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Chapter 2 Mission: The Watershed Between Life and Death

After Chang Sheng left the office, Vicente Moscodo was still dissatisfied with this boy's attitude.

"Can Getafe really get out of this predicament with such a careless attitude?" he asked chairman Flores.

Flores smiled.

Vicente Moscodo was still complaining: "If you ask me, we might as well hire a coach who is capable and experienced, and at least has proven himself. This is relegation, Mr. President. If we are not careful, we will be

Falling into a situation of no return! I admit that Chang Zai did a good job in the youth team... But an excellent youth team coach does not mean an excellent first team coach. You must know that the first team and the youth team are completely different. Professional leagues

The game against Team C is also completely different...Isn't it too...risky to put all the hopes of relegation on a coach who has never proven himself in a professional league?"

He was choosing his words, wanting to fully express his attitude, but at the same time he could not anger the club's chairman. The chairman was his immediate boss, and if he asked him to leave, he would have to leave. He would not dare to offend anyone.

Offend Flores.

"Can you guarantee that hiring another experienced head coach will definitely help the team get out of trouble and successfully avoid relegation in the ten league rounds, Vicente?" Flores was not offended by his words, but said pleasantly.

ask him.

Moscow spread his hands: "Who can guarantee this?"

Flores nodded: "Yes, even experienced people can't guarantee it. I think Chang is the same as everyone else when it comes to ensuring the team's relegation. No one is sure of victory. But in the end

At least Chang is more familiar with our team."

"But at least Rudy is better than Chang, right? He is a very capable assistant coach, and he did a great job under Zamora..."

"You saw what yesterday's game was like, Vicente." Flores said calmly.

"Rudy was temporarily asked to take over yesterday. He was unprepared... I think we should give him more time, maybe he will adapt to this role..."

"We only have ten league rounds left, Vicente, how many more games do we need to give Rudy Gonzalez to gradually adapt to the role of head coach?"

Facing Flores's rhetorical question, Vicente Moscodo was speechless.

Yes, there are still ten rounds of the league, that is, two months. Every game is a decisive battle for Getafe. Losing a game may lead to Getafe falling into a desperate situation.

But he just wasn't willing to let this annoying Chang Sheng become the head coach of the first team.

"But Chang..."

Vicente Mocosto wanted to say something else, but he was interrupted by Flores.

"Vicente and Rudy have proven that he is actually not suitable to be a head coach. Why not give Chang a chance? Now Getafe is like a sinking ship and everyone is scrambling to escape.

We're afraid of avoiding it. We actually don't have many choices, you know this."

After hearing what Flores said, Vicente Moscodo stopped talking.

Indeed, Getafe was still in Group B of the Spanish Second Division last season, which is the Spanish Third Division. After being promoted to the Spanish Second Division this season, many people are actually not optimistic about them. As a newly promoted team, they will eventually be relegated to the place where they came from. Then

It's also a very normal thing.

Now that they have indeed shown such a trend, even more people are not optimistic about them.

It's not like the club was looking for a head coach all over Spain before. They did this when Juan Lopez was still coaching the team. But they couldn't find one.

As soon as they heard it was Getafe, many coaches were reluctant to come. Who wants to stay on a ship that is doomed to sink?

So I searched and searched, but couldn't find a suitable coach who was willing to come.

"Are you just going to watch the club get relegated?" After a moment of silence, Moscodo said unwillingly.

"There are still ten rounds of the league, Vicente. Now, there is no other way except to believe in Chang. At least he has proven his ability in the youth team."

Vicente Moscodo also knew that this was the only option. He sighed helplessly and left the chairman's office with the feeling that "the team will definitely be in Group B next season."

Flores watched Moscow Duo leave, how could he not know what Moscow Duo was thinking. Not to mention Moscow Duo, even he might not have the confidence in his own mind. Although Chang Sheng gave him a surprise in the youth team, but Moscow Duo

Duo is right, the youth team and the first team are completely different, and the games played by Team C are also completely different from those in the professional league.

In this regard, Chang Sheng is really a rookie with no experience.

But he still chose to insist on believing in Chang Sheng.

If Moscow had to ask him to give a reason, he actually couldn't.

But in his heart, he always felt that this young man could create some miracles.

