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Chapter 6 On the Stage (March 3990

Many media received invitations from Valencia Club, inviting them to attend a press conference held in Mestalla two days later. The content of the press conference was to announce the signing of Valencia and Chang Sheng.

Big clubs are indeed different. The reporters invited by the coach are all from across the country. Unlike Getafe, they can only invite media from the Madrid area.

For the media, this period is undoubtedly a happy one.

Because there is too much news to report, too many gimmicks to hype, and too much focus to focus on.

The first is naturally the feud between the ever-victorious Getafe, the second is the insider incident at Getafe, and now it’s Valencia’s turn to sign the ever-victorious club.

This is not even counting the news about Spain’s traditional football powers.

Real Madrid is targeting Zidane of Juventus, Mendieta is highly favored, Atletico Madrid is looking for a new coach...

They suddenly felt that there was not enough space.

Getafe was originally a small force worth mentioning, but because of Chang Sheng, a person who is particularly "popular" in the media, Getafe has appeared in the media many times this year.

Now it has been revealed that the club manager Moscosa is a mole, causing a sensation in Spanish football.

Because it is very rare in Spanish football for someone to betray the club president.

With more reports and revelations, Moscodo has basically confirmed his identity as the "insider".

Everyone knew that he was the one who called the media to break the news about his club's debt crisis, which led to Getafe's debt crisis being detonated in advance.

At the same time, more things were uncovered by the media. Why did Chang Sheng leave Getafe? Because Moscodo and Chang Sheng have always been at odds. What was the reason for the discord? It was because Chang Sheng had just arrived at Getafe c

The team then drove away a talented boy, whom Moscow had always been very optimistic about. Unexpectedly, Chang Sheng drove him away as soon as Chang Sheng came. The reason was that the talented boy had a false reputation. Moscow was not convinced, so the two sides agreed to an agreement.

After judging every game, the result was naturally a perfect victory, and the genius left sadly. From then on, Moscodo and the ever-victorious Liangzi were forged.

As for the talented boy... The last time he appeared was that he went to Atletico Madrid's C team, but now no one has heard of his name...

Later, the conflict between the two intensified because after Chang Sheng became the head coach of the first team, Chang Sheng insisted on getting the transfer rights. As a traditional Spanish manager, Moscodo naturally refused to delegate power. In the end, it was Florey who

Si stepped forward and solved the problem - he nakedly helped Chang Sheng.

From this we can understand why the Moscow Multipolar hates Victory and is displeased with Flores' death. In the end, it will break the news in advance and expose the debt crisis, which makes Flores feel sick even before he leaves.

By the way, why did he want to break the news about Getafe's debt crisis in advance? If the debt crisis is not exposed, it will appear on its own when the time comes.

Because he wants to get this matter out of the way in advance so as to prevent the club from renewing his contract with Chang Sheng - his disgust and hatred for Chang Sheng has reached this point.

In order to get rid of Chang Sheng, he did not hesitate to become a mole and risk being discovered.

In fact, he could not have been discovered, but he decided to put the responsibility of driving Chang Sheng away on Chang Sheng himself, and then hyped up the negotiation between Chang Sheng and Valencia. It caused an uproar and angered many people.

They all jumped out to speak for Chang Sheng, which also attracted the attention of interested people.

In this way, under Mediano's tireless exploration and digging, many dirty things in Moscow were exposed.

Moscow stinks from the inside out...

During this period, Getafe fans held banners outside the Alfonso Pérez Stadium every day to protest against Moscodo, demanding that the club resign him and re-invite Victory back.

Others came to Moscodo's home in downtown Madrid and threw stones at their windows and smashed the glass. Others wrote letters threatening Moscodo, leaving his family in panic.


Under such circumstances, Moscow received a call from the club's trustee, asking him to go to his office the next day.

Moscow was sweating a lot.

He suddenly had a very bad premonition.

He was already embarrassed enough during this period, but as long as his immediate boss didn't say anything, he was safe. At most, he could just pretend that he didn't see it, and after a while, it would be fine when the limelight passed.

So no matter how many calls he made, he wouldn't answer, but he couldn't help but answer the call from the trustee... Although he was the real person in power in the club, the trustee was his direct superior, and he was the most powerful person at the highest level.

Now things are getting bigger and bigger, and many of his past events have been uncovered, which is very detrimental to him.

Finally, the bank couldn't bear it anymore...

After Moscow finished answering the phone, he sat alone in a chair in the study room, curled up in the chair. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't know there was another person there.

