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Chapter 39: That's it

When the football flew into the goal, everyone present was stunned. Even Mendieta didn't expect that his first shot would be a goal.

This goal seems to be scored... too easily, right?

Then he reacted, he really scored, and Valencia led Real Madrid at home!

Before the game, the media were all analyzing how difficult this game would be for Valencia. The reasons they cited were so convincing that Mendieta couldn't help but nod in agreement after reading it.

But he didn't expect that Valencia would lead Real Madrid so easily during the game!

You know, the game has only started for fourteen minutes at this time!

Before he could continue to be surprised, he was overwhelmed by his excited teammates.

※ ※ ※

On the sidelines, when Mendieta blasted the football into the Real Madrid goal, Chang Sheng raised his arms high and pointed to the sky. Everyone on the coaching bench behind him jumped up.

They raised their arms and shouted, or embraced each other enthusiastically.

The same goes for the bench.

Valencia's coaches and players vented their emotions.

None of them expected that the team could take the lead so early.

Although they had put in a lot of effort and work for this game before the game, they never dared to think that they could lead Real Madrid so easily.

Rudy Gonzalez rushed over and hugged Chang Sheng: "How do you feel when you see this scene, Chang?"

"That's so damn good!" Chang Sheng said with a smile.

Fitness coach Elias Dominic also came up and patted Chang Sheng on the shoulder: "I'm sure this is a big cause!"

Chang Sheng chuckled: "Don't worry, Elias. This is just the beginning!"

Rudy Gonzalez hugged Chang Sheng and said loudly: "That's right. This is just the beginning!"

After coming out of Getafe, he was not depressed about leaving his hometown. On the contrary, he was full of expectations for the unknown future. He had stayed in Getafe for thirteen years. It was too long.

It's been so long that it has lost its freshness.

He had always thought that he would stay at Getafe until retirement, and there was nothing wrong with that.

But after he followed Chang Sheng out of Getafe, he discovered why Chang Sheng had to leave.

Because the scenery outside... is indeed better than Getafe.

He is now full of longing for the outside world.

What kind of future will we create?

※ ※ ※

"Mendieta - goooooooooooooool!!! Mendieta! Gazca. Mendieta! He scored a beautiful goal! Only fourteen minutes into the game, Valencia took the lead! You know their

The opponent is Real Madrid!"

Narrator Moen exclaimed.

What surprised him was not that Valencia was ahead of Real Madrid at home, which was nothing. In the 1990 season, Valencia also defeated Real Madrid 3:2 away from home.

What surprised Moeen was that fourteen minutes had passed from the start of the game to now, and Valencia scored a goal. And they had the upper hand!

Real Madrid, the defending champion, could only retreat when facing Valencia, unable to fight back. In these fourteen minutes, although they had some counterattacks, the advantage was clearly on Valencia's side.

Even a fool who doesn't understand football can see it. Valencia has the upper hand.

This is obviously due to Valencia's new tactics...

Unexpectedly, a tactical change could bring such a big change to Valencia...

※ ※ ※

Florentino, the president of Real Madrid Club, was smiling and greeting others politely before the game started.

But when the game started, he devoted himself completely to the game, and his face gradually became serious.

Even if he doesn't understand football, he can still see something as simple as this.

He knows his team is at a disadvantage in the game.

What's more important is not as simple as being at a disadvantage.

But during the game, he saw that Valencia's offense was obviously aimed at Pavin.

Valencia's wingers are obviously very sharp, but in this game, last season's main player Vicente became a marginal figure.

Whether it's Mendieta, Ibrahimovic, or even attacking midfielder Aimar, they are all looking for trouble for Pavin.

The team suddenly saw that this goal was not thrown by Pavin. But in fact, it was Pavin's responsibility!

Because Pavin couldn't hold on alone, Hierro stepped in to help him.

This gave Valencia an opportunity to take advantage of.

Florentino doesn't understand football as much as outsiders say. He can still see such simple things.

That's why his face looks so ugly.

It would actually be better if you really didn't see it.

Now, everyone in Valencia, from players to coaches, is celebrating.

Florentino's face became even more ugly.

He echoed Chang Sheng’s wild words before the game.

"...Since Mr. Florentino firmly believes that Pavin can do it, then I don't mind showing everyone how Pavin can't do it..."

