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Chapter 152 Holiday (guarantee

"Therefore, we can think that Chang's feelings towards Real Madrid are very complicated. On the one hand, he hates Real Madrid, but on the other hand, he loves Real Madrid deeply. Why do we say that Chang has a complex character and a combination of various factors?

What about a head coach who has this kind of conflict and conflict? Sometimes he is arrogant, and sometimes he is low-key. He will fight to the end with the media that offends him, and he will also relegate players who just show contempt for him to the sidelines... these

They all stem from his inner inferiority, and his inferiority comes from his experience in Real Madrid, especially when he was kicked out of Real Madrid, which caused great trauma to his soul... Therefore,

Chang's extreme arrogance comes from his extreme inferiority complex. This is in line with Freud's psychological interpretation of the role of the 'childhood inferiority complex' in human growth. Chang's current surly and arrogant character officially stems from when Chang Sheng returned

He had an unusual self-prepared experience in the Real Madrid Club, and his flamboyant desire to perform also came from the repression during that period. His life experience is the most classic interpretation of inferiority and transcendence..."

"Selling Mendieta is not only a show of goodwill to Real Madrid, but also a show of weakness. It is an apology to him for robbing Real Madrid of the Copa del Rey last season. This paves the way for him to return to Real Madrid one day. But

I have to seriously point out that everything Chang Sheng has done is wishful thinking. It is absolutely impossible for him to become the head coach of Real Madrid. The noble Real Madrid cannot allow a person who has slandered her to become its leader...

...Real Madrid is a member-only club. The president of the club is voted by the members. He must be responsible for the members, so his choice will definitely be cautious. Chang Sheng is definitely not the kind of person who can please the members of Real Madrid.

Then he will naturally be insulated from Real Madrid..."

When Chang Sheng saw that the long articles in this newspaper were full of all kinds of obscure and professional vocabulary, he wanted to laugh.

These reporters have really strong association skills...

He decided to ignore the media. They are a group of species that can especially entertain themselves. When he spits, those reporters can draw too many meanings around the discounts.

Chang Sheng is very busy and has many things to do every day. He really doesn’t want to waste time with these delusional patients.

How they want to interpret themselves selling Mendieta to make them free.

As for whether he is showing favor or weakness to Real Madrid, we will naturally know when the time comes.


Now that Real Madrid has announced their introduction of Mendieta, Valencia has nothing to hide.

They also subsequently announced the transfer of Mendieta to Real Madrid, and also announced that they had introduced Alvaro Arbeloa and Esteban Cambiaso from Real Madrid.

This incident had a certain impact on one person.

That person is Raiola.

Chang Sheng said that no one is indispensable in the Valencia team.

Raiola scoffed at this and regarded his winning streak as a bluff.

Unexpectedly, Chang Sheng sold out captain Mendieta in a blink of an eye...

Is this another demonstration?

Raiola didn't know that selling Mendieta had been decided long ago...

He seriously considered that Chang Sheng seemed really difficult to deal with.

Before, he planned to keep delaying and wait for Valencia Club to come to him.

But obviously, Valencia will not do this.

If he didn't come to the door, Valencia would naturally pretend to be deaf and blind.

After struggling for a long time, Raiola finally decided to reconfirm the time for contract renewal negotiations with Chang Sheng.

Unexpectedly, I was rejected.

"Ah? Contract renewal negotiations? Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Raiola. The team is on holiday, the club is on holiday...and I'm on holiday too! You're looking for me now, and I'm not here either..."

Chang Sheng said on the phone in a tone that made Raiola grit his teeth.

"Holiday?" Raiola's breath was stagnant. He had imagined many situations that he might encounter, but he never expected that the other party would use the excuse of "holiday" to send him away.

"Yes, we are really tired this season. We have achieved such good results. Everyone in Valencia has put in a lot of hard work, so naturally we need to have a good rest... So all business, wait until we come back from vacation.

Let’s talk about it again, huh?”

Raiola hung up the phone angrily.

Vacation? Bullshit vacation!

Just an excuse!

If Chang Sheng wants to renew your contract with Valencia, do you think Valencia will say anything about a holiday?

Raiola is very angry now, but he can't do anything about it.

He made it clear that he didn't want to see him now, so he insisted on letting him go.

Raiola dominates Italian football, when has he ever been so angry?

He gritted his teeth - you won't renew the contract, right? Then you don't blame me!


Chang Sheng did not lie to Raiola, he really went on vacation.

If Raiola really goes to the club office to find him, he will definitely get a real rejection.

When Raiola called him, he was already in China.

