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Chapter 200 This is war mobilization

With those fans as witnesses, Getafe's most legendary scene this season is about to take place.

These fans will publicize Chang Sheng's words and deeds in the team. No matter how the media demonizes Chang Sheng, Getafe fans will always stand on his side.

Looking at these fans, Chang Sheng came up with an idea, but he still needed the support of the fans.

The club can't count on it. The players have limited power. Only the fans, these ordinary people, are the foundation of football. Their power is endless and can be used to create miracles.

So he said to Enrique and the others: "I have a plan, Kick. I need your help."

Enrique Gonzalez slapped his chest loudly: "No problem! If anything happens, just ask me!"

"I want to call on all fans to unite and come to cheer for the team at every home game and fill the Alfonso Perez Stadium. You know, Kick, this is a war, players

We are fighting for ourselves and we are fighting for you. We must unite to get through this difficulty..." Chang Sheng's expression was serious and serious, as if he was really preparing for a war.

Enrique understood the meaning of Chang Sheng, "Don't worry, Chang. We Getafe fans will never let the players fight alone. We will clearly let them know that we support them and we are with them!"

Speaking of this, he himself felt a little excited. When he thought about that time, the flags were fluttering in the stands of Alfonso Pérez Stadium, the shouts were loud, and the songs were singing through the sky, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

He said: "Chang, if you let the players create a great season, for us, isn't this a great season?"

Chang Sheng smiled: "I will appeal to the fans on the radio, but the specific coordination and organization work depends on you. Especially in this game and the league game at the weekend, I hope you can make Alfonso Pepe

The Estadio Reyes becomes a graveyard for Sevilla!"

Enrique Gonzalez was aroused by Chang Sheng's words. He can now understand why the Chinese can unite the previously scattered Getafe into a fighting group.

So he patted his chest hard: "Absolutely no problem! I'm sure there will be no return from Sevilla!"

Chang Sheng said: "Thank you, Kike."

Enrique Gonzalez shook his head: "You're welcome, Chang. When we help the team, we are helping ourselves. What you said is so good, we can't choose our home team. So we have long been tied to the ship of Getafe.


Chang Sheng nodded: "No matter what, I still want to thank you. When we win the league championship and are successfully promoted, I will treat you to dinner and I will do what I say!"


Through Mediano, Chang Sheng contacted the well-known DJ Daniel Robbio Velasco of Getafe's local radio station "Getafe Life FM". He is also an avid fan of Getafe and his hosting style is full of passion.

He is very popular and supported by local listeners in Getafe and can be regarded as the ace DJ of "Getafe Life FM".

"Chang needs your help, Daniel." Mediano said to Velasco when introducing Chang Sheng's purpose of looking for him.

Chang Sheng said from the side: "No, it's not me, it's the Getafe team that needs your help, Mr. Velasco."

Velasco, who was wearing fashionable clothes and had a lip ring on his lips. He had five or six earrings in his ears. He looked more like a rock star than a radio DJ. He snapped his fingers, shook his head and said:

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Your matter is the matter of the Getafe team, and the matter of the Getafe team is the matter of our entire Getafe team. Tell me, what do you need me to help you with?"

"Give me ten minutes, I would like to read an open letter to all Getafe fans through your broadcast."

Velasco stared at Chang Sheng for a long time. Then he laughed: "No problem! No problem! At three o'clock in the afternoon, the best prime time on the radio station, my program." He pointed at himself with his thumb.

, with a rather proud tone in his voice. Prime time is his program, which is indeed something to be proud of, because it shows his popularity. It is impossible for a program that is not popular and has no quality to be arranged in prime time. "In half an hour,

I’ll give it all to you. You can say whatever you want!”

Chang Sheng and Mediano looked at each other, and Mediano nodded: "Daniel has the final say."

So Chang Sheng stretched out his hand to Velasco: "Thank you, Mr. Velasco."

"If you're really interested, call me Daniel!" Velasco did not reach out.

Chang Sheng had no choice but to change his words: "Okay, thank you, Daniel."

After Velasco heard what he said, he stretched out his hand with a smile on his face: "You're welcome, it's just a little effort!"

When leaving the radio station, Mediano also said to Chang Sheng: "That's what Daniel is like, don't mind."

Chang Sheng smiled: "No, why would you mind? What an interesting person!"


Three o'clock in the afternoon the next day is lunch break time for Spaniards. Many people are used to turning on the radio and listening to local radio programs during lunch. Especially the top programs have regular listeners.


