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Chapter 8 Attitude (May 4020

When Chang Sheng arrived at the Capital International Airport, he saw a red eye-catching banner at the exit of the airport passenger passage with a line of yellow bold characters: "Warmly welcome Mr. Chang Sheng to return with praise!"

When Chang Sheng saw the banner, he almost slipped and fell at the entrance of the airport. That would have been too embarrassing...

After finally stabilizing his balance, he looked around and found that it was the person in charge of the newspaper who came to pick him up...

So he decided to go out somewhere else. He didn't want to just walk up there, he couldn't afford to lose that person...

Although he doesn't mind being famous, being so famous makes him feel like a fool.

What kind of thing is it to put up a banner saying that you have returned with great honors?

I am not a table tennis team that brings glory to the country.

But just as he was about to turn a corner, he found that he was recognized, because someone ran over quickly, waving to him as he ran: "Mr. Chang Sheng! Mr. Chang Sheng! Here, here! We are here!"

Then the dazzling banner behind him floated over with the help of several people...

Chang Sheng couldn't help but complain in his heart: Don't call me by my name!

He lowered his head, feeling that he was really defeated by these people.

Why did I forget to wear a pair of sunglasses when I came out?

He thought he was a nobody in China, just like when he first came back, even if he had a foreign girl by his side, it would be silent.

Unlike now, there are banners and welcome to the team.

Such a flamboyant welcome ceremony does not fit in with my Changsheng low-key and reserved style...

The person in charge ran up to Chang Sheng, panting and laughing: "Ha! Ha! Finally... I'll wait for you... Chang, Mr. Chang Sheng..."

Chang Sheng curled his lips and said, "Take your breath first."

The person in charge smiled and ignored the displeasure in Chang Sheng's tone. Even though all the reporters claimed to be uncrowned kings, they were the ones asking for help, so naturally they didn't dare to show off in front of Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng looked at the similarly twisted crowd running towards him with banners outside, and frowned: "Can you remove the banners?"

The person in charge obeyed what he said. With a wave of his hand, the people behind him quickly put away the banner and then stood behind the person in charge somewhat awkwardly.

Chang Sheng was not like being watched like monkeys. But it was still too late. Someone had already noticed them and surrounded them.

Reporters from more than a dozen media outlets swarmed in and surrounded Chang Sheng. Microphones, cell phones, recorders... they all stretched out to Chang Sheng's mouth, wanting to interview him.

The person in charge suddenly became anxious and took on the posture of being a gunman for Chang Sheng. He protected Chang Sheng and shouted: "I'm sorry, give way, give way! We won't accept any interviews!"

He acts like a winning manager or a bodyguard.

He left the airport quickly with Chang Sheng, and the reporters' cameras kept chasing them until they got into a commercial vehicle. The flashes didn't stop.

After getting on the bus, the person in charge wiped his sweat: "These reporters are really crazy..."

Then he motioned to the driver to drive quickly. As for the colleagues who hadn't squeezed in, he ignored them for the time being. They were all adults anyway and couldn't be thrown away.

Chang Sheng looked at him with a smile.

The person in charge was not stupid, and he obviously saw the teasing meaning in Chang Sheng's smile.

But he was very thick-skinned after all, so he pretended not to understand and responded with a smile.


Chang Sheng’s itinerary is as follows.

First he was interviewed by the newspaper in Beijing.

Then he flew directly back to his hometown.

Because the lawsuit filed by the parents was filed in the court of their hometown city, the lawsuit had to be fought here.

Chang Sheng will attend the event to show support for his parents.

Of course. Before the trial, he would accept collective interviews with multiple media outlets to encourage his parents and at the same time put pressure on them.

After the trial, he will also accept interviews from reporters based on the specific results.

Then he stayed at home for one more day to spend time with his parents, and then he had to leave.

He even bought his departure ticket in advance.

Because time is really too tight.

Originally, he said he would go to the United States to see Avril Lavigne during the holidays, but he could only call Avril Lavigne apologetically and said he couldn't go.

Avril gnashed her teeth and threatened Chang Sheng, and she would only give up if Chang Sheng agreed to treat her to ten big meals.


The interview with the newspaper was very simple. It was just in the hotel room where you stayed, the lights were turned on, and the photographers were taking pictures. The reporter in charge of the interview was face to face with Chang Sheng, with the recorder turned on and put aside.

Carry a small notebook and be ready to jot down notes at any time.

In fact, both parties have communicated about the specific interview questions. These questions must have been conducted after Chang Sheng nodded.