This is what Chang Sheng said at the pre-match press conference.

When he first heard it, he didn't take it to heart at all.

But now, when he thought about this sentence again, it meant...this sentence hit his weak spot.

Pavon, who had high hopes for him, was in a state of disarray under Valencia's fierce offensive, and his performance was horrific.

He had a straight face and clenched his two fists on his knees.

※ ※ ※

Bosque stood up from his seat.

He doesn't care about conceding goals. After all, Valencia itself is not weak, and it's a home game. Real Madrid can't stop the opponent from scoring a single goal.

There were many reasons why he stood up in surprise.

For example, the power of Valencia's tactics, and Pavin...

He used to think that Chang Sheng's words against Pavin were just a simple war of words. As long as he ignored the other party, the other party would naturally die down.

But looking at it now...he was wrong.

That's not a war of words!

He had no idea that Pavin would become a breakthrough that the other party took advantage of!

Del Bosque was the coach who led Pavin. At that time, he was still in the echelon and not yet the head coach of Real Madrid's first team.

He knows Pavin very well. This is a young man who is very talented and is also brave enough to challenge. He showed his qualities in this area when he was in Real Madrid's C team and B team.

So Del Bosque thought about it carefully and attributed it to Pavin's first La Liga game and he was still a little uncomfortable.

He thought that as long as he continued to give Pavin opportunities, Pavin would gradually improve himself in the game.

When the time comes, it will not be easy for Valencia to use Pavin as a breakthrough point.

Now he felt that what he should be thinking about was not Pavin, but how to get the score back.

Real Madrid's situation is a little bad, because their proud offense was suppressed by Valencia's offensive. In these fourteen minutes, Real Madrid's few counterattacks failed to threaten Canizares' guard.

's goal.

This is obviously not possible.

But scoring a goal against Valencia is not that simple.

Through these ten minutes of observation, Del Bosque has understood that Valencia is a whole. They play together when they attack, and they do the same when they defend.

Even a center like Ibrahimovic has to contribute in defense, let alone others.

Of course, requiring offensive players to contribute in defense does not mean asking them to retreat to the backcourt. This will not only consume their physical energy, but also waste time.

The way to win consistently is to require every player to actively press in the frontcourt.

As long as the Real Madrid players have the ball, two or three Valencia players will press forward.

This is so similar to when he led Getafe to beat Mallorca.

This kind of pressing made Real Madrid players very uncomfortable.

As for their impression of Valencia, there is a big gap.

Not to mention that Valencia is now using the offside tactic...

They had few counterattacks and fell into the opponent's offside trap twice.

Vicente del Bosque is already certain. This is a replica of the tactics of Chang Sheng's last game in Getafe... no, a mature version.

The players are obviously more familiar with this tactic than Getafe.

At the same time, Valencia's personal strength and overall strength in the five rounds were far superior to Getafe's. When they used this tactic, it was naturally more powerful than Getafe's.

Since Getafe was able to defeat Mallorca 3:1 with that tactic, why can't Valencia lead Real Madrid with this tactic?

Real Madrid coach Vicente del Bosque has no idea how to break this tactic.

※ ※ ※

Mestalla burst into huge cheers the moment Mendieta scored.

But after the cheers, the Valencia fans suddenly reacted - were their cheers for Mendieta? Or were they for the Chinese coach?

From the beginning of the game, Valencia fans discovered that the football played by Valencia was completely different from before.

Although they had seen some prototypes of tactics in the warm-up match, they always had doubts in their hearts about whether this would work.

You must know that Valencia has been playing defensive counterattacks for several seasons before, and it has almost become their label.

Some media once commented on Valencia, saying that they are an Italian team in Spain.

Relying on this Italian style, they reached the Champions League finals for two consecutive seasons.

This tactic is successful and mature.

Why does the new head coach have to change tactics as soon as he comes on board?

Many fans don't understand or are even dissatisfied.

It is very unwise to think that the new coach Chang Sheng wants to erase the traces left by his predecessor.

Unexpectedly, in the first league game of the new season, Valencia relied on its new winning tactics to score a goal only fourteen minutes into the game!

What's going on?

How could this seemingly headless tactic be so powerful?

Many people in the Mestalla stands were dumbfounded, and the stadium fell into a brief and eerie silence...

This chapter has been completed!
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