Today, when Getafe people turned on their radios one after another, they planned to listen to the "Daniel Time" program that is popular in Getafe.

In this program, listeners call in to talk about their problems, and then find Daniel to solve them. However, because there are many weird problems, Daniel will not seriously solve them for you. He makes all kinds of gags, laughs and curses, making the audience laugh. He even

Someone specially called in just to be scolded by Daniel in sharp words, and then took it out to show off to his friends: "Do you know? I was scolded by Daniel yesterday!"

As long as they hear the somewhat funny music before the show starts, the audience will know that a happy moment is coming.

So everyone adjusted their emotions and prepared to laugh heartily among those weird people and things.

But today, the situation is different.

Because DJ Velasco said as soon as he appeared: "Today's program is different from the past. Today is our special program! So everyone should listen carefully. If you miss today's program, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Of! Now, let us solemnly welcome the head coach of the Getafe football team... Chang Sheng!"

The audience was all stunned.

Always victorious?

How did he end up on the show?

The styles don’t match at all…


Enrique Gonzalez is looking for a collaborator on behalf of the Dark Blues, but this time the person he is looking for is a bit difficult to deal with.

Because this is a well-known local extreme fan organization in Tafe, they are small in number but very capable. They are good at creating a stadium atmosphere. However, they are also accompanied by many controversies.

"Blue Commandos" (comandos_azules), even Getafe fans may not like them because they are too good at causing trouble.

Otherwise, how can we call it an extreme fan organization?

But now winning requires the support of fans. No one can do better than the "Blue Raiders" in creating a stadium atmosphere and devoting enthusiasm to the team.

Originally, no one wanted to find them - there were few of them. It didn't matter if they were missing.

But Enrique thought about the expectations for him to win the game, and he thought to himself that the more enthusiastic the atmosphere in the stadium, the better, then these extreme fans would definitely come in handy. So he took the initiative and patted his chest to accept the matter.

But when they thought of going face to face with that group of extreme fans, many fans shrank away. In the end, Enrique looked around and couldn't find anyone willing to go with him, so he had to go alone.

The headquarters of the Blue Raiders is not in a bar like other fan organizations, but in an abandoned factory warehouse, located in the southern suburbs of Getafe. There are many discontinued factories there. There are many abandoned warehouses like this


In fact, many members of the Blue Commando are unemployed workers. They are strong but have lost their jobs. They can only live on government relief benefits and have nothing to do. Naturally, they can only vent their excess energy on football and violence.

There were no lights on in the warehouse, and the afternoon sunlight came in from the windows that had lost their glass. There were fluffy dust flying in the light beams. The light beams pierced the darkness and divided the dim warehouse space into many pieces.

The flickering light and dark environment is constantly shrinking and amplifying, and the people in front of them naturally look a little confused. Their expressions are uncertain.

It was obvious that the people of the "Blue Commandos" did not welcome him. The radio in the corner was playing music. After seeing him come in, a group of people stood up. Each of them was taller and stronger than Enrique Gonzalez. Their expressions were

Staring at Enrique unkindly.

"Isn't that Kick of the Blue Army? Are you planning to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side?! A man who looked like a boss took the lead and walked under the beam of light and sneered at Enrique who came in, causing the big men behind him to burst into laughter.

"You can come and clean our toilet, haha!"

"What can you do during a fight? Be careful not to scratch your cute little face!"

Enrique turned a blind eye to the ridicule of these people and walked straight to the leader of the Blue Commandos, Alfaro Rios.

"I'm here to discuss cooperation with you on behalf of the Blue Legion, Rios." He said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, completely ignoring the malicious looks around him.

"What are you talking about? We have nothing to talk about with you. We are not from the same group!" Alfaro Rios had a bad attitude.

Extreme fans and ordinary fans like the Blue Legion are indeed not on the same page. Ordinary fans do not like what the extreme fans pursue, and the two sides have old grievances.

"But you are Getafe fans after all, aren't you? Now Getafe is at its most critical moment and needs our support and help!" Enrique Gonzalez is not afraid of those extreme fans who look vicious.

Woolen cloth.

"Of course we will go to the stadium to support the team, but we will not be with you, we are not from the same group!" Alfaro Rios did not relent.

"You only have about two hundred people, what role can you play? Alfonso Perez Stadium can accommodate 18,000 people. If you were thrown in, you wouldn't even be able to make a splash..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid!"

