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Chapter 22 Please call me the boss (111/136)


On the second day of the press conference, everyone in Rome was laughing at Lazio’s “mass wedding”-style new player meeting. [High-quality update.]

This press conference fully illustrates how poor Lazio has become...

Of course, Chang Sheng's explanation of Lazio's goals for the new season at the press conference also caused some controversy.

Almost everyone thinks that Chang Sheng is overly arrogant and is completely talking nonsense.

They do not believe that Lazio can qualify for next season's Champions League after the end of the season.

That's fourth in the league!

Lazio finished in the top four of the league last season, which happened in the 2002-2003 season. At that time, Cragnotti was still there, Lazio had many strong players in the team, and they were one of the "new seven sisters" of Serie A.

At that time, it was not difficult for Lazio to reach the top four in the league. Their goal was to compete for the league championship.

Now, just because Lazio has a consistent winner and bought a bunch of raw melon eggs, they dare to say that they want to be in the top four of the league...

Even though no one can deny the talent and potential of these players, they are still young after all, and they need time to discover their talent and potential.

If Chang Sheng said that his goal for the next season is to top four in the league, I'm afraid the ridicule would not be so loud.

In an interview with Lazio's official website, Chang Sheng explained why he set such a goal.

"A cowardly person will think that this goal is out of reach, and it would be foolish for Lazio to pursue such a goal. But in fact, if you don't even have the courage to pursue such a goal, I think Lazio might as well disband.

Competing for the top four in the league is easier than competing for the league championship. If you don't even dare to think about this goal, how can you really compete for the league championship in the future? Those who laugh at us are poor people without dreams. I have

, so I successfully promoted Getafe. I brought a treble and a dynasty to Valencia. Now, it’s Lazio’s turn. I still have dreams, and my team also has dreams. I have a deep understanding of our opponents.

They are all gutless rats who are very happy. It is easier to crush a mouse than an elephant, so I must thank them. They set off our greatness!"

With these words, everyone who laughed at them scolded them.

But this is the winning style.

After scolding people, Chang Sheng also entered the holiday.

His team had already completed the preparation work that needed to be done in the second half of last season.

After a busy few months, it’s time to take a good rest, recuperate and start again.

※ ※ ※

Since the relationship between Chang Sheng and Avril Lavigne has been completely made public, there is no need to be evasive. So Chang Sheng flew directly to Los Angeles in the United States during the holidays.

I had a great time playing with Avril for more than a week.

The interesting news during this holiday is that American media broke the news that Avril Lavigne bought three boxes of condoms in the supermarket!

This news further stimulated the nerves of Avril Lavigne fans.

But Avril Lavigne, who is passionately in love, doesn't care, and she has no intention of hiding it in front of the media.

Two people who usually spend less time together and more apart from each other naturally have to seize all the time to be affectionate.

After spending a crazy vacation in Los Angeles with Avril, Chang Sheng returned to Rome.

At the airport, he told the reporters who came to report on his return to Rome: "The new season is about to start, and I feel like I am fully charged!"

The reporters complained in their hearts: "Still charging? How many times have you discharged the battery during this holiday? It should be Avril Lavigne who is fully charged..."

However, the reporters did not dare to speak out their inner complaints. They had to use their cameras and microphones to focus on Chang Sheng: "Excuse me, Mr. Chang. What are your prospects for the new season? Well, I'm not talking about season goals or anything like that..."

Chang Sheng pointed at the camera: "Tell them, Chang Sheng is back!"

※ ※ ※

Starting from the 8th, Lazio players have returned to the Formello training base one after another, and they have ended their vacations one after another.

The first thing every player does after returning to the team is to undergo a physical examination.

Lazio does not have a dedicated team doctor, but there are two medical consultants from San Lorenzo Hospital.

When Lotito first came to the team, he made many moves in order to reduce expenses and get the club out of financial crisis.

Just a few days after arriving at the club, he started taking action.

From the management to the team itself, from the administrative department to the warehouse keeper, Lotito wanted to make the best use of everything. He even let some people hold multiple jobs. Non-essential departments, such as chefs, secretaries, general staff, etc., all had their salaries reduced. Just

Even General Manager Demita almost gave up his job and left - he took less than a chicken and did more than an ox. Such a life is really not what a person should live!

In order to save money, Lotito did everything he could.

