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The next day, Chang Sheng called a moving company to remove all the things he had left in his apartment in Getafe.

He stood at the door, watching the people from the moving company move away the things he had packed.

The memories of the past two years emerged before his eyes one by one.

A worker noticed the photo of Getafe hanging on the wall and planned to take it down, but was stopped by Chang Sheng.

"That one stays here."

"But this..." The worker hesitated. This is obviously something the owner cares about very much. Why not take it away?

"It's okay, just stay. It's a souvenir." Chang Sheng shook his head.

Some memories can just be kept in your heart. There is no need to keep them in front of your eyes all the time. People always have to look forward.

The last worker carried his things down, and the room in front of him became empty again, just like when he moved in.

He raised his eyes and looked at the Getafe family portrait from the 2000-2001 seasons on the wall. He was in the middle, surrounded by the players who looked like stars.

What a great season...

He smiled, then closed the door, picked up his suitcase, and turned to leave.

He had already said goodbye at the party yesterday, and only Lemon was the one to see him off today.

Chang Sheng hugged him again, holding the wine he gave him.

"Good luck in Valencia, Chang."

"Thank you, Lemon. I wish you good luck too."

The two said goodbye.


Chang Sheng, who returned to Valencia, immediately threw himself into intense work and was very busy.

At this time, the players are still on vacation. The same goes for the coaching staff. Originally, the winning team does not need to be so busy, and he can continue to vacation.

But who told him to hold all the transfer power in his own hands?

Normally, team transfers are handled by the club's manager or the director of the athletics department. At this time, the busiest person should be the club manager, not him as the head coach.

The first thing Chang Sheng did was familiarize himself with Valencia's current lineup.

Analyze each player one by one to understand their status and performance in the past season, so as to know who can stay, who can be let go, which position has flaws and needs to be supplemented, and which position has too many personnel and needs to be cleared.

He had to figure it out, even though he had the prophetic attributes of a time traveler. However, a time traveler is not the kind of pervert who knows everything and keeps every detail in mind.

Many things still need to be concluded by combining many data analyzes in this time and space.

To understand a player's performance last season, you can draw a more reliable conclusion by watching game videos and post-game media ratings.

It just requires a lot of information to be consulted.

Chang Sheng can definitely ask his assistant coach Rudy Gonzalez to help him.

But he did not make this call. Because Rudy Gonzalez is still on vacation, he can let himself work overtime, but he cannot let others work overtime for him for free.

Besides, he still has to spend time with his pregnant girlfriend.

So when he returned to the hotel where he was temporarily staying in Valencia, Chang Sheng started to get busy. He didn't leave the hotel room for several days in a row. When eating, he only called the waiter to bring it to the room.

He had so many things to be busy with, and he just felt like he didn't have enough time.

After signing with Valencia, he received two-thirds of his annual salary in one lump sum.

The way Valencia Club pays salaries is different from Getafe. Getafe's small teams pay salaries on a monthly basis, while big teams like Valencia pay salaries directly on an annual basis. They give half of the annual salary first, and then wait for the remaining half.

It will be given together with various bonuses at the end of the season.

However, Changsheng asked for an additional advance payment.

Valencia didn't ask him what he wanted so much for, and Chang Sheng himself didn't say anything.

In fact, Changsheng gave all of this money to Kate Gracie. She asked him to inject capital into the "Winner" company in the Cayman Islands, and then continued to inject capital into Google through Winner Company in exchange for more original shares of Google.

, to prepare for Google’s future IPO and cash out.

How to make money has always been left to Kate Gracie, and she is indeed very talented in this area.

It is said that there are specialties in the art industry. Although Chang Sheng was born again, his ability to make money is really not as good as him.

Chang Sheng began to study the current situation in Valencia on his own.

Valencia's squad looks strong right now.

It is indeed very strong, otherwise they would not have been able to reach the Champions League finals for two consecutive seasons.

For the first time, I was defeated by Real Madrid 0:3 in the final, and I lost my temper at all.

In the second final, they had a very good start and took the lead early. But in the end they were dragged into a penalty shootout and met the god-like Kahn.

Under the leadership of Ferreira and Hiddink, this team has developed an overall style that is both tough and powerful. After Ranieri took office, he established the framework of Italian defensive counterattack football for the team. Cooper

During the coaching period, the essence was injected and the charm was enhanced.

The previous top star of Valencia was Claudio Lopez (claudio_javier_lopez) nicknamed "Flea". He was the core figure of the team's counterattack tactics. He was unpredictable on the left wing. Barcelona had to eat him several times.

Unfortunately, right back Reiziger felt like he had seen a ghost when he saw him.

The leader of the team is the Basque tough guy Mendieta (gaizka_mendieta). Under the coordination of Cooper, he and Javier_Farinos (Javier_Farinos), Gerard (Gerard) and Kily_Gonzalez (kily_gonzalez)

) was the best in Europe at the time. In the Champions League knockout rounds of the 1999-2000 season, Valencia defeated Lazio 5:2 and then Barcelona 4:1 to advance to the final. Unfortunately, they fell short in Paris compared to Real Madrid, who were in full swing.

In the 200001 season, Claudio Lopez was spotted by the other party due to his performance in defeating Lazio in the Champions League last season. He transferred and left for 23 million. Herard, who originally debuted from Barcelona, ​​also paid 24,000.

He was redeemed by Barcelona for one million, and Farinos was taken away by Inter Milan for eighteen million.

