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Chapter 109 Test (15/136)

Chapter 109 Test

Chang Sheng quickly made adjustments. Valencia began to pay more attention to passing and controlling the ball, but they were not in a hurry to pass the ball in front of the goal. Barcelona was forced to shrink their defense under pressure, and Valencia passed the ball back and forth around their defense zone.

This ball control started to increase rapidly.

Chang Sheng is observing carefully - he wants to see how a strong team like Barcelona will react when faced with this tactic, and whether they can break Valencia's passing and possession tactics.

This is a rare opportunity and valuable experience for a long-term victory. He can accumulate experience from Barcelona, ​​so that when the team encounters the same situation next time, he will know what to do.

Barcelona didn't realize the threat from Valencia's move at first. Anyway, their purpose of shrinking their defense was to prevent Valencia from continuing to score goals.

But when time passed and Valencia still had no intention of attacking and continued to go back and forth outside, they suddenly realized that Valencia didn't want to score at all! They were not attacking.

This is defense!

Although this concept sounds a bit awkward - how can a team that is pressing the opponent's offense be defensive?

But the actual situation is like this. Valencia used their tactics to reach Barcelona's penalty area and used this method to prevent Barcelona from attacking.

This way their goal will naturally be safe.

This scene left Rexach off the court stunned - a tactic that was originally an offensive tactic could actually be used for defense?

He really didn't expect that Chang Sheng seemed to open a window in front of him.

Not only Rexach was surprised, but the reporters and commentators in the media box were also surprised.

They are all professionals. Unlike ordinary fans who are watching the excitement, they are more willing to think about the meaning behind an ordinary tactic. They are always paying attention to the latest development trends of football tactics in world football.

Ever since Chang Sheng pioneered the combination of Barcelona's tiki and frontcourt pressing defense, the media has been paying close attention to Valencia's tactical changes.

Although Chang Sheng hasn't made any major adjustments in this game now, his ideas are very eye-catching.

Using an offensive tactic as a defensive tactic...how imaginative this is!

Perhaps even an ordinary football fan will understand these things in world football ten years from now, but now, Spanish football ten years ago is still quite pioneering.

At least Barcelona never thought of using tiki to defend before.


Praise is praise, Rexach soon realized that doing so was not good for him.

If Barcelona can't score, this game will be lost. If they don't want to lose, they have to press out and attack.

So with a wave of his hand, Barcelona gave up its defensive strategy and came out to attack Valencia. He didn't believe that with so many strong players and stars in his team, he couldn't compare to Valencia in terms of offense?

When Barcelona started to press, possession of the ball was still in Valencia's hands. Valencia's players knew very well what to do in this situation - the coaching staff usually used tactics.

Teach them these things in class.

So they didn't need to see what gestures the head coach made on the sidelines, they turned around and passed the football back, but it didn't pass it directly to the goalkeeper's feet in one breath, but passed it back bit by bit.

First pass back once, then pass it horizontally, and more Barcelona players press forward, and then pass back again, just like this, it draws out all the Barcelona players little by little.

This is what is called "leading the snake out of its hole"!

Every time, the Barcelona players saw hope and felt that they could steal the ball and launch an attack. So they kept urging themselves and their teammates to go up and down.

In this way, they were lured out of Valencia unknowingly.

Then Valencia stopped passing the ball back to the goalkeeper, and suddenly changed its rhythm and quickly passed the ball forward. The entire team's passing speed began to speed up, so that Barcelona, ​​whose formation had been stretched apart, could not react at all!

"Baraja's through ball! Ibrahimovic split the ball and Vicente made a pass! Crossed the ground... Angulo——!!!"

Accompanied by commentator Moeen's roar, the Mestalla stadium erupted in huge cheers.

Angulo, who scored the goal, opened his arms and ran towards the corner flag area, followed by the excited Valencia players behind him!

"A season ago, in the last round of the league, Valencia was defeated by Barcelona 3:2, and now they are completely transformed, leading Barcelona with a score of 3:0! I don't want to say this, because saying this may offend Barcelona fans,

But I think it’s true – with twenty-five minutes left before the end of the game, the game has actually lost its suspense!”

Mestalla Autumn went crazy. The Valencia fans present never thought that their team could beat Barcelona with three goals so easily at home!

