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Chapter 34 Weird Policy

Although Chang Sheng still remembers that Pavin played the main role this season, Chang Sheng cannot remember exactly when he started playing the main role.

If the opening match was not for Pavin but for the experienced Helgra, then things would have gone wrong.

The winning plan is all aimed at Pavin, so Pavin must be on the court. To put it simply, Pavin is the Achilles heel of the invincible giant Real Madrid.

Without Parveen, they have no weakness.

But how do you know if Pavin will play?

There are still three days until the start of the league.

Maybe even Bosque hasn't decided on the roster yet.

How could he know?

But it doesn’t matter whether you know it or not, because Chang Sheng has a way to make Pavin appear...

This thing sounds very weird, as if Chang Sheng has some kind of magic.

But it's actually just a very simple provocation.

Chang Sheng used it once when I was in Getafe, and the effect was good.

In Valencia, Chang Sheng plans to repeat his old tricks.

There is a very important prerequisite for using the provocative method. The target he targets must be confident enough, even arrogant, unable to listen to other people's opinions, and think that he is the god who can decide everything.

Coincidentally, Mr. Florentino Perez, the chairman of Real Madrid Club, just meets this requirement...

※ ※ ※

Florentino is very beautiful, but also very depressed.

Most people only saw his appearance in front of others, but did not care at all about his criticism from the media and football insiders.

He spent US$56.1 million to buy Figo last summer, setting a record for the highest transfer fee in world football.

It caused a shock in the football world at that time.

Unexpectedly, after one season, he showed no restraint. He even broke his own transfer fee record with US$64.4 million to acquire Zidane.

The entire European football world has fallen into the "white terror".

A large number of voices criticized him and Real Madrid. Basically, they criticized his gold-dollar policy for shaking the foundation of football. At this time, the capital invasion of football was not as crazy as in later generations. Even if there was capital to acquire football

Clubs have to be secretive, just like rats crossing the street. Once they are discovered, everyone will shout and beat them.

This was the case when Murdoch acquired Manchester United.

Unlike a few years later, European teams basically spread their legs and moaned at the oil capital: "Quick! Come on! I can't wait!"

Fans are even more eager to have a rich owner take charge of the team.

What Florentino is doing now will be commonplace ten years from now. But now, he, the "pioneer", has become the target of many people.

The golden brand of Real Madrid is on the verge of being spurned and despised. How could Florentino, who aspires to be a club president like Santiago Bernabeu, turn a blind eye to this?

Naturally, he can't watch Real Madrid's reputation turn sour in his hands.

So in order to please the media and people in the football circle, he came up with a "genius" idea.

That is the "Zineg Pavin Policy", referred to as the "Weird Policy", oh no, it is the "Zipa Policy".

I won’t explain the specific meaning of Qipa’s policy. In short, it is an epoch-making formulation and it is also eye-catching.

If they haven't seen through the fog of history, many people really think that Florentino's policy is a genius idea that can solve Real Madrid's problems.

In fact, many people at that time believed that Real Madrid could perfectly solve the problem of conflicts between superstars and youth training that plagued countless clubs by relying on this Chipa policy.

Real Madrid fans even rushed to tell each other, excited and excited about their chairman's genius creativity.

And in the first two years, Pavin did live up to his expectations and performed well. In the first year of Zipa's policy, although Real Madrid lost the league championship and the King's Cup championship, they won the ninth Champions League championship, which was regarded as a victory for Floren.

Tino grew taller. In the second season they won the league championship.

But after Vicente del Bosque left, Queiroz took charge of Real Madrid, ushering in the end of Zipa's policy. At that time, even Real Madrid's strongman Perez Perez was devastated, let alone this deformed policy.

But now, Florentino didn't know what happened next, so he felt proud when he read the articles praising his policy.

Who says I don't understand football?

Can someone who doesn’t understand football come up with such a solution?

At this moment, his eyes fell on a newspaper.

A corner of the Marca newspaper showed a news headline.

"Valencia's new coach often publicly states that Chippa's policies are useless and worthless!"

He was stunned for a moment, and then the proud smile on his face solidified.

※ ※ ※

Pushing back the time one day, midweek is the time for Valencia Club’s regular press conference.

Previously, most of them were attended by Valencia coach Julio Redondo with one or two players.

Because Chang Sheng was too busy, he focused all his attention on training and was too lazy to interact with reporters.

Although some reporters expressed dissatisfaction with this, they finally accepted it. They did not just get up and leave like they did in Getafe.

Many of these reporters are already used to Chang Sheng's approach, and those local reporters in Valencia also know what Chang Sheng is like through coaches who travel with the Madrid area - he is not afraid of any threats at all.

So the reporters all attended the press conference hosted by Julio Redondo, an ordinary Valencia coach.

But this time, Chang Sheng came in person.

The reporters present were stunned for a moment and were surprised.