There was a loud shout behind him.

When the boss of the Blue Commandos was negotiating with Enrique Gonzalez, a dozen burly men surrounded them. Each one of them stared at Enrique with very unfriendly eyes, as if the boss just said something.

, they would eat Enrique alive.

Now, even one of them couldn't stand it anymore and began to yell and curse. The others also glared at Enrique, ready to pounce on him at any time.

Enrique turned a blind eye to this. When he thought of what Chang Sheng said to the players on the training ground that day, his heart was filled with endless strength and courage. Naturally, he was no longer afraid of these extreme fans.

"I'm telling the truth. If we still fight on our own, our team will be doomed. Only by uniting can we maximize the power of our fans! Now we need to unite. We are indeed not all the way.

People, maybe after this season, I will never come to you again. But now we should put aside our prejudices and unite as one..."

"Stop fucking nonsense!" Another person yelled and yelled at Alfaro: "Boss, give this self-righteous boy a good beating and throw him out!"

Alfaro Rios looked at Enrique Gonzalez, who was standing opposite. Enrique is a very active person in the Getafe fan circle. He has friends in many places. He, an extreme fan, also interacts with

Another chance encounter. Otherwise, he would never have let a stranger walk into this warehouse.

Standing under the beam of light, his eyes are sunk deep in the shadows of his eye sockets and brows, making it impossible to see his expression, but this makes people feel more terrifying because you don't know when he will suddenly burst out.

He seemed to be considering whether to beat up this self-righteous idiot and then throw him out.

At this moment, the radio in the corner suddenly played funny music, and the volume became louder.

When the music of la la la oh oh started, everyone present was startled.

Then someone turned around and yelled: "What the hell! Who!"

A voice in the corner said tremblingly: "Uh... I think 'Daniel time' is about to begin..."

"Damn it! We are talking about business, don't you know? Atmosphere, pay attention to the atmosphere! Turn off! Turn off that damn radio!" someone shouted angrily.

But a thought suddenly popped up in Enrique Gonzalez's mind. He stretched out his hand and shouted loudly: "No! Don't turn it off! Listen! Listen on! Listen to me. Listen on, listen to the radio show!"

"If you want to listen to the radio, go back to your home. Boy, are you here to entertain us?" Someone had already started clenching his fists, and his fists as big as sand bowls made a clattering sound.

"No, I don't mean to entertain you... I just want you to listen to this program and keep listening..." Enrique was worried that the other party had really turned off the radio. He waved his hand to explain, and then shouted to the other side of the corner: "

Don’t close it!”

As the argument continued, the sound on the radio continued, and DJ Daniel Robbio Velasco's unique voice sounded: "Today's program is different from the past, today is our special program! So everyone, please listen carefully.

, if you missed today’s episode, you will regret it for the rest of your life! Now, let us solemnly welcome the head coach of the Getafe football team..."

When he heard this, Alfaro Rios himself was stunned, let alone his subordinates.

Everyone turned to look at the radio in the corner with strange expressions on their faces.

The person in the corner was frightened, his fingers trembled, and he quickly turned off the radio.

The warehouse suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

"No! Open it!"

This time it was not Enrique Gonzalez who shouted out, but Alfaro Rios.

He waved his arms, "Turn on that radio!"

With a click, the sound resounded in the warehouse again.

But the voice that sounded was not DJ Velasco's, but another voice.

"Dear Getafe fans, I am the head coach of the Getafe football team, always victorious. Today I stand here, facing you, and speaking to you, because what follows is a war.


After hearing these words, Enrique Gonzalez breathed a sigh of relief. Then he realized that there was already a layer of sweat on his forehead just now.


"Dear Getafe fans, I am the head coach of the Getafe football team, always victorious. Today I stand here, facing you, and speaking to you, because what follows is a war.


Chang Sheng spoke into the microphone in the live broadcast room, but he did not have a script in his hand.

Outside the live broadcast room, DJ Velasco had come out and was watching Chang Sheng in the live broadcast room with Mediano and other staff.

"He has no manuscript?" a staff member exclaimed.

When he learned that Chang Sheng was going to publish an open letter to Getafe fans, he thought he would come with the manuscript and read it.

Unexpectedly, Chang Sheng came in empty-handed and canceled the script.

"Idiot! When the head coach talks to the players, does he still need to write a script in advance?" Velasco scolded.

The staff didn't get angry when he scolded him. They just looked at Chang Sheng in surprise. They were obviously used to Velasco's speaking style and temper.

