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Chapter 205 Sentencing is too heavy or too light (59/136)

When the team resumed training, the first thing Chang Sheng did was to gather everyone together to summarize the lessons learned from the previous game and comfort the players. After all, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to have the record ended.

Although he is also unhappy, he cannot let this matter continue to affect his team. Let him let go of the past, and the team must look forward.

However, he will definitely not tell his own personal plans to his players, or even his colleagues, because he does not want this matter to affect the entire team.

The team was already seriously damaged in the game the night before yesterday. If we were distracted, we might have a big problem in the end.

"First of all, what I want to talk about is the record. We have created a record of 65 consecutive unbeaten games. This record is unique among the five major leagues. I am proud of you and us. Our team has achieved 65 consecutive unbeaten games.

Sixty-five games undefeated proves our ability. We are a united team and a fighting team. Any team that places hope on luck cannot go as far as we do. So you have nothing to be depressed about.

Yes, we are the strongest team. Even if our record has been ended, this record is here. No one can break it in ten or twenty years. A few years later, people mentioned the continuous success of the five major European leagues.

Everyone will say that the unbeaten record belongs to Valencia! So there is nothing to be depressed about. Now completely forget about the record, and it will have nothing to do with us from now on. Even if you dream about it every day, it is useless."

Then he added: "I still want to criticize you for what happened during the game. For those who are sent off with a red card, I will not punish you, fine you with wages, or suspend you. But I want to criticize you. Although I

I understand the anger in your hearts, but this is not a reason for you to attack the referee and applaud. Remember, you are my player, and I need you to stay on the court and fight until the last second for victory, instead of taking the initiative to apply for a red card. You

If you have any dissatisfaction, I can help you vent it. I do this professionally, and you play football professionally. So next time, whether it is you or other players, you must stay calm for me on the court! As long as

You are still on the court, even if we are already 0:3 behind, we still have a chance to come back. But if you are sent off, what use am I off the court? I can stand in the stands, but you can't go back to the locker room.

Remember, there is only one way for you to go back to the locker room in the middle of the game, and that is to be replaced by me!"

After the training session, the team began training.

However, the players still felt a little disappointed.

Because the game the day before yesterday was played like that, it was obviously no longer a normal game. They originally thought that the head coach would definitely praise their performance in the game, or even if they didn't praise them, they would still show their support.


But the head coach criticized us. Although he said he understood us, he still criticized us.

The players felt a little incomprehensible.

It was as if I had been poured cold water on my head when I was full of enthusiasm.

Although what the head coach said makes sense, is that all? That damn bastard referee did such an unforgivable thing to us, is that all?

Let us look forward, but is this matter so easily forgotten?

Our sixty-five-match unbeaten streak, and our red card... we will have four players unable to play in the next game. I don't know what punishments will be imposed after that... This can be settled like this


The players felt they were let down by the manager's actions.


During the training break, Rudy Gonzalez told Chang Sheng what he observed: "The morale of the players has been affected, Chang. Your words before the start of training hit them hard... Although I know you

was willing, but the players did not accept it..."

Chang Sheng nodded.

Rudy Gonzalez didn't need to tell him, he also knew the result.

Because during training, he kept using [Golden Eyes] to scan the players one by one, and found that most players' reputation for him had declined, and the data varied.

"They have to accept it even if they don't accept it. It is absolutely impossible for the team to stay where it is and continue to be affected by this incident..."

Rudy Gonzalez couldn't help but sigh when he thought about the situation in the next game.

This is really troublesome.

Chang Sheng also started to think about the next game and the next few games.

He was sent off with a red card and said so many things he shouldn't have said at the post-match press conference. He will definitely be suspended for a few games.

If you can't direct the game yourself, who should you let do it?

In fact, Chang Sheng had already thought about this issue when he decided to launch the cannon.

Rudy Gonzalez definitely can't do it. He himself will no longer be willing to direct the game, let alone he himself was sent off with a red card and at least suspended for one game.

