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Chapter 202 Unexpected (5/134)

Leading Inter Milan by ten points in the league, Chang Sheng made everyone feel relaxed.

He had been tense before.

Now the string can finally be loosened to prevent it from breaking.

At this time, he doesn't even pay much attention to the outcome of the next league - no matter how hard he plays, he might lose four of the five league rounds, right?

So in the league, you can give it some slack and don't push the players too hard.

To prevent them from getting hurt.

Transfer all your energy to the Champions League and prepare for the Champions League... semi-finals.

Guardiola is looking forward to this meeting, so why not win often?

He has clearly told Guardiola before that even if Guardiola goes out alone to preach, it is absolutely impossible to defeat him.

Guardiola was non-committal at the time, obviously not caring about it in his heart.

After all, football is round, why can't I beat you?

Now this is an opportunity. Chang Sheng wants to face Guardiola and say: You just can't beat me, I will do what I say!

Although the two people have a good personal relationship, this fight has nothing to do with their personal relationship.

This is a battle of ideas and a battle of spirits.

Guardiola believes that his method is better and is the direction of Tiki-taka's future development. Chang Sheng had a heated argument about this, but was unable to convince Guardiola.

Chang Sheng also realized that in the face of these ideological battles, it is useless to show off your words. You can never convince your opponent with your words. Because he firmly believes that he is right.

Then you can only speak with facts and tell him that his idea is wrong.

Why is it wrong?

Because you can't beat me.

Do you want to prove that you are right? Well, come and defeat me. If you can't even beat me, how can you have the nerve to say that you are right and I am wrong?

Chang Sheng and Guardiola argued so hard that neither one could convince the other in the end.

Perhaps from that time on, the two of them had the same idea in mind - let's lead their respective teams to see the real results in the game!

In addition to the battle of ideas, there is also a battle of emotions.

Guardiola is a disciple who studied under Chang Sheng. Now that he is out on his own, if he defeats Chang Sheng, what will the Catalan media say? I'm afraid there will be a collective climax right away.

Guardiola had not played against Chang Sheng before, but the Catalan media could not wait to praise Guardiola and belittle Chang Sheng.

This kind of remarks makes Chang Sheng very unhappy. Naturally, he will not complain about Guardiola, but he will certainly not be happy about these remarks.

He hated the practice of praising one person and then trying to belittle the other. It seemed that two people had to be pitted against each other to highlight the greatness of one of them.

These people's brains may be two-dimensional and single-threaded. There can only be one good person. If this person is good, that person must be bad.

Anything except yes means no, anything except 1 means 0, and anything except good means bad.

There is no diversified thinking model at all.

Guardiola is indeed very powerful. His achievements in Barcelona prove that the coaching level brought by Chang Sheng is very high. This also puts gold on Chang Sheng's face.

Who doesn’t want his disciples to become famous marshals when they go out?

But does Guardiola's success prove his failure?

Chang Sheng was very unhappy with such idiotic remarks.

In order to let the idea flow through, Barcelona has to die...

So if Barcelona is eliminated by Lazio in the end, it can be said that the Catalan media is all to blame!


Half a week after the 33rd round of the league, Lazio welcomed Inter Milan at home.

This is the second leg of the Italian Cup semi-finals.

In the first round, Lazio defeated Inter Milan 2:0 away from home, not only taking away a victory, but also taking away two away goals.

And in that game, Mourinho was called to the stands for protesting against the referee's decision.

In this game, Mourinho was unable to direct the game from the sidelines.

The situation at Inter Milan is worrying.

They have no hope of winning the league championship.

We want to compete for the Coppa Italia, but the head coach is not on the sidelines.

Public opinion believes that Inter Milan is destined to lose.

Lazio thinks so too.

As a result, when the game started, they were caught off guard by Inter Milan!

Lazio fell behind 0:2 in the first half!

The commentators were speechless.

"...In such a game...Inter Milan actually came back to life!"

In the TV broadcast, Chang Sheng's face was ashen, while the Inter Milan players were celebrating!

The total score, Inter Milan and Lazio tied 2:2! And they also offset Lazio’s two away goal advantages!

The TV broadcast went to Mourinho who was standing in the box.

There was no expression on his face.

It seemed like this was what he expected.

For this game, he made very serious preparations for Lazio before the game, and he also made full use of the Lazio players' own pride and underestimation of the enemy.

In the end, Lazio was caught off guard!

But this is only the first half...