Separated by a layer of soundproof glass, Chang Sheng was sitting in the live broadcast room. The microphone was hung in front of him, and his voice continued to come out and spread through the radio waves to all directions in Getafe and even beyond.

"Don't be frightened by what I say, everyone. This is indeed a war. For Getafe, for you fans, for each of us, the war has come."

"Getafe has reached a critical point of life and death. We are fighting a very difficult war, but fortunately, it is not doomed to failure. I believe everyone has been aware of what the club has encountered during this period. I am very sorry to the ball."

The team has also been affected. The previous performance was appalling. Regarding this, I must apologize to you, because you are Getafe supporters, you support this team so much, and this team does not give you what it deserves.

In return for your support. Looking at the stands becoming increasingly empty, I feel heartbroken."


"But even so, I still hope that you can come back to the stands when we play Sevilla at home in the next game. And not just this game, I hope from now on until the end of the season.

Every home game, you come back to the stands of Alfonso Pérez Stadium because we need your support. The team is fighting for you..."

"How dare you say you are fighting for us after losing like this? Bah!" Chang Sheng's voice echoed in the warehouse. When someone heard this sentence, they spat in disdain.

Enrique Gonzalez said seriously: "What he said is true. Just two days ago, we were invited to the training ground by him. I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. Getafe is indeed

Plan to fight for us."

Seeing the other party glaring over, he added: "I dare to guarantee it in the name of my father."

The other party snorted again, but stopped talking and just continued to listen.

"I know that maybe you won't believe it. If you lose the game like this, how can you still call it fighting for us? I also know that I am talking nonsense and you may not believe what I say. I can't ask you to believe it.

I can only prove it with actual actions. So I invite you to come to Alfonso Perez Stadium on the weekend and witness a victory. Maybe then, you will believe every word I say today."


"I told my players that you have not received your salary for two months, but this is not a reason for you to give up on yourself. Because our motivation for playing football is not just money. At this time, we should work for our dreams and our love for football.

Love, and fight for those lovely and respectable fans. You have an obligation to give them a great and epic season!"

"What he said is true," a Blue Legion fan representative said to a group of fans in front of him.


"I told them, if Getafe is really finished, you can change jobs and play for other teams, and maybe you can get more money than you get here. But you can leave Getafe with a slap on your face.

Tafe has more than 13,500 members and countless fans, they can't do it! They are Getafe people, they were born here, they grew up here, they even... died here! From the moment they were born, they

, they are destined to be Getafe fans! They support Getafe, even if Getafe does not actually bring them many happy memories. The honor room of Getafe is empty, and there is no honor to be awarded. But

They will still be fans of Getafe, and they will even let their descendants become fans of Getafe. Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid are much more dazzling than Getafe. But they will still only cheer for Getafe, even if

In the past few decades, this team has been unknown and inconsequential. Because they love this team. You can change the team you play for, but they cannot change their home team. For these fans, is it possible?

Shouldn’t we fight for them?!”

"Yes, what he said is true. We were behind him at the time. He did say that, and we heard it with our own ears." In another place, the same Blue Legion fans nodded to others.

Speaking of it, he looked solemn.

"I swear to God, everything I say is true and there is no deception!" A Blue Legion fan raised his right hand and made an oath.

"Yes, we heard it with our own ears and saw it with our own eyes."

"Believe me. Guys, he did say that, and if you need to testify, I'm willing to testify for him!"

At this moment, in many places in Getafe, there is one or several Blue Legion fans saying the same thing to the people around them.

"That's what he said..."

"He's right..."

"I guarantee that every word and word he said is true and believable..."


"As the head coach of the team, I can ask the players to fight for you, we can give our best in training and give everything on the field. But I can't ask you to do this, so I implore you to stand up and support

Team. Support us. We have not received a salary for two months. The only reason that allows us to fight to the end is your support and love, so I hope that at this time, please don't be stingy to show your love to the world.

With enthusiasm!”

In the bar, people forgot to eat, drink, wipe the glasses, forget that the wine glasses in their hands were filled with beer, and forget to chat and laugh. They all looked at the dark box and listened to the radio.

The sound comes out.

In the company office building, people gathered around a radio, sitting or standing, listening quietly. Even if the boss announced a salary increase, it would be impossible for them to be so quiet and focused.

Gas stations, fast food restaurants, at home...every corner of the city of Getafe. Everyone listening to "Daniel Time" was so quiet and focused. They all put down what they were doing and focused on the radio.



