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Chapter 151 Dog Blood (35/136)

Chang Sheng was surprised when he read in the newspaper that Real Madrid suddenly announced that Mendieta had joined the team.

Because it's too fast.

Although the negotiations between the two parties have been completed, there is no need to announce the news so urgently.

Valencia should announce the news at the same time as Real Madrid, and Valencia hopes to wait for a while, wait for the holidays to start, and wait for the fans' attention to be attracted by the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.

But Real Madrid immediately announced the news, even before the start of the Champions League final.

Maybe this is to cheer them up for the Champions League final?

No, Chang Sheng doesn’t think so.

His Valencia team made waves in Spain and changed many things. However, he does not have such a big influence on European football.

Real Madrid finally reached the Champions League final at Hampden Park in Glasgow, Scotland.

Their opponent is the German powerhouse Bayer Leverkusen.

Even Leverkusen's experience in Germany was the same as Chang Sheng knew. It reached the final of the German Cup and became the runner-up. It lost to Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga and became the runner-up.

Today's Champions League final is their last chance.

The goal of other wealthy clubs is to win the "Triple Crown", but Leverkusen does not want to become the "King of Sanya".

Real Madrid does not need a player who cannot participate in the Champions League final to cheer themselves up.

They are arrogant. Even if they were disgraced by Valencia throughout the season, they are still cold and noble and disdain to do this kind of behavior to cheer themselves up. Florentino has claimed more than once that Real Madrid has the genes of the Champions League.

Once they play in the Champions League, they have a sense of mission.

So how is it possible to cheer for the team with the addition of Mendieta?

The only reasonable explanation is that Florentino hopes to use the announcement of this transfer deal to offset the overwhelming media reports about Valencia's unbeaten season.

He doesn't want to see his opponent become the focus of the news, he wants to disgust Valencia.

Winning makes you laugh - I dare say that in the summer of 2009, a week after Barcelona won the Triple Crown, Florentino announced one after another the blockbuster transfers after his second comeback. This was not something he would do at that time.


But I have learned it long ago...

The situation then was very similar to now. Rivals Barcelona defeated Manchester United in Rome and won the treble.

At that time, the world's media were reporting on Barcelona's Triple Crown, and the media was full of praise and flattery for Barcelona.

For a time, Barcelona was in the limelight, while Real Madrid was completely drowned in the praise.

How could Florentino, who had just been re-elected as president of Real Madrid, be willing to let Barcelona take the limelight like this?

So he took action quickly, and soon he announced that Real Madrid had purchased Brazilian star Kaka from AC Milan for 65 million euros!

The core of AC Milan, the leading star, was brought to the Bernabeu by Florentino. And his predecessor Calderon started shouting from the beginning of the campaign, "If I am elected president, I will bring Kaka to everyone."

As a result, he failed to fulfill his promise until he stepped down.

This quickly attracted the attention of the world's media and fans at the time.

Barcelona's treble-winning effect has begun to take its toll.

But the matter is not over yet. Florentino, the chairman who admires superstars, has come back again, destined to bring chaos to world football.

Soon, Real Madrid once again announced that it had bought Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United for 96 million euros, or about 80 million pounds!

Two of the three hottest stars in world football have switched to Real Madrid within a week!

The whole world went crazy, and many people even thought it was fake news.

But soon they all began to discuss these two currency exchange transactions that shocked the world. Countless media fell in front of Florentino and exclaimed that European football would return to the era of "white terror".

As for Barcelona’s treble?

Hey, there is no need to discuss outdated news anymore!


Chang Sheng is now thinking that if this is still the case in the future, then Florentino must have learned this trick from Valencia.

Mendieta's joining immediately diluted the media's discussion and reports on Valencia's unbeaten season.

Winning often doesn't care about the media's long and lengthy reports on the undefeated season.

But by doing this, Real Madrid caught Valencia off guard.

The media who were shocked to hear the news flocked to the club, and the phone number of club president Jaime Otti was flooded. The situation of the winning team was not much better.

This is the first wave, mainly to ask two people whether Mendieta has transferred to Real Madrid. And, if this is true, is this a transfer transaction without the knowledge of the head coach?

It stands to reason that Mendieta is the absolute main force of the team and an important part of the tactics. This shows that Changsheng attaches great importance to Mendieta. Then there is no reason for him to sell Mendieta...

The transfer power of Valencia is in the hands of Chang Sheng. Everyone knows this and it is not a secret.

So...could it be that Oti and Pitachi made the decision to sell Mendieta behind Chang Sheng's back?

If true, does this mean a split within Valencia?

If true, that would be big news!

This is even more shocking than Mendieta's move to Real Madrid!

Think about it, a team that was invincible last season fell apart just after it became famous... How dramatic and shocking this is...