But he has a perfect candidate.

Although this candidate is not a real head coach yet, Chang Sheng knows that he can become an excellent head coach.

This person is Josep Guardiola.

No one in the world knows Guardiola's ability as a head coach better than Chang Sheng. Chang Sheng is relieved to have Guardiola direct Valencia's games on his behalf.

Although he may not be as good as Guardiola in the future, he should be able to cope with a few games. At least he won't completely collapse just because he is no longer on the coaching bench, right? It is normal for his performance to have ups and downs.

Guardiola has been coaching this team, and the players are very familiar with his ideas. Guardiola participated in formulating the tactics of this team, so he understands the tactical aspects very well. The next step is nothing more than on-the-spot command.

That’s all.


"Let me direct the game for you?" After the training, Guardiola heard a piece of news from Chang Sheng that surprised him.

Chang Sheng nodded: "Yes, it's you."

"But I don't have a coaching certificate..."

"It doesn't matter. No one stipulates that you must have a coaching certificate."

"But..." Guardiola still wanted to refuse.

But Chang Sheng made the decision directly. "Okay, don't give up. I believe in you, Pep. Don't you want to be a coach? This is a good opportunity."

"I'm worried about the team's performance..."

"Don't think about results or anything else, just enjoy your job as a head coach."


While the media was still hyping up this matter, the Spanish Football Federation's Disciplinary Committee had already imposed penalties on Valencia.

Baraja suspended for two games!

Carvalho banned for four games!

Albelda banned for four games!

Assistant coach Rudy Gonzalez was suspended for one game!

Chang Sheng was suspended for six games and fined 15,000 euros!

This can be said to be a very heavy fine.

The Valencia club did not really remain silent about this. Oti still asked the club to appeal to the Football Association. They believed that the sentence was too harsh. This was obviously a problem with the referee, and both Carvalho and Albelda

At most, he disrespected the referee and should not have been suspended for four games. This is too cruel.

They did not raise any objection to Chang Sheng's suspension. Because there was really nothing to raise objections... The words Chang Sheng said after the game were not something the club could help him with.

Besides, they also felt that Chang Sheng was only suspended for six games due to what he said. It was considered light.

Without any suspense, their appeals were all rejected by the Arbitration Committee of the Spanish Football Association.

The arbitration committee not only rejected Valencia’s appeal, they were also very dissatisfied with the Football Association, believing that the Football Association’s sentence was too light...

The Arbitration Committee of the Spanish Football Association believed that Carvalho clearly insulted the referee on duty as a "son-of-a-bitch bastard" during the game. This was no longer disrespecting the referee, but "insulting" the referee. And when a player insults the referee

When refereeing, according to the regulations of the La Liga Football Association, he should be suspended for four to 12 games. The minimum is four games. Carvalho was only suspended for four games, which is the minimum punishment standard. It can be regarded as an extra-legal mercy from the Football Association.

The same is true for Valencia's captain Albelda. He also insulted the referee and should be suspended for a longer period of time. Not to mention twelve games, eight games must be included, right?

At the same time, Carvalho applauded the referee and mocked him. Members of the arbitration committee also pointed out that according to La Liga's regulations, this behavior should be suspended for two to three games.

If several crimes were punished concurrently, Carvalho should have been suspended for six to twelve games, but now he is only suspended for four games, which is obviously a too light sentence.

The arbitration committee was also dissatisfied with Chang Sheng's penalty result.

Still think Chang Sheng’s sentence was too light.

"...Protesting and questioning the referee's decisions on the sidelines, insulting the referee, provoking the fourth official, making wild remarks after the game, slandering and slandering the Football Association... With so many crimes, if punished one by one, we think Chang should be suspended until the season


In response to this, Chang Sheng responded in the media: "Some people are both referees and athletes. They have the final say on who wins and who loses. You can't raise any questions about them. As long as you question them, you are a sinner, a heinous sinner."