"This is a war, guys. I'm not lying to you, and I'm not exaggerating. The situation at the club is bad, I don't even know what Getafe will be like at the end of the season, maybe it will go bankrupt.

, maybe there will be some turbulence... No one can solve this matter like you and me. But at least there is one thing we can do, which is to lead the team to the first division and win the championship.

Champion of the Second Division League! I know that many of you may not believe in my 'Championship Promise' at all, but you don't need to believe in the 'Championship Promise', you just need to believe in me and support me, and then I won't

I disappoint you, because I always win and do what I say!"

Moscow was in the office. He originally planned to listen to "Daniel Time" to relax in the afternoon, but unexpectedly he heard Chang Sheng's voice. He stared blankly at the cash register, as if there was someone behind the black speaker.

Then he reacted, rushed forward, and turned off the radio. The soul-stirring sound in it suddenly stopped. And he shouted at the radio: "You are dying! Dying - struggling!"



"Since it is a war, now I need you to lend a helping hand. In every game and every training session, I hope to see your support. This is a war, please forgive me for saying this for the third time today,

This is a war, our enemy is very powerful, our situation is very bad, Getafe has been forced to a dead end. But I do not intend to give up, I will lead the team and fight them to the end! Everyone in this city

Every corner should be mobilized. Because I, and my team, have nothing but you fans! You are the source of all our strength, let us have the courage to challenge those enemies who are stronger than us, let us dare to do

Dreams that are usually unimaginable allow us to keep our heads high and move forward even when faced with ridicule and doubt!"

Enrique Gonzalez noticed that Alfaro Rios's hand, which was standing in front of him, was clenched into a fist, trembling slightly, loosened, and then clenched hard again, and so on, until it was clenched into a fist.

Don't let go after that.


A taxi stopped on the side of the road, and the driver turned back to the guest and said: "Sir, your destination has arrived..."

"Shh." Unexpectedly, the guest made a silencing gesture to him and pointed at the car radio.

Chang Sheng's speech was being played inside.

"Someone once said to me that although none of us is a millionaire, but the strength of each of us is united, even if the individual part is very small and insignificant, but as long as we are united, we can definitely create miracles. Because

We love Getafe! We are willing to dedicate everything to her... I think he is right. In the face of the club's economic crisis, as long as each of us unites and concentrates all our efforts, I think there will be no difficulties.

You can stop us! As long as each of us doesn’t give up, we can definitely create miracles!”

The driver laughed and did not urge the guests to get off. Instead, he listened quietly with the passengers.


"Now the 'Getafe Defense' has begun. Yes, I call this the 'Getafe Defense' because we have to defend our dreams and hopes. Now, I invite each of you to join this war.

, fight to the end for ourselves! We want every opponent to be completely plunged into the vast ocean of Getafe People's War! Let those who look down on us and laugh at us see the power of the grassroots! The power of Getafe! Saturday

I’ll be waiting for you at the Alfonso Pérez Stadium in the afternoon!”

After saying that, Chang Sheng took off the earphones that were causing some pain to his ears and let out a sigh of relief.

DJ Velasco outside the cubicle said to his colleagues: "Play the Getafe team song."

Soon, Getafe's team song "Come on, Getafe!" rang out from the radio. An exciting chorus sounded.

During the singing, everyone stood up and applauded to express their congratulations and admiration to Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng raised his head and realized that everyone outside was applauding, and Mediano was still giving him a thumbs up.

So he also laughed.


The Getafe team song suddenly played on the radio, but by this time no one was yelling at him to turn off the radio.

Enrique Gonzalez looked at Alfaro Rios and said nothing.

After Rios was silent for a while, he finally nodded: "There are still fourteen league rounds left, and the Blue Raiders will fight side by side with you. But only for these fourteen games! And I said it, this is okay.

It’s not for you, it’s for ourselves, for Getafe Football Team!”

Enrique González smiled: "Of course, Rios. For ourselves and for Getafe Football Team!"


ps, this is war mobilization!


We have risen to the second place in the monthly vote list, but we have not left the distance. Now I implore you to contribute every effort and join me in fighting for the second place in the overall list!

This is the glory of sports novels. There has never been a sports novel in this position!

Chang Sheng carries out the "Getafe Defense Battle" in the book, but we also have a defense battle in reality!

Please join me in fighting to protect our own dreams and ideals!!


{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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