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Chapter 61 The Girl in the Bar (Coming Soon)

Chang Sheng did not choose to play in the bars of Getafe.

If you want to have fun, of course you have to go to a prosperous place.

Compared with the city of Madrid, Getafe looks like a rural place.

There are many bars all over Spain.

Different from what ordinary people understand, bars in Spain are more like restaurants. They not only provide drinks, but also provide lunch and dinner services. Therefore, they are almost an important place in Spanish life and can be regarded as a second home.

Some Spaniards spend their leisure time sitting in a bar. A beer, a cup of coffee or a cup of tea can kill a lot of their time.

But this is not a bar that Chang Sheng goes to, it is closer to the lives of ordinary Spanish people.

But it is not suitable for Chang Sheng, a person who wants to vent his stress.

From the moment he entered the youth team, pressure began to accompany him, and it accumulated day by day. His confrontation with Gorka made him feel tremendous pressure.

Later, after he got on track coaching the youth team, the pressure was slightly lighter.

When he became the head coach of the first team, the pressure was even greater than when he was in the youth team.

Although his career in the first team lasted only two short months, it felt as if he had experienced a whole season.

The pressure to avoid relegation is often even greater and crazier at the end of the season.

It was like he had shouldered all the pressure accumulated by his predecessor on his own.

Chang Sheng is a human being, not a superman, so he needs to vent when he is stressed.

It's just that when he was in the team, he couldn't vent it heartily. Because he couldn't let his colleagues, players, and his first people see his weak side. He wanted to show everyone a "not afraid"

Any pressure and challenge" image, so that they will have confidence in themselves, and those guys with ulterior motives will not have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Facts proved that he was right to do so.

He used a series of tough measures to declare his authority and suppress all the disharmony within the team.

If he can't suppress it, then he will die without a burial place...The enemies will eat his body without hesitation, chewing him until no bones are left.

Although he has made it through now, the pressure has not been completely eliminated.

Therefore, he had to go to a place where he could vent his stress.

That kind of cozy tavern is not suitable.

He's going crazy.

So he ended up going to a very young and modern disco bar.

There is no formal meal provided there, only some appetizers and various spirits. There is a huge dance floor where young people can dance to their heart's content.

Of course no one would be stupid enough to come here for dinner...

Here are all rebellious young people, young people who like to have fun. They wear revealing clothes and have colorful hair. After drinking too much, they dance in a drunken manner on the dance floor.

Chang Sheng was sitting in a booth next to the dance floor. The table was filled with wine bottles - all of which he ordered. Since he wanted to indulge and completely relieve stress, he naturally wanted to be a little crazy. He was holding a glass of beer.

If you want to drink for a long time, go to those taverns...

Chang Sheng has already drank one third of it.

He didn't go to the dance floor to dance, he just drank and drank. No one around him dared to sit where she was. At first, a few scantily clad women came here to strike up a conversation, but they were all frightened by Chang Sheng's drunkenness.


People who didn't know it thought they were going to drink themselves to death in the bar.

In fact, Chang Sheng is seeking to be drunk.

Get drunk and then return home in fine clothes the next day!

At this moment, he heard a noise coming from behind him.

A clear, childish voice shouted: "Son of a bitch!"

Then the voice was drowned in a storm of yelling.

Then there was the sound of bodies colliding, and Chang Sheng seemed to hear a crisp sound - it should have been a slap on someone's face.

But he didn't look back.

This kind of thing has happened twice in the hour he has been sitting here. Everyone drank too much and was in high spirits. They had an argument and then finally started a fight. It was completely normal.

It had nothing to do with him anyway, he was too lazy to mind his own business. Even though the noise of the fight was getting louder and louder, it was getting closer and closer to him.

He continued to drink, and when he picked up a bottle and was about to blow it, a girl suddenly fell down in front of his booth.

At the same time, several men and women walked out from the crowd, all dressed in a non-mainstream style.

One of the girls' fair face can still see a slap mark even under the dim light...

The girl who was beaten glared at the girl sitting on the ground fiercely: "Damn it, little bitch! You have to pay for this!" She roared, as if she was afraid that the people around her wouldn't see her being beaten.

It was like a slap in the face, and she pointed at her face when she did it.