Although this season is not over yet, it is already a dream season for Valencia fans. In the first round of the league, they witnessed the team's 5:0 slaughter of Real Madrid here.

The match then saw Valencia remain unbeaten and top the league from the first round.

Then at the Bernabeu, with Florentino calling for revenge, Valencia still defeated Real Madrid 2:1 away from home, doubling Real Madrid in the season!

Now they lead Barcelona with a disparity of 3:0 at home!

The two super giants in Spanish football were all slaughtered by them!

In four games, Valencia has not lost a single game. Such a result cannot be achieved even by Valencia, which has been able to reach the Champions League finals for consecutive seasons. But in the hands of the Chinese coach, it seems so natural.

What magic power did he have that caused such earth-shaking changes in Valencia?

When Angulo scored, many Valencia fans did not look at Angulo who scored the goal, but looked at the winning coach in front of the coach's bench.

This young Chinese coach, who faced doubts and ridicule, has already begun to conquer the fans in less than a season since arriving at Mestalla.

When communicating in private, I no longer heard any fans questioning Chang Sheng’s decision. Perhaps sometimes his decisions and choices seemed nonsensical, such as when he let Marchena, who had only joined the team for two days, play in the Copa del Rey.

Facing Deportivo in the semi-finals.

At the time, it seemed like this decision was terrible and there must be something wrong with it.

But the actual game situation gave all those who doubted him a hard slap in the face.

Therefore, the fans now know that the seemingly unbelievable decision of the Chinese always has his reason. As fans, we only need to enjoy the game and see the results. There is no need to think and think like the head coach.



The Catalan media in the stands were speechless when they saw the bloody score and facts.

Before the game started, they had imagined the situation after the game. They thought it should be a close game, and the winner in the end would be Barcelona who played better and had better luck.

Who would have thought that the game was completely different from what they thought.

Valencia defeated Barcelona so easily 3:0 at home. When did they start to have this ability?

When Valencia beat Real Madrid twice before, on the one hand they applauded Valencia, and on the other hand they gave many reasons for Valencia to beat Real Madrid. They went back and forth and just wanted to explain one thing - Valencia defeated Real Madrid.

Madrid has some luck. Although they can double beat Real Madrid, they can't beat us, Barcelona, ​​so we don't have to worry - I really don't know where their confidence comes from.

Perhaps they have been a wealthy family for too long, which makes them think that they are invincible... They feel that as long as they take it seriously, no one can defeat them.

There is nothing to say in losing to a weak team because of pride and underestimation. Facing a strong team like Valencia, Barcelona certainly cannot be proud of and underestimate the enemy, so Barcelona does not need to be afraid of Valencia.


I don’t know if Barcelona wasn’t too proud and underestimated their opponent in this game. Anyway, they fell behind 0:3 in the away game, and it was very easy to fall behind!

Many reporters don’t know how to write reports on this game...


The score became 3:0, and the suspense of this game was completely lost.

Rexach had no choice but to replace Rivaldo, Xavi and others. He was admitting defeat.

There is no point in struggling in vain.

When Barcelona admitted defeat, Chang Sheng also began to make substitutions and adjustments.

He replaced Angulo with Villa, replaced Ibrahimovic with Aimar, and the team's formation returned to the original 4231.

With ten minutes left before the end of the game, he replaced Ferreira with Curo Torres.

Try to give as many players the opportunity to play.

Neither side scored a goal in the remaining time, and neither Barcelona nor Valencia seemed to be thinking about the game itself.

The Valencia fans in the stands couldn't wait to start celebrating.

And Chang Sheng has set his sights on the Copa del Rey final, where Valencia will challenge Real Madrid away.

That is the most important game of the season.

Today's game against Barcelona was just a warm-up for that game. He tried using tiki for defense at the last moment, actually just to use it against Real Madrid in the final...

Now that the experiment has achieved satisfactory results, he is even more looking forward to the King's Cup final.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Real Madrid took great pains, offended many people, and arranged carefully, but it provided themselves with an excellent stage.

If there is a "Best Supporting Actor" award for the Copa del Rey, Chang Sheng will definitely recommend that the organizers award it to Real Madrid this season! (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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