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Chapter 180 Watching a good show? (48/136)

Valencia set a new record and was praised by all major media after the game.

Even the media outside Spain are paying attention to Valencia's record setting.

Because Valencia will participate in the Champions League this season. Whether it is due to understanding of future opponents or simply being interested in this team, foreign media are reporting on Valencia more frequently than last season.

All major media have reported on Valencia's record-breaking event.

"... After a not-so-exciting game, Valencia defeated Mallorca without any suspense in the away game and won their 39th unbeaten league game! Obviously, for the Valencians,

It is said that what is important is not the process, but the result. Now they have the longest unbeaten streak in the history of La Liga..."

"... After this weekend's game, a new record was born in La Liga, that is, the 22-year-old La Liga unbeaten record has finally been broken! Valencia won against Mallorca

After that, it was already the 39th undefeated game!"

"Valencia, under the leadership of Chang Sheng, created a new record in La Liga! In fact, there is no suspense. Mallorca will definitely not be able to stop the Valencians who want to break the record. But at the beginning of the game,

Mallorca still did something, but their resistance was quickly collapsed by Valencia..."

"In La Liga, there is a team that is rising rapidly. That is Valencia, led by a Chinese coach. They won the championship undefeated last season, and now they have extended their unbeaten record into the new season... Now let

We’ll see how many games they extend this record to!”

"This is definitely not good news for the teams that are in the same group as Valencia in the Champions League. This shows that Valencia is in good shape and their morale is high..."

"It is said that Liverpool Club has sent scouts to Spain to inspect Valencia's game. Liverpool's first opponent in the Champions League group stage is Valencia. The match between the two sides will be held on September 17..."

This team is receiving more and more attention.

At the same time, Chang Sheng also received more attention.

The legendary deeds of this Chinese head coach are spreading throughout Europe, but they can be regarded as legends.

Two seasons ago, the name of Victory was first known to people. At that time, he was the firefighting coach of Getafe. Now he has become the championship coach who led Valencia to set a new record.

And he is not yet thirty years old.

Being so young yet having such brilliant achievements makes many people curious about him.

More and more media came to Valencia, wanting to find out. They wanted to know what kind of secrets were hidden behind the winning streak, which would allow him to bring about earth-shaking changes to both teams.

These media are not limited to Spanish media, but also include media from Italy, England, Germany, France and Portugal.

Of course, there are also Chinese media.

Chang Sheng's photos and name began to appear frequently on the pages of these foreign media or in the news.

Of course, more people know about Chang Sheng and that there is a Chinese head coach in European football. He is doing well now.

At this time, people were also surprised by Chang Sheng's language talent. He could talk to these reporters from different countries and regions around the world in German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Slavic and Russian.

There seemed to be no language at all that he didn't know.

Only then did everyone remember that Chang Sheng once said that he traveled to many countries on the European continent before coaching Getafe.

Perhaps, his current success is closely related to his original study tour experience.

Because he is well-informed and has accumulated rich experience, and he has been exposed to various completely different football styles, which is very helpful for his growth. He can integrate them and eventually become his own unique opera player.

Football style.

Therefore, this experience is obviously the reason why his improved tiki-taka can achieve such good results.


More and more media are interviewing Chang Sheng, and the Chinese media are naturally unwilling to lag behind.

They are not willing to just eat the leftovers from other countries' media, and also want to get first-hand interview information about Chang Sheng.

But unfortunately, none of them can come close to winning all the time.

They remembered the female reporter at that time. She was probably the only one in China who could come close to winning.

But unfortunately, I never saw this female reporter again after that time.

Some people say that she is still covering Chinese football and is not interested in winning games.

So, who else can come close to winning and get more first-hand information now?


After Yan Min brought back an interview from Chang Sheng to refute rumors about his interest in Chinese players, many reporters tried to interview Chang Sheng, but without exception, they were all rejected by Chang Sheng.

So the situation seemed to be like before, no one could get first-hand information from Chang Sheng.

But there will always be people who are not afraid of death who come to Chang Sheng to try their luck.

Seasonal cold is one of them.

But he didn't come here to die on his own initiative. He was sent here to die by his boss.

Or maybe he was sent to die by his boss who disliked him.

Ji Leng works for a large comprehensive newspaper called , which is quite influential in East China. The newspaper is very large, and the relationships among the internal staff are complicated.

The bigger the forest is, the more birds there are.