So everyone saw the red slap mark...

The girl who fell to the ground slowly got up from the ground and said disdainfully: "If you can't beat me, call someone else. If you don't have the guts, don't show off to me! You son of a bitch!"

Chang Sheng's eyes lit up - it was that clear and childish voice.

Although the other person's back was turned to him, he couldn't tell what she looked like.

But the voice is quite nice, and the sweet voice has a unique flavor when it comes to swearing.

Even the reddish-yellow hair on her head looks very unconventional.

The other party screamed in excitement at her words, and rushed forward again, trying to push the girl to the ground.

However, she was pushed back to the ground by the tough girl, and then the two girls started fighting on the ground. They grabbed their hair, tore their clothes, screamed and cursed, attracting countless onlookers.

Seeing that their companion did not have the upper hand, the two boys behind him rushed forward, trying to help their companion who was being beaten by the girl with red and yellow hair.

One of them had grabbed the girl's hair and was trying to drag her up, while the other wanted to slap her.

But at this moment, he was kicked to the ground from behind by someone.

"When two girls fight, it's a fair duel. If you two go there, it's a foul."

Chang Sheng retracted his legs and stood in front of the boy who was still holding the girl's hair.

"Let go of your hand, little bastard." He stared at the other person coldly and said, and moved his neck.

Then there was a bang, and something exploded next to his face, and he felt as if his cheek had been scratched.

Looking back, I saw another non-mainstream girl holding a wine bottle with only the neck left in her hand.

The remaining part was shattered on his shoulders.

The other party didn't expect that he actually missed and hit his shoulder instead of his head.

I was a little stunned for a while.

Only then did Chang Sheng feel the pain in his shoulder. He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think I don't dare to fucking beat up a woman..."

At this moment, the boy who was kicked over by Chang Sheng also got up, roared and rushed over, dragging Chang Sheng down.

At the same time, the girl who was grabbed by the hair took advantage of everyone's daze to break free from the other person's hand, and then threw herself at the girl on the ground.

The melee begins...


When the security guard came over, the red-and-yellow-haired girl was riding on the girl who had been slapped and continued to slap her. The other girl could only protect her face with both hands, kept turning her head to dodge, and shouted various words.

A kind of scream that makes people want to twist their minds.

However, Chang Sheng was not at a disadvantage in a one-on-one fight. He just kicked a boy over and planned to punch another boy in the stomach.

Then the security guard rushed over and shouted: "Stop it! Stop it!"

When she heard that the savior was coming, the girl who was being beaten shouted: "Stop! Stop!"

The girl with reddish-yellow hair was obedient and stopped.

The girl quickly let go of her hands in front of her face, but at this moment, the superior person spat on her face that was caught off guard... and she screamed hysterically again.

Amidst the screams, Chang Sheng also raised his hands to indicate that he had indeed stopped, but at the same time, he kicked the boy's calf, almost knocking him to his knees.

Seeing that he was shouting to stop, these two people actually started to fight. The security guard shouted angrily: "I told you to stop!"

Chang Sheng raised his arms, just like a player expressing his innocence to the referee on the court: "I didn't use my hands."

The girl with reddish-yellow hair looked at Chang Sheng with interest, then stood up from the screaming girl and said, "I use my mouth."

"What the hell! Don't play such word games in front of me!" the security guard was furious.

But the girl raised her middle finger at him with disdain: "You can throw us out if you can, idiot!"


"Go away! You are not welcome here!"

The door of the bar was opened, and Chang Sheng and the girl were pushed out by two tall security guards and fell onto the sidewalk outside, startling the passers-by outside.

The girl was lying on the ground and spitting at the bar door: "Bah! Who cares?"

Chang Sheng wanted to sit up, but his injured left shoulder couldn't use any strength. In the end, he could only use his right hand to support his body and sit up, and then cursed in a low voice: "Fuck..."

Being experienced in street fighting, he could actually handle this kind of scene easily. The most serious injury on his body was probably his left shoulder, which was hit by the girl with a wine bottle in a sneak attack.

Fortunately, the girl used beer. If it had been replaced by a whiskey bottle, the injury might not have been so minor...

What made him unhappy was that he didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but he did anyway in the end and got himself into trouble.