And it was agreed that if there were any questions beyond these questions, Chang Sheng would directly refuse to answer them.

So there was nothing much to talk about during the interview.

Through the interview, Chang Sheng introduced his coaching experience, starting from his decision to go abroad to coaching in Getafe.

Of course, I spoke in general terms, especially since the manager before getting coaching at Getafe spoke very simply, without explaining many details.

But for reporters, these are not important, because even such a general thing is something that the Chinese media has never learned about before, and has never known.

The reporter's hands were shaking when he was recording - how attractive this news would be if it were published!

After introducing Chang Sheng’s experience of coaching in Spain, we came to the most critical topic, which is the lawsuit related to and.

In an interview, Chang Sheng lashed out at some Chinese media headed by them, which have no professional ethics and focus on the pursuit of novelty and excitement. They have completely forgotten their role as mouthpieces of public opinion and their profession as news media.

Ethics. Each and every one of them uses this notorious tabloid as an example and spiritual banner. They have not learned the true spirit of journalism, but only learned how to sensationalize. As a responsible media, not only has it not played a role in leading social trends, but it has

The author corrupted social morals.

What is the significance of the continued existence of such media?

These media outlets complain all day long about how Chinese people are of low quality and not as good as foreigners. In fact, they have contributed a lot to this.

"Grandson?" The reporter who was interviewing finally stopped taking notes quickly and raised his head to look at Chang Sheng: "That's not a good thing to say..."

Chang Sheng waved his hand: "Just write it like this."

The reporter thought about it and decided not to offend Chang Sheng. Anyway, this manuscript still has to go through the editor's process, and it will definitely be revised.

So he lowered his head and continued recording. Chang Sheng also continued his long speech.

In the end, it was basically him talking, while the reporter was engrossed in taking notes.

The photojournalist really had nothing to take pictures of, so he just listened. But the more he listened, the more something was wrong - he always felt that Chang Sheng was not just scolding the waiting media, he seemed to be scolding...all the Chinese media!

Including them reporting...

Chang Sheng finished scolding and the interview ended.

In the end, the reporter shook hands with Chang Sheng and said goodbye, but the photographer looked at Chang Sheng in a different way.

When the journalist went back to sort out the manuscript and send it to the editor, he originally thought that the editor would block many of the swear words in it.

Unexpectedly, when this interview was published in the newspaper the next day, he discovered that he had not changed a word about Chang Sheng! Not a word had been changed!

What about "grandson", "clown"... These words with insulting and derogatory connotations were published in the newspapers intact.

In fact, they can be modified, which is what many media will do, but the newspaper does not.

Chang Sheng wants to use the hatred between Bao He to attack for himself. Bao Que is not an idiot, he also wants to use Chang Sheng. That is to use Chang Sheng's big mouth to scold him.

At most, add a sentence at the end: "The remarks of the guest in this interview only represent his personal views, and this agency does not agree with them." But all idiots know that this sentence has no effect at all. Without this sentence, it would be more frank, but adding this sentence will make it worse.

It’s almost like being a bitch and building an archway at the same time...

The competition between Bao He and Bao He finally came to an end. It entered a new stage of shirtless fights and shrewish swearing.

And this new stage of war was actually lit by Chang Sheng, which many people probably didn't expect.


Chang Sheng, who returned home, became the focus of reporters in front of the court.

At this time, the newspaper's exclusive interview has been published. There are two entire pages, all of which are exclusive interviews. There are also two pages of commentary articles by the newspaper's editors and reporters. While sitting there reflecting on themselves, I also criticize certain big companies that ignore social responsibilities.

The despicable act of revenge.

Everyone knows who they are referring to.

At the entrance of the court, Chang Sheng was blocked by reporters.

"You chose to be interviewed by the newspaper but refused the interview. Does this mean..."

Before the reporter finished speaking, Chang Sheng had already nodded: "Yes, I know the relationship between the two newspapers. I just feel sick. In addition, my original statement is still valid to this day. In the future, as long as it is interviewed by

, I will always refuse. If you let me see any interview content about me on the Internet, even if it is just an excerpt, just wait to receive a lawyer's letter!"

He pointed at the many reporters.

Now he has a dedicated lawyer in his country. It is his second uncle Pei Wei.

He also helped Chang Sheng fight this lawsuit.

Chang Sheng felt that with his temper and character, he would not rarely get into lawsuits. He needs lawyers abroad as well as at home.

