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Chapter 141: New Ideas (May 5624)

After the game, Chang Sheng asked the reporters at the press conference: "I know you are stubborn, but I can tell you now that this is not an accident. You will see David Silva today often in the future.

"Of course, you can continue to be tough, and I won't mind slapping you in the face when the time comes."

That night, the Italian media reported on the match, and David Silva's performance was also a key topic of discussion.

Is this a coincidence or inevitable?

The Italian media began to debate again.

Chang Sheng has no interest in this kind of war of words at all. No matter what they say, it is impossible for a group of guys to talk on paper and change David Silva's transformation.

This game boosted his confidence.

He knows that David Silva has adapted to this new position and new style of playing.

The next step is to use more games to accumulate experience. He needs to face different opponents in this position and find ways to deal with them, so as to accumulate experience.

Don't worry about winning often, just fight one game at a time.

But when he thinks of David Silva's performance at the Estadio Franchi, he can't help but smile.

The change that I personally brought about...


Thinking about David Silva's performance, the more Chang Sheng thought about it, the more interesting it became.

Then after thinking about it, he actually came up with a new thing.

This new thing excited him. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep in bed. He stood up, put on his clothes, went to the study room, turned on the computer, and started typing on the keyboard.

After about half an hour, he finally stopped, then took out his cell phone and called Rudy Gonzalez.

"Rudy, I have something to talk to you about. Are you free now?"

"Chang? Are you crazy? Do you know what time it is now?!" Rudy Gonzalez's weak voice came over the phone first, and then he exclaimed.

Chang Sheng glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, which read: one twenty in the morning.

"It's only one twenty."

"It's only one-twenty? You're on Beijing time, right, Chang?"

"Oh, don't worry about time, let's talk, Rudy..."

"Okay, okay, let me hear what happened to make you so excited..." Although he said this, Rudy Gonzalez seemed absent-minded, thinking about how to find an excuse to hit Chang.

Victory, and then I can have a peaceful sleep...

"That's right Rudy, I remember you said that the tactics of David Silva and Motta are not dual-core in a strict sense. Right?"

"Well, that's right..." Rudy Gonzalez said perfunctorily.

"But at that time, in order to motivate David, I said this..."

"Yes, um..." Rudy Gonzalez was almost asleep.

"Then, it suddenly occurred to me that the combination of David Silva and Motta cannot be regarded as a dual-core, because we have more than one core! Modric is the core of the organization, there is no doubt about this, but Motta also

Yes, he has proved it. In addition, David Silva is working towards this goal. Cazorla is an all-round midfielder, not to mention Hernanes, Brazil's Pirlo... Ryder

Small and Meireles are both offensive and defensive midfielders. In addition, Candreva is also an all-rounder..."

"Yes, um... that's right..." Rudy Gonzalez answered Chang Shengzi completely subconsciously.

"I was just thinking, why do we have to worry about which cores? Why can't everyone be the core? You see, we have so many players who are both offensive and defensive and can organize offenses. How can the opponent defend us?

?In this way, everyone of us is the core, and some of us are not. When needed, anyone can stand up and contribute to the organization of the offense! So what are we afraid of man-to-man defense and zone defense? What is total offense?

Defend? This is true total attack and total defense!"

Chang Sheng excitedly raised his voice, and Rudy Gonzalez was woken up. He didn't hear the first sentence, but he heard the last sentence.

“What’s true Total Offense?”

"That is to say, we no longer talk about the concept of total offense and total defense as a whole, but from the perspective of individuals. Each individual can attack and defend, and can organize offenses. Each individual is total offense and total defense. Such a group

When individuals of total offense and total defense are organized organically, isn’t that a true total offense and total defense team?!”

"What stimulated you, Chang?" Rudy Gonzalez felt the sleepiness fading from his mind, and he was petrified by the idea of ​​Chang Sheng.

"My brain is thinking normally, thank you."

"Then what do you think? Isn't your idea a bit too fantasy?"

"I want to work hard to make it a reality."

Chang Sheng said it very seriously.

"Let me think about it... It seems that there is really no need for you to call me in the middle of the night just to tease me..."

"Nonsense! I'm serious! Why can't we train everyone to be an organizational player who can play their own role? A threatening offense can be started at the feet of any player, and it can also end at the feet of any player - a field goal.

.Our midfielders and frontcourt players have this ability. If you think about it carefully, you can imagine their technical characteristics..."