If you have all kinds of birds, it will be easy for you not to know why you offend someone.

Ji Leng has worked for this newspaper for three years and has been involved in the entire media circle for seven years. He has always been diligent, honest, and low-key in life and work.

Such a low-key and honest person still offended his boss some time ago.

In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just that the group adjusted employee benefits some time ago, but not for the better, but for the worse. There were more punitive measures than rewards.

Everyone usually talks a lot and criticizes the senior management.

Ji Leng felt that their boss did not do a good job in this regard. Journalists already have a hard enough time. They are exposed to wind and rain all day long, and they also have to suffer all kinds of dangers. How many reporters go into dangerous situations...

Die at work because of overwork? So the leaders are not thinking about improving the reporters’ benefits, but thinking about how to deduct bonuses.

So Ji Leng, who rarely spoke in the office on various topics, couldn't help but complain a few times in the office.

Logically speaking, it's not a big deal to complain a little.

But his complaint happened to be heard by the passing leader...

So he became tragic.

The leader seems to remember him.

However, this kind of thing is not a big problem, it just makes the leader a little unhappy. But it won't lead to him being fired?

But if nothing is done to him, where is the majesty of the leader? The leader’s ideas are not clear either.

At this time, the leader thought of Yan Min, a reporter who specialized in covering domestic football. Because he knew Spanish, he was sent to Spain to interview Chang Sheng.

The Ji Leng in front of me seemed not to know much English, let alone Spanish...

So just like that, Ji Leng, who didn't speak Spanish and didn't speak English well, was sent to Valencia, Spain, to be responsible for interviewing Chang Sheng.

Although Ji Leng is low-key, he is not stupid and he knows that he has been tricked.

Obviously, this is to make fun of yourself.

Because he is not a football reporter at all. He is not even responsible for interviews in the sports section! He is just an ordinary social news reporter.

It's nothing like football.

Saying something like "because you work hard and have outstanding abilities, so this important task can only be entrusted to you" is obviously an excuse.

He was simply letting himself die.

After receiving this assignment, he looked for reports from other media and researched the person he wanted to interview. He became more and more determined that he was being persecuted by his leader...

In this way, Ji Leng got on the plane from Shanghai to Madrid, and then in a completely unfamiliar place, holding a Chinese-Spanish dictionary, he bought a train ticket from Madrid to Valencia...

After a lot of trouble, he arrived in Valencia, bought a map, and drove around a lot according to the map before arriving at the Patna Sports City from the Valencia train station.

He finally had a chance to complete the mission... In fact, he didn't even have high hopes.


After the first round of the league, there were not many reporters outside Patna Sports City. The peak period had passed, just two days after the first round of the league. At that time, there were many fuckers everywhere outside.

Journalists in various languages. They all come here for Changsheng.

Now these reporters have left after interviewing Chang Sheng. They have focused more on the national team competition.

There are two national team A-level match days in September every year, usually after the first round of the league.

At this time, the international players in the team will leave to report for their respective national teams, and the focus of media reports will shift to the national team.

The club seemed a bit deserted.

Despite this, normal training still needs to be carried out.

Players who did not go to the national team match days were mixed with players from the B team for training.

In fact, the "desertedness" here is compared with the "liveliness" some time ago. There are still more than twenty reporters in Patna Sports City today.

And these reporters are generally quite excited.

Even Chinese journalists are like this.

Ji Leng, who had just arrived here, didn't know why, so he asked his compatriots.

"Are there any big stars coming today?"

"Zahovich is coming to train today. Everyone is waiting to see the show!"

"Zahovich? Watching a good show? Is there any good show to watch?" Ji Leng didn't understand and asked.

The reporter was a little impatient when he asked, and turned to look at him: "Unfamiliar... Are you following the trend and coming to interview Chang Sheng? But you don't even understand the relationship between Zahovich and Chang Sheng? Are you really here to interview Chang Sheng?"


"Are you here to interview Chang Sheng again? Stop dreaming. Are you a woman? If not, then it's over. If you are a woman, there is still some hope..."

When a group of Chinese reporters saw the newcomer, their attention temporarily shifted to Ji Leng, and they all sarcastically commented.

Listening to their taunts, Ji Leng had a slightly embarrassed smile on his face.

If these people knew that they only watch table tennis and not football at all... I don't know what their expressions would be...

