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Chapter 67 The Moon of Vitality

The game against Legia Warsaw is over. Although three days later there will be a home match against Rayo Vallecano in La Liga, Chang Sheng still gave the team two full days off.

"In the past two weeks or so, you have done a great job. You have endured high-intensity training and won the game. So after this game, you have two days to relax. I hope

I’ll see you all alive and kicking in two days.”

This is what Chang Sheng said to the players with a smile after the game.

This time there were no sighs, only cheers.

The players were very surprised to be given two days of vacation at once.

Coaches, on the other hand, believe that there is no need to be so merciful to certain players in order to win.

Rudy Gonzalez said: "The game against Rayo Vallecano is in three days. Now you have given us two days off in one go, which means we only have one day left to prepare for the game, and it is the last day to think about it.

The official competition will be the next day, and the training content and intensity cannot be too much... you might as well just rest until the competition starts!"

Even fitness coach Elias Dominic also felt that Chang Sheng's actions were thoughtless.

"Actually, their physical condition is not as bad as you think. I have been following and observing that their physical condition declines very slowly and always recovers quickly. So in fact, you only need to give them a day to rest and relax.

That's enough."

Chang Shengxin said that it is impossible for me to tell you that their physical fitness declined slowly because I used the [Unable to Run to Death] competition skill, right?

During this period, considering that the team played many games and the players were training intensively and could not rest normally after the game, Chang Sheng adjusted his strategy of using game skills. He gave up the game skills of the second-level system and chose

A level one system skill [cannot run to death].

Slow down the team's physical energy consumption by 5% in each game. Then, according to different opponents and different games, match different game skills, which can be defensive or offensive.

Chang Sheng had no way to explain these things to the two coaches, so he could only make excuses.

"I gave them two days off not for physical reasons, but for psychological reasons. Continuous home and away games, high-intensity training, and no rest after the game for several consecutive games. In fact, the players are complaining.

. Their bodies may not be tired, but their minds must be very tired. If they don’t find a chance to let them vent, it will cause big problems sooner or later. So the two-day holiday is not to let their bodies relax, but to let them relax.

Empty your mind and face the next game with full emotions."

The excuse of Chang Sheng was spotless. No matter how professional Rudy Gonzalez and Elias Dominic were, they couldn't find any problems.

Because the psychology of players is a very idealistic topic.

Since it is idealistic, it can only be proved by one's own mind, and there is no strong and authoritative evidence. Chang Sheng can say whatever he wants.

In addition, Chang Sheng is not worried about the players taking two days off and delaying their training to prepare for the world because he has training skills. During the period when the training skills are in effect, even if the players do not train for a day, they will benefit from it. At most, it will only be better than usual training.

Sometimes the benefits are less.


Three days later, Valencia defeated Rayo Vallecano 2:1 at home.

The 442 formation was tested for the first time in the league.

The performance barely meets the requirements.

Valencia only won a small victory because the team was not used to the tactic of using 442 to beat the mad dog.

Chang Sheng believes that as long as they get used to it, he can switch back and forth between the 442 and 4231 formations and make different adjustments according to different situations.

Now he has to continue training hard during normal training.


There are four league games, two UEFA Cup games and one Copa del Rey game in November.

Already played one UEFA Cup game and one league game.

The team maintained a complete victory.

In terms of the league, the team has won two draws and remains unbeaten so far. It ranks first with 20 points, leaving Barcelona in second place in the league by many points. It can be considered that it is racing all the way up the league standings.


When the media compared Chang Sheng's record during the same period when he coached Getafe last season, they discovered an interesting thing.

Last season, when Chang Sheng was still coaching Getafe in the second division, the league went through eleven rounds, and his results were ten wins and one draw. He was also undefeated and firmly ranked first in the league.

The same is true now in Valencia, with two wins and two draws in eleven league rounds, remaining unbeaten and ranking first in the league.

So the media all said that Chang Sheng was good at leading the team to score points in the first half of the season.

Why does this happen?

Because when he first coached the team, his opponents did not know enough about his tactical characteristics and style, and it was easy for him to take advantage of loopholes.

For example, when he was coaching Getafe, he chose defensive counterattack, which made many teams unable to adapt and did not understand how to deal with it, thus allowing Getafe to score a lot of points.

And when he coached Valencia, the changes were even more obvious.

Everyone thought that he would continue to follow the defensive counterattack tactics left by Cooper in Valencia, but he chose a completely opposite tactic - holding high the banner of offensive football and playing pleasing offensive football.

