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Chapter 6 The Arrogant Idiot

That night, almost all sports media reported on this incident - a rookie arrogantly antagonized the media at a press conference.

So much so that the fact that Getafe had a new head coach, which should have been the main focus, was ignored.

Through the developed television media, Chang Sheng's madness at the press conference was clearly visible to many people.

The evening newspaper, which was the quickest to react, had already appeared comments on his behavior.

However, time is limited and the article is not long.

Everyone knows that the good show is actually yet to come!

Yes, the main force is the various newspapers published tomorrow morning.

Reporters will have an evening to prepare their attacks and criticisms of Chang Sheng.

They will fully demonstrate their writing skills.

At the press conference, they lost to Chang Sheng verbally. This time they must win the game with their pen.

This is also the best expression of the media’s right to speak - they can judge you at will on their own ground, but you have no place to talk back...

For Chang Sheng, a storm seems to be brewing.

But Chang Sheng slept soundly tonight.

After calling his home and telling them the good news, he quickly fell asleep.

He knew how the media would treat him, but he didn't care. He even hoped that the media would publicize his arrogant image.

Because he needs such an image.

He knew very well that if he suddenly became the head coach of the first team as a youth team coach, he would definitely arouse doubts from many aspects. The media just showed it.

The club's manager Vicente Moscodo doesn't think highly of himself, so why should others say more?

Especially the opinions and views from the team.

But he doesn't have time to spend a few months slowly making everyone change their opinion of him.

He must show actual results in ten rounds of the league.

If the team doesn't cooperate with him and doesn't support him, then everything he says is empty talk.

He needs the team to cooperate with him and the team to recognize him as a leader.

But he is so young and has very little qualifications.

What can you do to convince those who are skeptical?

Tell them sincerely: "I am a novice, I need your support, I hope you can help me, let us work hard to avoid relegation"?

Don't be ridiculous, after saying this, stop trying to win support.

With the team stuck in the quagmire of relegation and three consecutive head coaches with no improvement, the team's morale has long been at its lowest point. As a head coach at this time, if he still performs weakly,

If he is careless, has no ideas, and needs players to help him, then it would be easier for this team to simply collapse.

The players will also be skeptical of such a weak coach. They do not trust the head coach and do not believe that such a coward can lead them out of trouble.

When they think so, even if Chang Sheng is a world-famous coach, no matter how many methods and plug-ins he has, there is nothing he can do.

Chang Sheng knows very well that if he wants to quickly master this team, he must be strong from the beginning. Even if some people can't figure out what qualifications he has to be so strong, at least more people will be attracted by his strength.

Temporarily suppressing other thoughts, even if they don't understand it, they will think that they have something to rely on for victory.

Once the players accept his setting, win and integrate into the team, the resistance they will encounter in controlling the team will be much smaller.

At the very least, a confident and strong head coach is easier to gain trust than an inexperienced, weak rookie.

Just like what Mourinho did when he came to Chelsea from Porto, although he won the Triple Crown in Porto, in fact, he has not proven his ability for the Premier League and Chelsea. Especially the Chelsea team

There are so many superstars in China, and many of them are very conceited. How can we make them listen to a newcomer honestly? Mourinho chose to use his arrogant side to scare those players.

In the first training session, his first words were a classic that was later talked about: "I have won a Champions League championship, and I am a championship coach, but what about you? You don't even have a league championship, you just

A group of ordinary people... In this world, God is first and I am second!"

Just these words made the Chelsea players feel that the coach in front of them was different from any previous coach. Mourinho's arrogance and confidence infected the Chelsea players and made them believe that this coach can really do it.

Give them something different.

Chang Sheng, as a time traveler, knows the story that happened after that.

This is the importance of first impression.

Many people pay great attention to the first impression. If a person hates you at the beginning, he will habitually oppose and hate you no matter what you do next. On the contrary, there is an idiom called "love at first sight".

A good first impression is a sign of success.

Chang Sheng spreads his arrogant but confident image through the media, so even if he hasn't met his players yet, he has already left such a tough image in the minds of those players.

Let those frightened players feel that perhaps winning is the only thing they can rely on in difficult situations and is a life-saving straw.