Let me believe in my own vision again, Chang.


Chang Sheng knew nothing about the conversation that took place in the chairman's office. He was studying his task.

Yes, just after he came out of the office, he heard a sweet and greasy female voice in his mind: "You have a new task, you have a new task..."

This is what he set himself.

In the past, when a task appeared, there was no prompt at all. If he didn't check the coach master system, he wouldn't know it until he completed the task. Just like the "Genius Nemesis" task at the beginning, he didn't know it until he completed it.

I found out this was a mission.

Therefore, completing this task can be said to be an "accidental hit".

But there is no guarantee that he will be able to complete the task every time he makes a mistake.

Therefore, Chang Sheng was very dissatisfied with the system's deceptive settings and once discussed it with the system.

Unexpectedly, the system used a cold electronic sound without any emotion to despise Chang Sheng.

Heaven and earth are proof, Chang Sheng can really hear the contempt in that cold electronic sound.

The electronic voice told him: "Don't you want to set it up yourself? Did you see the gear wrench icon?"

Then Chang Sheng clicked in and discovered that this system can also be personalized...

So he chose such a sweet and greasy female voice.

In addition, in addition to the prompts for task acquisition, there are also prompts for task completion, and there are also prompts for task rewards. In addition to these sound settings, there are also interface settings.

Chang Sheng found that he no longer had to open a window in the center of his field of vision.

He can place those icons at the edge of his field of vision, which will not affect his normal vision at all, and naturally there will be no locker room picture blocking the middle.

With this setting, the interface looks much cleaner.

Only when he was looking through the mission log would a sticky note appear in the center of his field of vision with the mission on it.

The newly obtained mission is called "The Dividing Point between Life and Death".

It sounds appalling, but in fact for Chang Sheng, this is indeed the watershed between life and death.

If he can lead Getafe to avoid relegation, then he can continue to obtain the qualifications and opportunities to coach the team, but if he leads Getafe to be relegated, then sorry, just wait to pack up and get out.

Although the two parties have not signed a formal contract, Chang Sheng knows very well that this is the result.

To put it bluntly, he is a firefighting coach. He is similar to a super substitute on the field. Either he can lead the team to survive, or he will leave.

For him, this is life and death.

Therefore, this is also a "main task", which means that if Chang Sheng wants to upgrade the "Coach Master System", he must complete this task, otherwise no matter how much experience he accumulates, the system will not be upgraded.

The specific task requirement is for him to help Getafe successfully avoid relegation in the remaining ten rounds of the league. As a task reward, he can receive up to 100,000 points of rich experience and up to 100 points of energy. You must know that it is often

Sheng uses only six points of energy to use a competition skill. So one hundred points of energy is indeed a lot for him.

In addition to experience and energy, skills are also rewarded.

The two training skills are [Elementary Aerobic Training], which increases the effect of aerobic training by 3%, and [Elementary Physical Strength Training], which increases the effect of physical strength training by 3%.

After working with Golden Eyes, Chang Sheng finally understood which attributes of players aerobic training and physical strength training directly affected. Unlike before, he only had a vague concept and lacked precise understanding.

Physical fitness and strength training can improve players' abilities in [Endurance], [Bounce], [Physique], [Strength], and [Work Engagement]. [Endurance], [Bounce], and [Strength] are attributes that need no explanation.

You will know what it means just by looking at the words.

[Physique] is an attribute that determines how healthy a player is at a basic level. It affects how many games a player can play at peak physical condition before becoming significantly fatigued and vulnerable to injury. [Physique] and the rate at which fatigue accumulates in the body

Related, it indirectly affects [Endurance], that is, the recovery of physical fitness. If a player with poor [Physique] is allowed to play high-intensity games continuously, he will easily become exhausted, enter a state of fatigue, and be easily injured. At this time, he should be given a rest.

, and cannot continue to send him out - unless you have a reason to do so.

On the contrary, players with good [physical fitness] can handle continuous high-intensity battles. For example, an "iron man" like Lampard can start every game without interruption.

[Work Engagement] reflects a player's psychological drive to work hard. Players with higher [Work Engagement] will want to work hard throughout the game. Of course, high [Work Engagement] requires good [Endurance].

