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Chapter 1 The call of the first team

The confused expression on Rudy González Diaz's face was clear on the TV screen. The director gave this assistant as a temporary replacement for Juan Antonio Zamora Sambudio to direct the Getafe game.

A close-up of the coach.

The commentator sighed: "Rudy Gonzalez Diaz's expression is really the best portrayal of Getafe right now!"

Chang Sheng watched the league match of Getafe first team in front of the TV.

Getafe is currently deep in the relegation zone. As a member of Getafe, he is naturally concerned about the performance of Getafe's first team.

Yesterday, he led the team to play the game of Team C. Under his leadership, Team C won.

But the prospects for Getafe's first team are not so good.

The score on the field was 3:0. According to international practice, the home team is in front and the away team is in back. Unfortunately, Getafe is the away team in this game.

"Juan Zamora was suddenly dismissed by the club two days ago - actually, it can't be said to be sudden. Judging from the results he led the team, everyone had long guessed when they would be dismissed... But everyone still didn't expect it.

Getafe Club will choose to announce this decision suddenly before the game. It seems that they can't stand the incompetent Zamora..."

"As Zamora's assistant, Rudy González Diaz took over as head coach on an interim basis, and now everyone is speculating who Getafe will choose to officially take over the position..."

The game on the field was very boring. Although there were still thirty minutes left before the end of the game, any fool could see that Getafe was in danger. So the commentator also took his attention away from the game and began to introduce Getafe's recent news.

Gossip news such as personnel changes that have occurred.

"But for those coaches, the position of Getafe head coach is a hot potato. Not counting this game, the league has gone on for thirty rounds, and Getafe only has 26 points, ranking last.

Second. Seeing that next season we are going to play in Group B of the Spanish Second Division (that is, the Spanish Third Division, which should be said to be the Spanish Second Division Group B)... Who wants to stay on a ship that is destined to sink?


As an insider of Getafe Club, Chang Sheng is very aware of this matter.

Getafe has hired two head coaches this season, both for one reason - poor results.

Juan Lopez persisted until January, but was driven out by Flores because the team's results were slipping again and again. Juan Zamora was originally the head coach of the B team and was replaced. Unexpectedly, he was not as good as

His predecessor, Lopez's team, and Getafe were at least avoiding relegation, while Zamora's Getafe directly became a relegated team.

Rudy Gonzalez, who temporarily replaced Zamora, also performed very poorly in this game. He almost did not come up with any effective way to prevent the team from losing. There are still three minutes left in the game.

In ten minutes, he had used up two substitutions. However, from Chang Sheng's point of view, these two substitutions were very bad. Not only did they have no effect, but they also hindered the performance of the whole team, which broke the camel's back.

The last straw.

Chang Sheng really wonders if Rudy Gonzalez is an undercover agent.

This game is definitely lost. In the 32nd round of the league, Getafe only accumulated 26 points, and the gap between them and the previous teams is widening.

There are still ten rounds of the league. If they don't make some changes, they will really have to drop from the Spanish Second Division to the Spanish Third Division, or "Spanish Second Division Group B".

Even though they just came from there a season ago, no one wants to go back.

As the club's president, the only thing Flores can do is keep changing coaches.

It's a pity that neither Juan Lopez nor Juan Zamora can bring the team the victory they want.

And the assistant coach of the first team in front of him obviously does not have this ability.

Chang Sheng turned off the TV. There was nothing interesting to watch in this game. Getafe was lucky if it didn't turn into a massacre in the end.

He sighed, did he have to become the head coach of Team C of a Spanish C team next season?

Although he did well in the C team, he had to seriously consider whether he should continue to stay in Getafe.

If Getafe's first team is relegated to Segunda División, he will receive even less attention from the C team, and it seems that Getafe will have nothing to keep him here.

He has been at Getafe for six months. During these six months, he has gradually become familiar with and learned what a real coach should do.

With the help of Angulo and Segulo, he made full use of the coaching master system and worked on the experimental field of Team C.

The power of the coach master system is also very obvious. By continuously completing tasks to obtain rewards, the team's training effect is gradually improved.

In addition, Chang Sheng also learned how to use competition skills to make pre-match arrangements.