Salary cuts for players and coaching staff are inevitable.

He even fired the club's team doctor Camby in an ingenious way because he felt that there are so many hospitals in Rome and ordinary people can go to the hospital for treatment when they are sick. Why do our players have to be equipped with a team doctor when they have injuries? He thinks

If there are injuries among the players, they can directly contact hospitals and clinics, and they can also treat their players. In this way, Lotito will reduce the cost of paying medical staff from the previous half million euros to...

…zero euros.

Lotito has also made drastic cuts in the arrangement of security personnel at the Olympic Stadium, from the original 300 to the current 100. People are even worried that the reduction of police will increase the risk of security at the stadium.

Maybe this money is not saved in the right place.

Lotito's stinginess in dealing with the media is also evident. Judging from the ticket collection of the game, we can know that the Lazio club has experienced significant layoffs. It turns out that reporters from TV stations, newspapers, radio stations and the Internet can

Divided into three teams to collect tickets, now you can only squeeze into one window... It's like losing bank services. Although there are many windows, you can only squeeze in at a few windows with other people to handle business.

Without a team doctor, winning can only be achieved by being particular about it.

Anyway, the hospital can do physical examinations. The most important thing is that he has Elias Dominic. He will follow up on each player's physical examination report, draw the most detailed data and conclusions, and then make targeted decisions.

Physical training program.

This is something that winning teams are already very familiar with. They did it in Valencia and Rome.

The same is true at Lazio.

※ ※ ※

Chang Sheng was satisfied with the results of the physical examination. Except for a few players who showed signs of physical decline, most of them were strict with themselves and did not really eat too much during the holidays.

From now on, Lazio's summer training camp officially begins.

Of course, before training officially begins, Chang Sheng needs to meet his players and introduce himself.

Although he is actually quite famous in world football and does not need to introduce himself, everyone knows who he is.

But Chang Sheng believes that this is his tradition. Every time he goes to a team, he will solemnly introduce himself, even if everyone actually knows him.

He felt that only this could be regarded as the beginning of a new cycle.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Chang Sheng. I will be your head coach from now on. You will train and compete under me. I hope you understand my style. The football I pursue is not good-looking football, nor is it good football.

Fun football, but winning football. My team must try their best to win, even if they die!"

Chang Sheng looked at the players in front of him with his head held high.

He has such arrogance now.

Because he is the youngest championship coach in the history of the Champions League!

His coaching experience has been accompanied by victories and championships from the beginning. He won a championship every season in Getafe and Valencia.

"Perhaps you won't be too used to this style at first, but I believe that when you get in-depth contact, you will like it and gradually get used to it. Because...victory is a drug that makes people addicted! That feeling is really

It will make you addicted!"

"In order to win, you have to train hard. My training intensity is the most intense in Italy, and those cowards in Rome couldn't stand it, so they drove me away. Now I hope you can prove that you are much stronger than the cowards in Rome! I don't care

Which team did you play for before? From now on, say goodbye to those leisurely days. But I believe you won’t mind if you exchange your sweat for championship glory, right?"

Finally, Chang Sheng repeated: "One last time, my name is Chang Sheng, and I am your head coach. You can call me 'boss'. I like this title. It is simple and easy to understand. I am your boss. As the boss, I

I have the responsibility and obligation to lead you to pursue victory and enjoy glory. You will know clearly that when you chose to join Lazio, it was the most correct decision you made in your life!"

※ ※ ※

The team's training has officially begun.

When each player received a completely different physical training plan one day later, they discovered that this Lazio was really different.

Everyone’s training plan is different, and they have different requirements based on their different physical conditions. For example, for players with a high fat content, the training plan during this period is mainly to lose weight and reduce fat. And those with excellent physical fitness but weak explosive power

The player, Elias Dominic, will mainly train their muscle explosive power. For players who are fast and have excellent explosive power, but are weak in physical fitness, their training plan will allow them to enhance their endurance.

Each player has a focus that corresponds to their characteristics.

This made the players lament that Lazio's training plan is very scientific.

Even those players who stayed in Lazio did not expect that the winning coaching team would be of such a level - compared with the training plan of the new physical coach, their previous physical training plan was simply amateurish and terrible...

Just looking at this training plan makes people full of confidence in their future at Lazio.

This chapter has been completed!
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