At that time, he just took action because he couldn't stand a group of people bullying a little girl. Unexpectedly, the fight escalated and the security guards were called in.

Of course, he was actually high too...

But being kicked out in despair still doesn't fit with his aesthetics...

This reminded him of his experiences at Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid.

The girl next to her finally stopped scolding. She turned around to look at Chang Sheng and said in an old-fashioned way: "Thank you, uncle!"

The dust on the hot pants that cover the buttocks.

"Not that old!" Chang Sheng got angry when he heard this title. "Don't call me uncle!" He also stood up from the ground.

The girl spoke English, and what made Chang Sheng a little strange was that he understood and could speak it. He used to have to pull out a lot of hair to take the CET-4 or CET-6 test, so it seems that this was left to him by his brother

One of the "legacies"... Anyway, he has been to many places, so it doesn't matter if he knows some messy languages.

"But you look very old, uncle!" Every word the girl said was like a knife cutting into Chang Sheng's heart.

He is just leading the team to train every day. He is exposed to wind, sun and rain, and his skin does not look good, is it a little dark? But can you blame him? The Spanish sun is too damn poisonous...

"Damn it, I'm only twenty-eight years old!" Chang Sheng's tone was very bad and he even used foul language.

But the other party didn't mind it, and seemed to be used to it.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then he is also an uncle to me!"

Only then did Chang Sheng look up and down at the girl he had drawn his sword to help.

He could see a little more clearly through the neon lights on the bar sign and the street lights in the distance.

The girl in front of him has a face with delicate features, thin eyebrows, and a pair of big eyes with thick dark circles. It's not clear whether she was beaten just now or she didn't sleep well. The bridge of her nose is straight and straight. The most distinctive thing is

When the lips are pursed, the corners of the mouth naturally turn up, as if they are mocking something with disdain.

However, the color of the skin on his face was basically invisible because he had just had a fight and his face was dirty.

Her blond hair was dyed red, and now it was as messy as a chicken coop.

The upper body is a white T-shirt that has been almost torn into rags. A black tight-fitting vest and a flat chest can be vaguely seen.

There was a black tie hanging around his neck, which looked nondescript.

The lower body is a pair of denim hot pants that just cover her buttocks. When I saw these shorts, Changsheng's first reaction was "a short skirt"...but these pants are not that exaggerated.

Further down are the bare thighs and calves, wearing a pair of Converse canvas shoes, and two black and white striped socks just peeking out from the shoes.


When he often wins over a large number of girls, the girls are also sizing him up.

What surprised her was that the person who helped him turned out to be an Oriental.

She has yellow skin and black hair, and is not too tall, but it is just right for her because she is not tall either.

Wearing an ordinary, simple T-shirt, simple jeans, and a pair of sneakers, he looks nothing special.

If this person and she met in a crowd, she would definitely not leave any impression on him.

But things are different now.

They were comrades fighting side by side, and when they faced an unfavorable situation, it was this person who took the initiative to stand up and help him.

To be honest, although she was very tough at that time, she felt a little unsure. After all, the other party had a large number of people, and she was only one person...

Unexpectedly, at this moment, this man stood up and kicked one of the men away, saving her.

For this reason, she must firmly remember his face, no matter how ordinary it was, it was no longer ordinary to her.


After sizing each other up, Chang Sheng asked: "How old are you?"

"It's very impolite to ask a lady her age, uncle." The girl wrinkled her little nose.

Chang Sheng didn't care about that: "Are you a lady?" He squinted at the other party.

"Okay, fifteen years old." The girl rolled her eyes.

Chang Sheng was surprised. He guessed that the girl in front of him would be very young, but he never thought that she would be so young... Fifteen years old! She must be underage!

"Can minors go into bars?" he asked. According to Spanish regulations, minors are not allowed to go to bars.

"I look like I'm underage?" The girl opened her arms in front of him and spun around in a circle.

Chang Sheng had to admit: "I really can't tell."

The girl is quite proud.

It looks good when you smile.

Chang Sheng was slightly absent-minded.

Even with her makeup and clothes, she looks like a twenty-year-old girl. Only when she smiles can people see the innocent side of a fifteen-year-old girl.


{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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