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Chapter 23 The stage has been set up, just waiting for the protagonist to come

Although Chang Sheng has yet to lead the youth team in a game, he has now become a household name in the Getafe area.

Because overnight, his photo appeared in local newspapers in Getafe, and the recording of his interview outside the training ground was repeatedly played by local radio stations.

Everyone in Getafe knows that their youth team has such an arrogant coach.

And it's very unpleasant.

A coach who has just come to a new club and has not even played a single game can be hated by so many people. It is really not easy to win often...


When Chang Sheng was going to train the next day, he met the club's manager Vicente Moscodo first.

The manager came to him angrily, which was obviously not a good thing.

However, Chang Sheng seemed to be unable to see the anger on the manager's face and still greeted him with a smile: "Good morning, Mr. Manager. Why are you free to come to the youth team today? Aren't you always paying more attention to the first team?


"Shut up, Chinese! You have to explain this to me!" Vicente Moscodo threw a newspaper in front of Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng lowered his head and saw that his photo was published in the newspaper, with a sentence below: "A game that determines fate!"

He immediately understood what was going on.

But he didn't say anything immediately.

Chang Sheng, who is often seen in Moscow, fell silent after reading the newspaper. He was a little proud and a little angry: "What's wrong? You are speechless?"

Unexpectedly, Chang Sheng raised his head and pointed at his closed mouth.

Vicente did not realize the meaning of this action.

Chang Sheng continued to point to his mouth without saying a word.

Moscow's patience was about to be exhausted, and he shouted to Chang Sheng: "Speak! Are you mute?"

Chang Sheng, who had received much permission from Moscow, almost made the manager angry to death with his first words.

"You told me to shut up just now, Mr. Manager... Until I get your next order, I have no choice but to shut up and remain silent."

"You..." Vicente Moscodo was completely speechless. After thinking for a long time, he finally said: "It would be great if you could really be so obedient! I want you to explain to me the media reports.

What happened...did you tell the media about that game?"

Chang Sheng nodded: "Yes."

"Why did you tell them? Don't you know that the media are simply vultures eating carrion! You still think our Getafe club is not chaotic enough?" Moscodo did not expect Chang Sheng to admit it so simply.

This arrogance made Moscodo even more angry. He roared to Chang Sheng. He really wanted to curse...

Facing the manager's anger, Chang Sheng didn't care. He shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Isn't this good? In case you are afraid that I will default on my debt... Look, Mr. Manager, the whole of Getafe is now

Knowing this, even if I want to default on the debt, I can't. Once I really lose, I have to pack my bags and get out..."

Vicente Mosco was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that what Chang Sheng said did make sense. After this matter became public, the person who was most embarrassed was not the Getafe club, but Chang Sheng, the youth team coach.

Anyway, in his opinion, Gorka could not be as miserable as Chang Sheng said. In the end, it was Chang Sheng who lost.

In this case, what is he still struggling with?

Thinking of this, he stopped looking for trouble with Chang Sheng - what's the point of looking for trouble for a dead man? It's just a waste of his time and energy.

He snorted, turned around and walked away.

Behind him, Chang Sheng was making faces at him.

He doesn't like this manager. Maybe Vicente Moscova does this more for the benefit of the club, but Chang Sheng just doesn't like it. Who asked you to question me and provoke me again and again?


After sending away, or rather angry away, the club manager Moscodo, Chang Sheng came to the training ground of the youth team and prepared to start a day of training. But before the training started, he had to do one thing first.

He took Jose Passarella and told Angulo about changing Jose's position. Of the two coaches of the youth team, Segulo was mainly responsible for offensive training, while Angulo was mainly responsible for defensive training. In the past,

José was in the charge of Segulo, and from now on it was in the charge of Angulo.

Angulo looked at Chang Sheng with some surprise - they had been training Jose for more than two seasons, and he didn't see any defensive talent in Jose.

Chang had only been here a few days, how did he figure it out?

