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Chapter 82 Parents are in a hurry (guarantee

As soon as the training was over, Chang Sheng left the training ground in a hurry, not even staying to say a few words to the players or telling his colleagues some precautions.

Seeing his hurried away figure, everyone felt strange.

Someone said for Rudy Gonzalez: "Do you know what happened to Chang?"

As expected of Chang Sheng's good friend, Rudy is the one who knows Chang Sheng best in this team and knows very well about Chang Sheng.

"Going to pick up his parents, who are coming to Rome today."

"From China?"

Rudy nodded: "Yes, there are two old people who have never been out of China and can't even speak a word of English, let alone Italian. He has to pick them up."

A group of people suddenly realized.


Chang Sheng was lucky. When he arrived at the airport, the flight from Beijing had already landed.

Chang Sheng put on his sunglasses, then unfolded the cardboard he brought and held it high.

All that's left is to wait for his parents to find him.

He is a celebrity, so he has to use this method.

He and his wife could only do this. If they were too proactive, they would run the risk of being discovered. They would not be picking up people, but would be watched.

After waiting for about half an hour, Chang Sheng finally saw his parents.

As soon as she saw her son, her mother started nagging: "The airport in Rome is so big that we almost got lost... and there was no sign in Chinese. They were all in Italian and English... completely incomprehensible."

We followed their flow..."

Chang Sheng took the suitcase from his mother's hand, then took the backpack that his mother was carrying and put it on his back.

Compared with the fashionable travelers around them, the two old people looked a little rustic. They had full bags and small bags. They looked more like they came by train than by plane.

But Chang Sheng did not make fun of his parents.

He doesn't think there's anything shameful about his parents being rustic.

He abandoned his mother's backpack, picked up his mother's suitcase, held his mother with the other hand, greeted his father, and then walked toward the parking lot together.

These are his parents. Chang Sheng doesn't think there's anything wrong with how they dress and act.

Even if they had to take off their shoes and wash their feet in the fountain in the Plaza de España, Chang Sheng thought it was quite normal - indeed quite normal. In Europe and the United States, it is very common for tourists to wash their feet in the fountain, and no one would make a fuss or scold them.

They are of low quality...


After loading everything into the trunk of the car, Chang Sheng drove the car and drove his parents home.

The parents were sitting in the back row, turning to look out the window, a little curious and excited.

After all, this is their first time going abroad in their lives.

Although you can see everything in foreign countries on TV, the feeling is still different between watching it through a TV screen and being there in person.

Chang Sheng introduced them to them while driving.

This is the Vatican church, this is the famous Roman Colosseum...

At the beginning, my parents were quite interested and asked some questions about these places.

But later, Chang Sheng, the temporary tour guide, was laid off.

Because parents have lost interest in famous or unfamous historical places outside, and they care more about their living sons than those dead scenery.

At first it was just ordinary concern.

For example, are you used to living in Rome? What's the climate like here in Rome? Do you and Avril usually eat out in restaurants, cook by yourself, or hire a nanny?

As I asked, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

The real-life mother mentioned that Lao Wang’s family next door had a grandson some time ago. The child was very well-behaved and always smiled when he saw others.

Chang Sheng didn't know how to answer the question, so he could only laugh twice.

Then my mother talked about how the old Li family downstairs also had a granddaughter, who was treated like a treasure to the whole family.

Chang Sheng suddenly realized that maybe his mother was not just chatting, but was very targeted...

Sure enough, in the next sentence, his mother asked him: "Where are you and Avril, Shitou?"

Chang Sheng's hand shook and he almost drove the car into the opposite lane...




Chang Sheng had never considered this issue before.

After he got married to Avril Lavigne, the two of them lived a very happy life. They would go out to play when they had nothing to do, one day in Canada and the next day in Madagascar.

I live a free and easy life, I can spend the money I earn as I wish, and there is no financial pressure.

Coupled with Avril's vision and the special nature of her winning career, they really didn't feel the need to have children.

Therefore, when Chang Sheng and Avril Lavigne have sex, they must take contraceptive measures, either he wears a condom or Avril Lavigne takes birth control pills.

Anyway, they don't think they should have a child now at all.

Maybe I will want it later, but not now.

Unexpectedly, Chang Sheng was not anxious, but his parents were.

"Uh..." Chang Sheng, who was driving, could only tell the truth, "We don't have such a plan yet... Mom."

"No plans yet?" When ** heard her son say this, her voice rose an octave. "You are already thirty-seven, right..."

"It's thirty-six, Mom."