Then Valencia absorbed Slovenia's number one star Zlatko_zahovic, who became famous in the 2000 European Cup, and Norwegian high center Carew (john_carew). They also poached the underused Argentina international from AC Milan.

Defender roberto_fabian_ayala hired the talented youngster Vicente from Levante, who was only 19 years old. During the winter transfer period in early 2001, he bought another talented youngster Aimar from River Plate.


In addition, Didier_deschamps, the captain of the French national team, also moved from Chelsea to Valencia. However, due to too many injuries last season, he did not get many playing opportunities and only had 13 appearances in the league. However,

He has announced his retirement at the end of this season, and his contract with Valencia is only for one year.

Now he is no longer in the team.

Chang Sheng felt it was a pity to see this, because as a fan, Deschamps' name must be known. He also knew that he had good results as a head coach. He once led Monaco to the Champions League final in the 200304 season. It is a pity that in

Losing to Mourinho's Porto in the final, he sacrificed himself and created the birth of a legendary coach.

Chang Sheng was deeply impressed by Monaco's victory over Real Madrid in the Champions League. It can be seen that Deschamps is a quality coach.

If Deschamps still stays in Valencia, Changsheng will definitely give him a coaching contract and let him help him.

Now, I can only think about it in my heart.


After spending several days, Chang Sheng used office software to create a spreadsheet on his laptop.

Above is the full list of Valencia players.

After each player's name is their number of appearances last season, as well as technical statistics such as substitute times, goals, assists, and red and yellow cards.

Although the data is cold, many problems can be explained through the data.

Combined with the various game videos of Getafe players that Chang Sheng had watched last season.

He already knew it.

First, he needs to know who on this team should go - note, it's not who "can go", but "who should go".

Yes. He doesn't consider the player's importance in the Valencia team, he only looks at whether the player suits his tactics.

Speaking of tactics, the tactics he designed for Valencia are different from Getafe. He has no intention of copying the defensive counterattack and copycat 3R tactics in the frontcourt that he used in Getafe.

Although Valencia's current football is indeed defensive counterattack.

As a time traveler, he plans to get some experience and help from the future generations he knows.

He knew that after Benitez took charge of Valencia, he played a defensive counterattack and relied on the 1:0 doctrine. And he achieved success.

However, Benitez has his own difficulties, because he is a typical Spanish head coach. He does not have transfer power. He has to use whoever the club manager buys for him. It is completely based on the choice of a group of people.

Blue-collar players with limited visibility have been combined to create a very combat-effective lineup.

At that time, Valencia's offensive power in the frontcourt had weakened. This was a problem left to him by his predecessor.

Claudio Lopez was sold, Mendieta was sold, Farinos was sold, Herard was sold...

The midfielder who was famous in European football at that time was torn apart like this.

Chang Sheng does not intend to copy Getafe's approach, but nor does it intend to abandon it completely.

After all, Valencia's style is also defensive.

If the changes are too big, I'm afraid Valencia won't be able to adapt at all, and if they lose a few games, they may have to get out.

He didn't believe that Valencia's club president could be so patient.

Valencia is indeed going to change, but it won't be such a violent upheaval.

It has to be done step by step.

The step-by-step approach to winning is to continue to maintain Valencia's solid and tough defense, but it is not as simple as playing defensive counterattack.

On the basis of solid defense, Chang Sheng hopes that the team will have more offensive power.

He requires the frontcourt players to keep running, creating space for himself and his teammates, looking for fleeting openings in large-scale running and quick passes, and then delivering a fatal blow - does this sound familiar?

Yes, if you just look at the offense, this is the tactic Chang Sheng used in his last game as coach of Getafe.

Of course, this is just part of the strategy.

In the offense, in addition to emphasizing running, Chang Sheng also plans to attach importance to the wing. Valencia has a tradition of wingers, and the use of wingers and full midfielders occupies a very important position in Valencia's tactics.

, no matter which head coach is in charge, this has not changed.

Maybe they all know that this is Valencia's characteristic and their advantage.

Of course, the so-called winger does not necessarily have to stay on the wing. Mendieta plays on the wing, but in fact he is the core of the midfield organizer. Claudio Lopez is used to moving on both sides and is good at counterattacks.

But he can play forward and score a lot of goals. In the 199899 season, he scored 21 goals in 32 league games. That was his peak period.

As for Valencia in the time and space where Chang Sheng was originally located, this is even more true.

They have many players who are good at moving on the wing or all-round in the wing.

The most famous Vicente became a top winger in Valencia.

In the 200001 season, Lopez left Lazio and Vicente came to Valencia. In the first season, he delivered six goals in forty-eight games. You must know that he was only nineteen years old.

Killy Gonzalez, Rufete, Angulo, Joaquín, Mata, Pablo Hernandez, David Silva... these all made their name in Valencia

Wing player.

In football tactics, the wing is always the most important area. With such good resources in hand, it is naturally impossible for Chang Sheng to give up.

Winning on defense still emphasizes discipline and maintaining the integrity of the formation.

This is also a fine tradition in Valencia.

In fact, the Bat Legion has been ranked at the top of La Liga for a long time because it became famous for its iron-blooded defense. In the Cooper era, it was composed of four old guys: Angeloma, Pellegrino, Dukic and Carboni.

Their defense line is a classic. They have been paired together for several years. Their rich experience and tacit cooperation have been the magic weapon for the team to reach the Champions League finals for two consecutive years.

Goalkeeper Canizares is currently Spain’s number one national goalkeeper.

Having such an experienced defense is a valuable asset for Valencia.

But Chang Sheng planned to attack this precious line of defense first.

Because they are too old......)

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