The Getafe C team, which was originally little-known, actually thrived under his guidance, and its strength has grown considerably.

Especially José Passarella Sansini.

To say that the person in Team C who has changed the most is probably him.

The waste that was once ridiculed by others has now transformed into the main center back of Getafe C team.

Progress can only be described as "rapid".

The players of Team C, as well as the two coaches Angulo and Segulo, watched helplessly how Jose Passarella grew from a rookie central defender to a main central defender who could play his own role.

He is improving almost every day.

Jose Passarella's progress naturally attracted the attention of the local media in Getafe.

Everyone praised him as Getafe's "right man" and a genius that Getafe encounters only once in ten years.

However, Jose Passarella, who saw the media's face in Gorka, dismissed the media's flattery, and his mentality was very good.

No one knows, not even Jose himself, that his ability to improve so quickly is due to Chang Sheng's innate skill [This is how geniuses are made].

Of course, everyone knows that the reason why Jose is what he is today is inseparable from Chang Sheng. Although they don't know about talent and skills, they still regard Chang Sheng as the reason why Jose is what he is today.

A hero.

Even if it is only for Jose, Chang Sheng has proven his ability, and his resume is really not a lie.

Originally, Getafe was a place for Chang Sheng to accumulate experience and learn. Now his goal has been achieved.

Is it time to change places?

The only thing he can't bear to part with is probably Jose Passarella. This kid is growing up. If he leaves, won't he be unable to make progress again? Or his progress will slow down.

This was the first player he personally trained. He put a lot of effort into Jose - resolutely using the skills that can only be used on one person, "This is how geniuses are made".

· For Passarella, it can be said that he has spent a lot of money to win. For other players, he has never achieved this point...

If he really had to leave, he would be quite reluctant to leave.


In the end, Getafe lost 0:5 in the away game. There was no suspense about the loss. The disastrous defeat in this game also cast a shadow over Getafe's relegation situation.

When Chang Sheng learned about this result from the TV news, he couldn't even sigh. For Getafe today, this is really not surprising at all.

It seems that Getafe will definitely be relegated this season.

When the time comes, do you really want to leave?

Chang Sheng was thinking about this issue when the phone in his apartment rang.

It was the club's general manager, Vicente Moscodo.

"Chang, Mr. Chairman asked you to go to his office early tomorrow morning. He has something to ask you."

After Moscow Duo notified Chang Sheng, he hung up the phone without a word of nonsense.

Chang Sheng shrugged, not caring about the manager's attitude. Ever since the Gorka incident, the club manager had always had this attitude towards him. This was even the first time he called Chang Sheng in five months.

Chang Sheng didn't care about the manager's attitude. What he cared about was why the club chairman wanted to find him at this time.

More than five months have passed since that game.

Getafe quickly terminated the contract of Gorka Alonso Basel and his father.

Later I heard that Gorka went to Atletico Madrid's C team.

After that, Chang Sheng didn't hear any news about this young man. He disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people just like he did in his previous life.

And Chang Sheng himself also worked as the head coach of Getafe C team for six months.

Although he stayed in Team C for a long time, as long as six months, Chang Sheng himself had no complaints. He was very calm.

Because he knows that this will be the last youth-level team he coaches, and it is absolutely impossible for him to coach Team C again in the future. Only Team C will have such little pressure, allowing him to grow calmly and learn gradually.

and adapt to real professional football.

When he was slowly growing and learning in the C team, whether it was Juan Lopez or Juan Zamora, he was suffering from insomnia every night under tremendous pressure and boos in the Getafe first team.

He could see on the TV news that the two coaches were getting more and more haggard day by day. Therefore, he especially cherished this time in the C team.

But after answering the manager's call, a thought suddenly flashed through Chang Sheng's mind.

Maybe this time will be gone forever...


After living in Getafe for six months, Chang Sheng had moved out of his dormitory at Las Margherita Stadium and rented an apartment in an apartment building on Teresa Calcutta Street.

Because it is on the top floor, the view is excellent. In the house, if you draw the curtains, you can see through the window the Las Margherita Sports City across the street, and the Alfonso Pérez Stadium a little further to the left.

Getafe Club in full view.

When nothing happens, Chang Sheng will look at the huge building complex across the street from here.

