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Chapter 253 The first fight between the chairman and the coach (guarantee

Before causing trouble with Soler, Chang Sheng must first deal with the miserable player in front of him.

So he beat his chest and promised Reyes that he would never sell him.

"I hired you from Sevilla by name, Jose. I expect you to contribute your full strength on the pitch. How could I sell you?"

"Really? Coach? You really have no intention of selling me?"

Reyes's voice on the phone was full of relief and joy.

Chang Sheng hummed. "Of course, you are an important member of the team. I will never sell an important member of the team."

If Ibrahimovic, Mendieta, and Aimar heard what Chang Sheng said, they would be so angry that they would yell, "Only a ghost will believe you!"

But Reyes' trust in Chang Sheng is obviously extraordinary.

Before Mista came to the team, he was the team's most important player in winning history.

The tallest player.

Since Chang Sheng said he was an important member, he must be an important member.

The head coach didn't want to sell him, and the head coach didn't even know.

Reyes was relieved.

As long as the head coach doesn't sincerely want to sell him, that's fine.

Chang Sheng continued: "If it comes time to negotiate a contract with you, you know what to do, Jose?"

Reyes nodded: "I know, reject them!"

Chang Sheng smiled.

After taking care of Reyes, Chang Sheng thought for a while and then called Torla.

Since Soler is secretly selling his players, he should expose them himself.


The next day, the Provincial Newspaper published an eye-catching piece of news.

"Reyes is getting closer to Arsenal!"

The news tells Valencia fans in a surprised tone that they may lose Reyes this winter!

It is said that many clubs are competing for Valencia's current main right winger Reyes.

"... We have received information from well-informed sources that Valencia Club is negotiating with Arsenal Club about the intention to sell Reyes... It is said that the two clubs have almost reached an agreement. If nothing else, Reyes will be in

Move to Arsenal this winter!”

As the official mouthpiece of Valencia, "Provincial News" reports all the news about Valencia with a high degree of authenticity. Therefore, in the eyes of people who care about Valencia, the news of "Provincial News" is the most valuable.


I have to say that Soler's confidentiality work is really good.

When the "Provincial Newspaper" exposed this news, many people were surprised - Reyes performed very well in the team this season, and many people began to long for Reyes to be selected into the Spanish national team to form a team with Vicente.

Spanish "Wings of the Bat".

After contributing the main defensive midfielder combination to the Spanish national team, Valencia will contribute the winger combination again.

For such an outstanding young player, it is obvious that he should be kept and allowed to continue to grow.

How can there be any reason to sell it just after it was produced?

For a time, countless calls and questions flew to the Valencia Club.

Fans left messages on Valencia's official website asking why the Valencia club wanted to sell Reyes.

In addition, Chang Sheng also received many calls from reporters asking for interviews or asking about the situation.

Because everyone knows that Valencia's transfer power is controlled by Chang Sheng, this is what makes many people confused.

Chang Sheng has a very good relationship with Reyes, which is not news in Valencia. Although in the early years, when Chang Sheng was coaching Getafe, he asked his players to tackle Reyes' feet. But now

The two of them had already buried their hatchet, as if that incident had never happened at all.

Chang Sheng attaches great importance to Reyes, otherwise he would not have hired him from Sevilla when he was seventeen years old.

In the past few years, we have been carefully cultivating him and always giving him opportunities to play. Although most of them are substitutes, there are many opportunities to play, and the intention of training him to improve him is obvious.

How could he possibly sell Reyes because he valued Reyes so much because of his winning streak?

But if it wasn't Chang Sheng who sold Reyes, who would have done it?

In an interview with reporters, Chang Sheng claimed that he knew nothing about the matter, and he only found out that his favorite player was put on the transfer list after listening to reporters' reports.

"This is really ridiculous, how could I sell my own talent? Reyes is very important to the team, and I will not let him leave the team. I think I need to investigate this matter... Help me tell those who are interested in it

I will never sell Reyes to any team that is interested in Reyes, he is not for sale to the team. I don’t care what agreement you have reached in private, my players will never leave!"


Then everyone's investigation came out quickly.

It turned out to be Soler!

Chang Sheng just said that he would never let Reyes leave, and then news came out that the person who wanted to sell Reyes was the club president.

It's lively.

The club president and head coach are going to face off directly!

