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Chapter 189 What I said

When Chang Sheng returned to Rome with Lazio, the latest news from Inter Milan was that Moratti agreed to Mancini's request to leave the team after the end of the season.

Inter Milan will then search for a new coach.

But they already have ready candidates.

This person is the Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho who is idle at home after resigning from Chelsea.

The history is slightly different from what Chang Sheng knows.

In the time and space before the winning streak, Mourinho was dismissed by Abramovich because he was unable to lead the team to a breakthrough in the Champions League.

In this time and space, Mourinho's position at Chelsea is very stable because he has won a Champions League championship, but he still left the team because he felt that he could no longer continue with Abramovich.

Cooperation. Two people with strong personalities and a strong desire to control cannot coexist together.

In addition, after he led Chelsea to win the Champions League, the team also entered a period of decline, so he chose to leave.

In this way, he preserved his reputation and left a perfect image for Chelsea fans, so that Chelsea fans will continue to miss him after he leaves.

This is where Mourinho is smart.

Not long after Mourinho was dismissed from Chelsea, news spread that many clubs were looking for him. Inter Milan was among them.

However, Mourinho did not agree to any of the club's requests and he continued to be idle at home.

Some people say that he almost went to Barcelona, ​​but then a "disc scandal" came out, which caused Mourinho and the Barcelona club to completely become enemies.

So Mourinho has been resting at home.

Now that Inter Milan's head coach Mancini will resign at the end of the season, who will be Inter Milan's new coach?

Mourinho became the favorite.

Chang Sheng feels that if nothing unexpected happens, Mourinho will definitely return to Inter Milan in the end.

When the time comes, I will compete with this famous coach from that time and space in Serie A.

He was quite looking forward to it...


In the 32nd round of the league, Lazio defeated Parma 2:0 away from home, while Inter Milan shook hands with Atalanta 0:0 away from home.

The point difference between the two sides widened from eight points to ten points.

Inter Milan was obviously affected by Mancini's words. They were not active in running in this game and looked listless.

There is absolutely no intention of working hard to win.

After the game, Mancini didn't say anything to demoralize the players. On the contrary, he was quite tough.

"There are still six rounds of the league. A difference of ten points is not a big deal... We will still go all out!"

After the game, a TV host complained about him: "If you had said this one round earlier, the effect would have been completely different! Say it now...it's too late!"

It's indeed too late. Inter Milan's morale has hit rock bottom. They should be thankful to God if they can keep second place in the league. Now that Mancini says this, not only does it not improve the morale, but it makes the players' morale even lower. Because they

I feel that my head coach is a little confused about the situation and he is already ten points behind. You still say that we still have a chance?! Don’t treat us like kids who don’t understand anything!

I'm afraid Mancini didn't expect that he would not be able to surrender, nor would he not surrender...

Anyway, this experience of coaching Inter Milan was very frustrating for him.


Inter Milan has completely collapsed. The most unhappy person now is not the fans of Inter Milan, but Breno Pacheco, a reporter from "Gazzetta dello Sport" who is an AC Milan supporter.

If Lazio really wins three consecutive league titles, they will really become a dynasty. Even if this dynasty collapses this summer, then they have really existed.

In all his previous articles, he swore that Lazio could not become a dynasty and they would collapse in the last half of this season!

As a result, Lazio not only did not collapse, but actually performed better after experiencing the crisis!

He reported so many news about the inner thoughts of Lazio dressing room, but he did not see any real thoughts among Lazio players...

Lazio is now making rapid progress in the league and is also expected to reach the semi-finals in the Champions League.

If this is called a collapse, then I am afraid that all Italian clubs will collapse...

The facts are developing in the completely opposite direction to what Pacheco originally predicted.

He was slapped by reality.

Pacheco is now puzzled to understand why none of the Lazio players jumped out to make trouble with Chang Sheng. There was Nocerino before, but he soon fell silent.

If the players are afraid to come forward because of the intimidation of Chang Sheng, then why are the players’ agents also silent?

Aren't they profit-seeking creatures? There is no profit in Lazio, so why haven't they acted yet?

Pacheco was unwilling to give in. He did not believe that his offensive would be resolved so easily.

He still wants to dig out more inside stories, and he must make Chang Sheng and his team unlucky!