However, Jose himself did not raise any objections. He expressed his wish to play in a different position. Since the players themselves had no objections, it was hard for him as a coach to say anything.

Then starting from this training session, move Jose to the defensive team.

Jose returned to the team, and Carlos came up to him: "Jose, what kind of center back are you really going to play?"

Carlos Campo is a defensive midfielder, a pure defensive midfielder - today's football does not emphasize versatility as much as future football. Now the division of labor in football is very clear, and everyone in the position requires specialization.

, rather than being all-around, so a pure defensive midfielder like Carlos Campo may not be very likable in the future, but now he is the main force of the youth team.

Jose came to the defense team, so he could naturally be with Carlos, but Carlos was a little worried because he didn't see any defensive talent in Jose...

Jose nodded: "Yes."

"The Chinese said you have defensive talent, do you believe it?"

"There's no harm in giving it a try. Anyway, it can't be worse than this." Jose shrugged, but he was very open-minded.

Carlos looked at his friend: "You are tall enough, but your body is not strong enough..."

"The head coach also talked about this issue. He told me to make more use of blocking and anticipation instead of relying solely on physical defense."

"It sounds easy to say. I can do it, but how can I do it?"

"Let's practice." Jose said, and then ran to get ready to warm up.

Carlos looked at Chang Sheng. He didn't understand why the Chinese would suddenly ask his friend to train as a central defender. He just hoped that the Chinese's whim would not completely ruin his friend's future...


On the way from the youth team training ground to the Alfonso Pérez Stadium, Vicente Moscodo received a call from Gorka's father. In the phone call, he also mentioned the media coverage of the matter. But he did not

He didn't come here to accuse anyone, he just wanted the club to hype up the game.

To this end, he also hopes that the club can announce the details of the game to everyone and invite some media reporters to watch the game live. Therefore, it is best to move the game to Las Margarita Stadium, because that is the only place where the game can be played.

There is a stand.

He realized that this would be an excellent opportunity for his son. For his son, entering the first team was not the end. He hoped that his son could obtain the main position. So this game is such a good opportunity.


With so many people paying attention, as long as his son performs well in this game, he can take advantage of the situation and rise.

With so many media witnesses, it probably won’t be a problem for my son’s reputation to spread throughout half of Spain overnight!

When he thought about this future, he became extremely excited, so he quickly called Moscow for fear that the club would deny the existence of this game.

Now not only can we not deny it, we must also vigorously publicize it.

We must let more people know about this game and be interested in this game. If it can attract the attention of Rayo Vallecano, Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid, that would be even better.

He does not think that his son should waste his life in Getafe. As long as the time is right, Gorka will still jump out and pursue his future on a broader stage.

This game will surely be the beginning of it all!

He is now particularly grateful to that idiot from China. If he hadn't been forced by the media and said such words in a moment of urgency, how could he have found such a good opportunity?

Use this game to push your son to the forefront of Spanish football and drive away that damn idiot.

This was Gorka's father's entire plan.

It's just that he didn't tell Moscow more about these plans. He just hoped that Moscow could help publicize this matter.

Moscodo has the same plan now, and decided to vigorously promote this game to make Chang Sheng unable to step down. He could vaguely feel that club president Flores seemed to have a good impression of Chang Sheng, otherwise why would he want to interview this unknown person in person?


Of course, he cannot directly confront the club chairman, but he can use the power of the media to prevent the club chairman from interfering in his affairs.

So the more the media hypes it up, the harder it will be for club president Flores to intervene.

He didn't know Gorka's father's true plan, but now the two hit it off.

He promised Gorka's father that the club would vigorously promote the game.


In addition to Gorka's father pushing this matter, Gorka himself also contributed a lot. After finishing the training of the first team, Gorka was surrounded by the media.

Everyone asked him if there was such a game.

Gorka did not deny it at all, and made bold statements, saying that he would prove his ability in this game and let some guys with ulterior motives shut their mouths forever!

What he said made the reporters around him couldn't help but applaud.

It seems that victory has already belonged to Gorka in advance.