"We are all in vain. You are already thirty-seven, Shitou. In our compound, for people of your age, the children are all running around the streets. Don't you have any plans yet?"

Chang Sheng knows that his parents like to study this issue when they are old and retired, so he prefers to remain silent.

In fact, he never felt that he was thirty-seven...no, thirty-six.

If his mother hadn't reminded him, he would have thought he was only twenty-six years old...

Because his mental age has always been calculated from 1982.

He was born in this year before time travel, and he is exactly twenty-six years old now.

If you are twenty-six years old...it is indeed too early to have a child. You can still have fun and indulge.

Generally, it is not too late for men to have children until they are thirty years old.

Avril is only twenty-four years old, which is still early.

Seeing that Chang Sheng stopped talking, the boss did not just let Chang Sheng go. Instead, he continued to lecture his son in the back seat.

"Your father and I are both retired and old. If you don't have a baby, we really won't be able to help you take care of your child..."

Chang Sheng said in his heart: I don't plan to ask you to help me take care of the children... I have a nanny...

"And we are envious when we see other people holding their grandchildren. You are now a big star, a big shot, and you have made a lot of money. But no matter how much money you make, it doesn't matter to us. We just want to hold our grandchildren now..."

Chang Sheng remained silent and listened quietly to his mother's nagging.

In fact, he understands his parents' traditional thinking very well.

After all, he has lived two lives. If he still doesn't understand such a simple truth, then his two lives will really be in vain.

The elderly, especially after retirement at home, have a mental blank period. At this time, their focus will shift from work to life.

As people get older, they pay special attention to traditional things.

Carrying on the family line from generation to generation is naturally a traditional tradition.

Isn’t there a saying in China that “the three most unfilial things are not having offspring”?

Seeing other people's grandchildren running all over the floor, but there is no reaction from their own side, it's no wonder they are anxious.

What's more, I am making a lot of money now. If every child is born, who will get this money in the future?

Someone has to inherit it, right?

So it's easy for parents to wish that they could have a grandchild.

And what about young people? They feel that the world between two people is free and enjoyable, so why do they need to have a child to tie them down all day long?

When you have a child, the focus of your life becomes him or her, and the whole family revolves around him or her.

Moreover, Chang Sheng feels that raising children is very troublesome and there are so many things to consider. As long as you have children, you will have endless worries from now on.

In addition, children like to cry, and Chang Sheng feels that he may not have the patience to comfort him. He is actually very annoyed by those naughty children. So why should he torture himself by giving birth to a naughty child?

However, parents’ expectations are also very realistic.

I am already thirty-six, which means I am actually thirty-seven. I will be forty in three years...

A man's sexual vitality will weaken with age. The older he gets, if he can't have a baby even if he wants to, what should he do?

The expectations of his parents and the pressure of reality made Chang Sheng feel that this matter was quite a headache.

He can solve problems such as how to defeat strong opponents. In football, he is omnipotent. No one can stop him and no problem can stump him.

But there was really nothing he could do on this issue.

If those head coaches knew that the problem that could prevent them from winning often was this, I don't know what they would think - those head coaches are older, they have already married, and their children are not young.

And since most of his wives are ordinary people, there is no such worry as Avril. Giving birth to a child is quite normal.

When we get to Changsheng, it becomes like a family mystery drama.


Along the way, my mother was basically nagging, my father was silent, and Chang Sheng listened quietly.

Finally, home.

Mom also stopped nagging.

Avril Lavigne has been waiting at the door for a long time.

This quirky and rebellious girl in the eyes of music fans and a big-name star in the eyes of the media is now welcoming her parents who are often victorious without any pretense, and she looks very well-behaved.

She greeted Chang Sheng's parents in simple Chinese, and then took a suitcase from Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng introduced the two-story villa he bought to his parents.

The parents' attention was attracted by the house and they looked at it carefully.

"Isn't such a big house cheap?" Mom asked.

Chang Sheng smiled: "It's not expensive, just over two million."

When ** heard the price, her eyes widened.

More than two million, just pay it back?

More than two million euros, that is more than 20 million yuan!

This is definitely not a small amount of money worth mentioning.

After briefly introducing the layout of the front and back of the house, Chang Sheng asked the two elders to walk in front, and a group of four people walked from the garage to the house.

On the way, Chang Sheng deliberately dragged himself to the end, and then winked at Avril.

As a couple, there is such a tacit understanding.

Avril immediately realized that Chang Sheng had something to say to her, so she kept her pace.

She heard Chang Sheng whisper in her ear: "Mom, they are in a hurry to have a grandson..." (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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