The situation of Flores, whom he had ridiculed at the beginning, appeared in his own body. It was really unsatisfactory retribution...


When Moscodo knocked on the door of the trustee's office, Changsheng also opened the door of the Mestalla Press Center accompanied by Valencia Club Chairman Oti and General Manager Pitacci.

From the moment he walked through the door, the flashbulbs kept flashing.

He turned to look at the dense crowd of reporters below. He even saw Mediano. He thought he waved with a smile on his face.

So Chang Sheng also smiled at him.

Behind the dense crowd of reporters, there are cameras and cameras with long guns and short guns.

This situation is much better than when he was promoted to acting head coach at Getafe.

Because of the results I have achieved in Getafe, I am no longer a nobody or a newcomer in the coaching industry.

Valencia is a bigger stage and a huge challenge.

There are more people observing you with a magnifying glass every day. If you do something bad, criticism like a tsunami will immediately hit you overwhelmingly.

They can bring you to heaven overnight, or send you to hell in a second.

Chang Sheng walked to the stage and looked at the reporters.

He seemed to see the slave ships plying the Atlantic Ocean in the sixteenth century, followed by those sharks.

They came from all directions chasing the blood, and when they were not careful, they swarmed up and tore themselves into pieces.

Chang Sheng looked at them and reminded himself in his heart - no matter what, he cannot give them such an opportunity.

This is why you should be a winner, not a loser.


Moscodo stood in the center of the room with his head lowered. The custodian sent by the bank was sitting on the chair in the chairman's office. This office once belonged to Francisco Flores. Now that the old man has left, it has become the custodian's office.

Office space.

The manager of Getafe Club is no stranger to this office. Many stories happened here, and he was a bystander.

Unexpectedly, he became the protagonist this time.

"Do you have anything to explain about those reports in the newspapers?" The trustee's cold tone made Moscow lose its last trace of illusion.

It was as if all his strength had been drained from him, and his whole body became sluggish.


"We are very happy to invite Mr. Chang as the team's head coach. We have seen his performance in leading Getafe last season. The Valencia club definitely did not make this decision lightly.

After he came out, we have been following him for half a season..."

Valencia's new president Oti introduced Chang Sheng to you in front of the camera.

Seeing the high-spirited face of his nemesis on the TV, Soler snorted, then stood up and left the living room.

Behind him, the old mother's confused voice said: "Are you concerned about your team's new coach?"

"How many times have I told you, Mom, that's not my team, at least not now. Besides, I don't care who coaches Valencia at all!"

Soler left the living room without looking back.

The old mother looked at her son's back, shrugged, and then continued to focus on the press conference of Valencia's new head coach.

The camera just gave Chang Sheng a close-up of his face. On the screen, Chang Sheng was smiling and his eyes were wandering.

"That Chinese guy is so young..." she murmured.


"Now let's invite our new coach to speak to everyone." Oti gestured to Chang Sheng with his hand.

Chang Sheng nodded to Oti and leaned in front of the microphone: "Thank you, Mr. Chairman."

He looked at the reporters.

He suddenly remembered what he faced during the press conference when he was promoted to the first team coach of Getafe Club.

At that time, everyone was surprised by his youth. He saw doubt, surprise, confusion, and of course ridicule and disdain in the reporters' eyes.

But now, he can still see doubts, but they are no longer the majority.

Obviously, even if he led Getafe to promotion in the second division, won the second division championship, and won the King's Cup, there are still people who doubt him. They are doubting him, who has only coached a second division team.

Will the young head coach this season be able to control the big ship of Valencia?

It seems that even if he has won two championships, he is still relatively inexperienced. He and Valencia seem to be a bit "incompatible".

If I were coaching a team that has been relegated, I might not face such doubtful looks.

Last time, when faced with those arrogant reporters, he did not introduce himself, but instead made wild claims that they would soon know who he was.

This time, Chang Sheng still did not intend to introduce himself.

He put his mouth to the microphone.

The reporters in the audience straightened their postures slightly and listened attentively, intending to hear what kind of speech Chang Sheng could deliver.

"When I coach Valencia, it's like winning the big fat lottery jackpot, of course, for Valencia."

As soon as Chang Sheng said these words, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Club president Oti and manager Pitacci turned to look at Chang Sheng at the same time, while reporters were panicked.

Only Mediano laughed, and he secretly gave Chang Sheng a thumbs up among the panicked reporters.

July 9, 2001

i, the most unique head coach in the history of Valencia Club has officially entered the stage of history.

{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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