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Chapter 989 Goodbye spacecraft

This is not a catastrophe.

Definitely not a catastrophe!

This is a modern weapon, but it is more advanced than the weapons in the five star regions.

Zhou Sen activated the candle dragon leather armor, and the dragon armor contained in it emitted a urging light, resisting the death beam in the air, and he was extremely horrified.

Zhou Sen never thought that human superpowers would be so vulnerable to modern technological weapons.

In front of that dense beam of light, no matter whether it is an intermediate superpower user or a high-level superpower user, there is no room for resistance. The only way is to run away and avoid it.

If the heavenly tribulation only bombarded the superpowers who had overcome the tribulation into charcoal, these beams of light directly vaporized the human superpowers, and their power far exceeded that of ordinary heavenly tribulations.

One by one, the superpowers were shot or vaporized, and those who survived fled in the Bingjie Valley.

Some superpowers that are as powerful as the fifth level are extremely weak against this deadly light defense. Often, they can only withstand dozens of shots. After their power is exhausted, they will be burned directly to charcoal.

Or it can be directly vaporized, and both body and soul will be destroyed.

Not only those with super powers were attacked, but the walking zombie skeletons awakened by the King of Corpses were also brutally attacked without exception.

The zombie skeletons of The Walking Dead have no superpower defense at all, and the blows they bear become more and more severe. Often, with a beam of light, they are reduced to ashes and no bones remain.

It seems that all moving targets have become targets.

Even though Zhou Sen's "speed" was astonishing, he was hit twice by the astonishingly powerful beam of light.

Zhou Sen, who had candle dragon leather armor and dragon armor body protection, felt as if he had fallen into a furnace. Not even an inch of his clothes was left on his body. Every time he was hit by the beam of light, Zhou Sen's soul felt like it was crumbling.


Zhou Sen frantically moved around in the Valley of Soldiers, using the cover of some protruding rocks. At the same time, Zhou Sen's spiritual thoughts spread like ripples, and soon, the source of the light beam above 10,000 meters in the sky was monitored.


At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Zhou Sen's spiritual mind discovered an extremely smooth metal flying object. The flying object shone with a charming metallic luster, just like a drop of water.

The metal flying object is about five meters in length, hovering in the air, shrouded in a layer of pulsating energy, and the metallic hull is like a perfect work of art.

Flying objects.

Five star regions!

Almost immediately, Zhou Sen thought of aircraft from the five star regions, but immediately gave up the idea because the technology of the five star regions had not yet reached this level.

Obviously, the light beam emitted by the flying object is a weapon similar to the "laser" of the five star regions. In the five star regions, the power of laser weapons is not so powerful. At least, the laser weapons of the five star regions are very powerful.

It is difficult to cause harm to the current Zhou Sen. After all, he is now a semi-immortal and has treasures with him.

Zhou Sen guessed that this spaceship should be inextricably related to the spacecraft that imprisoned the gods...

Zhou Sen had no time to think about it, because the body of the fleeing King of Corpses had been completely charred, and his snow-white bathrobe had turned into ashes. It was too horrible to look at.

The King of Corpses is a prehistoric human corpse. It has absorbed the souls of countless gods and is a creation of heaven and earth. Its body is so strong that it can be said to be indestructible. However, facing the laser shot by the flying object, it has no power to fight back.

Can run away like crazy.

Although the laser could not kill the King of Corpses, it still made the King of Corpses extremely embarrassed. If this continues, the King of Corpses might not be able to hold on for long.

While Zhou Sen was dodging lasers that were like raindrops, he activated his soul and transformed into thousands of clones. In an instant, thousands of Zhou Sens were galloping all over the mountains and plains in the valley, which was extremely spectacular.

The scene became increasingly chaotic as thousands of Zhou Sen's clones appeared.

The lasers, which were as dense as raindrops, shot them all regardless of whether they were clones or real bodies. Instead, they were extremely fast. In just a few breaths, Zhou Sen's clones were shot to pieces.

Everyone, please go and try it soon.]

Under the cover of the clone, Zhou Sen flew with his sword like a stream of light flying close to the ground, and escaped from the Bingjie Valley. Zhou Sen, who escaped from the Bingjie Valley, did not escape like a bereaved dog like other escaped superpowers.