The more the media are stimulated by Chang Sheng at the press conference, the harder they will work to promote Chang Sheng's image, and the deeper the impression they will leave on people.

The media would not know that a fledgling rookie dared to take advantage of them, and used them so successfully...


The next day Chang Sheng went to his mailbox downstairs in the apartment to pick up a few newspapers, brought them with him and read them while having breakfast.

He wanted to see how the media scolded him.

Of course, he has no masochistic tendencies.

He just wanted to find some useful information from what the media said. For example, he wanted to confirm how hard the media was working to help him promote his image.

Of course, this does not mean that Chang Sheng is acting, because by coincidence, Chang Sheng himself has such a character, and the role of the media in this matter is to use their best exaggeration techniques to make Chang Sheng's image more popular among people.


When Chang Sheng flipped through the "Marca" and "AS" newspapers in succession and saw a series of fierce criticisms of himself, he smiled happily.

The two most influential sports newspapers in the Madrid area spared no effort in attacking themselves and promoting themselves as an arrogant egomaniac.

A reporter from Marca even said that he has interviewed countless famous football coaches, but no one is as arrogant and arrogant as him.

"... Those successful people, the more successful they are, the more humble they are. Humility is directly proportional to their ultimate achievements... But a newcomer who has just debuted and has never even played in a formal professional league can be so arrogant.

, one can’t help but think about what his ultimate achievement will be - it will definitely not be very high... I don’t understand why this Chinese coach is so arrogant and arrogant, but I think the cruel professional football will give him a blow!


AS reported that they were very unfavorable about Getafe's relegation situation because they had found an "idiot-like head coach." The quotes were the newspaper's original words. They believed that the Getafe club was already breaking the rules, and

Chang Sheng's performance at the press conference yesterday proved that it is impossible for Getafe to stay in the Spanish Second Division.

"...I don't know why Vicente Moscodo chose to sign with such a Chinese person? The media has listed several suitable candidates, why did he turn a blind eye? Moscodo has worked in the club for four more years, and he made a mistake

Such a low-level and stupid mistake is truly unforgivable..."

Chang Sheng laughed very happily when he saw this paragraph.

Because that annoying manager was shot while lying down.


Of course Moscodo also saw this paragraph in the AS newspaper. He crumpled the newspaper into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

The damn newspapers called him vulgar and stupid!

His dissatisfaction with Chang Sheng became even more intense.

As he expected, letting that damn Chinese become the head coach would lead to such a result.

Getafe FC has become the laughing stock of Spanish football!

I, Vicente Moscodo Ferlando, have also become the laughing stock of Spanish football!

Agreeing to let that bastard coach the first team is a stain on my career that will never be erased!

Moscodo suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart, and he didn't know whether it was for the club or for himself.

He once again confirmed that once his winning streak brought the team to relegation, he would never be polite to this bastard in the media.

He wants to completely destroy everything about this person and leave him with no place in Spanish football!

You will use your reputation to die for Getafe! Bitch!


After breakfast, Chang Sheng packed up and left the apartment.

He also dressed up deliberately today - when he was in the youth team, he wore sportswear to participate in training. Thanks to his brother's past as a professional player, he inherited this and was able to go off the field to set an example for the players.

Much better than his own playing skills.

But today, he did not wear sportswear, but a dark blue suit and a white shirt.

The white shirt looks very dazzling in the Spanish morning sun, even a little dazzling.

Today is his first day at work as the head coach of the first team, and it is also the first day he meets his team.

The media has given him a good start, and now all he has to do is to strengthen this effect.

He wants everyone to clearly know that he is the leader of this team.

He's going to bring a storm to this already frightened team.

On the way from the apartment building to Las Margarita Sports City, Chang Sheng was full of ambition.

He believes that his path to pursuing his dream truly begins from this moment.

The great legend of a great coach begins to be written today on a team that is on the verge of relegation!

Several years later, today will surely become a day that those who study him will talk about.

They would say: It was from this moment that the famous coach Chang Sheng officially stepped onto the stage and entered people's sight.

In a satellite city southwest of Madrid, an unknown person took to the road.


PS, the third update broke out today.

There are two more updates at 4pm and 10pm.

{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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