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Chapter 206 How is this possible?! (March 2640

For Getafe, strength is not the limiting factor at all. The only problem is their state, that is, morale and spiritual things.

This is the most difficult thing to deal with, but this problem has been solved by Chang Sheng’s long talk that day.

The Getafe team has never been more full of fighting spirit and eager to prove their abilities.

So poor Seville...

Of course, there are many things behind this that many people don’t know or are unclear about.

Getafe's coaches were just surprised that this team's combat effectiveness was intact, but in the eyes of others, it was simply...horrifying!

Hertha Fees scored two goals in two minutes, what does it mean?

It couldn't be clearer.

The team has regained its strength and fighting spirit.

Look at their sharpness in the counterattack...

People had felt that something was wrong with this team before, but they didn't know exactly what was wrong.

But now they all know that it's because the Getafe team that has dominated the league for seventeen consecutive rounds is back!

As soon as they returned, they revealed their sharp claws and teeth, tearing apart Seville, who was not weak in strength and could even be said to be powerful!

But how did they do it?

Amidst the cheers of Getafe fans that were enough to destroy everything, the reporters in the media box looked at each other and caught the question in each other's eyes, but no one could answer the question.

Because this is simply unbelievable!

A team that has been training abnormally for more than a month seems to have no fighting ability at all. Their performance in the games during this period also proves this.

Their performance in the game was simply appalling, and it fully reflected the "results" of their regular training - as for objective factors such as injuries, these journalists who specialize in blackmailing and winning cannot see it.

How could such a team regain its fighting strength overnight?

This unscientific!

A reporter grabbed the railing, leaned out, and stared at the court below, as if he could see through the secrets of Getafe.

But they never imagined that there is a thing called "Coach Master System" or that there is such a thing as "training skills".

What did the constant victory do to this team? The last game was also at home. They scored two goals and were defeated 4:2 by a team of Murcia's caliber. A team that is still hanging on.

In this game, two goals were scored in two minutes, leading the league!

How could they do it? How could they do it?

A group of reporters pulled their hair and were puzzled.

And the cheers of Getafe fans became the best footnote to ridicule them.

Fans are not like reporters who like to get into trouble. If you don't understand the problem, don't think about it. They only need to do one thing at this time, and that is to cheer!

Leading by two goals, their cheers were even louder than when Getafe scored the first goal. It made people wonder how they could have done it, how could they have been enough to win the cheers in the first goal.

Going up another floor? Is such a sound possible from the human throat?

In the stands of Alfonso Pérez Stadium, Getafe fans gave a uniform and thundering cheer.

"Come on! Getafe! Forward, Dark Blue Army!!"

Such shouts resounded throughout Getafe, a small satellite city, and echoed over the Alfonso Pérez Stadium.

At this moment, those Sevilla fans who still harbored beautiful hopes were all silent.

They stared blankly at the court or the scoreboard in the stands.

I can't believe that my team is already two goals behind less than twenty minutes into the game...

No, there must be something wrong somewhere...

This is not how the script should be written.

It should be that we easily defeated the bereaved Getafe in the away game and took revenge. Then we stepped on their corpses to continue to consolidate the first position in the league, looking forward to the championship of the second division and the qualification for the first division!

"This... what on earth is... going on?" Some Sevilla fans murmured as they looked at the stadium in despair.

He didn't answer him, because even he couldn't hear his mumbling, and it was drowned out by the crazy shouts of the home team's fans.

But he didn't need to answer, just look around. The people around him were just like him, dumbfounded and confused.

Crespo's continuous roar

While promoting Getafe’s heroic and miraculous deeds: “Incredible! Absolutely incredible! Getafe scored two goals in two minutes! They effortlessly gained a two-goal advantage! At this time, the game had just started.

It’s not even ten minutes! It’s not even twenty minutes! We haven’t seen Getafe like this for more than a month! I think the Getafe fans must be going crazy now! Listen to their voices

Well! They are indeed crazy! If I am not hysterical, you will not be able to hear my voice! In fact, I am wearing sound-isolating headphones now and I can't hear my voice! Sevilla fans too

Crazy! The former is crazy about Getafe’s outstanding performance, while the Sevilla fans just think they have hit a ghost!”

"I suddenly thought of something. After losing to Murcia at home in the last round, Chang made a 'championship agreement' with the media. He claimed that when the league is over, he will definitely lead Getafe to promotion.

, and it’s not just that simple, he also wants to lead Getafe to win the Serie B championship! At that time, many people laughed at him as a dreamer. But looking at it now, they can play against the current league No. 1, but

Completely dominant! This makes me very interested in the next thirteen league games!"