Rudy Gonzalez had lost all sleep, and he really began to think about the abilities and technical characteristics of Lazio's current midfield and frontcourt players.

Then the more he thought about it, he also felt that what Chang Sheng said was possible.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, just like he had always won before.

What Chang Sheng said is a bit exaggerated, but the core content remains the same, which is what he said just now: "A threatening offense can be launched from the feet of any player, and it can also be ended by scoring at the feet of any player."

This is actually the core idea of ​​Chang Sheng’s set of things.

Let more people participate in organizing the attack and become the initiators of the attack, which will make it difficult for the opponent to defend against it.

At the same time, more ball release points will be added to make Lazio's offense more varied.

In fact, from a technical point of view, it is difficult to achieve this, but it is not completely impossible, and it is definitely not fantastic.

Rudy Gonzalez started to sit up from the bed, and then started chatting with Chang Sheng on the phone.

There were some disagreements and even arguments, so much so that Rudy Gonzalez was chased into the living room by his wife because he spoke too loudly.

The two football-obsessed men continued to chat lively on the phone.

Then this vague concept of Chang Sheng was gradually improved during this exchange.

They even talked about how to incorporate specific training into their training.

There are training skills for training to win, so it is not difficult to train them.

But there is a problem that needs to be solved in this thing, that is, everyone is the core, or none of them are the core - it is really hard to say - who do you listen to on the court?

There is a core, and everyone has a clear direction when playing the ball. For example, when attacking, pass the football to Modric, or try to pass it to him and let him make the final decision. What should we do now? Everyone can

It’s the last moment, what else does Modric do?

The two debated the issue for an hour.

The final preliminary conclusion is that no matter how hard each player practices, the final results will definitely be different. For example, Modric is definitely better at organizing offense than Ledesma.

So although it is said that there is no core, Modric is still the core.

It just means that more Lazio players can share the core organizational tasks, making their offensive routines more diverse and rich.

Moreover, Lazio can switch cores at any time when encountering the opponent's marking and freezing of the playmaker's core.

It's like having multiple sets of modes, with different modes used in different situations.


The two sides chatted for more than three hours, and then they were all enjoying themselves.

Then Chang Sheng said that he would write a detailed tactical analysis book as soon as possible and show it to the coaching staff. If there were no objections, he would start targeted training.

"If this is really feasible, I think... Lazio will sweep across Europe!" Chang Sheng said with great ambition in the end.

Rudy Gonzalez yawned and continued: "Will we be expelled from Serie A? Because no team will be willing to play with us!"

Chang Sheng laughed loudly: "Go and have a rest, Rudy, there is still busy work tomorrow..."

"Why are you resting? **, it's almost dawn! And it's today, not tomorrow!" Rudy Gonzalez wailed on the other end of the phone.

Only then did Chang Sheng react. He looked back at the study window and saw that the corner of the eastern sky outside had indeed lit up.

"What time is it now?"

"Five twenty-three...ha-" Rudy Gonzalez said and yawned again.

It’s almost half past five?

Chang Sheng was slightly surprised.

"We actually talked for so long?"

"What else do you think?"

"Uh... Okay, let's not talk about that. Take some time to rest. I still have work to do today..."

After saying that, Chang Sheng hung up the phone.

Then he got up and walked to the window, opened the glass window, and the cool air rushed in from the outside, bringing a lot of fresh air into the somewhat stuffy study.

Chang Sheng just stood in front of the window, stretched and moved his body that was stiff from sitting for too long.

Regarding what he told Rudy today, he didn't know if it would work, but he was willing to give it a try.

Sooner or later, Tiki-taka will be studied for countermeasures. Barcelona has already encountered problems like this in some games this season. Although it is still a prototype, it has not caused him much trouble.

But Chang Sheng has made it very clear that any tactics must continue to evolve and improve themselves. What if self-improvement reaches its peak and can no longer change?

Then take another route.

Even if Tiki-taka speeds up, there will always be a day when the opponent will contain him.

Instead of trying to figure it out then, it's better to prepare for a rainy day now.

Whether it works or not, let me know after you try it.

If you don't try it, you'll never know if it works, and this thing will always be just talk on paper.

What is the difference between this and the previous quarrels with others on the forum?

He didn't have the conditions at that time, but now that he has the conditions, he can realize all the weird ideas in his mind.

For a person who loves football from the bottom of his heart, this is such a happy thing... (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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