, but instead flew around with his sword and flew high into the sky of the Sha Miao Formation.

Zhou Sen has a certain understanding of the earth's high technology. He knows that his whereabouts may not be able to be concealed from the spaceship. Therefore, the speed of his sword flying has reached the extreme, like a stream of light, shooting straight towards the spaceship.

A drop-shaped flying object suspended in the sky, full of metallic texture...

That pulsating energy should be an energy shield similar to that of a superpower!

The goal is getting closer!

The drop-shaped metal flying object became increasingly clear, but Zhou Sen did not urge the flying sword to attack the flying object.

The power of the superpower's flying sword to attack the target does not rely on the physical attack of the flying sword, but relies on the magic circle inside the flying sword to activate superpowers to attack the enemy.

The drop-shaped metal flying object had energy pulsation similar to that of an energy shield. Zhou Sen speculated that energy attacks would have little effect on the flying object, so he chose the most primitive physical attack.

Cold Flame Demon Sword!

Zhou Sen raised the heavy Cold Flame Demon Sword, which was blazing with flames.

Thousands of feet.


Fifty feet.

Suddenly, the drop-shaped metal flying object suddenly moved in an instant, without any warning, moving hundreds of feet horizontally out of thin air, and the target of the shooting became Zhou Sen high in the sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Sharp beams of death light shot at Zhou Sen. Zhou Sen was horrified and did not dare to use the cold flame magic knife to defend himself. He was afraid of being directly vaporized and activated his super power to gather moisture in the air to form a huge ice shield.



The ice shield was hit by dense lasers and instantly shattered, torn into pieces, or directly vaporized.

However, what pleased Zhou Sen was that although the ice shield could not resist the laser, it weakened the attack he endured dozens of times. There was only a slight burning sensation, which was almost negligible.

Under Zhou Sen's frantic urging, huge shields were formed in the sky thousands of feet high, forming layers of defenses around Zhou Sen's body.

At this time, Zhou Sen had no time to attack the drop-shaped metal flying object, because the layers of ice shields not only protected him, but also hindered his movement.

Now, Zhou Sen was completely on the defensive and became the target of the drop-shaped metal flying object.

Ice shields appeared out of thin air, and ice shields were shattered or vaporized.

A stick of incense has passed, the moisture in the sky has been drained by Zhou Sen, and the number of ice shields has become less and less, but the shooting of the water drop-shaped metal flying objects still shows no sign of stopping.

Zhou Sen knows that there are countless kinds of energy sources in the high-tech of the five star regions that can last for hundreds of years. If the water-drop-shaped metal flying object uses those energy sources, then it means that the water-drop-shaped metal flying object can never stop.

Shooting, at least, can last for decades.


A wry smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Sen's mouth. He couldn't hold on even for a few hours, let alone decades.

If no measures are taken, he will end up being shot by a laser, because it is impossible for Zhulong leather armor and dragon armor to withstand for several years, and Zhou Sen's half-immortal body cannot be so strong.

The battle lasted for decades...

Zhou Sen didn't know that the human being in the cockpit of the drop-shaped metal spacecraft also had a look of shock on his face. He didn't expect that this superpower could actually resist for such a long time.

In the headquarters in the distant void, the humans at the Yunci Space Monitoring Station were all staring closely at the fierce battle high in the sky, with extremely shocked expressions on every face.

The power of this ordinary superpower has far exceeded their expectations.

Of course, what shocks people is not the power of this superpower. After all, there are countless existences more powerful than this superpower. What shocks people is the IQ of this superpower.

This superpower seems to know a certain amount of high-tech knowledge and knows how to use ice to resist heat. The most important thing is that this superpower never attacks the spacecraft with energy from beginning to end.

Usually, when a person with super powers encounters a spaceship for the first time, he will immediately use his super powers to attack. However, this person with super powers has no intention of attacking the spacecraft with his super powers at all. Instead, he is trying to get close to the spacecraft and attack with the most primitive physical power.


"This person with super powers is a bit weird, kill him as soon as possible!"

"Yes, General!"

The shooting frequency of the laser suddenly increased, and the diameter of the light beam also increased several times.

This time, the ice shield was not shattered and penetrated, but directly vaporized.

In just a few breaths, there was not much left of the dense ice shield in the sky.