In fact, Chang Sheng came to the press conference just to light the fuse.

At the press conference, he ridiculed Florentino's rather proud "Zinedine Gapavin Policy". It was simply rubbish dreamed up by a self-righteous arrogant. It was useless and worthless. The only value of existence is

Let people know how ignorant Florentino is...

When Chang Sheng was eloquently criticizing Real Madrid and Florentino above, the reporters below were stunned. Their mouths were wide open and they stared at Chang Sheng like a fool.

There is only one thought in many people's minds: Does he know what he is talking about?

Florentino just launched such a Zippa policy, it is the time when the spring breeze is triumphant. You go up and give someone a sap...

You have offended Real Madrid terribly!

At this time, many reporters realized that the man in front of them also had a grudge against Real Madrid...

It turns out that he never forgot it!

※ ※ ※

Chang Sheng scolded Florentino's "Zinedine Gapavin policy" at the press conference, saying it was useless and useless.

In fact, he was serious. The "Zinedine Zidane and Pavin Policy" does have many problems, but it is not to the point of being "worthless".

For example, this policy did give hope to many players in the Real Madrid youth academy. You must know that when Florentino himself discovered that the Zipa policy could no longer be implemented, he chose to purchase a large number of defenses from other teams.

Players, such as when he successively bought defensive heroes such as Graveson and Sergio Ramos, it also closed the path for Real Madrid youth training players to advance to the first team.

Since then, few players from Real Madrid's youth academy have played in the first team.

Real Madrid's youth training camp has truly become a wedding dress for others. It has trained many main players for Getafe, Valencia, Sevilla and other teams. Real Madrid is still the top player in the transfer market every season.

A team that steals the show.

But he must denounce this policy as useless, because in order to completely anger Florentino, he must first become a mad dog.

If you have reservations, if you don’t get it right, won’t all your efforts be wasted?

So Chang Sheng had to turn himself into a mad dog. He bit Florentino madly, unreasonably and inexplicably.

This will naturally leave a bad impression on him in the minds of many people, especially when he criticized Chippa's policies without any substantive content. He was just scolding and belittling him in various ways, but he did not explain why it was useless and why.

It's garbage.

This kind of scolding can easily make people look down on him.

But this is the price that must be paid to achieve victory, and Chang Sheng does not care.

The media demonizes him. It means nothing to him, and he will not lose a hair because of it.

Only victory, only victory, can give him what he wants.

Victory is his precious sword and the gold medal to avoid death.

No matter how good your personal image is, it doesn't matter.

After Chang Sheng finished spraying, all he could do was wait.

Waiting for the reaction from Real Madrid.

This kind of waiting is anxious and torturous.

He had no other way of knowing whether what he was doing was effective. No one would tell him, and it was impossible to tell him.

He can only judge through the lineup whether his hard work has paid off.

As long as Pavin appears, no matter who his partner is, it means that his criticism of Florentino has worked.

If Pavin didn't play, he would be finished... All the hard work and preparations were in vain, and he could only bite the bullet and go head-to-head with Real Madrid.

Chang Sheng hadn't waited for the result yet, but he had first received criticism from Real Madrid's top brass.

Florentino naturally disdained to come forward in person, but he did not lack loyal subordinates.

Real Madrid general manager Butragueno stood up to speak for his president.

"The Zidanega Pavon policy is the result of our careful study... I believe it is a good policy that is conducive to the growth of young players and can also maintain business. I don't think Mr. Chang has any reason to denigrate it so

.You must know that he has not yet given any reasonable reason..."

Then Florentino's original running mate Valdano also stood up and ridiculed Chang Sheng's performance during the summer transfer period: "We only bought one player in the summer, but it was great value for money. And Chang Sheng was in the transfer market.

He attacked everywhere... To be honest, except for Guardiola, the other people he bought..." Valdano did not continue speaking out of politeness, but the deep disdain in his tone was still very clear.

Butragueno and Valdano are both big names who could only be seen in the news before. They are legends of a wealthy club like Real Madrid.

Unexpectedly, he would "condescend" to talk to me now.

But Chang Sheng doesn’t feel honored at all.

Because the other party is scolding him!

Chang Sheng’s answer to this is simple: “Don’t let anyone lie, we will see the truth in the competition!”

※ ※ ※

One day later, at the pre-match press conference between Valencia and Real Madrid at home, head coach Del Bosque announced their Real Madrid roster for this game.

Chang Sheng was waiting outside the press conference at this time, and naturally there were people inside to deliver information to him.

So two minutes after Vicente del Bosque announced the list, Chang Sheng got a piece of paper with a scrawled handwriting, and it looked like it was the Real Madrid list written hastily on the spot.

He didn't look at other places first, and directly glanced at the back line of defense.

When he saw the name below Hierro, he couldn't help but clenched his fist and waved it.

Francisco Pavon (francisco_pavon)!

He bet correctly!

This chapter has been completed!
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