There are good people in this world after all. Some of the reporters felt a little pitiful when they saw Ji Leng like this. He was dressed in dust, with messy hair and unshaven beard. He was also carrying a big bag and carrying a suitcase. He looked like he had just come from

As soon as we got off the plane, we rushed here without even having time to find a hotel...

He kindly explained the reason to him: "When Chang Sheng first came to Valencia, he drove Zahovich who disobeyed him to the B team. Since then, Zahovich has never been asked by the first team again. He has always been

Training in the B team, playing games in the B team... There are rumors that the two people have deep conflicts. So this training will be the first time Zahovich meets Chang Sheng, there will definitely be a good show!"

Ji Leng didn't understand even more: "This is not the only day for the national team to compete. Why was there nothing good before but today?"

"Although Zahovich trained and competed with the B team last season, he was able to enter the national team roster every time the national team competed. He had to leave the team to participate in training and competitions with the national team. So he never met Chang Sheng once.

...But the situation is different this season. Zahovich has played in the B team for a whole season. He has not played a single first-team game, so...his position in the national team is gone."

"Yes, now even a small national team like Slovenia dares not to leave Zahovic!"

"Oh, it's really... the number one star in the history of Slovenian football has fallen into such a situation... Do you think Zahovic hates Chang Sheng in his heart? He definitely does! So when the two of them meet today, there will definitely be something good.

There’s a show to watch. We’re just waiting to see a good show!”

The reporters were talking like onlookers who were watching the excitement and were not afraid of the big deal.

All Ji Leng's understanding of Chang Sheng came from before he came here. He searched for information everywhere and raided the familiar ones. Because the information was all pieced together, the image of Chang Sheng in his mind is still fragmented and not very clear.

There is one thing in all the information about Chang Sheng. That is to say that Chang Sheng is a small-minded person who will retaliate for his anger, and he is cruel and ruthless.

At that time, these comments were only literal and did not enter Ji Leng's heart. He did not know how small-minded Chang Sheng was. How cruel and cruel Yaizhen must be.

After hearing the story about Zahovich, he finally had an intuitive impression - it turned out that the information was not fabricated, nor was it exaggerated by reporters...


When the training started, the good show that the reporters had been waiting for did not happen.

I originally planned to be more prepared to see Zahovich and Chang Sheng have a fierce conflict in training. No matter who wins or loses, in the end, Chang Sheng loses.

Zahovich collided with him, and whether he won or not, it was a challenge and shaken to his authority. Secondly, the quarrel would cause turbulence and unrest within the team, which is not conducive to the concept of "stable locker room" that Chang Sheng has always emphasized.

But what surprised the reporters was that Zahovich, who had previously been so strong-willed that she refused Chang Sheng's request to transfer, did not behave like a chaste martyr this time.

He did not show any signs of laziness or dissatisfaction during the training. On the contrary, he appeared very quiet, and was also very low-key and serious during the training. There was no trace that he had ever had any trouble with Chang Sheng.

It was like this until the training was over, as obedient and docile as a good baby.

The reporters looked at each other.

For a long time, someone said self-deprecatingly: "Well, it looks like there is no fun to watch."

"Hey, we should have thought of it a long time ago... Zahovich fought against Chang Sheng for a whole season last year, without winning even once, and even lost his qualification for the national team. No matter how unhappy he is now, he certainly won't

Dare to contradict Chang Sheng in person, otherwise who knows what crazy behavior Chang Sheng will do?"

"Oh, Zahovich has completely given up... It's so boring! I still want to watch Jackie Chan and Tiger fighting..."

"Let's go, let's go, there's nothing to see anymore. Let's go! After selling Mendieta and Aimar, there will only be the voice of Chang Sheng in the Valencia dressing room..."

A group of reporters discussed and dispersed.

Ji Liang looked at Chang Sheng who was lecturing the players on the training ground.

After hearing about the feud between Zahovich and Chang Sheng before, he just felt that what the media said was true.

But now, his feelings are deeper and more real.

Being able to suppress a rebellious player so obediently in one season not only proves that Chang Sheng has a bad temper, but also proves that his methods are very effective...

So when he is determined to make the Chinese media suffer enough, can he still complete the task?

Ji Leng suddenly understood why the leader wanted to use this task to make him suffer...

When the time comes, I will be rejected by Changsheng and I will not complete the task. When I return to the newspaper office, I will definitely be criticized and my bonus will be deducted...

If you make your leader unhappy, your leader will make you unhappy, alas.

This chapter has been completed!
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