Zhou Sen gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, and countless ice shields appeared in the air. Under the urging of his super power, the ice shields smashed towards the drop-shaped metal flying object. It was as powerful as the fierce and unafraid of death.

Like thousands of troops and horses, the momentum is galloping and spectacular.



The huge number of ice shield attacks is meaningless, because they can't get close to the drop-shaped metal flying object and are directly vaporized...

"Perverted humans!"

The human in the cockpit of the teardrop-shaped metal flying object snorted coldly, with a look of contempt on his face.

This is not the first time he has fought against a person with super powers. He has extremely rich combat experience and a very good understanding of the fighting methods of super powers. He can already foresee that the opponent will be exhausted and then reduced to ashes by the laser cannon.

In this person's eyes, all superpowers are abnormal humans.

The laser cannon is extremely powerful and can fire 1,000 "light bombs" in one second. The light bombs are extremely powerful "strong beams".

As long as the laser hits a human, basically the fragile human body will be reduced to ashes or directly vaporized. However, the bodies of these "perverted humans" are extremely strong, and some abnormal humans can withstand several laser cannon shots.

, some can even defend hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times.

Of course, these perverted humans are not the most powerful. There is also a kind of "super perverted humans" who are not afraid of laser shooting at all. To deal with those people, many terrifying weapons must be used, including "atomic weapons" and "neutron weapons"

"Tear apart black holes" "antimatter weapons" and so on.

Those terrifying weapons can not only destroy planets, but can even destroy and collapse a galaxy.

Perhaps, ordinary humans cannot understand what galaxy collapse is. To put it bluntly, it means the destruction of the entire solar system.

In fact, during the war between humans and gods, humans once destroyed spaces like the Milky Way in order to kill those perverted humans...

Whether they are abnormal humans or super abnormal humans, they all have a common name - superpowers.

Thinking of those super-perverted superpowers, a wry smile appeared on the face of the human in the cockpit. He really couldn't imagine that humans could be so powerful. They were worthy of being perverted humans.

The battle between humans and gods began on the earth, but it did not end on the earth.

Very early on, in order to establish their own sacred world, the gods brought humans into a planet suitable for human survival in the universe. These humans spread out and gradually gave birth to their own civilization. With the development of science and technology,

, humans are gradually awakening and possessing the technological power to fight against gods.

Awakened humans believe that superpowers are the source of all human disasters.

In the eyes of superpowers, human beings are no different than animals, providing them with the power of faith. Therefore, this awakened human race began to set the ultimate goal of liberating all mankind.

The most direct way to liberate all mankind is to kill the superpowers who enslave mankind, and superpowers not only refer to ordinary superpowers, but also include those ancient gods.

In the early days of taking action, humans with high-tech power indeed targeted all superpowers. Later, they discovered that killing ordinary superpowers did not make much sense, because as long as there are those super-perverted human gods,

, the group of superpowers will never disappear. They are the spiritual pillar of mankind. With them, every human being will have a dream of ascension.

If you want to eradicate the problem, you must kill all the powerful humans - the gods.

There is no doubt that this is a difficult task, because gods are powerful enough to compete with high-tech power. Often, the price of killing a god is the huge price of sacrificing the habitat of countless humans.

The most troublesome thing for human beings is that gods have the ability to penetrate space barriers and can migrate in the universe at will. Therefore, not to mention hunting them down, but also finding their traces has become extremely difficult.

The battle between humans and gods has become protracted.

In order to hunt down the gods, humans not only search the universe, but also monitor most of the human settlements. As long as the energy fluctuation reaches a certain value, the alarm system will be activated.

Usually, when the so-called energy value reaches the level that activates the alarm system, it is usually when ordinary superpowers want to advance to the level of gods. Often, superpowers have just entered the world of gods and immediately suffer a devastating blow.

Humans with high technology call the killing of people with advanced superpowers the "second catastrophe."

Over the thousands of years, there have been countless superpowers who have been able to advance to the world of gods, but there are very few superpowers who can survive the second catastrophe.

Just now, Zhou Sen used twenty-seven energy stones to form an energy stone matrix to heal the five elders. The powerful energy of the energy stone matrix triggered the alarm system, causing high-tech humans to mistakenly think that someone was about to ascend, and immediately sent a water drop-shaped metal spaceship.

The spacecraft performs an interception mission...

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