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Chapter 261 We are the champions!

Mallorca's coach Aragones stood on the sidelines, but like a wooden man, he did not give any effective instructions. After losing their command, the Mallorca players on the field could only fight on the field on their own.

But how could they get a chance in front of Getafe as a whole?

Three minutes of injury time flew by.

The score is still fixed at 3:1, with Getafe taking the lead.

The Mallorca fans in the stands were completely silent. They should have given up.

The Pizjuan Stadium, which can accommodate 45,000 people, was filled only with the shouts of Getafe fans.

At this moment, they are the owners of Pizjuan Stadium.

The referee's whistle may be a relief to many people.

When the referee blew the whistle to end the game, the cheers above the Pizjuan Stadium suddenly increased, which came from the ecstatic roars of the Getafe fans.

The Getafe players, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed into the field and pounced on their teammates.

Even the coaches at Getafe are like this.

"The game is over! The game is over! In the King's Cup final of the 20002001 season, Getafe unexpectedly defeated Mallorca with a score of 3:1! They won the King's Cup this season, which is also the history of the Getafe club.

The first King’s Cup title! Amazing!”

After the game, the commentator naturally no longer had any objective stance and gave all his praise to Getafe.

In fact, Getafe does deserve such praise.

As a second-division team that was still fighting for relegation last season, their performance this season has been amazing.

Overcoming many difficulties. They qualified for promotion and won the league championship. Even in the Copa del Rey, they repeatedly encountered strong opponents, but they were defeated one by one.

Finally, they faced Mallorca in the final, and their performance was even more perfect.

The winning tactics are great, but the excellent execution ability of Getafe players is also very important. It only took one week for them to practice tactics that they had never been exposed to before.

Many of these players were unknown before joining Getafe. Now some of them have even been favored by Serie A teams.

Thinking about it now, Getafe actually has no chance of beating Mallorca. Mallorca losing to such a team... is really not unfair.


When all the teammates and players around him rushed onto the court to celebrate the victory, Chang Sheng did not do this. He turned around and walked towards the visiting team's coaching bench.

He wanted to shake hands with Aragones, the opponent's head coach.

Although Aragones scolded him a lot before the game.

But he knew it was all for victory, just like himself.

And there is another very important reason. He must shake hands with Aragones, and he must take the initiative.

Because he was able to win this game, the source of inspiration was Aragones. He imitated Aragones' tactics in the Spanish national team, and it was the old man in front of him who gave him the inspiration to defeat him.

It's really awkward to say. Aragones influenced himself and allowed himself to defeat Aragones...

No matter what, it feels good to have copied someone else's tactics and defeated them.

So Chang Sheng lined up the crowd in front of him, ignored the reporters swarming towards him, held his head high, looked at the coaching bench on the other side, and walked straight over.

While they were still far away, he had already extended his hand first.

Aragones was a little surprised that the opponent was so proactive. You know, he had scolded him before the game, which was the most insulting thing...

Didn’t the media say that Chang Sheng is a petty-minded man who will retaliate for his anger?

But why would he reach out to himself?

Is there a thumbtack hidden in his palm?

If Chang Sheng knew what Aragones was thinking right now, he would definitely not be able to help but roll his eyes, and then curse in his heart the reporters who distorted his image - Damn it, I'm not as bad as you say, okay? Don't think so.

The heart of a villain saves the heart of Lao Tzu!

In the end, Aragones still held hands with Chang Sheng in confusion.

Chang Sheng didn't have any hidden thumbtacks or mechanisms in his hands, and he didn't squeeze them hard after holding them.

Nothing, just a normal handshake.

"You did a good job, young man." After losing the ball, the two sides lost the competitive relationship, and Aragones returned to his image of a normal old man. He even praised Chang Sheng and used the title "young man"

”, rather than “little boy”.

Chang Sheng smiled and wanted to say "This is all your fault", but it would definitely be regarded as sarcasm, so he could only say: "Mallorca is very powerful."

Aragones shook his head and said: "Your tactics are very imaginative."

It’s even more embarrassing for Chang Sheng to be told by an original tactician that his plagiarist’s tactics are very imaginative... Hey, that’s embarrassing.

Fortunately, Chang Sheng's face was thick enough and he didn't show it at all.

Aragones asked again: "I'm curious. Your tactics should only have taken a week to achieve such power. What would happen if you were given more time?"

Chang Sheng shook his head: "No matter how much time we give, it won't work. The personnel are wrong."

"Wrong personnel?"

"Well, this tactic has high demands on the participating players. I have no choice but to use it reluctantly. To maximize its power, it requires the cooperation of the players' abilities."

"What are the requirements for players' abilities?" Aragones kept asking like a curious and humble student.

"At the very least, every player is required to have excellent skills, including goalkeepers and defenders. This is basic. But my team does not have such conditions..."

"What would happen if we had enough suitable players, coupled with this set of tactics, and practiced for a few more years?" Aragones asked.

Chang Sheng smiled: "Be able to dominate the world."


Chang Sheng turned around to celebrate his victory, but Aragones remained where he was, chewing on the last words Chang Sheng said.

Able to dominate the world...

Is he joking or serious?

Aragones thought about it and decided that winning the game was probably not a joke.

Because he himself also saw the power of this tactic.