Anyway, if the money doesn't go to outsiders, all the domestic lawyer business will be given to Pei Wei. Moreover, the relatives on my mother's side are very good to me. They are real family members, so I don't have to worry about cheating me.

The process of litigating the lawsuit was boring, and no one came this time, only a few attorneys came.

But Chang Sheng didn't expect to see the ugly behavior of others here.

There are two reasons why he appears here.

One is naturally to express support for his family. The other is to express his attitude towards other media - don't think I am joking. Those of you grandchildren who came to block my house and said in the newspaper that I am a liar?

I'm waiting. It's just the beginning, not the end!

I don't give a damn, I'm just going to catch the principal culprit, not the accomplices... No one can escape!

I have to say that Chang Sheng was indeed successful in doing so.

After the media focused on his appearance in the court gallery, all the media who had been tough before softened their words.

During this period, he became the object of ridicule.

Because they had so vowed to claim that Chang Sheng was a liar. There is no way he has any international A-level coaching certificate.

Who would have thought that he would be beaten into a pig's head now.

Moreover, the two-page exclusive interview and two more pages of various "interview notes", "editor's notes" and "column comments" are even more disgracing.

Now they can only put their heads in the dirt and pretend they don't know anything and can't see anything.

But this will not affect their sworn enemy newspapers and other media that have long been unhappy with them from continuing to laugh at them.

In fact, ridicule is just simple. After all, people always forget easily. After this period of time passes and the noise subsides, they will continue to do whatever they have to do. They will still be the leader of domestic professional sports newspapers, and there will still be many people out there.

We embrace their thighs out of profit considerations.

The biggest loss for them in this matter is that they lost the right to win interviews...

On the second day of the trial, their editorial office received a letter from Pei Wei's lawyer, sternly warning them not to reprint or publish any interviews or exclusive interviews about Chang Sheng without Chang Sheng's permission. Otherwise, they would be held legally responsible.

The lawyer's boss was so angry that he kept banging the table and cursed more than a dozen times, saying, "You're going too far."

But what's the use?

People have stated that if you do something, it is an infringement.

And judging from his attitude in supporting his parents' lawsuit this time, it can be seen that he is very serious. When it comes to dealing with people, he has always been ruthless and never merciful.

Judging from a manager who has always won in Spain, this is only his first complete coaching season. He actually led a previously unknown team to win the league championship and the Copa del Rey.

What does this mean?

It shows that his abilities and talents are very strong. We often say that there are talented players among players, but there are also talented coaches...

Judging from this trend, Chang Sheng's career will only get better and better, but he has lost the opportunity to continue interviewing and contacting Chang Sheng.

Watching such a big fish slip away from them, they could only close the door and curse, not daring to really rush out and curse. Otherwise, they might die even worse.

Chang Sheng, a gangster who is not stingy, is not afraid of the power of media public opinion.

At first, almost all Chinese media called him a liar and even called him on his door. What was the result?

Not only Chang Sheng himself, but also Chang Sheng’s parents are not afraid!

When encountering such a family, those uncrowned kings really have no good solution.

It would be okay if Chang Sheng failed, but they would be able to throw all kinds of dirty water on Chang Sheng and Chang Sheng's family. People without strength have no right to speak, and those without right to speak can only be allowed to be smeared by them.

But Chang Sheng is now very successful, very successful. As a Chinese, a football coach can achieve such results... It can be said to be the first time for Chinese football. Adding coaches and players together, in the Chinese football circle, all

No one can win all the time. Otherwise, why would so many media pay attention to him? Because hundreds of millions of Chinese fans are paying attention to him.

At this time, you can't just smear someone else's family, otherwise you will only get crazy counterattacks and be scorned by bystanders, and maybe you will get worse...

So they could only watch in frustration as they lost this good opportunity.

Things shouldn't be like this.

They shouldn't have such a result. They have dedicated people in Spain who can get the advantage first.

Build a good relationship with Chang Sheng and become an exclusive reporting agency approved by Chang Sheng. Then everything Chang Sheng gets in Spain will be transmitted back to China through them, which will definitely attract more readers.

But now everything is ruined...

Although the culprit who caused all this still remains in Spain, he has changed from the head of a reporter station to an ordinary reporter, and has lost the opportunity to be in charge of new publications.

This is a truly heavy blow to Ishibama...

He never imagined that an article he randomly compiled out of habit would lead to such serious consequences...

Now he knew that he seemed to have offended someone he shouldn't have offended, but... it was too late.

{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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