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Chapter 281 Self-help

Even Chang Sheng admitted that Ballack was in poor condition and did not cover up for him, which shows that even Chang Sheng can no longer stand it.

How did the media understand this matter?

Some good people rated Ballack's performance in all games after joining Lazio, whether it was official games or warm-up matches.

Finally, an average score is obtained.

Of course, this average score is definitely not a passing grade.

This shows how bad Ballack's performance was.

He didn't even pass the warm-up match...

Being so humiliated by the media is a very difficult thing for Ballack to accept. Has he ever experienced anything like this in his career?

Whether he is in Kaiserslautern, Bayer Leverkusen, Chelsea or the German national team, he is a star and core who is treated like a moon by all the stars.

Who dares to laugh at him like this? He can slap the media with his performance on the court right away.

But now, he doesn't have this chance.

"...Barack thought that when he came to Lazio, he would be able to win the Champions League easily... Let's not mention that after the restructuring of the Champions League, no team can successfully defend the title. Let's assume that between the two

In one season, Lazio can really win a Champions League championship. But does Ballack think that this championship is related to him? What does this championship mean when he is in the stands and sitting on the bench?

He did not contribute to this championship..."

"Perhaps Ballack's arrival at Lazio was the worst choice of his career, second only to going to Chelsea...Obviously, Lazio is not suitable for him and does not need him. Just look at yesterday's game against Sampdoria. Ballack

After a poor performance, Lazio could bypass him and continue to finish the game, and still win Sampdoria with a two-goal advantage. This is the reality. This is Ballack's real situation at Lazio! Obviously, Lazio will not be able to do anything with or without him.

Can win. But if facing a strong opponent, Chang will definitely not choose Ballack to start..."

There has once again been a wave of criticism of Barak in the media.

The Italian media is always happy to see German players unlucky. This is because Italian football and German football have old grievances. The two sides are old enemies.

In this overwhelming criticism, Barak was almost called a pig's head.

However, Chang Sheng still did not go to talk to Barak.

After expressing his support for Ballack at the post-match press conference, he chose silence.

During this period, Lazio players could feel that Ballack's mood was not high.

Klose and Gotze are Ballack's fellow Germans. The three of them often get together to eat and relax. Although Gotze is the youngest, he takes the initiative to lead the two eldest brothers to integrate into the team and live in Rome.

He also felt the pressure from Ballack.

Although Barack never revealed it to him, he felt it.

Rumors began to circulate that Ballack planned to leave Lazio and return to Leverkusen after one season.

In Lazio, with his performance and condition, it is definitely impossible for him to attract the favor of national team coach Loew.

So if he still wants to participate in the 2012 European Championships, he will have to find another job.

Lazio is not a place for him.

Of course. Some people in the media also pointed out Ballack's problem, which is that he can't let go of his figure, can't really abandon the past and integrate himself into Lazio.

"...I think that since Ballack is going to play for Lazio, he should have a good understanding of what kind of team this is. Here, his past reputation is meaningless..."

Chang Sheng watched from the side to see how he would respond to such criticism.

As the saying goes, in order to be saved, you must first save yourself.

If Ballack himself gives up on himself, then his words may not be of much value to the veteran.

He doesn't want to waste his efforts. He is very busy every day.


After the first round of the league, it was the match day for the national team. The international players in the Lazio team left the team one after another to report to their respective national teams.

As for the German national team, both Klose and Gotze were selected for the new German national team.

Both Gotze and Klose played in the World Cup in South Africa, and they both proved their abilities in the World Cup.

Ballack was voted out again.

Ballack did not participate in the World Cup in South Africa because of injury.

But now he has gotten rid of the injury, and his lack of selection is due to technical reasons.

Loew thought Ballack was not in good condition, so he did not recruit him to the German national team.

It's that simple.

With no injuries or illnesses, Ballack was not selected for the German national team. You know, he is still the captain of this national team...

It's not a small matter if the captain loses the election.

The German media is also full of various reports about Ballack's failure to be selected for the national team.

Everyone has different opinions. Some say it was unwise for him to choose Lazio, some say he always puts on airs, and others say he should leave Lazio. For example, there are rumors that Leverkusen said they would accept Ballack...

On this national team match day, Ballack, who was not selected for the national team, became the focus...


Just when Chang Sheng planned to observe Barak for a while before looking for him, he took the initiative to come to the door.