Lemon roared at the TV: "I'm fucking interested too! Let me compete

To hell with depression!!”

Flores was still standing on the rostrum. He was no longer as excited as he was at first. But he was still clapping and shaking his fists, but he no longer roared and cheered. He seemed to have resumed his role as Getafe Club.

The demeanor a chairman should have.

He said to Moscodo, who was applauding with him next to him: "I am suddenly very interested in the next league."

Moscow had a dry smile on his face: "Haha, yes, I'm also very interested now..."

Very interested in killing that damn Chinese!

Moscow was cursing like this in his heart.

And you, even if you were interested, you wouldn't fucking be pretentious here!

Moscow cursed two more people and showed no concern for the team's games.

He still does not believe that winning often can lead the team to promotion and championship. The team performed well in this game. It does not mean that the team will still perform like this in the following games.\


He thought to himself that Chang Sheng was a person who was good at boosting the morale of his players. Maybe he briefly boosted the morale of these players through a speech before the game. This could help them win the next game.

But this approach cannot last long after all.

Because Moscow knows very well that once things on the spiritual level lose their material foundation, they are just illusory castles in the air and will soon disappear.

The club won't pay salaries for three months. It's up to you what to do! The players may go on strike at any time. Even if one game has inspired their fighting spirit and confidence, what's next? What should I do? Continue to use sweet words to coax them into playing for the future.

Is he working hard for his life? How childish! When the time comes, a group of people will not even be able to eat, but they still work hard for you? Who do you think you are? Do you really think you are a tyrant?

Is the cái successful? What do you say, and what do the players do?

Spiritual will may determine the outcome of a game, but it is absolutely impossible for it to continue to exert its power for two or three months.

Therefore, Moscow is not optimistic about Chang Sheng being able to lead the team to promotion.

Just like he was not optimistic that he could lead the team to avoid relegation with constant victory...

This time, Moscodo found an absolutely defensible reason for himself. For specific reasons, please see his mental activity just now.

The victory in this game was just a matter of bad luck... Moreover, it is not certain whether this game can really be won!

Because Getafe took a two-goal lead less than twenty minutes into the game, which looked amazing. But it also left Sevilla too much time to catch up with them.

There are more than 70 minutes left in the game, can't they still handle Getafe, who haven't trained well at all?

They may have just been frightened by Getafe's two fast breaks, but once they react, Getafe's true colors will be revealed under their pressure!

Let’s see when the time comes to see who has the last laugh!

Moskva gritted his teeth and thought in his heart.

In the next game, Moscow was like an old witch, chattering in her heart, mumbling and cursing Getafe for losing the ball and losing.

But he must have worshiped the wrong god, because his curses, or rather prayers, were not heard at all.

Although Sevilla pressed hard and wanted to defeat Getafe at home, they failed to break Getafe's goal. Because their offense seemed to have no offensive power at all, the shouts of the Getafe fans

During the attack, they completely lost their direction, and every attack was like trying their luck to buy a lottery ticket.

In the first half of the season, when the two teams played against each other, Getafe defeated Sevilla 3:0 in an away game. Although the score seemed very different, the actual game process was very thrilling. If it is not the final victory, some

In their opinion, they got rid of Reyes with "unsporting ethics", and maybe Getafe will become a stepping stone for Reyes to become famous in one game.

Therefore, those who lose to Sevilla are never convinced. They think that winning is too despicable and shameless, and they are unwilling to lose.

For Getafe, that game was the first turning point of their season. Winning the game against Sevilla gave Getafe players endless confidence. They began to believe that they could do anything.

, they can not only become the first in the league, they can also hold the first place in the league.

The team's performance turned out to be exactly the same.

So in fact, the Getafe that Sevilla played against was incomplete.

And now, they have discovered that in fact, they have never really played against the Getafe team that can eliminate Celta Vigo and beat Atletico Madrid 3:0 at home!

They pressed hard and were so eager to equalize the score that they had no time to worry about the rear.

So before the end of the first half, their goal was penetrated by Getafe for the third time. This time the goal was scored by the core who had sent two wonderful assists in a row. In the eyes of the Sevilla players, no matter what

The guy who has no reason to fight so hard for Getafe, Luis Garcia.

After scoring the goal, Luis Garcia did not celebrate on the court this time. He turned around and ran to the coaching bench on the sidelines.

Then he dove into the crowd and embraced Chang Sheng warmly.

He would like to dedicate this goal and this victory to the everlasting victory.

When Chang Sheng needed help, he stood up and proved with practical actions that he was not an ungrateful villain!