Tragedies like this are news with more social significance!

In addition, Valencia is unlucky, which the media is happy to see.

Especially not long ago, Chang Sheng was scolding reporters with a coaxing look on his face. I really didn’t expect retribution to come so quickly...

This life is really like a retribution for his adultery!


Fantasy is always beautiful, but reality is always cruel to people who like fantasy.

Reporters quickly learned the truth from various sources.

The sale of Mendieta was a decision made jointly by Changsheng and the club's senior management. The two parties cooperated happily and closely without any conflicts or internal strife.

Well, Valencia can't be breached from within the fortress, and journalists have other options.

Why would Chang Sheng sell such an excellent player?

Mendieta performed very well last season. Is selling him because of conflicts between Chang Sheng and Mendieta?

So in fact, the Valencia locker room is not as united as people think.

Chang Sheng gave an explanation for this.

"It's very simple. A year ago, I came to Valencia, rejected Lazio's offer, and then made another one-year contract with Mendieta. I told him that if he still wanted to leave after one year, then I would

I would not put any obstacles in the way of letting him go. A year later, I asked him if he wanted to stay, but he didn't answer me, so I decided to fulfill his wish and let him leave."

This is a statement that completely disinterests journalists who are against Valencia and those who are against everlasting victory.

Mendieta himself also came forward to clarify the rumors, admitting that he and Chang Sheng did have such an agreement. At this time, it was naturally difficult for him to say that he actually wanted to stay. This would not only fail to please Valencia, but also offend the new club Real Madrid.


He was not that stupid, so he had to bear the charge of "betrayal" alone.

There are also some media that intend to incite Valencia fans' hatred towards Chang Sheng and use Mendieta's departure to lead the fans to the opposite side of Chang Sheng.

But to their dismay the Valencia fans did not do the same.

On the one hand, the Valencia club has a tradition of selling off its heroes. Many players who performed well in the team were sold the next year, so Valencia fans are numb to this.

On the other hand, Mendieta came out to clarify and admitted that he had a one-year agreement with Chang Sheng.

Since the players are leaving on their own, how can the fans complain about the head coach? That is simply unreasonable.

No matter how much the media hypes it, Valencia fans remain unmoved.

The more aggressive ones complain that Mendieta is a slave who licks the anus of a wealthy club, while the more moderate ones wish Mendieta success in Real Madrid.

But no one complained about this matter.


Several waves of media offensives have collapsed, and they are really unwilling to just give up.

In the end, the media had no choice but to focus on the hatred between Valencia and Real Madrid.

Why would Valencia sell Mendieta to Real Madrid when there is so much hatred between the two teams.

If they want to sell Mendieta, they should have no shortage of buyers. AC Milan in Italy and Manchester United in England are both wealthy teams interested in Mendieta, and there are countless other teams.

With Mendieta's performance this season, is he still worried about finding a successor?

So...why Real Madrid?

Is 30 million euros too much? Is it a sky-high price that the Valencia club can't refuse?

Obviously not.

At the turn of the world, many high-priced transfers were made in world football. Putting 30 million euros in this would not attract people's attention at all.

Everyone's immunity has been improved, and they won't even blink if they don't see transfers worth more than 40 million.

So why Real Madrid?

The Madrid media thought of such a possibility.

Could it be that Real Madrid broke into the Champions League final and proved to the world that they are still the best team in the world. Seeing such a strong Real Madrid win, do you feel timid?

Or think about Lenovo Changsheng's previous coaching experience at Real Madrid - why did he choose Real Madrid? Obviously because Real Madrid has a very important position in his mind.

Now maybe it's just a relapse of old feelings.

Although Chang Sheng always goes against Real Madrid, in fact he just wants to attract Real Madrid's attention in this way.

Just like a little boy always plays pranks on girls, not because he hates that girl, but because he likes that girl and hopes to gain the girl's attention and even favor.

Chang Sheng obviously did the same thing.

He constantly offended Real Madrid and started a war with Real Madrid, just hoping to win Real Madrid's idea.

And he led Valencia to defeat Real Madrid three times without mercy. Naturally, he wanted Real Madrid to prove his ability.

Just like those players who play hard when they hear that a certain team is interested in them and see a certain team, hoping to prove to the other team that they are worthy of the place.

So in the final analysis, Chang Sheng actually hopes to coach Real Madrid, but he knows that it is too difficult, so he chooses this extreme way to express his love.

Selling Mendieta, who Real Madrid has always been interested in, to the other party is a gesture of goodwill to Real Madrid!

Although this discovery is ridiculous, I have to say that this may be the only answer that can explain why Valencia sold their captain, spiritual leader, and main core to Real Madrid. (To be continued. If you like this

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This chapter has been completed!
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