He is different from others. He has coached in Barcelona. He knows very well what tikitaka is like. He knows tikitaka's weaknesses and also knows its strengths. If he can improve according to the winning method...

He thought about it seriously and felt that maybe it was possible...


The Getafe players were so excited. They kept celebrating on the court, and then went to thank the Getafe fans together. In the hostile Pizjuan Stadium, there were 15,000 Getafe fans.

The players made them feel like they were at home.

After the economic crisis, Getafe's players and fans have formed a deep friendship.

Although everyone is clamoring to pay attention to the fans, in fact it is difficult for any team to really put the fans in the most important position. The relationship between them and the fans is only good on the surface. Deep down, how many players really

Do you take the fans seriously?

How many people feel that their achievements were achieved by fans?

Getafe is different. They share the same sorrows, and naturally they also share the same wealth.

Getafe fans also gathered in the stands and responded to the camaraderie expressed by the players with cheers.

Chang Sheng was surrounded by reporters.

"We deserve this, we deserve the championship!" Chang Shengcai didn't care what questions the reporters were asking. He only said what he wanted to say.

"I said our goal is to be the champion, but you still don't believe it? Facts speak louder than words, no matter what you write or say. We are all champions! Thank you, we are champions!" He opened his arms and said loudly. "Okay.

Now, you can go find someone else!"

After saying that, he ignored the reporters. He rushed out of the encirclement and went to celebrate with his players.

He didn't want to waste this wonderful moment on reporters...

But he immediately regretted it, because he saw the players who had thanked the reporters were coming towards him again, and soon surrounded him, and then an unknown person shouted: "Lift him up."


Several people ducked under Chang Sheng and lifted him up.

Constant victory is like a small boat in the rough waves, which may be capsized at any time.

He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from screaming.

Then he felt his world spin - he was thrown up by the excited players.




Every time it was thrown, the players let out excited shouts.

Not only them, but the Getafe fans in the stands were also chanting with them.

And Chang Sheng cursed in his heart: "Damn! Next time I have to set a rule and don't celebrate in such a disrespectful way!"

But everyone below was laughing: "Enjoy it, Chang! You deserve it!"


The climax is the award ceremony.

As the runner-up, Mallorca's players looked very lonely when they came to the stage to receive the award. Although many people patted their shoulders and comforted them, most of them lowered their heads and were limited to being polite and talking to the Spanish King Juan Carlos who presented the award.

I shook hands, then hurriedly left with lowered head.

Some unwilling players, such as Eto'o, took off the silver medal from around their necks as soon as they left the rostrum and held it in their hands. His young and immature face looked very unconvinced. He thought that he should deserve this game.

Play a greater role, such as the huge space behind the opponent's defense, which is simply prepared for yourself, but you only have one goal...

He was very dissatisfied with his performance.

But at this time he could only accept the fate of being a loser.

After the runner-up receives the award, the champion takes the stage.

The Getafe players excitedly climbed up the stairs and walked towards the rostrum. Along the way, the excited Getafe fans gathered on both sides of the tunnel, vigorously patting the heads and shoulders of every Getafe player who came on stage.

and other body parts.

Chang Sheng was lagging behind as the head coach, but this did not allow him to escape the disaster. When he successfully stood on the podium, his hair was messed up, his suit was wrinkled, and he was a little confused—

—They were all photographed...

But when he stood in front of King Juan Carlos I of Spain, he still stayed awake - he could not embarrass us Chinese!

How did you go to school when you were a child?

By the way, when we see foreigners, we should neither be humble nor overbearing!

Chang Sheng puffed up his chest and looked up at Juan Carlos I, who was standing taller than him.

The 63-year-old King of Spain has a kind-hearted look, and next to him is his loving wife.

Holding a gold medal in his hand, he saw Chang Sheng and took the initiative to reach out to him: "I never thought that a Chinese coach could lead the team to achieve such results. You did a great job, Chang. China

It’s a big country, and I’m very happy to see someone in China achieve such outstanding results in football.”

He is truly worthy of being the head of state, he just knows how to speak...

Chang Sheng praised in his heart, then held the hand of Carlos I and said: "Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty the King."

Then he lowered his head slightly and asked Carlos I to hang the gold medal on him. The heavy gold medal was dangling in front of his eyes.

He put the gold medal against his heart with one hand, shook hands with Carlos I with the other hand, and then said goodbye and left.

The final climax was when the team's captain Pedro Canizares lifted the Copa del Rey trophy from the hands of King Carlos I.

The whole audience shouted: "Champion——!!!"

Pedro Canizares also shouted: "We are the champions!!"

Chang Sheng looked up at the team captain holding the trophy on the rostrum below, and thought to himself, this sentence is really the most vulgar sentence in the sports world.

But it is the most popular sentence...

I like this sentence too, ha!


In an ordinary residential building in Getafe's "affordable housing".

The excited voice of the commentator echoed in the room: "Getafe is the champion! They are the champions of the Copa del Rey in the 2000-2001 season!"

The music of the song "We Are the Champions" played on the TV.

Jonathan was lying on the bed motionless, but tears leaked out of the corners of his slightly closed eyes.

At this moment, he was suddenly unwilling to leave this world like this.

Chang Sheng allowed him to see miracles, but he could not move forward because of this body.

The future is so wonderful, with countless possibilities and dreams to dream about.

But there will no longer be a dream for him, Jonathan Mejia Lewis...)

{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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