More players came up and surrounded them.

Jose Passarella caught Chang Sheng in the crowd and shouted to him: "We will never let you fight alone, boss!"

Carlos Campo also shouted with him: "That's right!"

Chang Sheng looked at these lovely players and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

But he knew very well that now was not the time to shed tears, so he quickly calmed down his emotions and slapped each player on the back of the shoulder: "Then go back to the court! Let the number one in the league kneel down completely!!"

After seeing off the players, it was the coaches' turn to come over and send congratulations.

"I thought this was just a desperate and tragic martyrdom..." Manuel Garcia couldn't help but smile and shook his head when he saw Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng grinned: "That's a nice thought, Manuel! I don't want to be the protagonist of that kind of tragic story!"

Rudy Gonzalez also came up and said: "You really surprised me... How much longer can you surprise me?"

"Follow me, you will continue to be surprised, Rudy!" Chang Sheng chuckled, feeling very proud.

He succeeded, even if it was just for one game, but it was a good start.

He has seen a bright future ahead.

After accepting the congratulations from the coaches, Chang Sheng turned to look next door.

Caparos stood on the sidelines, frowning and looking at the court.

Obviously he didn't expect the game to turn out like this.

Chang Sheng couldn't help but laugh.

Chang Sheng is a coach who likes to use young players, so he knows young players very well.

One of the shortcomings of young players is that they are easily controlled by emotions and lose their rationality and calmness...especially when they face unexpected difficulties...

Didn't Joaquin Caparros, who likes to use a lot of young players, think of this?

He regained first place in the league with young players.

Now, he has lost to himself because of young players...

After falling behind by three goals in the first half, only a fool would believe that Sevilla could complete today's comeback in the second half and beat Getafe.

And the fool can also see that Getafe is in very good condition today, surprisingly good, extremely good! It shouldn't be a problem for Getafe to beat Sevilla in such a good condition.

Anyway, they also beat Getafe 3:0 in the first half of the season, so winning another 3:0 wouldn't be an incredible upset.

So even Moscodo gave up the useless struggle at this time and stood up resignedly with Flores. Applauding the team's goal, his face once again showed a smile that was uglier than crying. Of course, if he wants him

He would never be able to yell like that stupid old man like Flores.

When the whistle sounded at the end of the first half, people thought that the whole game was over.

It has nothing to do with the score, but everything to do with the momentum shown by the players on both sides.

The Sevilla players must really want the game to end here, but unfortunately it's not possible.

So in the second half, they no longer attacked Getafe's goal - they were afraid of being massacred by Getafe at their home court. That was an old grudge that had not been avenged, and a new grudge was added...

What was once the prey in their eyes is now hunting them in turn. This is really ironic.

Sevilla defended the penalty area.

Chang Sheng was not polite and directly adjusted his tactics from defensive counterattack to positional attack in the second half.

Use this opportunity to familiarize the players with the feeling of attacking a difficult situation. In the past seven rounds of games over the past month, Getafe was basically beaten by others and could only run away. How could it be possible to attack a difficult situation?

But Chang Sheng knows very well that after their high-profile appearance in this game, their opponents will definitely take corresponding precautions in the next game. If they encounter the opponent again, they will swarm up to attack them, and then let them win the game through simple defensive counterattacks.

The chance of victory is very small.

They will constantly suffer positional battles during the game.

If Getafe's players can't break through the positional battle, promotion and championship in the fourteenth round of the league will really be just a joke.

Who knew that Sevilla would be so considerate that they took 45 minutes and half of the game to practice with the ever-winner Getafe.

How could Chang Sheng pass up such a good opportunity?

In the second half, although Getafe did not score another goal, their offensive experience was slowly increasing, and the gains were no less than a goal that had nothing to do with the overall situation.

In the end, they defeated Sevilla 3:0 with the same score as in the first half of the season.

It's just that in the first half of the season, their score was a bit of a fluke, which caused quite a bit of controversy. But now, with the same score, Getafe won easily, leaving people speechless.

This victory seemed to prove something to everyone who paid attention to this game.

But unfortunately, not everyone can understand it...

When the referee blew the full-time whistle, there was only one voice at the Alfonso Pérez Stadium - 17,500 Getafe fans uniformly singing the Getafe team anthem.

"Come on, Getafe! Come on! Deep Blue! Let us move forward!"

During the singing, the Sevilla people left dejectedly, while Chang Sheng called the players to go around the stadium to thank these lovely and respectable fans.

"Look at them! Look at them! You are fighting for such fans! They! They are worth everything you give!"

He pointed at the excited fans in the stands and shouted energetically.

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