During his vacation last year, he didn't have a good rest. He had to sign a contract with Valencia, so he wasted a lot of time. As a result, he came and left in a hurry when he returned to China.

It was just to build momentum for my parents to sue Sports Weekly.

This time when he came back, he didn't want to participate in any activities.

All interviews are declined.

I just want to live a good homebody life with my parents, and sleep until midnight every day.

There is delicious and hot food as soon as you wake up.

You don’t have to think about anything, just watch TV at home, chat with your parents, and go shopping with your mother.

Live an ordinary life that he was tired of living in his previous life.

In fact, he was originally going to the United States, but Avril Lavigne's new album has reached a very critical stage. He is very busy and has no time to accompany her. Since there is no one to accompany him, what is he going to do in the United States?

His feelings for the United States only remain with Avril Lavigne.

If Avril Lavigne is not there, then there is really no need for him to go to the United States.

Anyway, there are no good football prospects in the United States. If he were a basketball coach, he would definitely go to the United States as a pilgrimage.

Now he is a football coach, forget it.

If he had that time, he might as well go to Brazil.


In China, Chang Sheng still lives in the family community where he has lived for more than 20 years. He wears a vest, large pants, and slippers every day and goes in and out of the community compound. It is completely impossible to tell that he is a football coach who is famous abroad.


In fact, domestic media have always reported on his affairs in Spain, so many people in the compound are familiar with what he did in Spain.

No one had thought before that the boy from the Chang family could be so promising, making a lot of money and becoming famous. Even the foreigners would listen to him and not dare to talk back when he scolded him...

Now such a comparison makes many people feel sore in their hearts.

When Chang Sheng wanted to be a coach, many people in the yard were talking about it, saying that Chang Sheng had knocked his brain out by playing football. Later, Chang Sheng wanted to go abroad, and his whole family supported it, and the rumors became even more unpleasant.

There are all the words.

Now that Chang Sheng has become famous, the old Chang family has also followed the example of Guangzong Yaozu.

The neighbors who looked down on them in the past always felt that Chang Sheng looked at them with sarcasm in his eyes, which made them feel uncomfortable.

There are always reporters coming to the gate of the community, hoping to interview Chang Sheng.

But they were all rejected directly by Chang Sheng.

"This is private time and no interviews will be accepted."

The reporters had no choice but to leave.

After what happened before, all Chinese media colleagues know Chang Sheng’s temper.

They really don't dare to stimulate Chang Sheng.

He still blocks Chinese media to this day.

Even the "Football" newspaper, which had interviewed him before, had no chance of getting another interview.

Seeing these reporters who usually looked at people with their nostrils being dismissed by Chang Sheng in such an understatement, the neighbors became even more in awe of Chang Sheng.

They were convinced that Chang Sheng was really a big shot.

Chang Sheng's parents did not listen to Chang Sheng's words and quit their jobs, but continued to work. When neighbors and colleagues saw them, their attitude toward them became much better. Especially the leaders. The leaders who used to be bossy now see Chang Sheng's parents.

He will also say hello with a smile.

When talking about Chang Sheng, he said, "Ah, Chang, your son is really promising! I saw him on the sports news the day before yesterday... It's amazing, he is bringing glory to the country!"

It's a pity that Chang Sheng lives abroad all year round and has no way to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Every time I come back, I come and go in a hurry.


After finishing his vacation in China, Chang Sheng returned to Spain.

He is preparing for the start of the new season.

There are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with in the club.

Most of them are related to players' contract renewal and transfer requirements.

In the central defender position, the team's strength is actually somewhat lacking.

At present, he only relies on Ayala and Carvalho, Pellegrino is a substitute, and Navarro is too young. Marchena plans to transform him into a defensive midfielder. His mental attributes and temperament characteristics are too inadequate.

Suitable to be a central defender...

If you only deal with the domestic league, it is enough. But if you want to fight on two fronts and play in the Champions League, this central defender lineup will be too thin.

Winning often cannot prevent players from getting injured, he must be prepared.

In the central defender position, Chang Sheng is interested in Getafe central defender Jose Passarella.

This was the first player he met.

He wanted to bring him here last season, but Getafe was still undergoing equity changes at that time, and all transfer transactions were prohibited.

Later, after Getafe finally found their new boss, Changsheng had already bought Carvalho and felt that there was no need to buy another central defender, so the matter was shelved.

Now he plans to resume transfer negotiations for Jose Passarella.

He hopes to bring Jose Passarella to Valencia to help him achieve a career! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe and reward. You

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This chapter has been completed!
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