He caught everyone off guard again, and those opponents who used Getafe to study him last season were in vain.

Because of this tactical freshness, other teams suffered a lot when facing Valencia.

However, the media also drew another conclusion that was not conducive to Chang Sheng.

That is, after some time, when opponents in La Liga have become accustomed to this winning tactic, they will definitely start to analyze and study it. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in European football, and someone will always find a way to crack the winning tactic.

By then, it will be time for Valencia to start going downhill.

Now, no matter how unhappy you are with Chang Sheng, you still have to applaud his achievements.

This extremely young Chinese national has no idea what ability and magic power he has, and he can actually lead Valencia to the top. Except for the second and third rounds, where the rankings fell, he ranked first in the league in all other league rounds.

Such a performance has never appeared in Valencia before.

Valencia's local media no longer doubts its ability to win.

Although they do feel that Chang Sheng is too young, they do feel that Chang Sheng lacks the experience to lead the first team. But it cannot change the fact that the team led by Chang Sheng is currently ranked first in the league.

In addition to performing well in the league, Valencia also performed very strongly in the cup.

In the first round of the Copa del Rey, they defeated Luvida 3:0 and advanced to the next round. The next round will be held on November 28th.

With three wins and one draw in the UEFA Cup, they advanced to the top 32 knockout rounds undefeated. Their opponent in the quarter-finals was Celtic, the dominant team in the Scottish Premiership.

It can be said that until this time, the UEFA Cup has really begun.

The first leg between the two sides will be on November 22, with Valencia playing at home first and then away.

The schedule is not good for Valencia.

This is a team level result.

After Chang Sheng coached Valencia, he brought new tactics and football concepts to the team.

Many players have also benefited from this.

In addition, the players he advocated for introducing also played an important role in the team and performed well, which once again proved his accurate vision of players.

A very important feature of the Mad Dog tactics is that the points of attack are very scattered. Because of frequent movement, there will always be gaps. As long as a player appears in that gap, he or she may score.

In addition, as a forward, the most important task in Mad Dog tactics is not to shoot, but to move and attract the opponent's defensive attention. Open up the space in front of the goal and create opportunities for teammates.

In addition, Valencia is a team that is very good at attacking from the back.

If Baraja is not injured, he will go a long way.

These characteristics determine that Valencia is now flourishing and many people are scoring goals.

In the league, the team's top scorer is still Ibrahimovic, who has been suspended indefinitely by Chang Sheng. He has seven goals and two assists.

Villa relied on the opportunity of Ibrahimovic's suspension to take advantage of the situation and now has an outstanding performance of five goals and one assist.

The third striker is the team's captain Mendieta, who has scored four goals. But Mendieta's greatest contribution is not in goals, but in assists. He has 2 assists. Second only to Aimar.

Aimar and Vicente both scored three goals next.

Left back Aurelio had two goals.

There are as many as five players who have scored a goal.

There are eleven players who have scored more goals in the league alone, the number of people in a main lineup...

In terms of assists, Aimar's seven assists are the highest in the team. However, now that he has been pushed to the B team by Chang Sheng, he wonders if he can be surpassed by Mendieta.

Only one game was played in the Copa del Rey, which has no statistical significance or reference value.

On the other hand, Valencia has scored a lot of goals in four UEFA Cup games. Just like in the league, the goal points are still evenly distributed.

In addition to Villa leading the way with four goals, five people scored one goal and one person scored two goals.

The assists are also very scattered, because Carew, who only had the chance to play for 442, performed well in the UEFA Cup, with one goal and three assists, the most assists in the team.

It can be seen from the dispersion of goals and assists that Changsheng does not rely too much on one scorer against Valencia. Maybe his team cannot produce a best shooter, but it has minimized the

Because the team's best shooter was being targeted, he was unable to score, which ultimately led to the possibility of the team's failure.

This is the football version of not putting all your eggs in one basket.

The league has only played eleven rounds, and it has only reached the beginning of November. Valencia has already scored 42 goals in various competitions, which shows how powerful their offensive power is.

Valencia definitely did not have such an outstanding offensive performance last season.

The arrival of Chang Sheng has indeed given Valencia a new look and full of vitality.

Even when Valencia Club general manager Pitacci was chatting with chairman Oti, both of them would invariably think of the wild words Chang Sheng made before signing with them.

Maybe this Valencia team, led by that Chinese... can really win the championship?


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