The relationship between Soler and Chang Sheng has never been harmonious, and everyone in the city of Valencia knows this.

Changsheng is classified as a member of the Oti sect.

However, since Soler came to power, it seems that the two people are getting along well and there has been no conflict.

Maybe Soler also realized that it is necessary for a team to have a good head coach, so he fired the club's general manager Pitacci and did not change the winning streak.

As long as Soler can live in peace with Chang Sheng, that will be Valencia's greatest luck.

Anyway, apart from Chang Sheng, who can predict the future, other Valencia fans still have high expectations and confidence in Soler.

The Soler family is a well-known supporter of Valencia in the local area. Soler is rich and loves the club. There is simply no better club president than him!

As for Chang Sheng, he is also the most suitable head coach for Valencia.

As long as these two people cooperate sincerely, they will surely make Valencia glorious for ten years!

Every Valencia fan has a similar vision.

But the reality is cruel. The two sides faced each other head-on so quickly.

Chang Sheng claimed that he was not aware of Reyes being placed on the transfer list, and he warned those who were interested in Reyes and the teams not to act rashly, as he would never let Reyes leave.

So how would Soler respond?

Soler's response was simple: "As the president of the club, I think I have this right. The club is in deep debt crisis, and each of us must find a way to help the club get out of the predicament."

Apparently, he believes that selling players is an effective way to solve the debt.

Chang Sheng sneered at this: "Any team that starts selling its main players is doomed to decline. I don't think Valencia has reached the point where it needs to sell its main players to survive. My transfer budget is not big every year.

I didn’t touch a penny from the team’s relegation for winning the league title, relegation for participating in the Champions League, and TV broadcast fees. They were all given to the club. Selling players is not what an ambitious chairman should do.”

He spoke mercilessly, pointing out that Soler lacked ambition.

Accusing the club president in person like this, without any consideration of saving any face for Soler, disappointed many people who still fantasized about the two people working together sincerely.

This is the naked reality.

It is absolutely impossible for Soler and Chang Sheng to shake hands!

Some media lamented: "This is really a strange thing. If the head coach has opinions or suggestions for the club chairman, shouldn't he call the chairman? And the club chairman wants to sell a player, or has some concerns about the team.

If he has any ideas, shouldn't he communicate with the head coach first? We haven't seen any of this in Valencia. The two people used the media to talk to each other from a distance as if they didn't know each other. If they sat down

If we talk face to face, maybe such a problem can be solved without even appearing in front of us. But obviously, neither of them has the intention to solve the problem in private... I think Valencia may play next season.

It will become difficult to fight because of this..."


Soler ignored Chang Sheng's declaration that he would not let Reyes go.

This is Spain, not England. Even if this is England, it doesn't matter. Legally speaking, the club president owns the club and has the right to fire anyone here.

Therefore, there is absolutely no problem for him to sell his players, and no one can stop him. Even if this person is the meritorious coach of the team, he has no power, and it is impossible to stop the chairman.

In fact, let alone selling a player, even if the entire club is to be sold, it is the chairman who has the final say.

So no matter how loud Chang Sheng shouted, Soler just responded with one sentence and remained silent.

He knew that there was no need for him to go out and start a quarrel with Chang Sheng. He was really no match for Chang Sheng.

But he can slap Chang Sheng in the face with practical actions.

Didn’t you say that the entire Valencia football team is your territory? Didn’t you say that no one can touch your people? Didn’t you say that Reyes is not for sale and cannot be sold?

Now, I will sell it to you!

So he continued to implement his plan in silence and low profile.

Soon Valencia and Arsenal reached an agreement on the transfer fee, and Soler sold Reyes for 18 million euros.

For a player who has only been on the main team for half a season, Soler thinks it's pretty good for him to be sold for so much money.

Arsenal were then notified that they could now negotiate a personal contract with Reyes.

Soler sneered and waited to see Chang Sheng make a fool of himself.

I wonder what his expression will be like when he sees Reyes wearing an Arsenal jersey... I really want to see it!


Before the sneer on Soler's face could dissipate, he saw the eye-catching headline of the next day's Provincial Newspaper.

"Reyes: I will not leave Valencia if I refuse to transfer to Arsenal!"

His sneer froze. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to become a registered member of Piaotian Literature to recommend this work. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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