Before the training started, Chang Sheng arrived at the Vermelo training base early to prepare for the day's training.

At this time, the earliest players should not have arrived yet.

But his door was knocked open by Barak.

Chang Sheng looked surprised to see that it was Barak who came to visit.


Ballack's discomfort with Lazio is reflected in many aspects, as can be seen from the title of "Victorious".

In Lazio, the head coach is not called boss, nor is he called coach, nor is he called sir, nor is he called by his first name. Instead, he is called boss according to the requirement of winning.

Barak is not very comfortable with this kind of title.

He is only four years and one day younger than Chang Sheng. Chang Sheng's birthday is September 25, 1972, while Ballack's is September 26, 1976. The age gap between the two parties is not big. He always

I find it awkward to call me boss.

He can accept traditional titles such as "coach", "sir" and "boss". But what is "boss"?

He had always been opposed to this name before. He wouldn't bark if he didn't want to.

But today, he took the initiative to call Chang Sheng "boss".

After Chang Sheng heard this title, he stopped doing other things and raised his head to look at him.

"What's the matter, Michelle?"

After Barak came in, he seemed a little embarrassed.

He hesitated before saying: "That's it. Boss... uh, I want to see the video of Lazio's games in the past few seasons, is that okay?"

Chang Sheng raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "That's not the number of one or two tapes. You are not a video research institute. Why are you watching so many video tapes?"

"Well... I think, I think... I want to have a good understanding of the team's tactics. I think I lack the understanding of this tactic..."

Chang Sheng finally understood what was going on.

Barak is about to change, he can't stand this bad situation anymore.

So he smiled: "If you want to watch this, you don't need to watch the previous game videos. It's meaningless. Because we have new tactics in the new season. You should also know this tactic in training."

Barak nodded.

Chang Sheng began to rummage in the drawer.

Then take out a CD from the box.

"You will go take a look at this. I believe it will be helpful to your problem."

he said to Barak.

"What's this?"

"An animation and game clip of a new tactic. It was originally made to help my coaching staff understand the new tactic. I think you can use it."

Finally, Barak thanked him, took the CD and walked away.

Chang Sheng looked at his leaving back and laughed.

If you are willing to change, it means there is still hope.

He wasn't sure exactly what made Ballack come to him. Maybe Ballack realized that he had his back against the wall and he was not qualified to waste time in Lazio. He could either successfully integrate into the team or go back to Germany.

As long as Ballack is willing to change, Chang Sheng will naturally not give up on him.

What he gave Barak was an instructional CD that used animated situations to tell everyone what the new tactics were.

It also includes clips from matches in which Lazio successfully used this tactic last season. It uses practical examples to show the power of this tactic and how it should be played.

For people like Barak, it's just right.


Chang Sheng didn't know what Ballack thought about it when he returned.

But since Ballack is willing to make changes, he is also willing to help Ballack.

During the week of the national team match day, Lazio's personnel are not organized, and it is not suitable for large-scale training anyway.

So Chang Sheng simply started a small game for Ballack.

He asked Stramaccioni to bring the youth team over and cooperate with Ballack to practice tactics.

Now Lazio is also practicing the tactics of the first team, so the players of the youth team can be smoothly integrated into the tactics of the first team. Compared with the youth team and the first team, the gap is only in the strength of the players.

It's just right to be used as Ballack's sparring partner.

Chang Sheng naturally followed Barcelona's La Masia youth training camp in doing so.

Although he scolded Cruyff, what Cruyff did at the time was still quite correct. He did not scold the Cruyff back then. He scolded the current one who is best at pointing fingers but does nothing.


Keeping the youth academy and the first team in sync will benefit the team's long-term development in the future.

Just like Barcelona, ​​the outstanding players trained can be directly added to the first team, achieving a seamless connection between the youth training system and the first team.

After finding it difficult to buy people in the transfer market, Lazio will gradually focus on its own youth training.

Promote outstanding players directly from the youth academy and become members of the first team.

Achieve self-sufficiency, and then after meeting your own needs, those outstanding players who are no longer available can be sold for money to earn transfer fees for the team.

The transfer fees earned are then invested in youth training, cultivating more outstanding players, replenishing the team and selling them to make money...

This is a virtuous cycle.

This is Chang Sheng’s expectation for Lazio’s youth training camp. (To be continued...)

ps: Today is still the third update, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be the fourth update!

This chapter has been completed!
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