Guaranteed, so physical training will increase the attribute value of [Work Engagement].

Aerobic training improves the attributes of [explosive power], [flexibility], [balance] and [speed].

These attributes are just as they literally mean, and there is no need to explain them in detail.

Chang Sheng has seen this kind of reward for training skills many times during his six months in the youth team.

These skills are time-limited. For example, these two training skills are valid for one month, which means that from the date this skill takes effect, within one month, the entire team's attributes in this area can be changed from

An additional 3% bonus will be obtained during training. After one month, the training effect bonus will be gone.

Of course, there is a more powerful reward, which is [Basic Team Training] that increases the training effect of all attributes by 3%, but the duration is short, only two weeks.

One task rewards two training skills at the same time, which is enough to surprise Chang Sheng - he has done so many youth team tasks before, and has never encountered such a good thing. But what surprises him even more is that the task rewards

In addition to two training skills, a competition skill is also awarded!

You must know that competition skills are different from time-limited training skills. Competition skills have no time limit. Once you obtain them, they will always exist in your skill library. You only need to pay energy to use them.

Therefore, competition skills are rare. Even after six months of winning frequently, I have only obtained one competition skill - [Unable to Run to Death]: During the game, the team's physical energy consumption is slowed down by 5%.

Therefore, this is the only game skill that Chang Sheng can use in every game, and he also relies on this to slowly but gradually improve the youth team's game results.

Just like the system once told him, the effect of this skill cannot be seen in one game. When fighting continuously, this skill can reflect its ability.

This mission rewarded him with another skill called [Iron Man]: in physical confrontations, the chance of winning for our players increased by 5%.

Chang Sheng discovered a problem.

The competition skills given at the first level of the system focus on the physical aspect.

This is related to the fact that the training skills rewarded by the system also focus on the physical aspect. He is wondering whether this means that the first-level system mainly explores the players' abilities physically.

For low-level teams, this is the fastest way to see results. After all, technical improvement takes a long time and does not happen overnight. And physical fitness and physical training only need to be concentrated for a period of time to see results.

The effect is immediate.

For him now, if he hopes to turn Getafe into Barcelona, ​​it is almost impossible in ten rounds of the league, but if he can make them immortal, there is still a chance...

This mission rewards up to 100,000 experience points, 100 energy points, two training skills, and a very rare competition skill.

Such rich rewards are naturally proportional to the difficulty of the task.

It is indeed not an easy task to lead a team with low morale and full of injuries to avoid relegation in ten rounds of the league.

It can even be said that it is almost difficult to reach the sky.

It's an impossible task.

If it were any other coach, in front of the manager Vicente Moscodo, he would at least frown and say "it's very difficult."

He always wins but seems very confident.

He, a rookie, was so confident that it completely went against common sense.

So many people in Moscow couldn't understand why he was so confident.

Also confused is Flores.

Of course they couldn't understand it because they didn't understand Chang Sheng's character and heart.

For Chang Sheng, it doesn't matter how difficult it is to avoid relegation. It doesn't matter at all. Since he accepted this task, whether the difficulty is zero or 100, it means nothing to him.

Because whether it is zero or a hundred, he must complete this character.

If that's the case, why do you still show cowardice?

As long as you have firm faith and work hard towards the goal of completing the task.

So it's not a question of whether he has confidence, but he must have confidence.

In other words, even if the outcome is really irreversible and death is inevitable, is it better to be generous and do justice? Or is it better to be scared and piss yourself all over?

Precisely because the idea of ​​​​always winning is like this, it sometimes gives people some illusions, making people think that he is confident, so he is full of confidence.

In fact, his confidence has nothing to do with his ability and preparation.

In his opinion, confidence and results are two different things. Whether he can do it or not does not prevent him from looking confident...

To put it nicely, this is called "firm belief".

In fact, to put it harshly, this is called... 2.

The only difference is whether it succeeds in the end.

Many people with strong beliefs in history may have been regarded as "crazy" or ridiculed as "two" before they achieved success.


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Book Title: Rebirth after Breaking the Sun


Introduction: The super BOSS in the online game industry 20 years later is reborn twenty years ago. How to make him reborn.

Author Name: Fei Chi’s Guobaorou

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