Before Arsenal challenged Lazio away from home, Wenger talked about this game in an interview with a media.

"This is a battle of life and death. We have to go all out. It is not easy to play at the home of an Italian team but we eliminated AC Milan 2:0 at the San Siro this season. I think this may give us

Bring some good luck..."

Henry, the legendary Arsenal captain who has moved to Barcelona, ​​was also in Barcelona cheering for his former teammates.

"Lazio is good at passing the ball. We have to start by cutting off their passes and do everything possible to force them to pass the ball away..."

On Lazio's side, Chang Sheng remained silent until the start of the game.

Half an hour before the start of the game, the players who had finished warming up returned to the locker room. After a short break, they will return to the court to start the game.

The lights in the locker room were turned off today, and the penalty shootout from last year's quarter-finals was being played on the TV in the locker room.

"Jose Passarella was the last Lazio player to take a penalty kick in this game. He stood in front of the penalty spot..." the voice of the Italian TV commentator echoed in the locker room.

At first, everyone was quite confused before the game started. Why did the boss show us this video? Isn't this very unlucky?

But when they started watching, they gradually fell into it. The valve of memories opened, and all the memories about that game flooded in, drowning them.

They recalled that game.

When they set foot on the Allianz Arena, no one believed that they could make a difference. It was a win-win situation. Their boss told them before the game: "When the whole world doesn't believe in you, you can create a miracle and stay famous." The time of Qingshi!"

So they gave Bayern Munich a showdown at the beginning of the game.

That was a classic showdown.

Lazio and Bayern Munich both tried their best. In the end, they successfully dragged the game into a penalty shootout.

The young Lazio also withstood the pressure. In the brutal penalty shootout, they made four out of four free throws and fought fiercely with the Germans, who are known for their tenacity, until the final round.

If Jose Passarella hadn't slipped...

On the TV screen, Jose Passarella started to run.

Some people simply closed their eyes, because they already knew what would happen next, and they really didn't want to watch this sad scene again.

Chang Shengzuozi was next to the TV, where the light of the fluorescent screen could not reach. He observed everyone in the dark. He noticed that some people had closed their eyes, but he also noticed that Jose Passarella was there. At this moment, his eyes were wide open, staring at the TV screen.

In the end, of course there was no suspense, Jose Passarella kicked the penalty kick into the sky.

"Oh...oh! This is...so dramatic! Jose Passarella, who has the best psychological quality in the Lazio team, kicked the penalty kick..." On the TV, even the commentator The sounds seemed incredible.

None of these players have watched the live broadcast of this game. They are participants on the court. How could they watch the game in front of the TV? Even those who did not play in the game were on the bench, and those who did not even make the roster The players who entered also followed the team to the Allianz Arena. They sat in the stands and cheered for the team. Chang Sheng took the whole team to the away game. This is his habit. In every away game in the Champions League knockout rounds, he will Taking all the players to the away game means that everyone has to be united, regardless of the players who can play or those who can't.

Today is the first time they heard the commentary version.

The commentator's voice was incredible, but actually their feelings at the beginning were also incredible...

The narrator's unbelievable voice gradually disappeared, and the screen slowly dimmed. Finally, everything became calm.

Chang Sheng did not turn on the light immediately, but continued to sit in the darkness. He said:

"Lazio is not a team that is good at playing in the Champions League. It never has been. Lazio's best result in the Champions League was the quarterfinals. Last year, we were eliminated by Bayern Munich on penalty kicks in the eight-to-four match. I still remember that game. Everyone still remembers that we were tied 2:2 by the opponent at home, and we gave them a 2:2 away game! But in the end..." Chang Sheng said impassionedly before, but here his voice suddenly became deeper.

The players' mood also changed with his tone.

When he said, "We went to the away game and we gave them a score of 2:2!", everyone was excited. When he said, "But in the end...", everyone's mood also dropped.

"We lost that game at the end, remember what I told you? We're going to come back! Yes, we're going to come back! And we came back so quickly! No one expected it, right? Then surprise them ! With one win, guys, you will create the best Champions League record in the history of the Lazio club! But we will not stop there, because our goal is the championship!"


ps, please give me a monthly ticket so I can have more outbursts!

This chapter has been completed!
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