle with the Monkey King.

People with super powers in the prehistoric area only knew that there was a ruthless bandit in the Han Empire, Zhou Sen, who was fighting His Highness the Monkey King to no avail, but they did not expect that Zhou Sen had the dual identity of an undefeated God of War.

Until now, the superpowers in the prehistoric area have not linked the undefeated God of War of the Han Empire with the gangsters on the gang list. After all, the two are completely unrelated...

Just as the superpowers were commotion, nine superpowers from the Tianyi Sect had activated the Nine Heavens Sword Formation. They arranged a thick and tight formation to surround Zhou Sen, waving "Swipe, Swipe, Swipe!"

The bright and cold sharp swords were approaching step by step with murderous intent. The neat and murderous formations were like surging black waves, making people almost suffocated.

Zhou Sen proudly raised the huge black sword in his hand. The huge sword swallowed invisible black flames. Suddenly, the flames disappeared, and the world was filled with a sense of desolation and murder. The sword aura struck people. Before the sword arrived, Senhan's sword light had already stabbed him.

The cold wind broke through, and the forceful sword energy destroyed the red leaves on the branches. The red leaves on the branches fluttered and fell. The red leaves on the branches were destroyed by the sword energy and broke into countless pieces. It looked like a rain of blood all over the sky. The scene was extremely miserable!

One hot and one cold, it's like hell on earth.

Headmaster Yue's heart gradually sank. This time, the long-haired young man not only had a group of powerful superpowers to help him, but from the look of his movements, he was a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles. A bloody battle was inevitable today.

Life or death is uncertain?

Leader Yue regretted in his heart, but the reputation of the sect was at stake, but he was already riding a tiger. He gritted his teeth, raised his arms, and suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. His clothes and crowns actually rose into the sky, and there seemed to be waves of air around him.

ripples, exuding an amazing spirit!

The Nine Heavens Sword Formation was activated by Master Yue.

Seeing Master Yue personally going into battle, the nine superpowers suddenly felt their blood boiling. They took a few steps forward and surrounded Zhou Sen. The palms of their hands holding the sword tightly were covered with nervous sweat!

The middle-aged man known as the Young Master suddenly stepped forward and said coldly: "This prehistoric area is not the Han Empire. We are the masters of the prehistoric area. You are worthy of death for stealing the prehistoric treasures. Today,

We, the Tianyi Sect, must cut off your head in order to wash away the shame of the Ancient God Cultivation Sect..."



Just when Shaomenism was speaking out to sow discord, suddenly, there was an earth-shattering vibration on the mountains, as if the mountains were collapsing and the earth was cracking, and the momentum was terrifying.

Everyone looked towards the top of the Kuaiji Mountains and saw hundreds of monsters rushing over like a tide. Wherever they passed, trees and rocks collapsed one after another, which was extremely majestic.

What are they going to do?

The superpowers in the prehistoric area were shocked.

In the past thousands of years, although superpowers and monsters in the prehistoric area have occasionally clashed, they have always been in peace. Such a large-scale gathering of monsters has never happened before.

The murderous superpowers of the Nine Heavens and One Sect were breathing rapidly, and the wrists that had been holding the sword for a long time were white from excessive tension, but no one dared to take action.

Zhou Sen, who was sitting in the middle, was as calm as water and as indifferent as tea, with a leisurely smile on his face, but they felt cold all over, as if Zhou Sen was radiating a chilling and cold murderous intention!

Seeing hundreds of monsters coming like a tide, the superpowers of the Han Empire also had a look of panic on their faces.

In the prehistoric area, monsters and human superpowers actually have the upper hand, because in the prehistoric area, it is impossible to fly with a sword. It is more of a skill battle, and monsters are born in the wild mountains.

Killers, not to mention the number of monsters far exceed those of human superpowers.

The sound of the rushing monster beasts was like thunder, coming from far and near, heading straight for the place where the superpowers gathered, and the hearts of hundreds of superpowers were beating violently as they ran!

The smile on Zhou Sen's face became even stronger. He held the huge and heavy Cold Flame Demonic Sword in his right hand without any trembling in his wrist.


Getting closer!

Just when the monster beasts rushed to within a hundred feet of the person with superpowers, the monster beasts suddenly transformed into burly men and ran wildly. The momentum of the monster beasts swallowing up mountains and rivers was thrilling.

The running monsters kicked up the dust in the sky like a whirlwind, and poured into the crowd of superpowers like a torrent of steel. They suddenly stopped in Zhou Sen, and a black cloud seemed to fly from the clear sky, and the night and chill seemed to

It's thicker than before.

Facing the monsters that suddenly rushed in, whether they were superpowers from the Han Empire or superpowers from the prehistoric area, they all retreated and got out of the way. Even the Nine Heavens Sword Formation was directly dispersed.

Unlike the cultivators in the prehistoric area, although the superpowers of the Han Empire got out of the way, they still gathered around Zhou Sen and did not take a step back.


In the suffocating silence, the entire Kuaiji Mountain became audible, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be frozen.

A murderous atmosphere spread in the air.

Everyone held their breath, their nerves tensed, all kinds of magic weapons were pulled out, and all the superpowers were ready for a desperate battle.

No one knows the monsters' intentions.

A surprising scene appeared.

Hundreds of monsters transformed into humans, without making the slightest sound, bowed and saluted Zhou Sen in unison, their movements uniform, their faces filled with unparalleled reverence...

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