In later generations, he didn't have a very special impression of Getafe's home stadium, just one word - small.

The Alfonso Perez Stadium, which can only accommodate 18,000 people, is indeed too small.

But for him now, it is also a very broad stage.

Now, he is standing backstage on this stage - in the office of club president Francisco Flores.

Opposite him was Flores sitting behind the boss's desk, and next to him was club manager Vicente Moscodo sitting on the sofa.

As the club's manager, Vicente Moscodo was much more haggard than when Chang Sheng saw him a few months ago.

The team's performance is not good and it may be relegated at any time, which is a huge blow to the club's economy and reputation. As a manager, he is also under heavy pressure.

Only Flores still looked expressionless.

He looks victorious.

"Now there is an opportunity. I wonder if you are willing to try it..."

He spoke.

Chang Sheng's breathing slowed down. He held his breath and concentrated, fearing that if he breathed louder, he wouldn't be able to hear the important things.

He actually already knew what the chairman had called him to do.

The team has just driven away Juan Zamora, and Rudy Gonzalez, who replaced him, has proven his incompetence in actual combat. The first team is now in a situation of "leaderless" and needs a head coach to take charge.

The big picture.

And today Flores found him. What this means has been self-explanatory for a long time.

He spent six months in the C team and finally had the opportunity to get in touch with real professional football!

Flores continued: "We have all seen your performance in Team C, Chang. As you said, 'Talent has nothing to do with age.' Although you are very young, you have outstanding talents."

Ability. The changes that have taken place in the C team under your leadership have been the most discussed topic in Getafe’s local media during this period. I think it’s time to give you a change of environment. What do you think of the proposal to become the head coach of the first team?

How about it?"

Vicente Moscodo was sitting on the sofa with no expression on his face. It was obvious that he had known the result for a long time. However, looking at the expression on his face, he did not seem to agree with this decision.

It's a pity that he is not the one making the decision now at Getafe Club.

Chang Sheng's fist clenched suddenly and then unclenched.

The door to his dream...is opening in front of his eyes!

"I'm honored to be valued by you, Mr. Chairman." Chang Sheng replied, his voice trembling with joy and excitement.

Seeing his performance, Vicente Moscodo, who was sitting next to him, frowned - how could such an unstable person lead Getafe out of the quagmire?

According to his initial thoughts, Getafe Club should find a head coach who is somewhat famous and has at least proven himself in the professional league.

But Flores insisted on using the Chinese coach.

He thought over and over again in his mind that he really had never heard that Mr. Chairman had Chinese relatives...

Because he felt unhappy, Moscow tried to remind the young man not to get carried away, as what he was facing was not a good thing.

"Don't be too happy, Chinese. Do you know your goal?"

Chang Sheng turned his head and looked at him: "Of course, to avoid relegation." Changing the coach at this time must be to avoid relegation, otherwise it would be better not to change.

Seeing how he didn't care, Moscow snorted: "It seems that you are quite confident. But I don't want us to participate in the second division B league next season." Mosco said. "That is to say.

There are still ten league rounds left, and you must lead the team to avoid relegation."

Chang Sheng showed no signs of weakness when facing the manager: "Of course, if even the head coach has no confidence, then why lead the team to avoid relegation?"

"I hope you keep your word, boy."

"I always keep my word. Do you want to make a bet, Mr. Manager?" Chang Sheng winked at Moscow.

As soon as Moscow heard the word "bet", he immediately thought of that game. His face turned very ugly and he snorted heavily from his nose: "No, I'm not interested!"

Chang Sheng grinned and laughed silently. He did not try to hide his ridicule to the manager in front of him.

Moscodo also knew it, but in front of the club chairman, it was really hard for him to get angry, and besides, this kid seemed to be deeply loved by the chairman now. He could only pretend not to see it, and at the same time, he was furious in his heart: Boy, don’t let me

Grab your handle! If you relegate Getafe after ten rounds, pack your bags and get out!

Flores watched the confrontation between Chang Sheng and Moscodo with great interest.

What an arrogant young man.

There are ten rounds left in the league, the team only has 26 points, morale is low, and injuries are frequent. Under such circumstances, it is not an easy task to lead the team to avoid relegation.

But he seemed to be full of confidence.

What an interesting person...

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