There are forty-five minutes left in the second half, and this is Lazio's home court after all. Once Lazio recovers, Inter Milan's situation is still not good.


During the halftime break, the winning Lazio players scolded each one of them.

"Do you still want to play? If you don't want to play, go to the reserve team! We led by two goals in the first round, and even when we got to our own home court, we were able to let them come back! How did you do it? Is there something wrong with my tactics?

? Or is there something wrong with your mentality?! Do you think Inter Milan is dead? Let me tell you, this is a cup, not a league! Cups are hotbeds of upsets, and anything can happen!"

After enough scolding, Chang Sheng began to arrange tactics for the players in the second half.

Lazio once again resorted to multi-core tactics.

Ledesma replaced Meireles in the second half.

In this way, Lazio's midfield has three midfielders who can organize Motta, Ledesma and Hernanes.

Rocki is off and Cazorla is on. This is all to increase the organizational ability in the midfield and frontcourt.


In the second half, after Lazio was woken up by Chang Sheng's scolding, they adjusted their tactics and launched an offensive against Inter Milan's goal again.

Mourinho cannot go to the coaching bench to direct the game. He can only deliver information from the box to the assistant coaches below via phone.

The Italian Cup ban is not as stringent as the Champions League, so they turn a blind eye to some of the head coach's little moves.

Italy is like this, it values ​​human relationships and doesn't pay much attention to rules.

Otherwise, how could anyone say that Italy is the China of Europe?

In some places, the folk customs of the two countries are quite similar.

The Calciopoli scandal was a big deal at the time. What about now? Many people who have been banned from football activities for many years are now active in Italian football. Their bans were reduced and reduced again and again, and finally they were simply reduced and they were granted early amnesty.

Except for Juventus's Moggi and Giraudo, who were the worst, other coaches and managers were basically fine.

You can watch the live broadcast in the private room because there is a TV inside.

Mourinho's attention was previously on the court and not on the TV.

But when the second half started, his attention was quickly attracted by the TV commentator.

Fabio Caressa talks about Lazio's changes in the second half.

"In the second half, Chang came on Ledesma. It was obvious that he wanted to strengthen his control ability in the midfield. After training under Chang in the past two seasons, Ledesma has changed from a purely defensive midfielder to a

He has become a player who is both offensive and defensive. Especially this season, his progress has been very obvious. He continues to send various precise passes from the midfielder position. He looks like a Pirlo..."

"Lazio has seen some very interesting changes this season. In the past, they had a fixed person in charge of the offense. For example, before Modric was injured, it was him. When Modric was injured, it became Motta Rai.

Desma is responsible for the defensive sweep. After the defense is successful, he will definitely hand the football to the above two people. David Silva and Cazorla are pure wingers. Their tasks are to score suddenly and make crosses. It is very simple and very simple.

Specifically, it’s clear what everyone should do.”

"But since this season, Lazio has slowly undergone some changes. For example, it's difficult to tell clearly whether Ledesma is a defensive midfielder or an attacking midfielder... His position is also more advanced than before.

Before, he became an offensive and defensive hub. He still defended and swept in the midfield, but sometimes, he would suddenly transform into figures like Modric and Motta. Think about the first goal against Inter Milan in the Lazio League.

How did Lazio score the second goal in the round? David Silva's phoenix-like goal came from Ledesma's assist!"

"Let's talk about Modric again. This season, his position is getting deeper and deeper, from attacking midfielder to central midfielder, and now to defensive midfielder. In the past two months in Pisa, Modric has basically been fixed.

In the defensive midfielder position. But the defensive ability of the Croatian is really not complimentable...Don’t Chang Hui know? He knows that he placed Modric in this position not just for Modric to defend!"

"David Silva's transformation seems to be very successful now. Cazorla is truly versatile in the frontcourt and can play in midfield and forward... These changes are reflected on the football field, which is how Lazio's offense looks.

It seems chaotic...but the thing is they win every time!"

Mourinho was also studying Lazio's tactics. After hearing the introduction of Fabio Caressa, the Italian gold medal commentator, something suddenly flashed in his mind.

He thought about the first time he played Lazio in the league this season. Lazio, as the commentator said, had a somewhat chaotic offense, but they won the ball.

He thought of two possibilities at the time, one was that Lazio kicked the ball unconsciously, and the other was that Lazio did it deliberately.

If it's the latter, the problem is serious.

Inter Milan's head coach stared at the court and listened to commentator Caressa's introduction.

He frowned. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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