.Because the referee is great and sacred, how can such a perfect profession make mistakes? They will never make mistakes. Let me summarize for everyone what the La Liga regulations say about referees - Article 1,

The referee is always right. Article 2, if the referee makes a mistake, please refer to Article 1!"

Chang Sheng once again attacked the referee and the Football Association.

The reporters were excited for a while - there was another good show to watch.

Even the Valencia players, who were a little disappointed with their winning streak, were surprised.

They thought that after the penalty results came out, the head coach would shut up, but they didn't expect that the head coach would fire again...

What's going on?

Didn't he tell them not to think about it?

Why is he still holding on to it?


Torla, the ace reporter of "Provincial Newspaper", also wrote an article in the newspaper to support Chang Sheng and criticize Andrella Garcia's penalty in the game.

"It was an obvious offside kick. I don't think the referee team missed it. I don't know if there is an undercurrent within La Liga that wants Valencia to lose, but it was so obvious for Andreira Garcia.

The Football Association turned a blind eye to the misjudgment, only talked about common problems, and kept silent about the referee's problems, which is suspicious."

Other Valencian media also took a clear stand to support Chang Sheng and Valencia and criticized the Football Association.

"For a long time, it is not news that the Football Association has been controlled by some hegemonic forces. I don't want to list for you. During the game, the two traditional giants had no penalty kicks that should have been awarded, but there were many penalty kicks that should not have been awarded.

Anyone who has watched the league for a long time knows it well..."

"Valencia's unbeaten streak has obviously offended the interests of some people. They think Valencia's strength is a threat to them!"

"Is there something wrong with what is often said? Is there something wrong? Is the referee really sacred and inviolable? Can't the referee still say something if there is a problem? We must respect the referee, respect those referees who enforce the law fairly, not those who are wrong

The referee who made a mistake and missed a call!”

"I bet that if this matter is brought to a standstill between Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​then the Spanish Football Association will not dare to let out a fart, and will only find ways to reduce the sentence of the wealthy clubs. If a player from a wealthy club insults the referee, the Football Association said

They just disrespect the players, and then they’ll be suspended for two games and that’s it. Because the Football Association can’t afford to offend the wealthy clubs!”

The media in Valencia were like a bunch of mad dogs, besieging the Spanish Football Association.

The reaction of media in Valencia also inspired responses from media in other regions.

Spain is a very strange country. Although it is a unified country, nationalism is very strong in various places, and the various autonomous regions can explain the problem. There has always been a contradiction between the local and central governments in Spain.

This contradiction is even more obvious in football.

The feud between Barcelona and Real Madrid is typical.

The Valencian media directly pointed out that the Spanish Football Association was targeting them and listed examples of their usual bias towards Real Madrid, which immediately aroused the resonance of other local media.

Although they are equally dissatisfied with Valencia's unbeaten streak of 65 league games.

But they are also unhappy with the Spanish Football Federation's approach.

Therefore, media from all over the country expressed support for Valencia.

In this way, the attitude of the Spanish Football Federation is finally not as tough as before.

Under pressure from public opinion, the Spanish Football Federation announced its decision to punish the on-duty referee Andredo Garcia and the first assistant referee Hernandez Rodriguez.

Linesman Hernandez Rodriguez was suspended for two games, and referee Andredo Garcia was suspended for four games.

In the penalty announcement, the Spanish Football Federation admitted that the two referees made mistakes during the game. The goal scored by Real Betis was offside. This was a misjudgment.

And the Spanish Football Federation apologized to Valencia.

The media in Valencia cheered, thinking they were victorious.

But Chang Sheng doesn’t see it that way.

When he saw the result of this punishment, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The Spanish Football Federation thinks it can fool me by just banning a few games?

Are you really sending beggars away?


PS, this is the third update, please vote for me!!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to become a registered member of Piaotian Literature to recommend this work. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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