Soon afterwards, Getafe Club also publicly admitted that such a match did exist.

They also explained the reason for this game to everyone and invited the media to watch the game. Interested media can apply to the club. After the application is approved, the club will send them an invitation letter.

Letter of admission.

In addition to the media, one hundred and fifty lucky fans will be eligible to attend the game.

Judging from the feedback, it is said that applications are very popular.

The club seemed to have completely turned it into a carnival. They were not worried about Gorka's failure and invited so many people just to witness the rise of a new star.

Moscodo is also happy to see that Getafe Club's reputation has grown amid such hype. Getafe Club is considered a very young club in Spanish professional football. They need to expand their influence, and this is a great opportunity.

Good opportunity.

Just as Gorka's father expected, with the joint efforts of many parties, the stage has been set for his son to become famous all over the world, and it's just waiting for the protagonist to appear!


Time passed like this day by day.

The new season of the Spanish Second Division has begun. Getafe has not won a single game in four games, drawn two and lost two. The fans are not satisfied with the team's performance, and even the first-team coach Juan

·Antonio Lopez Moreno also feels tremendous pressure.

Although it is only two games, if this decline is not reversed, he will be dismissed sooner or later.

Fortunately, Gorka was transferred to the first team, which successfully diverted the interest of Getafe fans. Gorka plus the coach of the youth team, the two of them dispersed the crowd for Juan Lopez.

Partial pressure.

Now he can also laugh and chat with people during training, teasing Gorka who was frightened by the screams of female fans.

He also hopes that Gorka's arrival can inject fresh blood into the team and bring a breath of fresh air.

Of course, he doesn't expect Gorka to help the team win the game, but he feels it will be a shot in the arm for the team.

With a high-profile talent joining the team, other players will also be inspired, right?

The only trouble is that during the break between league games, I have to find time to play a game with the youth team.

He originally disagreed with playing this game because he believed that adding more games would make his team more tired.

However, considering his recent poor performance in leading the team, it would be better for him to say less on this matter. So he finally agreed to this arrangement.

Now that you’ve agreed, you have to prepare, right?

No, Juan Lopez didn't want to prepare for this game at all. What threat could the youth team pose to him? Before, there was Gorka in the youth team, who was the only one he valued. Now Gorka is here too.

With the first team coming, what else does the youth team have? He has already made up his mind. Although he cannot object to this arrangement, he can use another way to preserve the physical fitness of his team's main players, which is to let substitute players come on to play this game.

game to allow the main players to get enough rest time.

In his opinion, it is a sure thing to let the substitute play in this game and win the youth team.

So what else is there to prepare for?

When the day of the game comes, just point eleven people to destroy the youth team and that's it.


It's a different scene in the youth team - all the youth team players are training enthusiastically.

Because they know that this game is the key to whether the winning coach can stay in the club.

This is true even for Gorka's former "foolish friends". They had completely broken up with Gorka after he gave them the look he left behind when he resolutely left the youth team.

In addition, most of the youth team players like the coach Chang Sheng and do not want him to leave. In order to keep him, they are willing to work a hundred times harder.

Another motivation came from their dislike of Gorka.

Many youth team players remember Gorka's expression and demeanor when he left the youth team to join the first team.

That smug expression deeply hurt the hearts of these players - it's just that they went to the senior team earlier than everyone else. What's there to be proud of? It seems like you are good and awesome, but if we weren't here

I silently contributed to you behind the scenes, but are you where you are today? Now that we have praised you, you are kicked by us in the blink of an eye?

They wanted Gorka to understand that even if he was a genius, they could drag him into the quagmire, and after rolling around in it a few times, he would be the same as them... no, even worse than them!

※※※PS, I am going out in the afternoon. Recently, there was a problem with the automatic update of the author's background in Qidian. The public version cannot be automatically updated, so I had to release this chapter in advance. This is the update at 6pm.

Finally, thank you all! On the first day, we appeared on the homepage of the weekly recommendation list! Everyone is so awesome! I still ask for recommendation votes!!!!

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